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Ancient Greek culture had a significant impact on a wide range of fields, including

language, politics, educational frameworks, philosophy, science, and the arts. The Roman

Empire, which ultimately ruled it, was significantly impacted (Classical Greek Culture, n.d.).

Greek civilization became the cornerstone of Western culture as a whole through the Roman


The Ancient Greeks developed a complex intellectual and scientific culture, drawing on

discoveries and information from older civilizations such as Egypt and Mesopotamia (Classical

Greek Culture, n.d.). One of the central themes of ancient Greek philosophy was the significance

of reason and study. It emphasized logic and fostered the idea of objective, logical observation of

the natural world. Many of the philosophical principles and notions that still affect contemporary

Western thought originated in ancient Greece. Philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and

Aristotle, whose works are still read and studied today, had an impact on Western philosophy as

well. Galen and Hippocrates made significant scientific discoveries that lay the foundation for

modern medicine, while Pythagoras made significant contributions to mathematics. The

significance of reason and logic, the quest of knowledge and the truth, and the concept of the

perfect society were all heavily emphasized in Greek philosophy.

Greek art and architecture, especially sculpture, had a significant influence on Western

art and design. Greek art is well recognized for its idealized depictions of the human form, which

continue to inspire modern painters. Greek architecture impacted several Western architectural

styles, most notably the Classical and Neoclassical forms (Artincontext, 2022). Greek ancient art
and literature influenced sculpture, architecture, and literature. Homer's epic tales, such as the

"Iliad" and "Odyssey," influenced numerous literary works, while the sculptures of the Parthenon

and other ancient temples remain among Western civilization's most well-known works of art

(Classical Greek Culture, n.d.). Additionally, elements from the ancient Doric, Ionic, and

Corinthian architectural orders are still used in building design and adornment (Artincontext,


Theater, in addition to classical art and literature, played an important part in ancient

Greek culture. The performing arts are also highly valued in contemporary society. Tragic plays

were initially staged at religious festivals in Athens in the sixth century BCE, heralding the birth

of Greek theater (Classical Greek Culture, n.d.). These, in turn, formed the foundation for the

Greek comedy play subgenre. Hellenistic and Roman theater were greatly affected by Greek

drama, which gained enormous popularity and extended throughout the Mediterranean region.

The basis for all modern theater is found in the works of playwrights like Sophocles and

Aristophanes. Despite the impression that conversation has always been in literature, it was a

relatively new concept until a dramatist by the name of Aeschylus popularized it (Classical

Greek Culture, n.d.). Works like Sophocles' Oedipus the King served as excellent examples of

other theatrical elements like irony.

The Greeks also pioneered the concept of democracy, and Athens was the first city-state

to implement a democratic style of government. Greek political philosophy provided substantial

contributions to Western political thought and practice, including the concepts of individual
rights and liberties and citizen participation in government. Democracy and citizenship were

initially introduced to politics in Ancient Greece, and they are now considered to be the core

ideals of Western political systems.

Without a doubt, classical Greece had a tremendous impact on modern Western

civilization and culture. Politics, philosophy, science, and art all have a long history in Western

civilization dating back to classical Greece. Classical Greece's cultural and social legacy have

had a strong and lasting impact on contemporary Western culture. Whether in politics,

philosophy, science, or the arts, the aims and achievements of ancient Greece continue to inspire

and educate Western civilization today.


Artincontext. (2022). Greek Art – An Exploration of Ancient Greek Art and Architecture.

artincontext.org. https://artincontext.org/greek-art/

Classical Greek culture. (n.d.). Khan Academy.



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