CIS Seminar

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Abstract - The notion of a collaborative September 1986 within the School of General
information system refers to systems and practices Studies. At inception, the department was only a
allowing a group of users to seek share and service department to other departments in
retrieve information to achieve similar computer-related courses, presently the department
information-related goals. Despite an increasing is under the School of Science and Technology.
adoption in social environments, collaboration
behavior in information seeking and retrieval is The Department runs a National Diploma and
mainly limited to small-sized groups, generally Certificate program in Computer Science as well as
restricted to working spaces. Much remains to be short time courses on computer-related fields of
learned about collaborative information systems study. It has a staff strength of nineteen (19)
within open web social spaces. This project is an academic staff, seven (7) non-academic staff, and a
attempt to solve the problem of collaboration Youth Corps member.
between lecturers and students in the Department
of Computer Science at Federal Polytechnic The Department has been headed at various times
Bauchi. The project is used to collect assignments by the following Head of Department (HOD):
and projects electronically for supervision.
1. Mr. C.I. Okoye 1986 – 1993
1. INTRODUCTION 2. Mr. K.I. Larson (Ag) 1993 – 1993
3. Mr. IshayaAudu 1993 – 1994
Working with others within an organization can 4. Mrs. Rakiya Mahdi 1994 – 2004
have a variety of positive effects, and there are 5. Mal. Sani Usman 2004 – 2018
many benefits of collaboration in the workplace. 6. Mal. Ahmed Maidorawa 2018 – Date
Collaborative workers benefit from the diverse
contributions of members with different Programs
backgrounds, roles, attitudes, and interests, all of
whom contribute to the richness of the cooperative Apart from being a service department to all the
effort (Baeza, 2018). departments of the Polytechnic, the department
currently runs ND and HND programs leading to
The facility of collaboration enables students' the award of Higher National Diploma and National
development of the ability to collaborate in their Diploma certificates. These programs are designed
group work (Meloche & Dalton, 2017). Even to produce middle-level manpower computer
though several students have worked together on professionals, capable of applying the use of
group projects in collaboration and this has been computers in different areas such as computing
shown to increase the learning and retention of services and Information and Communication
information. Instructors and academic librarians Technology. The department also runs a certificate
may have mostly overlooked the growing course in computer science and short computer
importance of collaborative activities in learning appreciation programs for non-computer
environments (Shah, 2019). professionals.

Computer Science Department These are designed to enable interested candidates

to be acquainted with practical knowledge of some
The Department of Computer Science (formerly basic computing, basic hardware maintenance,
called Computer Centre) was established in software development, and its application.
Collaboration has been identified as having two
parts, focusing on collaboration within an
2 LITERATURE REVIEW organization and among individuals (Hara &
Solomon, 2017). In business and management,
2.1 Introduction collaboration is commonly considered from an
organizational perspective. Mattessich & Monsey
This literature review discusses research that (2018) viewed collaboration as "a mutually
supports the development of the research design. beneficial and well-defined relationship entered into
This research provides a background of by two or more organizations to achieve common
collaborative information behavior, the level of goals".
collaboration, and how the concepts have been
studied. The review also explores previous research Kagan (2019) described the collaboration as the
focused on the information-seeking process of structure of an organization where information
individuals. resources, rules, and authority are shared.
Generally, these definitions characterize
2.2 Theoretical Framework collaboration as involving individuals in
organizations who are responsible for activities
Based on the previous study of collaborative
intended to achieve common goals through shared
information systems, seen as the cornerstone of
information resources or authority.
