Psychopathology and Mental Health Written Assignment

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1. Describe the article, what anxiety disorder did you choose?

What type of treatment

will you review in this paper?

The study I'm going to talk about was written and published in 2018 by Xue-Rong Miao,

Qian-Bo Chen, Kai Wei, Kun-Ming Tao, and Zhi-Jie Lu. This paper investigates Posttraumatic

Stress Disorder (PTSD), and its primary source is Military Medical Research, publication

number 32. According to Miao et al. (2018), posttraumatic stress disorder is more common in

those who have been through stressful events but are unable to have flashbacks, nightmares, or

intrusive recollections. It is also more often when something dreadful occurs. People suffering

from this illness should avoid becoming overly reliant on news articles, no matter how thrilling

they appear. Avoid alcohol and instead spend time with loved ones, doing hobbies, or being

outside in nature (Miao et al., 2018).

Trauma survivors may find it challenging to maintain intimate friendships or family ties as a

result of PTSD and anxiety problems. The survivor may have severe issues with closeness,

drawback determination, and communication as a result of their symptoms (Miao et al., 2018). In

turn, how a loved one or relative treats the trauma sufferer has an impact on him or her. The

majority of people who have such experiences recover, but those who have anxiety disorders

continue to feel severely depressed and anxious for months or even years after the occurrence

(Miao et al., 2018). Miao et al. (2018) presented how posttraumatic stress disorder appears to

impact women twice as often as males, and it can even harm children. Frequently, PTSD coexists

with depression, abuse, alcohol addiction, and/or other anxiety disorders.

Treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder may help you regain control of your life and the

world around you. Psychotherapy, in addition to medications, is the primary line of treatment

(Miao et al., 2018). These treatments, when taken together, can reduce PTSD symptoms, enhance

how a person views their lives, other people, and the world, and teach them coping techniques in

the event that they encounter similar symptoms in the future. They can also assist with other

disorders-related concerns including as anxiety, depression, and alcoholism (Miao et al., 2018).

2. How was the treatment evaluated? Describe the methods, if applicable (participants,

research methods, etc.)

The treatment's effectiveness and the time it takes to achieve favorable results were analyzed

through interviews with researchers and patients utilizing a variety of qualitative methods,

including transcription, therapy sessions, conducting interviews, analysis, and counseling.

If any claims were made about the treatment, persons were carefully questioned about how

they arrived at such conclusions. Based off the research by Miao et al. (2018), we can determine

that it is critical to remember where it began before to therapy in order to avoid getting off track

or forgetting the patient's pre-treatment position. By applying new treatments one at a time, it

will be feasible to determine whether the patient is improving and whether the treatment is

beneficial. Each constructive act and development, including stages of progress, must be taken

into account. Patients are evaluated on a regular basis to assess whether they have had good or

terrible weeks (Miao et al., 2018). Observation is also essential since there can be other factors

that have an impact on the treatment.

3. What was the conclusion of the study? Did they evaluate other treatments as well?

The findings revealed that individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder who received treatment

in the initial line of their therapeutic intervention fared better than those who did not receive any

treatment at all (Miao et al. 2018). Alternative therapies were not investigated (Miao et al. 2018).

4. What were the implications of this study? Is it different from what you have learned

thus far? In your opinion, how can this be applied to a clinical setting? Or if it

already is, can it be improved? If so, how?

The study had some ramifications, particularly in light of the findings. According to Miao et

al. (2018), posttraumatic stress disorder can substantially impair a person's relationships, job,

enjoyment of daily activities, health, and other elements of their life. This sickness may also

increase the patient's risk of developing mental health issues such as anxiety, alcoholism,

depression, and so on (Miao, et al.2018). It's really not that different from what I've already

learnt. Even if there are minor differences, I believe that almost every system employs the same

methodology. It can be applied in a therapeutic setting by establishing and organizing the study,

implementing it, collecting data, analyzing it, and reaching a practical conclusion.

Miao, X.-R., Chen, Q.-B., Wei, K., Tao, K.-M., & Lu, Z.-J. (2018). Posttraumatic stress disorder:

from diagnosis to prevention. Military Medical Research, 5(1).

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