Trang-Anh - UNIT 2 - Writing - E10

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Lesson 6: Writing: “ Writing about suggestions for improve the environment”

Subject: English 10; Class:….
Time: 45 minutes
I. Objectives:
1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Use the lexical items related to the topic: “ Humans and the environment”.
- Know more about humans’ activities to make the environment better.
- Write about ways to improve the environment.
2. Competences: In the lesson, student should be able to:
- Form some competences like: self-reliance; self- study; problem-solving: be active when learning and
finding information about suggestions for improve the environment.
- Develop co-operative and interpersonal communication competences: Actively take part in group work;
discussion and writing about this topic.
- Have abilities to deal with the types of exercises which are related to the topic in this unit.
- Improve and develop some skills:
+ Writing skills: Write about suggestions for improve the environment.
+ Speaking skills: discussing and talking about the sollution to protect the surrounding environment.
3. Quality: During the lesson, student should be able to:
- Respect other people: have good attitude to work together/ cooperate; respect and have right and friendly
attitudes with friends, teacher in the new lesson.
- Be eager to lear: be interrested in learning English; tend to apply what they have learned in read situations.
- Be responsible: take responsibilites to do the duty; get ready and voluntarily to do the exercises,; Be more
responsible for protecting the surrounding and willing to persuade other people to take actions to make a
nice and clean environment.
II. Teaching aids and materials.
1. Teacher: Teacher’s book, lesson plan, chalks, powerpoint, laptop, projector, some large papers.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen, pencil, some picutures about the environmental protection.
III. Content and procedure.
 Class organization: (1minute): Greeting and checking students’ attendence.
 Homework checking: No checking.
A. Warm up: (5 minutes): Video: “Simple acts to save the planet”
1. Aims: Get students be more excited in the new lesson and lead them into new the topic by watching a
short video.
2. Content: Students work in pairs, watch the video and list the acts to save our planet.
3. Output: Students improve their knowledge about the environment.
4. Conducting steps:
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Transfer - Prepares a short video: “Simple acts to save the
the duty planet” - Listen to the rule given by the teacher
- Asks the Student to works in pairs, watch the and work in pairs, be ready to take part in
video and anwer the teacher’s questions: the activity.
“Which acts can be done to protect our planet?
Perform - Plays the video and shows on the screen. - Observe and discuss quickly with the
the duty, - Observes and invites any pairs who raise hand partner, try to guess the answers and
report and to give the answer. raise the hand to give the answers orally.
discuss - Encourages students to participate in the
activity. Observes and decides the winner.
Conclusio - Confirms the correct answer:
n Expected answer:
- Plant more trees and don't cut them.
- Conserve water.
- Don't use plastic bags - use long-lasting fabric
- Buy products that you can reuse.
- Clean up regularly.
- Pay attention to the teacher’s comment
- Compliments the winner, gives a small gift and and information from the teacher.
encourages the incorrect answers. Then leads to
the new lesson: “ We have seen some acts to
save our earth, so what can we do protect our
common house? Let’s get ready to learn our - Listen to the teacher and open the book
lesson today: Lesson 6: Writing: “Writing about and notebook.
suggestions for improve the environment”.

B. Knowledge formation activities.

* Activity 1: Work in pairs, discuss and match. ( 5 minutes)
1. Aims: To help students recall some suggestions for improving the environment.
2. Content:Students work in pairs, match the suggestions for improving the environment with their expected
3. Output: Students get some ideas for the writing.
4. Conducting steps:
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Transfer - Has students work in pairs to read the - Pay attention to the teacher’s guide
the duty Suggestions and Expected results, then discuss and requirements.
and match. - Find a partner, read the
- Asks students to pay attention to the key words. Suggestions and Expected results, be
- Set 3 minutes for this activity. ready to take part in the activity.
Perform - Asks the pairs to do the task. Goes around the - In pairs, read the Suggestions and
the duty class to observer and make sure that all students Expected results, discuss the given
get involved. information to get the answer and
- Encourages weak students to take part in the write down their answers.
task and gives help if necessary. - Offer to help if necessary.
Reporting - Invites some pairs to give their answers orally. - Some pairs present their answers
and by one student ask and the other give
discussing - Asks others to give comments for the pairs the answer
above. - Other pairs listen and compare with
their own answers to give comments.

Conclusio - Gives the final feedback and compliments to the - Listen to the comments and
n best students and encourage weak students to be feedback from the teacher, and then
more active. take note.
Expected answers
1.c 2.a 3.b

* Activity 2: Read the incomplete paragraph. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases from the
box. (10 minutes)
1. Aims: To provide students with a model of a well-structured paragraph and practice in using connectors
to link sentences.
2. Content:Students work in group, read the incomplete paragraph and fill in each numbered blank with a
word/ phrase in the box.
3. Output: Students get the structure of a paragraph and use more connectors to link sentences.
4. Conducting steps:
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Leading in - Tells Ss that they are going to write a paragraph
and about ways to improve the environment in their - In group, discuss and give the
Pre-support: school. First, they will be provided with an structure of a paragraph and some
Giving a incomplete example as a model for their writing. connectors on papers. Other
model of a - Recalls the information about the structure of a groups read and comment.
well- paragraph and some connectors by using some
structured techniques:
paragraph. + Requires the students to discuss in group in 3
minutes and give a well-structured paragraph and -Listen to the teacher and write
some connectors on a large paper; down on notebooks.
- After 3 minutes, assigns 2-3 groups to report
their results by showing their papers on board;
Other groups read and give comments. After that,
T gives the information.
- A paragraph is a group of sentences that
develop ONE main idea.
- A paragraph usually consists of three parts: a
topic sentence, supporting sentences and a
concluding sentence.
- Some connectors to link the ideas:
+ To list ideas: First, Second, In addition,
Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore,
Another idea worth noting is that, Finally,

