Questionnaire SCRUM Master

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N° Question Asw

1 Why does a Development Team need a Sprint Goal? C

A) Sprint Goals are not valuable. Everithing is known from the Pproduct
B) A Sprint Goal only gives purpose to Sprint 0.
C) The Development Team is more focused with a common yet specific goal.
D) A sprint Goal ensures that all of the Product Backlog items selected for the
Sprint are implemented.

2 AD
Which two things does the Development Team NOT do during the first
A) Nail down the complete architecture and infrastructure.
B) Develp and deliver at least one piece of functionality.
C) Deliver an Increment of potentially releasable functionality.
D) Develop a plan for the rest of the project.

3 B
The Spint Review is:
A) Used to build team spirit.
B) An opportunity for stakeholders to inpect the product increment and
progress and provide feedback on next steps.
C) A review of the Scrum Team's activities and processes during the
D) A time allocated to judge the validity of the project.

4 The Product Owner makes sure the team selects enough from the Product B
Backlog for a sprint to satisfy stakeholders
A) True
B) False

5 C
Why is the Daily Scrum held at the same time and same place?
A) The Product Owner demands it.
B) The place can be named.
C) The consistency reduces complexity and overhead.
D) Rooms are hard to book and this lets it booked in advance.

6 What happens if the Dev. Team cannot complete its work by the end of a time A
box ?
A) The Time-Box Holds and the Dev. Team continuously learns what is actually
possible to do within a time-box.
B) Scrum should be abandoned.
C) The Time-Box is extended temporarily; lessons are taken to ensure it doesn’t
happen again.
D) The Time Box is adjusted permanently to reflect reality
7 A
How much of the Sprint Backlog must be defined during the Sprint Planning
A) Enough so the Development Team can create its best forecast of what it can
do, and to start the first several days of the Sprint.
B) Just enough to understand design and architectural implications.
C) Just enough tasks for the Scrum Master to be confident in the Development
Team's understanding of the Sprint.
D) All of the potential work. The Sprint Planning meeting isn't over until 100% of
the work is identified and estimated.

8 B
The timebox for the complete Sprint Planning meeting is?
A) 4 hours.
B) 8 hours for a monthly Sprint, proportionately less for shorter Sprints.
C) Whenever it is done.
D) Monthly.

9 C
What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0
A) Make the complete project plan to commit date, budget and scope to the
B) Gathering, eliciting and analyzing the requirement
C) There is no such thing Sprint 0
D) Determine the Composition of the Dev Team
E) Make sure enough Product Backlog Items are refined to fill the first 3 Sprints

10 D
An organization has decided to adopt Scrum, but management wants to
change the terminology to fit with terminology already used. What will likely
happen if this is done?
A) Without a new vocabulary as a reminder of the change, very little change may
actually happen.
B) The organization may not understand what has changed within Scrum and
the benefits of Scrum may be lost.
C) Management may feel less anxious.
D) All answers apply.

11 C
While under development, the environment in which a product will be used
changes and emerges. What is the effect on the Product Backlog?
A) It is archived and a new Product Backlog is created to take the place
B) There is no effect, because it has to stay the same until the end of the project
C) It evolves to reflect what the product needs to be most valuable
D) It is converted into a requirements specification to ensure stability

12 What are the benefits of including testing within the Sprint's development B
A) The increment is closer to being potentially releasable.
B) Transparency of the increment is increased.
C) The project manager can more effectively report progress.
D) The Increment is likely to be more complete.
13 A
What is the primary way a Scrum Master keeps a Development Team working
at its highest level of productivity?
A) By facilitating Development Team decisions and removing impediments.
B) By ensuring the meetings start and end at the proper time.
C) By preventing changes to the Backlog once the Sprint begins.
D) By keeping high value features high in the Product Backlog.

14 When should a Sprint Goal be created? E

A) It should have been created in the previous Sprint during Product Backlog
B) A Sprint Goal is not mandatory in Scrum.
C) It must be established before Sprint Planning in order to begin planning.
D) At any time during the Sprint.
E) During Sprint Planning.

15 D
How is management external to the Scrum Team involved in the Daily Scrum?
A) The Product Owner represents their opinions.
B) The Crum Master speaks on their behalf.
C) Management gives updates at the start of each Daily Scrum.
D) The Development Team self-manages and is the only management required
at the Daily Acrum. All others cannot participate.