collaboration, one can reasonably ask about the
contents of such a system: which knowledge should Schrage (2018) viewed collaboration as the process
be available to define this collaborative information of shared conception in which two or more
system? What concrete characteristics of the individuals with interrelated skills interact to build a
network and partners should be assembled to be in a shared understanding. (Iivonen et al, 2018) also
position to design this Collaborative Information defined collaboration as "human behavior that
System? facilitates the sharing of meaning and completion of
activities concerning a mutually shared super-
2.2.1 Definitions of Collaboration
ordinate goal and which takes place in a particular
To critically research Collaborative Information social, or work, setting". These definitions can be
systems, it is important to have a clear summarized as having two common elements:
understanding of the concept of collaboration. working together for a joint purpose and sharing
Collaboration has been studied in a wide variety of meaning, resources, knowledge, and responsibility
disciplines, such as management, Computer (Hara, E.2019). These previous studies have shown
Science, Sociology, and Library Information that there are a variety of definitions of
Science. Also, it continues to increase in frequency collaboration that can be broadly characterized as an
and importance for solving complex scientific activity for solving a complex problem or achieving
problems and understanding various social issues a work task among two or more people. In addition,
(Sonnenwald, 2019). Therefore, the definition various factors can be used to attain effective
varies with each discipline. The collaboration collaboration, such as full integration and
focuses on the process of working together. As a communication. For this study, collaboration was
philosophy of interaction, collaboration considers defined by (Iivonen, 2018) as focusing on
an individual's responsibility for their actions, interactions among individuals to share meaning,
including learning and respecting the abilities and knowledge, or information resources to accomplish
contributions of their peers (Zhao & Li, 2018). common goals and solve complex problems.

Chrislip & Larson (2017) defined collaboration as a 2.2.2 Overview of Information System
commonly useful relationship between two or more
According to Brien (2018), Information systems are
people who work to achieve the same objectives by
the collection of hardware, software, People,
sharing a task, ability, and responsibility for
procedure, and data. They work together to provide
accomplishing outcomes.
information essential to running an organization.
Kim (2019) Information system as the assemblage of the information is to support management
of collection of machines, ideas, people, and inquiries and it is not feasible to receive data by
activities, that gather and process data to meet the specifying record keys that would be used. Weadell
requirement of an organization. The machines are (2018) information is summarizing data and
electronic/electrochemical equipment that accepts otherwise manipulated data that is useful for
instructions in many forms from many sources. The decision making. Some characteristic of useful
people are clerks, operators, analysts, and information is that is relevant, timely, accurate,
programmers who work directly in the department concise, and complete. Further explain that for a
or division and supply data or use the information given database, there is a structural description of
contained in the processed data or the information the type of facts held in that database, the
contain in the processed reports. description is known as schema. The schema
describes how the objects are presented in the
Describes that, a human resources information database and the relationship among them. There
system has to eliminate redundant data, and are several ways of organizing a schema, which is
administrative costs and permit greater utilization of modeling the database structure and this is known
human resources. He demonstrated that indeed, the as database models (or data models).
microcomputer-based information system gives the
management instant access to all kinds of student 2.3 Conceptual Framework
information, thereby making it possible to answer
students' records. The information may differ from To understand collaboration in information systems,
one institution to another, such as information might it is necessary to review the related works of
include demographic (age, sex, home, town), level, collaborative information systems from a broader
department, registration number, etc., hence a aspect of a wide variety of disciplines, such as the
systematic and collective, organization, general concept of collaboration in management,
documentation, and retrieval of data often require a computer science, sociology, and science, with a
data processing with real-time processing facilities focused view on collaboration and information
and direct access to the database, information system. Therefore, this section is a review of studies
system in this regard makes the stored data and from previous literature that discuss what
information available to users. collaboration means in a variety of contexts, the
principles of collaboration, and the actual practice
2.2.3 Importance of Information of collaboration in an information system. This
supports the identification of what is considered in
According to Shah, (2019) information is data that collaboration in information system behavior and
has been organized and communicated. The record provides insights into research trends on
of a student research project gives information on collaboration in information system behavior
what solution has been provided to a particular (Wilson, 2018).
problem, this information in turn gives what is
called knowledge (this involves the use of 2.3.1 Internet Technology
application for a reason). Therefore, knowledge is a
result of reasoned analysis of information of a set of Internet technology is the ability of the Internet to
the organized statement of facts or ideas, transmit information and data through different
communicated in some systematic form. This servers and systems. Internet technology is
simply means that information about the student important in many different industries because it
research project, knowledge is applied to some allows people to communicate with each other
extent to improve maintenance, upgrade situations, through means that were not necessarily available.
