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VGB PowerTech 1/2 l 2021 KKS and RDS-PP® – VGB speaks the language of power plant engineering

KKS und RDS-PP – VGB speaks the

language of power plant engineering
Conformal and manufacturer-independent designation
of energy plants
Andreas Böser and Sabine Kuhlmann

Kurzfassung Introduction It goes without saying that this problem

also and especially applies to the genera-
KKS und RDS-PP® – VGB spricht die Communication and language in all their tion and storage of electricity and heat, the
Sprache der Kraftwerkstechnik facets and possibilities are indispensable starting point for any form of industrial
tools for any kind of development. This ap- and economically targeted action.
Unabhängig vom Grad der Industrialisierung,
zählt die Stromerzeugung zweifellos zu den plies to our social and equally to our scien- Since the beginning of electrification, the
wichtigsten und komplexesten Aufgaben einer tific-technical as well as economic life. The processes for converting fossil, nuclear and
Gesellschaft. Die zuverlässige Energieversor- more complex a problem and the resulting renewable primary energies have become
gung und damit der erfolgreiche Betrieb eines tasks and contexts, the more detailed and increasingly complex. Due to technical pro-
jeden einzelnen Kraftwerks – unabhängig von differentiated language must define and gress and legal requirements with regard
der eingesetzten Primärenergie – benötigt ein describe them in order to develop solutions to environmental compatibility, occupa-
Kennzeichnungssystem zur konsistenten Identi- and bring innovations forward. For this tional and operational safety, constantly
fikation von Anlagenteilen und Prozessen. KKS
purpose, technical languages are continu- higher demands are made on components
und RDS-PP® bieten diese Möglichkeiten von
der Planung bis zum geordneten Rückbau. An- ously emerging in order to describe the in- and processes, which require detailed and
gefangen bei der Projektierung, über den Be- terrelationships and tasks in science and unambiguous language for the clear desig-
trieb der Anlage und bis zum geplanten Laufzei- production as precisely as possible. How- nation of components, their relationships
tende sprechen alle Prozessbeteiligten dieselbe ever, these technical languages are usually to each other and the representation of
„VGB-Sprache“ und können so national und based on general language and are accord- processes: with its power plant identifica-
auch international problemlos miteinander ingly afflicted with inaccuracies and uncer- tion systems KKS and RDS-PP®, VGB
kommunizieren. Dank dieser VGB-Kraftwerks- tainties and require a maximally exact defi- Power­Tech speaks exactly the language of
Sprache können hersteller- und betreiberunab- nition and delimitation of terms and unam- power plant engineering, which is used
hängig Daten ausgetauscht werden und verset- and required nationally as well as interna-
biguous designations of objects, functions
zen Kraftwerksbetreiber in die Lage, ihre Anla-
gen selbstständig zu betreiben, zu warten und and interconnections. Unambiguous termi- tionally in order to manage the complete
am Ende auch gesetzes- und normenkonform nology, leaving no room for interpretation, operation of plants for the generation of
is a very ambitious task with the means of electricity and heat. This applies to the en-
VGB PowerTech - All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten - © 2021

zu demontieren. l
general language, and numerous examples tire life cycle of a power plant from project
could be cited that demonstrate where planning and design, construction and op-
even technical languages come up against eration to inspection and orderly disman-
clear and often insurmountable limits. An tling of plants (F i g u r e 1 ). All these steps
obvious system must therefore be created can be clearly described with the VGB pow-
that is accepted by all parties involved in er plant identification system and proce-
the process and that eliminates any form of dures and processes can be clearly distin-
misinterpretation and misunderstanding. guished from each other at any time.

UA004 -UA01 -UA02


-UA01 -UA02


-UA01 =MQA01 UA001 -UA02
Andreas Böser and Sabine Kuhlmann
VGB PowerTech e.V.
Essen, Germany
Fig. 1. Application of the RDS-PP® using a photovoltaic free-field system.

KKS and RDS-PP® – VGB speaks the language of power plant engineering VGB PowerTech 1/2 l 2021

Thus, the KKS and RDS-PP® identification

systems are the “master key” to retrieve in- -NHC
formation processed in the different sys- H2
tems involved in power generation and to
link them with each other without redun-
dancy and errors.
KKS and RDS-PP® form the basis for digi-
talised plant management and are: =NHA =NHB
–– applicable in all conventional, nuclear
and renewable power generation plants, ELEN
–– consistent for the entire “life cycle” of a
plant, =NHE
–– manufacturer- and language-independ-
ent and
–– equal for all departments involved in
power generation operations.
Without this “language”, it would be virtu-
ally impossible to operate power genera-
tion plants economically and competitively
by simultaneously meeting current re- = NHG

quirements as regards occupational and

environmental safety, operational reliabil- H 2O
ity and availability. Besides, plant design-
ers, manufacturers, operators, service pro-
viders, licensing authorities, etc. would be ELEN Electric energy / Elektrische Energie
confronted with almost insoluble problems
and thus the existence of entire national Fig. 2. Illustration from the RDS-PP® Standard VGB-S-823-41, Application Guideline “Power to Gas”.
economies would be seriously jeopardised.