16 D
The CEO asks the Development Team to add a "very important" item to the
current Sprint. What should the Development Team do?
A) Add the item to the current Sprint without any adjustments.
B) Add the item to the current Sprint and drop an item of equal size.
C) Add the item to the next Sprint.
D) Inform the Product Owner so he/she can work with the CEO.

17 D
Why should the Product Owner be present at the daily Scrum?
A) To hear about impediments in functionnality.
B) To participate as a Scrum Team Member.
C) To represent the stakeholders' point of view.
D) He doesn't need to be there.

18 D
The Development Team informs the Scrum Master that the IT manager has
asked them for a status report during the Sprint. The Scrum Master will:
A) Ask the Product Owner to send the unit manager the report
B) Tell the Dev. Team to figure it out themselves
C) Create and deliver the report to the unit manger herself
D) Talks to the IT manger and inform him that progress in Scrum comes form
inspecting increments at the Sprint Review
How much time is required after a Sprint to prepare for the next Sprint?
19 A) The break between Sprint is time-boxed to 1 week for 30 day Sprints, and D
usually less for shorter sprints.
B) Enough time for the Development team to finish the testing from the last
C) enough time for the requirements for the next sSprint to be nailed down.
D) None. A new Sprint starts immediately following the end of the previous
E) All of the above are allowed depending on the situation.
20 B
When multiple Scrum Teams are working on the same project, they should
make sure that each team has different Sprint start dates.
A) True
B) False

21 During a Sprint Retrospective, for what is the Scrum Master responsible? C

A) Prioritizing the resulting action items
B) Summarizing and reporting the discussions to management
C) Facilitating and also participating as a Scrum Team member
D) Acting as scribe to capture the Development Team’s answer

22 B
When multiple teams are working together, each team should maintain a
separate Product Backlog.
A) True
B) False

23 E
When may a Development Team change its engineering practices?
A) Prior to starting a new Sprint
B) During the Sprint Retrospective
C) Prior to starting a new project
D) During Sprint Planning
E) Whenever needed

24 E
Who must do all the work to make sure Product Backlog items conform to the
Definition of "Done?"
A) QA Specialist
B) The Scrum Team
C) The Scrum Master
D) The Product Owner
E) The Development Team

25 A
If Burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what do they track ?
A) Work remaining across time
B) Individual worker productivity
C) Accumulated business value delivered to the customer
D) Accumulated Cost

26 A
Development Team members step up to own a Sprint Backlog item :
A) Never. All Sprint Backlog items are "owned" by the entire Development Team,
even though each one may be done by an individual Development Team member.
B) Whenever a team member can accomodate more work.
C) At the Sprint Planning meeting.
D) During the Daily Scrum.

27 E
For the purpose of transparency, when does Scrum say a new increment of
working software must be available?
A) Before the release Sprint
B) Every 3 Sprints.
C) After the acceptance testing phase.
D) When the Product Owner asks to create one.
E) At the end of every Sprint.
28 E
The Product Backlog is ordered by:
A) Small items at the top to large items at the bottom.
B) Safer items at the top to riskier items at the bottom.
C) Least valuable items at the top to most valuable at the bottom.
D) Items are randomly arranged.
E) Whatever is deemed the most appropriate by the Product Owner.

29 A
When many Development Teams are working on a single product, what best
describes the definition of "Done"?
A) All Development Teams must have a definition of "Done" that makes their
combined work potentially releasable.
B) Each Development Team defines and uses its own. The differences are
discussed and reconciled during a hardening Sprint.
C) Each Development Team uses its own but must make their definition clear to
all other Teams so the differences are known.
D) It depends.

30 The definition of “Done” is used to: (Choose 3 answers) CDE

A) Describe the purpose, objective, and timebox of each Scrum event.
B) Describe the work that must be done before the sprint can end.
C) Create a shared understanding of when work is complete
D) Guide the Development Team on how many product backlog items to do in a
E) Increase Transparency
Which three (3) activities will a Product Owner likely engage in during a
31 Sprint? BDF
A) Prioritize the Development Team's tasks.
B) Answer questions from the Development Team about items in the current
C) Run the Daily Scrum.
D) Work with stakeholders.
E) Update the Sprint burndown chart.
F) Provide feedback.

32 D
For which is the Scrum Master responsible?
A) Managing the performance of the Scrum Team.
B) Keeping track of resource allocation.
C) The meetings and the objectives that a Scrum Team sets for itself.
D) The Scrum process being adopted and used properly.

