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Subject: NSTP 1 Instructor:

Topic: Recreation Physical Fitness/Wellness Contact No:

Objectives: At the end of this topic, students can grasp the utmost importance of recreation, physical fitness and wellness
to live a more useful, progressive and enjoyable life and in same manner learned how to attain these activities.

Introduction: physical fitness advocates preach the wisdom of these words “sound mind rests on sound body”. Some find
it hard to tread on the path of mind and body wellness. Yes it’s true that to take up this course needs sacrifices, self-
discipline, self-control and strong dedication to enjoy more energy strong vitality and a better quality of life free from the
yoke of pains of illness and discomforts from taking medicines.

Recreation – refers to activities done for leisure to promote a person’s well-being and growth. (d)

- Brings about a sense of achievement, acceptance satisfaction, success, personal worth and pleasure.
- Enforces a positive image
- Also means to socialize, meet people and gain new friends

Characteristics of Recreation

1. Voluntary choice and participation

2. A physical activity that is well-organized, date/time flexible
3. Focus on individuals participation rather than on results
4. Accessibility and availability

Physical Fitness – refers to a person’s over-all strength, flexibility, heart endurance, lungs and muscles. (d)

-a measure pf body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively, resist disease and confront emergency

-a state of good physical health (general meaning)

Key Concepts of Physical Fitness:

1. During workouts, lungs take in additional oxygen which is fuel for heart and brain.
2. Enables the body to fight off illnesses/disease
3. Exercise helps reduce stress/tension (strenuous exercises stimulate the body to release endorphins which
produce a happy feeling in people.
4. Exercise strengthens the bones and
5. Helps heal major injuries
6. Helps lose weight
7. Exercise helps strengthen heart, lungs and immune system
8. Regular exercise reduces the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and some type of cancer
9. Exercise keeps the mind sharp
10. Being fit does not mean an muscular build
11. Regular exercise helps a person sleep faster, better and longer.

Components of Physical Fitness:

1. Cardiovascular endurance – the ability of the body to deliver oxygen to tissues and to remove wastes over
sustained periods of time.

2. Muscular strength – the ability of the muscle to exert force for a brief period of time
3. Muscular endurance – the ability of a muscle/group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions or continue to
exert force against an inert (unmoving) object.
4. Flexibility – ability of the body ti move joints and use the muscle’s full range motion.
5. Body Composition – means the body in terms of lean mass (muscles, bones, vital tissues, organs) and fat mass.

Performing the right set of exercises cam help people get rid of the body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass.

Benefits of Regular Physical Activities:

1. Exercise helps control weight – when you engage in physical activity, burn calories.
2. Exercise helps prevent heart disease – being physically active help boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good
cholesterol and decrease low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol.
LDL or bad cholesterol can form plaque that can narrow the arteries (where the blood flows) and eventually lead
to heart attack or stroke.
3. Exercise helps improve mood – regular exercise helps make you feel good when you feed good you feel confident
and happy.
4. Exercise helps boost energy – improve muscle strength and endurance and cardio respiratory system.
- When heart and lungs work more efficiently you have more energy.
5. Exercise helps enhance learning – increase level of brain chemicals that aids in learning.

As a general rule, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Remember to check with your doctor
before starting a new exercise program especially if you have any health problems.

Exercise – derived from the Latin word “exercere, exercitum” which means “to drive on, keep busy.

- An activity, to set in action, tom cause to act, move or take exertion.

Wellness – “the condition of good physical, mental and emotional health especially when maintained by an
appropriate diet, exercise and other life style modifications“ ( American Heritage Medical Dictionary).

- “A dynamic state of health in which an individual progress toward a higher level of functioning, achieving an
optimum balance between internal and external environments.” (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary)
- Wellness is an expanded idea of health and both health and wellness are terms that mean the ability to live
life fully with vitality and meaning.

Six Dimensions of Wellness:

1. Physical wellness – developed through the combination of beneficial physical activity and healthy eating habits
and lifestyle.
2. Emotional wellness – accept and manage your feelings understand your limitations, navigate through stressful
situations and maintain healthy relationship.
3. Intellectual wellness – ones creative stimulating grow-oriented activities that lead to learning new skills and
sharing them with others.
4. Spiritual wellness – when your actions become more consistent with your beliefs and values and you can respect
and tolerate the beliefs and values of others.
5. Social Wellness – an active part in improving the world by encouraging healthier living, live on harmony with
others and your environment.
6. Environmental wellness – create an environments that are free from violence and the threat of violence for the
safety of your physical/emotional state.

Behaviors that contribute to Wellness:

1. Be physically active – human body is designed to work best when it is active.

2. Choose a healthy diet – eat nutritious foods not delicious foods as your medicine never take medicine as your
3. Maintain a healthy bodyweight – it is an important part of wellness.
- Short-term dieting is not part of fitness or wellness

- Maintaining a healthy body weight requires lifelong commitment to regular exercise healthy diet and effective
stress management.
4. Manage stress effectively – poor management of stress can lead to efficient functioning of the immune system
and increased susceptibility to disease.
- Inappropriate stress management can lead to fatigue sleep disturbances and other unpleasant symptoms.
- Many people cope with stress by eating, drinking or smoking too much
5. Prevent drug abuse thru the following means:
a.) Maintain good physical and mental health.
b.) Developed strong moral/spiritual foundation
c.) Use drug as directed by the physician.
d.) Engage in wholesome, productive and fulfilling activities (sports, evangelism, humanitarian, etc.)
e.) Learn to cope with problems with courage and hopes
6. Protect yourself from disease/injury thru wholesome lifestyle free from destructive vices and evils of life.
Biblical support that we ought to love our self, thru physical exercise and nutritious foods is found in Ephesians
5:29, “for no man has ever hated his own body but he feeds and cherishes it…” 1 Timothy 4’8” for physical
training is beneficial for a little… but godly devotion is beneficial for all things.”


Test 1. True or False

1. Physical Fitness refers to activities done for leisure to promote a person’s well-being.
2. A person’s over-all strength, flexibility heart, lungs, muscles endurance is known as wellness.
3. Recreation means the ability to live life fully with vitality.
4. Maintaining a healthy bodyweight is not an important part of wellness.
5. Human body is designed to work best when you are sleeping.
6. Exercise is an activity to set in action to cause to act move or take exertion to one’s body.
7. When heart and lungs work more efficiently you have more energy.
8. Exercise helps, enhance level of brain chemicals that aids in learning.
9. As a general rule, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.
10. A sound mind rests on a sound body.

Test II – Identification

1. A dimension of wellness in which your action is consistent with your beliefs/values.

2. A behavior that contribute to wellness thru eating nutritious foods.
3. A dimension in wellness which can create a surrounding free from violence that contributes to physical/emotional
4. The fuel for heart and brain.
5. Enables the body to fight off diseases/illness without taking medicines.
6. The ability of the muscle to exert force for a brief period of time.
7. Means the body in terms of lean and fat mass.
8. Known as good cholesterol.
9. Known as bad cholesterol.
10. Can cause narrowing the arteries that eventually lead to heart attack/stroke.

Test III - Enumeration

1. What are the six dimensions of Wellness?

2. Give at least five (5) benefits of Regular Physical Activities.
3. Enumerate the five (5) components of Physical Fitness.
4. Cite at least five (5) behaviors that contribute to Wellness.
5. Give at least five (5) key concepts of Physical Fitness.

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