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Christmas Term in Google Classroom

Topics: Module 1- REVIEW ALL TOPICS- Use the Google Slides

Easter Term in Google Classroom

Topics: Modules 2 and 3- REVIEW ALL TOPICS- Use the Google Slides

Paper 1 Topics for CAPE EXAMS- Multiple Choice

Listening Comprehension Question Types (1-7)

● Main Idea and Purpose

● Inferred/ Connotative meaning
● Identification of devices
● Application
● Analysis/interpretive

Module 2 Question Types/ Topics

Language and Community
Phonology- creole grammar
Comparison and contrast
Communication context
Characteristics of language
Dialectal variation
Attitude to language
Language registers
Functions of language
Definition of language
Types of Caribbean English

Module 1 Question Types

Research methods
Advantages and disadvantages of various methods
Best methods to use for a particular research. and contexts
Paper 2 - How to structure each essay to attain maximum
Module 1
● Evaluation of sources reliability, validity and credibility

(Remember to review Christmas Term all areas in Google Classroom on

Module 1 )

Essay Questions

Module 1 Essay Format Gathering and Processing Information

Excerpt 1 Sample

(a) State the writer's main point in no more than 30 words.

(b) Write an ESSAY of no more than 500 words in which you state the writer’s purpose and
discuss THREE language techniques and organisational strategies used to achieve this
(c) You must also evaluate the validity of the information presented.

Total 25mks

NB: For section C of this question, the candidate can also be asked to comment on the
appropriateness of the writer’s tone or the reliability of the information presented.

Mark Scheme


Points Awarded- 10 mks

(a) Award 2 marks for the main point of the writer.

(b) Award 2 marks for the writer’s purpose
(c) Award 1 mark for each of the three language techniques identified and discussed
(d) Award 1 mark for each organizational strategies identified and discussed


Points awarded- 8 mks

● Excellent effective and error free use of language- 8 mks

● Very good use of language though there may be few lapses- 7 mks
● Good use of language though there may be a few lapses- 5 mks
● Some ability to use language accurately and effectively, but with some inconsistency in
accurate usage or half the expected content presented. 3-4 mks
● Frequent inaccurate use of language or insufficient information presented to make an
assessment 1-2 mks


Points awarded- 7 mks

● Excellent introduction, thematic cohesion, appropriate use of transitional devices, effective

conclusion- 7mks

Structuring the Module 1 Essay- Gathering and Processing Information

In attempting Question 1 in Paper 2, read the passages carefully and underline important
points. Pay close attention to the organization of the essay.

Your essay must have an introduction, body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.

Remember you must have an introduction, Body paragraphs and
Question 1a will require that you summarize the passage in 30 words (main point).
Therefore, you must jot down the main points, making sure to read to the end of the
passage. Here are some useful tips:

● Do not restate the title of the passage if there is one

● Try to avoid starting your answer with “The writer’s main point…...,” Incorporate
an opening sentence that gives the reader an idea of what will be the focus of the
● The final sentence in your introduction should highlight the fact that the writer
uses a wide range or organizational strategies and techniques to highlight his

Body Paragraphs
Question 1b
Begin this section by identifying the writer’s purpose and identifying the
organizational strategies that relate to the writer’s purpose. For this section you are
expected to identify THREE organizational strategies and explain how each
strategy helps to highlight the writer's purpose.
You will also be asked to identify THREE language techniques. DO NOT explain or define
the techniques identified, rather, comment on their effectiveness with
respect to the writer’s purpose.
Question 1c will require you to comment on the effectiveness of the
writer's tone or may ask you to address the validity or reliability of the the
information presented This information should be placed in a separate

Concluding Paragraph

Finally, a concluding paragraph should close out your essay. This paragraph should
restate the main points presented in the body of your essay.

Principles that must be applied in answering your questions

● Identify

● Explain

● Illustrate

● Analyse
Sample Module 1- Essay

(a) State the writer’s main point in no more than 30 words.

(b) Write an ESSAY of no more than 500 words in which you state the writer’s purpose and
discuss THREE language techniques and THREE organizational strategies used to achieve this

(c) You must also evaluate the validity of the information presented.


The writer’s purpose is to inform, educate or create awareness about Hybrid cars, their
benefits, and pitfalls. The main point is that while Hybrid cars are good for the environment,
there are some negatives associated with them. It is also to be noted that Hybrid cars may soon
be replaced by more advanced technology. The writing is expository and uses organizational
strategies of compare, problem and solution and analysis.