33 D
Who determines how work is performed during the Sprint ?
A) Subject matter experts
B) Development Team managers
C) Architects
D) The Development Team
E) The Scrum Master.

34 BD
What are two responsibilities of testers in a Development Team? (Choose two
A) Verifying the work of programmers
B) Scrum has no “tester” role.
C) Finding bugs
D) Everyone in the Development Team is responsible for quality.
E) Tracking quality metrics
35 Which are properties of the Daily Scrum (Choose 2 answers) CF
A) It is facilitated by the team lead.
B) It is held first thing in the morning.
C) It is fifteen minutes or less in duration.
D) It is free form and deisgned to promote conversation.
E) It consists of the Scrum Master asking the Team members the Three
F) Its location and time should remain constant.

36 Scrum Master is a "management" position? A

A) True
B) False

37 A properly functionning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and B
may well have several.
A) True.
B) False.

38 ADE
What are three benefits of self-organization ?
A) Increase commitment
B) Increase predictability
C) Increase rule compliance
D) Increase creativity
E) Increase self-accountability

39 It is mandatory that the product increment be released to production at the B

end of each Sprint.
A) True
B) False
A Scrum Master is working with a Development Team that has members in
40 different physical locations. The Development Team meets in a variety of B
meeting rooms and has much to do logistically (for example, set up
conference calls) before beginning the Daily Scrum. What action should the
Scrum Master take?
A) Ask the Development Team members to alternate who is responsible for
meeting setup.
B) Set up the meeting and tell the Development Team that is how it will be done.
C) Allow the Development Team to self-manage and determine for itself what to
D) Inform management and ask them to solve it.

41 Srcum does not have a role called "Project Manager". A

A) True.
B) False.

42 D
Who has the last say on the order of the Product Backlog?
A) The Stakeholders
B) The Development Team
C) The Scrum Master
D) The Product Owner
E) The CEO
43 B
Who is responsible for engaging the stakeholders ?
A) The business analyst
B) The Product Owner
C) The Project manager
D) The Development Team
E) The Team manager

44 Which technique is productive way for the Scrum Master to ensure that the A
Development Team communicates effectively with the Product Owner?
A) Teach the Team to talk in terms of business needs and objectives
B) Monitor communicates between them
C) Act as a go-between for them
D) Teach the Product Owner about the technologies employed during the

45 During the Sprint, the Scrum Master's role is to do which two of the following? BC
A) Asign tasks with the Scrum team.
B) Facilitate inspection and adaptation opportunities as requested or needed.
C) Remove impediments.
D) Ensure the Product Owner attends all Scrum events.
E) Ensure the Product Owner attends all Scrum events.
F) Escalate team confilcts to functionnal line manager.

46 Cross-fucntionnal teams are optimized to work on a technical layer of a B

system (e.g. GUI, database, middle tier, design contracts).
A) True
B) False
Scrum is a methodology that tells in details how to build software
47 incrementally. B
A) True
B) False

48 E
The timebox for a Daily Scrum is ?
A) 4 hours
B) The same time of every day
C) Two minutes per person
D) 15 minutes for a 4 week sprint. For shorter Sprints it is usually shorter.
E) 15 minutes

49 C
The Product Owner must ship each Sprint increment. (Choose one answer)
A) To make sure the Development Team is done every Sprint.
B) Without exception
C) When it makes sense
D) Whenever the product is free of defects

50 D
Which of the following is required by Scrum?
A) Members must stand up at the Daily Scrum.
B) Sprint Burndown chart
C) Release Planning
D) Sprint Retrospective
E) All of the above
51 BE

Which two (2) things does a Scrum Master do if the Development Team
doesn't have the engineering tools and infrastructure to completely finish any
Product Backlog items?
A) Has the Development Team define "done" and do the same work for all
Product Backlog items it selects.
B) Has the Development Team improve its skills, tools and infrastructure over
time and adjust the definition of "done" accordingly.
C) Asks the Development Team to do the best it can on each Product Backlog
item it selects.
D) Declares the Development Team not ready for Scrum.
E) Asks the Development Team to spend as many Sprints as necessary to
prepare the engineering tools and infrastructure so any Product Backlog item it
selects is potentially shippable at Sprint end.

