The Advantages of Solid Waste Management

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1. Proper solid waste management helps to prevent environmental pollution.

Sewaktu prose menguraian akan terhasilnye cecair dipanggil leachate yg kandung bkn toxic
spt loam berat, pencemar organik, n bahan kimia berbahaya.

2. Besides, we can reducing the demand for raw materials. Dengan terus menguruskan
kecekapan sisa pepejal, bahan berharga boleh diperolehi semula dari tapak pelupusan
sampah, dpt mengurangkan permintaan utk bahan mentah dlm masa yg sama dpt
memulihara sumber semula jadi.

3. Effective waste management also improves the overall appearance of communities. Bila
mengamalkan pelupusan dan kitar semula, ruang / kwsn tersebut dpt dicantikkan cth buat
lanskap jadi lebih menarik untuk pelawat/penduduk dtg

4. Solid waste management can maximise the mitigation of climate change. Ini kerana tapak
pelupusan sampah merupakan sumber penting pelepasan metana dan gas rumah hijau.
Pengurusan sisa yang betul boleh membantu mengurangkan pelepasan ini dan menyumbang
kepada usaha dalam mengurangkan perubahan iklim.


Bag Opener: This machine is used for opening bags so that you won’t need to cut them, and you
can leave the contents of the bag intact. This machine is modular, so you can adjust it according
to the type or size of the bag you are dealing with.

Its job is to separate different types of waste or garbage. It uses a disc screener or filter to distinguish
the trash types and separate them from the rest. This machine is very flexible since you can modify it
to filter different types of waste.
3.Universal Shredder

Shredders are very essential in recycling. It’s the machine that is responsible for cutting the waste
into smaller pieces. Whether it is plastic, paper, or other waste, it is important to cut them up first
before proceeding to a different processing machine used in recycling.
4.Baling Press

A baling press is very essential machinery in the

recycling process. They compress waste materials into
bales or a tightly packed bundle. After initial
processing, waste is often pressed to become bales to
transport to a different facility to complete the
recycling process or stored in storage, awaiting
another process.

This machine is ideal for recycling processing plants that deal specifically with plastics. It is used to
clean, dry, and separate different types of crushed plastic materials.

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