The writer employs the compare and contrast mode to distinguish between electric and
gas motors. Additionally, he provided information regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the
aforementioned types as seen in paragraph 3. The writer uses this strategy to achieve his purpose
of informing the public/general audience about the benefits and shortfalls of Hybrid cars.
Another organizational strategy used by the writer is the problem and solution mode. This
rhetoric mode highlighted in the passage provide information about some inherent problems
encountered with Hybrid cars, such as spending more money on repair bills as a result of the
complexity of the vehicle. Moreover, the writer highlighted some solutions that would mitigate
the problems He stated that hybrid cars “offer green advantages”. This means that these cars
assist in reducing pollution in some cities. These cars “make an even larger difference since they
produce very low emission levels during low speed city driving and inevitable traffic jams”.
Analysis, the third organizational strategy, was used by the author to provide in-depth analysis of
hybrid cars; the many reasons to buy a hybrid car and to have a good understanding of how they
work. To fulfil the requirement of an expository essay, authors must employ language techniques
to enhance their purpose.

Three language techniques used are rhetorical questions, statistical data and expert or
authoritative data. Rhetorical questions are used for a stylistic effect and to play on emotional
temperament of the audience. He also incorporates colloquial language to build a conversational
tone, create a level of informality thus presenting for the reader, a relaxed effect. In this essay it
is evident that the purpose of the rhetorical question is used to capture the reader’s interest and
make them aware of hybrid cars. Statistical data and expert opinion share a similar
purpose/effect. The application of these two techniques as highlighted in lines 21 and 23
respectively is to aid in the credibility and validity of the analysis, therefore making the
information unbiased/objective. The writer also uses these two techniques to achieve his purpose
by informing the general public that hybrid cars are indeed better cars. The language techniques
employed such as statistical data, expert opinion and authoritative data enhanced the validity of
the information presented. Similarly, the writer’s objective style/mode of presentation effectively
enhanced the main purpose. Therefore readers will be able to effectively gauge the benefits and
pitfalls of hybrid cars without seeing evidence of bias on the part of the writer.

However, the information may be deemed invalid since the article was published over six
years ago; therefore, may be changes in the data. Additionally, there is a semblance of critiqued
validity because of the use of colloquial language which gives an informal or relaxed effect.
Overall, the tight organization of the essay admirably serves the function of exposition.

Remember to have a concluding paragraph

Module 2 - Language and Community and Listening Comprehension

Language Conventions
Dialectal Variation
Attitudes to Language
Communicative Behaviour
Language Registers
Purposes of Language

● In the Module two essay students are expected to read an extract

containing one or more language situations/conventions
● This section is tied to the Language and Community Module. It is
often the case that an extract(scenario) is given, and candidates
will be asked to respond to set questions which culminates into an
essay. Here a range of questions may be asked in different ways.

Possible Questions for Paper 2

a)Factors that may lead the writer to use Creole in their work
b) Factors which may have motivated a character to lapse into Creole
c) When a character/writer/poet uses a specific language, what does he hope to
d) Factors which may influence the writer’s choice of language.
e) The suitability or use of a person’s use of Creole
f) The implications for the wider acceptability of Creole arising from the poet’s
use of this language variety.
g) A person’s attitude to Creole or standard English
h) The relationship between the language choice and the context.
i) The relationship between the registers and the context
j) Factors leading a speaker/character/writer or poet to use a mixture of 2
k) What does language reveal about the nature of a relationship or situation
l) Analysis of context and its effect on the language behaviour of characters
m) Character’s interpretation of and reaction to another person’s non-verbal
n) Factors that may indicate a person’s social status
o) Problems non- West Indians may have in understanding the passage.
p) How televised presentation will help readers to understand characters’
q) How a televised presentation could enhance understanding of the situation in
the excerpt.

Factors to consider when writing the essay

●. Language- Always identify whether the language used is the Standard or nonstandard

● 2. Register- identify the type of register used, the language used to create this register; the
audience that is involved in the interaction and the context in which the situation is taking
● 3. Content- (topic/message)
● 4. Context- where, what and the audience involved.
● 5. Audience- the people involved directly in the situation. (Pay close attention to their age,
status, occupation and where they live.
● 6. Purpose- reason for the situation or the interaction.
● 7. Perception about Language (not always do people choose their language because of
perception but sometimes they do) perception is always influenced by:
i. personal beliefs about the language in question
ii. What other persons have influenced you to believe
iii. Or what the society has dictated as the norm
● Vernacular- The variety of language used in everyday life by a general population used
by a people
● Attitudes to language
Mark Scheme
Content 10
Organization 7
Expression 8

Areas where content will be allotted

1. Identification and discussion of varieties used

2. Identification and discussion of verbal and non-verbal characteristics
3. Language registers
4. Communicative behaviours
5. Attitudes to language-creole or standard (you must be equipped with arguments for creole
as a language depending on the situation or attitude identified, the same applies to the
6. NB. if the attitude is negative, you must be able to outline those factors or characteristics
that may have contributed to this attitude.)