52 D
What is the maximum lenght of a Sprint?
A) Not so long that other business events can't be readily syncronized with the
development work.
B) Not sol long that the risk is unacceptable to the Product Owner.
C) no more than one calendar month.
D) All of these answers are correct.

53 Which of these may a Development Team deliver at the end of a Sprint? C

A) A single document, if what the Scrum Master asked for.
B) Failing unit tests, to identify acceptance tests for the next Sprint.
C) An increment of working software that is "done".
D) An increment of software with minor known bugs in it.

54 B
How many hours per day should a person on a Scrum Team work ?
A) 14 hours
B) At a sustainable pace, usually 7-8 hours per day.
C) However many hours are needed to get the work done.
D) An “ideal day” measuring only when he or she is productive.

55 A Scrum Master is keeping a list of open impediments, but it is growing and ACD
he/she has been able to resolve only a small portion of the impediments.
Which three (3) techniques would be most helpful in this situation? (Choose
three answers)
A) Prioritize the list and work on them in order.
B) Arrange a triage meeting with all other project managers.
C) Consult with the Development Team.
D) Alert management the impediments and their impacts.
E) Tell the Product Owner that Scrum isn't working.
F) Discuss the absence of management support with the Development Team.
56 C
The Development Team should have all the skills needed to:
A) Complete the project as estimated when the date and cost are committed to
the Product Owner.
B) Do all of the development work, but not the types of testing that require
specialized testing, tools, and environments.
C) Turn the Product Backlog items it selects into an increment of potentially
shippable product functionality.
57 C
When many Scrum Teams are working on the same product, should all of
their increment be integrated every Sprint?
A) No, that is far too hard and must be done in a hardening Sprint
B) No, each Scrum Team stand alone
C) Yes, but only for Scrum Teams whose work has dependencies
D) Yes, otherwise the Product Owners (and stakeholders) may not be able to
accurately inspect what is done.

58 A
Which statement best describes the Sprint Backlog as outcome of a Sprint
Planning ?
A) It is the Development Team’s plan for the Sprint.
B) Each task is estimated in hours
C) It is ordered by the Product Owner
D) It is a complete list of all work to be done in a Sprint
E) Every items has a designated owner

59 D
A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Team
has decided that a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the
Scrum Master take?
A) Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team.
B) Call a meeting between the Development Team and senior management
C) Consult with the Product Owner to see how he/she feels about situation.
D) Begin facilitating productive and useful retrospectives.

60 A
When can a Development Team cancel a Sprint ?
A) It can’t. Only Product Owner can cancel Sprints.
B) The Product Owner is absent too often.
C) Functional expectations are not well understood.
D) A technical dependency cannot be resolved.
E) The forecast for the Sprint becomes un-achievable.
F) Answers A or D

61 Which answer best decribes the topics covered in Sprint Planning? B

A) What to do and who will do it.
B) What can be done and how to do it.
C) What went wrong in the last Sprint and what to do differently this Sprint.
D) How conditions have changed and how the Product Backlog should evolve
E) Who is on the team and what team member roles will be.

62 E
Which does a self-organizing Development Team choose?
A) When to release, based on its progress
B) Product Backlog ordering
C) Stakeholders for the Sprint Review
D) Sprint length
E) How to best accomplish its work
63 DEF
Which three of the following are timeboxed events in Scrum?
A) Sprint 0
B) Sprint Testing
C) Release Testing
D) Sprint Planning
E) Sprint Retrospective
F) Daily Scrum
G) Release Retrospective

64 C
Which is NOT a Development Team responsibility?
A) Optimizing the work required to meet the Sprint Goal at least daily.
B) Monitoring productivity.
C) Selecting the Product Owner
D) Planning how to meet a Sprint Goal
E) Resolving internal team conflicts

65 The Sprint Goal is a result of Sprint Planning, as is the Sprint Backlog. A

A) True
B) False

66 The Product Owner remains distant. He/She has handed over the required CD
Product Backlog for the Sprint but is not collaborating with the Development
Team during the Sprint. What are valuable actions for a Scrum Master?
Choose all that apply.
A) Inform the Product Owner's functional manager.
B) Nominate a proxy Product Owner.
C) Bring up the problem in the Sprint Retrospective.
D) Coach the Product Owner in the values of Scrum and incremental delivery.
E) Stop the Sprint, send the Product Owner to a course and restart.
67 Sprint burndown charts are efficient tracking tool because they show: B
A) How many Product Backlog items remain.
B) An estimate of the total work remaining for the Sprint.
C) How many hours have been worked by each Development Team member.
D) Haw much effort has gone into a Sprint.

