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CDFC-106 - Fundamentals of Counselling


Student: Due Date: August 8, 2022

Skill Comment Mark

Will’s character portrays a person who is

What issue or issues are being portrayed socially damaged, has trust issues, and has
in the film? fear of abandonment while Sean’s character
portrays someone going through pain.
Personal development is an issue the film
What new or factual information about illustrates in a very detailed manner.
that issue did you obtain from the film? Personal development can be attained if a /5
person is persistent, avoids negative
thoughts, and is resilient. This is portrayed
by Will when he made attempts to better his
life but he fails but, in his opinion, this was
not a failure. Will did not go through the
usual norms like family, school, or career but
he satisfied his thirst for knowledge by
reading in a local library. People going
through often have bursts of anger as
portrayed by Sean when he threatens Will
when he disrespects his wife.
Do you feel this was a fair or useful The film made a useful portrayal of people
portrayal of the issues? Why or why who are socially damaged and have trust /5
not? issues. Socially damaged people have
difficulties in forming and maintaining
relationships and have low self-worth as
portrayed by Will who does not think he
deserves a greater life. The film shows that
people having difficulties with their social
life can get better through counseling. After
Will opened up his emotional side to his
girlfriend he was able to love and acquire

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CDFC-106 - Fundamentals of Counselling

The interesting thing about this film is that
Will works as a janitor but he is brilliant and
genius but he goes unrecognized and it is
What was the most interesting thing you
difficult to understand why he is not in
learned from the film? /5

In the film, Sean who is Will’s counselor

used reverse psychology techniques to try to
help him. The technique worked and helped
How could you use this information in
him to realize his gifts. As an emerging
your future work as an emerging /5
profession, this is a counseling technique that
I can use to help patients who have trust
issues and are resistant to normal counseling

The film teaches that no single person has a

Any additional thoughts about this
perfect life but people should adapt and learn /5
media experience?
to grow even under tough situations.

Total (to be converted to a mark out of 10) /30


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