Unit - 3 - Question Bank

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Multiple Choice Questions
1) Material which can easily carry electric current is ___________
Conductor Insulator Semiconductor
2) Material which can not carry electric current is ___________
Conductor Insulator Semiconductor
3) Which of the following is an example of conductor ?
Rubber Glass Oxygen Gold
4) Which of the following is an example of insulator ?
Silicon Boron Iron Ceramic
5) Which of the following statement is true for conductor ?
Conductor has few charge carriers at room temperature
Conductor has no charge carriers at room temperature
Conductor has lots of charge carriers at room temperature
Conductor has moderate charge carriers at room temperature
6) Which of the following statement is true for insulator ?
Insulator has few charge carriers at room temperature
Insulator has no charge carriers at room temperature
Insulator has lots of charge carriers at room temperature
Insulator has moderate charge carriers at room temperature
7) Material which has ability to carry electric current some where in between conductor
and insulator is ________
Conductor Insulator Semiconductor
8) Which of the following is an example of semiconductor ?
Gold Nitrogen Carbon Wood
9) In the atom of any semiconductor material there are _____ electrons in the last orbit.
Four Three Two One
10) In the atom of any insulator material there are _____ electrons in the last orbit.
Four Less than four More than four Less than three
11) In the atom of any conductor material there are _____ electrons in the last orbit.
Four Less than four More than four More than five
12) At room temperature semiconductor will behave as __________
Conductor Semiconductor Insulator
13) Conductors have _________ as charge carriers.
Valance electrons Free electrons Holes Protons
14) Semiconductors have ________ as charge carriers.
Only free electrons Only holes Both free electrons and holes
15) Insulators have _________ as charge carriers.


Free electrons Valance electrons Holes

They do not have any charge carriers
16) Which of the following statement is true for pure semiconductor ?
They have more number of free electrons and less number of holes
They have less number of free electrons and more number of holes
They have same number of holes and free electrons
17) Process of adding impurity in pure semiconductor is known as ________
Heating Doping Reduction Cracking
18) Main reason we add impurity in pure semiconductor is _________
To increase its ability to carry electric current at room temperature
To decrease its ability to carry electric current at room temperature
To Increase its size at room temperature
To increase its production cost
19) In order to make P-type of semiconductor we have to add _________ impurity.
Tetravalent Pentavalent Trivalent Divalent
20) Which of the following is an example of Trivalent impurity ?
Iron Boron Phosphorous Arsenic
21) Trivalent impurity is also known as ________ impurity.
Donor Acceptor Active Lazy
22) Trivalent impurity creates _________ as charge carrier.
Free electron Proton Hole Neutron
23) Which of the following is an example of acceptor impurity ?
Gold Aluminum Phosphorous Silver
24) Which of the following statement is true for P-type semiconductor ?
It has same number of free electrons and holes
It has more number of free electrons and less number of holes
It has less number of free electrons and more number of holes
It has no charge carriers at all
25) In order to make N-type of semiconductor we have to add _________ impurity.
Tetravalent Pentavalent Trivalent Divalent
26) Which of the following is an example of Pentavalent impurity ?
Iron Boron Phosphorous Aluminum
27) Pentavalent impurity is also known as ________ impurity.
Donor Acceptor Active Lazy
28) Pentavalent impurity creates _________ as charge carrier.
Free electron Proton Hole Neutron
29) Which of the following is an example of donor impurity ?
Gold Aluminum Phosphorous Silver
30) Which of the following statement is true for N-type semiconductor ?
It has same number of free electrons and holes
It has more number of free electrons and less number of holes
It has less number of free electrons and more number of holes
It has no charge carriers at all


Descriptive Questions

2 marks
Give any four examples of conductor.
Give any four examples of semiconductor.
Give any four examples of insulator.
Give classification of Semiconductor
Draw lattice structure of pure semiconductor taking silicon as example.
Draw lattice structure of N-type semiconductor.
Draw lattice structure of P-type semiconductor.

3 marks
Write short note on intrinsic semiconductor
Write short note on P-type semiconductor
Write short note on N-type semiconductor
Give any three comparisons between intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic
Give any three comparisons between P-type semiconductor and N-type

4 marks
Give any four comparisons between conductor, semiconductor and insulator


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