68 What does it mean for a development Team to be cross-functional? D

A) The Development Team Includes not only developers but also business
B) Developers on the Development Team work closely with business analysts,
architects, developers and testers who are not on the team.
C) The Development Team is a virtual team drawing from separate teams of
business analysts, architects, developers and testers.
D) The development Team includes cross-skilled individuals who are able to
contribute to do what is necessary to deliver an increment of software

69 D
What activities would a Product Owner typically undertake in the phase
between the current Sprint Review meeting and the next Sprint’s Planning
A) Refining the Product BackLog
B) Working with the QA departments on the increment of the current Sprint
C) Updating the Project Plan with Stakeholders
D) There are no such activities. The next Sprints starts immediately after the
current sprint
70 C
Which statement best describes Scrum?
A) A complete methodology that defines how to develop software.
B) A cookbook that defines best practices for software development.
C) A framework within which complex products in complex environments are
D) A defined and predictive process that conforms to the principles of Scientific

71 BD
As the Sprint Planning meeting progresses, the workload is getting greater
than the Development Team's capacity. Which two actions make the most
sense to do? (Choose 2 answers)
A) Start the Sprint and recruit additional Development Team members.
B) The Development Team ensures that the Product Owner is aware, starts the
Sprint and monitor progress.
C) Cancel the Sprint.
D) Remove or change selected Product Backlog items.
E) Ask the Development Team to work overtime for this Sprint and promise that t
won't happen again.

72 A
When is the Sprint Backlog created?
A) During the Sprint Planing meeting
B) During the sprint
C) At the beginning of the project
D) Prior to the Sprint Planning meeting

73 B
Items on the Product Backlog tend to be:
A) Smaller than items in the sprint backlog
B) Larger than items in sprint backlog
C) The same size
D) Much smaller

74 Which statement best describes the Sprint Review? B

A) It is a review of the team's activities during the Sprint.
B) It is when the Scrum Team and stakeholders inspect the outcome of the
Sprint and figure out what to do in the upcoming Sprint.
C) It is a demo at the end of the Sprint for everyone in the organization to
provide feedback on the work done
D) It is used to congratulate the Development Team if it did what it committed to
doing, or to punish the Development Team if it failed to meet its commitments.

75 ABF
Choose three responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team.
(Choose three answers)
A) Pull Product Backlog item for the Sprint
B) Do the work planned in the Sprint Backlog.
C) Track velocity.
D) Report daily progress to stakeholders.
E) Reorder the Product Backlog.
F) Set the time for the Daily Scrum.

76 D
Which phrase best describes a Product Owner?
A) Team Manager
B) Go-between between development team and customers
C) Requirements engineer
D) Value optimizer
77 How often should Development Team membership change ? A
A) As needed, while taking into account a short term reduction in productivity.
B) Just as it would on any development team, with no special allowance for
changes in productivity.
C) Never, because it reduces productivity.
D) Every Sprint to promote shared learning.

78 If Burndown charts are used to visualize progress, what does a trend line D
through a release Burndown chart indicates?
A) When all work will be completed so the Scrum Team can be released for the
B) The evolution of the cost spent of the project.
C) When the project will be over if the Product Owner removes work that is equal
in effort to any new work is added.
D) When the work remaining will likely be completed if nothing changes on the
Product Backlog or the Development Team.

79 A new developer is having continuing conflicts with existing Dev. Team C

members and creating a hostile environment. If necessary, who is responsible
for removing the team member?
A) The hiring manager is responsible, because he she hired the developer
B) The Dev Team is responsible, may need help from the Scrum Master
C) The Scrum Master is responsible, because he removes impediments
D) The product Owner is responsible, because he/she controls the return on
Which of the following is true about the Scrum Master role? (multiple
80 answers) BC
A) At Sprint Review, the Scrum Master identifies what has been “done” and what
has not been “done”.
B) The Scrum Master teaches the Development Team to keep the Scrum
meetings to their timebox.
C) The Scrum Master helps those outside the Team interact with the Scrum
D) The Scrum Master assigns tasks to Development Team members when they
need work.
E) The Scrum Master is responsible for updating the Sprint Burndown.

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