or activities in the environment. The Internet is essentially a large database where
information can be passed and transmitted. It can be
To achieve the goals of an information system, the passively passed along in the form of non-
system has to incorporate some specialized interactive websites and blogs; it can also be
application programs. The application analyzes the actively passed along in the form of file sharing and
data and reduces them to a form that is to human document loading. Internet technology has led to a
understanding. She further explains that the purpose wealth of information available to anyone who can
access the Internet. It has allowed people who were one event is initiated by the end of another,
accustomed to textbooks and libraries to learn or it could be a programmed response to a
anything they could want from the comfort of a user interacting with the page in some way,
computer. e.g. moving their mouse over a link.
JavaScript is a complex and powerful
An intranet is a private network that can only be language and may be placed directly inside
accessed by authorized users. The prefix "intra" an HTML page, or in a separate JavaScript
means "internal" and therefore implies an intranet is file.
designed for internal communications. "Inter" (as on  CSS and CSS-P: CSS (Cascading Style
the Internet) means "between" or "among." Since Sheets) is a relatively new language,
there is only one Internet, the word "Internet" is designed to expand upon the limited style
capitalized (Shah, 2019). properties of HTML. Easy to learn and
implement, CSS is an excellent way to
2.3.2 Web Technology control the style of your site, such as text
styles like size, color, and font.
Web technologies are a general term referring to the
many languages and multimedia packages that are iii. PHP (Personal Home Page): is an open-source
used in conjunction with one another, to produce general-purpose server-side scripting language
dynamic websites. Each separate technology is originally designed for Web development to
fairly limited on its own and tends to require the produce dynamic web pages. It is one of the first
dual use of at least one other such technology. developed server-side scripting languages to be
Therefore, we can conclude that all of the embedded into an HTML source document rather
components that make up a site are interdependent than calling an external file to process data. The
on one another. Some of these technologies include code is interpreted by the web server with a PHP
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), Dynamic web processor module that generates the resulting
Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML), and PHP. web page. It also has involved including a
command-line interface capability and can use a
1. HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language): Is
stand-alone graphical application (Robson, 2018).
the glue that holds together every website.
Like building a house, you always build a 2.3.3 Database Management System (DBMS)
strong foundation first. For any site, HTML
is that foundation. HTML is an open-source A DBMS is a necessity in an information system
language (i.e. not owned by anyone), which environment for accurate, appropriate, flexible,
is easy to learn, and requires no fancy (or comprehensive, and accessible information. Robson
expensive!) packages to start using it. All (2018) presented a database management system
you need is something to type with, such as (DBMS) as a set of software programs that controls
Windows Notepad, and a lot of time and the development, use, and maintenance of the
patience. database of a computer using organization.
2. DHTML (Dynamic HTML) is just as the
name suggests, it adds dynamic, moving, or A database is a collection of many related files,
changing content to your plain old HTML more especially, the files are usually integrated,
pages. Think of it as a more advanced meaning that the file is logically related, or cross-
version of HTML, although DTHML is not reference to one another. Thus even though all data
a programming language in itself. DHTML elements on a topic are kept recorded in different
is a broad term used to describe a group of files. They can easily be organized and retrieved
applications, the main ones are described with simple requests (Robson, 2018).
Alexis's (2019) database management system
 JavaScript: JavaScript is a 'scripting' (DBMS) is a computer-based record-keeping
language. A bit like a script in a feature film, system whose overall purpose is to record and
it is used to decide 'what happens next. This maintain information. A database management
may be a sequence of screen events, where system has been quoted in some quarters to be
better suited than programming language to deal 2.4 Conclusions
with storage, therefore, a data management system
(DBMS) is software for manipulating databases or a The result of this research is an application that can
data manager, a program that controls the structure handle the processing and storage of the final year
of database and access to the data. projects of the department of Computer science
Federal Polytechnic Bauchi. The major procedure The Role of Database in Information followed by the software package is the provision of
automated project record-keeping for the school of
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storing and organizing in a specific order the data database for onward processing.
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