Other areas where content mark may be allotted

● Uses of language
● Social factors influencing language
● Dialectical variation
● Relationship between language and context
● Appropriateness of language
● Communication/meaning and technology (how can the communication process/meaning
be enhanced by the use of whatever technological device.

Suggestions for Writing Module 2 Essay

● Introduction

Look at what you are being asked to discuss and summarize it (the passage/extract) as an
introduction. NB:- Do not get carried away with this introduction. It is just pointing the direction,
so be brief!

● Body Paragraphs
● After your introduction, begin your PEE format. EACH paragraph MUST follow the PEE
● P- Make a general point about what you are about to discuss for example “Most poets use
a mixture of the Standard and Creole to...” Then identify the specific point/element that the
paragraph will be focusing on (language/tone/context/register/element etc).
● E- Give an appropriate example from the extract that will support the point you made.
● Just like the module 1 essay, the example must be taken from the given extract. Do NOT
write line number. You may use ellipses only if you know how to use it correctly.
● E- Give an explanation- justify the point you made. EG: Therefore, It is possible that the
poet in question is speaking to mixed audience who understands and is comfortable with both
● Speak to the ingenious use of the various elements to enhance the essence of the extract
and further highlight elements of the language situation in the Caribbean.
● NB: Include effective transitions and links (generally speaking, consequently, clearly,
evidently, additionally, furthermore, however, on the other hand, nevertheless, on the contrary, in
this situation, in the same vein).

Video Presentation

The examiner may also ask you to explore the following:

How a televised presentation could help readers to understand the character’s attitude
Possible Responses
● We understand attitude by paring attention to what the person is saying, how he/she is saying
it, what he/she is doing, how he/she is doing it.
● Attitude can be understood by seeing, haring and interpreting words and the actions of the
● Sometimes we hear something, but we do not see the person therefore we cannot come to a
complete understanding
● A video presentation gives us the opportunity to see and hear the character looking at facial
expression, gestures, body movements and the clothes they wear.
● Seeing the setting also helps us to view the character/s in a different light.

How a televised presentation could enhance the understanding of the situation in the
Possible responses:
● Video presentations help us to closely understand what is portrayed in the body language and
facial expressions of the actors to evoke feelings from the audience.
● Video presentation allows the listeners to hear the contrasting tones of the actors’ voices
● Listeners can see the presentation instead of having to only visualize.
● The video presentation will use body language, facial expression and statements of the actors
to evoke feelings from the audience.
● Cameras alter the meaning of the situation as you can now see so much more things that you
will use to understand.
● NB: Remember that you MUST use examples from the passage to support the answers
Sample Response
Listening Comprehension (see Lesson Twenty-One) Easter Term
Posted February 16, 2023
Module 3 Campaign Strategies and Proposals

Module 3: Proposal
Date posted Please see PowerPoint documents - March 28 and April 4




Format of this section

• Give definitions for the terms, campaign and proposal

• Outline the difference between a proposal and campaign/timetable in alignment with
writing the module 3 essay
• Outline what module 3 encapsulates.
• Outline different campaign strategies
• selecting appropriate strategies to enhance a communication campaign based on

In Section C of paper 2, you might be asked/ required to write either of the following:




Module three
focuses on creating, sending and receiving messages which is at the heart of the
communication process. Therefore, there are some important features to consider
in creating a message for an audience.

Why is the audience important?

Knowing your audience helps you to make decisions about what information you should
include, how you should arrange that information, and what kind of supporting details
will be necessary for the reader/ listener to understand what you are presenting.

The audience will also help you to further determine the best medium you use to deliver
the message.

What might constitutes the audience ?

● Interests
● Location
● Demography: age, gender, religion, ethnic background,
class, sexual orientation, occupation, education, group
membership, and countless other categories.

Campaign Strategies
● Blogs

● Celebrity Endorsements

● Traditional Media (Radio, Tv, Newspapers)

● Town Criers

● Social media

● Email

● Word of Mouth
● Flyers
● Jingles

● Road Shows

● Promo-Girls

● Use of paraphernalia (mugs, t-shirts, key rings)

● Billboards

● PSA (Public Service Announcements)

● Flyers

● Posters
● Town Hall Meetings
● Bumper Stickers
● Press Briefings
● The Performing Arts (Edu-Tainment)
● PSA (Public Service Announcements)
● Flyers
● Posters






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