+ To give an example: For example / For
instance, To illustrate, …
+ To conclude: In conclusion, In brief, In
short, To sum up, …

Transfer the - Shows the incomplete paragraph on the screen. - Look at the screen and listen to
duty Explains the requirement to the student: “You teacher’s guide and requirements.
have to work in group, read the incomplete - Work in group, have a look
paragraph and fill in each numbered blank with a through the task; be ready to take
word/ phrase in the box. You have 3 minutes for part in the activity.
this duty”.
Perform the - Asks the groups to do the task. Goes around the - In group, read the paragraph, fill
duty class to observe and make sure that all the in each numbered blank with a
students get involved. word/ phrase in the box and write
- Encourages weak students to participate in the down their answers in the drafts.
task and gives some help if necessary. - share their answers with other
Reporting - Invites some groups to write the answers on the - The representative of each group,
and board, then ask the own authors to give the write the answers on the board.
discussing explanations.
- Asks others to give comments for the groups - Other students look at the board
above. and give comments.
Conclusion - Gives the final feedback by showing the - Listen to the teacher’s feedback
answers on the screen and compare with their own
Expected answers: answers
1. First - Look and write the correct
2. For example answers in notebook.
3. In conclusion
- Asks students to read the words after the teacher

C. Practice activity.
* Activity 3: Add two more suggestions to improve the environment in your school. (14 minutes)
1. Aims: To help students practise developing ideas and writing a paragraph.
2. Content: Students work in groups, discuss and write two more suggestions to improve the environment in
their school.
3. Output: Students write a complete paragraph about ways to improve the environment in their school.
4. Conducting steps:
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Transfer - Asks students to work in group. Explains the - Get together, listen to the
duty requirement again: “You have to two more suggestions teacher’s guide and be ready to
to improve the environment in your school. Each group take part in the activity.
discuss, prepare on papers. After that you are going to
stick your paper on board. You have 8 minutes for this
- Instructs Students to use the ideas in Activity 1.

- Observes to make sure that all students get involved. - Base on the ideas in Activity 1
Provides some help if necessary; encourages some shy and useful language to discuss in
students to participate in the activity. group, try to finish the writing as
the duty
- Organizes the class to change their papers to check and well as possible.
- Change their papers; The two
groups help each other check
mistake and complete their work.
Report - Collects two writings then sticks on the board; Asks - Two groups give their papers;
and the students to focus on and some other students can some other students can give
discuss give further comments. further comments, focus on the
-Correction should be based on: spelling or structures.
- Listen, take note and get
+ Content
experience from this activity.
+ Grammar and spelling
+ Structure
+ Clarity of expression

Conclusio - Gives feedback; corrects some errors appreciates the - Listen, take note and get
n students’ work and gives compliments or gifts. experience from this activity
-Shows the expected answer on the screen.

D. Application activity.
* Activity 4: Discuss with a partner. (7 minutes)
a. Aims: To help students use the ideas and language in the writing to talk about the activities they have
done in their areas.
b. Content: Students work in pairs to discuss the Teacher’s question with a partner, using the words they
have learnt.
c. Output: Students remember vocabularies related to the topic and understand how to give their ideas.
d. Conducting steps:
Steps Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Transfer - Asks students to work in pairs to discuss - Pay attention to the teacher’s guide and
the duty the questions: What have you done to requirements
improve your surrounding environment? ,
then make a small talk using the idea given. - A student take part in the model with the
- Give a model: Teacher calls a student to teacher. The whole class observe to get
work with: the ideas.
Teacher: Have you ever taken part in a
green event in your area?
Student: Yes, I have.
Teacher: What did you do there?
Student: I collected the rubbish, used
bottles or platic bags.
- Gives students 3 minutes to prepare.

Perform - Goes around to assist if necessary - In pairs, students discuss and prepare to
the duty - Observes to make sure that all students get make a short talk as a model: one asks,
involved. one answers, then change the roles.
- Encourages weak and shy students to take - Be ready to perform the talk when being
part in the task. asked.

Reporting - Teacher invites 2 pairs to perform the talks - 2 pairs volunteer to come to the stage
and in front of the class. and start their talks, try to perform as
discussing naturally as possible.
- Asks other students to give comments. - Some students give further comment for
the volunteers, pay attention to the
content and pronunciation.

Conclusio - Gives comment about students’ speaking - Listen to the teacher’s feedback.
n like intonation, pronunciation, content in
- Compliments the pairs have good speaking
and encourages weak ones.

E. Consolidation – Recommendation – Homework. (3 minutes)

1. Consolidation: Teacher asks students to summarize the main point of the lesson by giving some short
(1) What are the main points of the lesson?
(2) Which part(s) of the lesson do you like/ dislike most?
 Some students give short answer orally. Then the teacher gives feedbacks.
(1) The main points of the lesson include:
- The structure of a paragraph: a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
- Skills:
+ Writing skills: Write about suggestions for improve the environment.
+ Speaking skills: discussing and talking about the sollution to protect the surrounding environment.
(2) (Varied answers)
2. Recommendation: Teacher recommends some videos that students can find and watch: “The Simple
Ways to save the planet”
3. Homework.
- Teacher asks students at home: Write a report (80-90 words) in a paper: Think of activities that you can
organise during the weekend, you should provide the expected results of each activities you suggest.
The report should include:
+ Which days?
+ Who will you do with?
+ What are the activities and expected results?
- Hand in the report in the next lesson .

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