Development of the power plant

the KKS that were no longer covered by a er generation technologies such as wind,
identification systems valid standard and international require- water and photovoltaics and takes their ad-
KKS and RDS-PP® ments and specifications were no longer ditional requirements into due account. An
taken into account in the KKS. It became RDS-PP® application guideline is also al-
Since the mid-1970s, VGB and its members necessary to further develop the KKS and ready available for power-to-gas (F i g u r e
have continuously developed a power plant to adapt it to the valid international regula- 2 ). KKS and RDS-PP® are developed by
identification system in order to meet the tions. The Technical Group (TG) “Refer- VGB in the German and English language
needs in planning, construction and opera- ence Designation and Plant Documenta- (F i g u r e 3 and F i g u r e 4 ).
tion of power plants and to ensure uniform tion”, which had been set up by VGB in the
communication between all parties in- meantime, as successor of the VGB Techni-
volved. VGB set up the then VGB Technical KKS or RDS-PP?
cal Committee “Technical Classification
VGB PowerTech - All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten - © 2021

Committee “Technical Classification Sys- Systems”, made significant contributions

tems”, that was equally manned by repre- Since the end of the 1970s, the KKS has
to the development of the power plant been used successfully worldwide and has
sentatives of operators, experts, authori- standards DIN 6779-10 and DIN ISO/TS
ties and manufacturers to develop such a been further developed to RDS-PP® due to
16952-10. These IEC and ISO standards for international standardisation, which form
designation system. The system was devel- reference designation were published un-
oped parallel to or together with DIN its basis. Nevertheless, the KKS, which has
der the joint series of standards 81346 and now been tried and tested for decades, con-
40719-2 (first edition 1978) and the activi- form the basic standard of the reference
ties of VGB resulted in the Power Plant tinues to be used and is also applied in new
designation system for power plants – RDS- plants, especially if an existing fleet is al-
Identification System – KKS. The first edi- PP®: the consistent further development of
tion of the KKS was also published in 1978 ready designated with KKS and operational
the KKS. The RDS-PP® was first published management and control systems are ac-
as VGB Guideline VGB-B 105 and is cur- in the mid-2000s and is now in its 4th edi-
rently available in its 8th edition of 2018. cordingly available and also linked corre-
tion. About 90 % of the code letters of the spondingly, e.g. with a company informa-
With the help of the KKS, mechanical engi- KKS function key could be adopted in the
neering equipment was also labelled in ad- tion system (ERP) such as SAP.
new system key of the RDS-PP®. In contrast
dition to electrical equipment. Further- to the KKS, the RDS-PP® has been expand- In the wind sector, however, the newer
more, KKS was used as a basis for designat- ed to include indicator blocks for joint and RDS-PP® has become established and is
ing signals, connections and documents. functional assignment, i.e. links can be cre- used there rather than the KKS.
The guideline was completed by the func- ated between two functions. The RDS-PP®
tion, aggregate and equipment keys. With provides the basis for an object-oriented Additional use
its development, the KKS has established identification of individual plant compo- of designation systems
itself worldwide as a recognised “lan- nents with any number of relationships to
guage” and is used in countless power gen- other objects and is thus predestined to be Apart from communication, which is inde-
eration plants. The KKS thus became an applied in an operational management sys- pendent of manufacturers and which is in
“in-house standard” of VGB with interna- tem. The uniform and consistent structur- line with standards, the VGB identification
tional validity. ing as well as the unambiguous identifica- systems KKS and RDS-PP® are also used in
In 2000, DIN 40719-2 was withdrawn and tion of plants increases plant and personal other areas that are very important for the
IEC 61346-2, or DIN 61346-2, were pub- safety and excludes confusion. The RDS- safe and economic operation of power
lished. As a result, code letters were used in PP® was also developed for renewable pow- plants:

VGB PowerTech 1/2 l 2021 KKS and RDS-PP® – VGB speaks the language of power plant engineering

Furthermore, the KKS and the RDS-PP® are

also an indispensable prerequisite for
Basic Standards (incl. part thermal power plants)
benchmarking tasks. The analysis of weak
VGB-S-811-01-2018-01-EN VGB-B 106e VGB-B 105.1 points, both within and across companies,
KKS-Guideline for KKS-Application Explanations KKS-Begriffszuordnungsliste
Application and Key Part General & Specific zum Aggregate- und nationally and internationally, would hard-
ly be feasible without corresponding desig-

Supplementary power plant type specific parts nation and identification of individual
VGB-B 106 D1e
components and processes. The systems
KKS-Application Explanations
for Hydro Power Plants
are also used in VGB´s database KISSY. The
benefits of such benchmarks are indisput-
able and, again in terms of occupational
 safety, environmental compatibility, avail-
ability and economic efficiency, a fixed
item on the agenda of energy suppliers

Updating of KKS and RDS-PP®
VGB-S-831-00-2015-05-EN VGB-S-832-00-2012-06-EN-DE VGB-S-891-00-2012-06-DE-EN VGB-B 108 d/e

As mentioned before, the VGB TG “Refer-

Provision of Technical Designation codes for VGB abbreviation catalogue Rules for the creation of denomi-
Documentation for document kind for power plant technology nations and their application
Energy Supply Units classification code (DCC key) for power plant engineering
ence Designation and Plant Documenta-
Supplementary VGB-Standards tion” is primarily in charge of maintaining
DE/d/(void): German edition. EN/e: English edition. *List of terms assigned to the equipment unit keys, and component keys. only available in German. and updating the KKS as well as the RDS-
PP® (F i g u r e 5 ). About 15 experts from
Fig. 3. Overview of the KKS code and the associated VGB Standards with the basic standards the circle of operators, manufacturers and
and the generation-specific standard for hydropower. The standards are either published consultants work together in this group. In
as bilingual edition, German-English, or as separate German- or English-language publica- contrast to other VGB committees, the
tions. The publication VGB-B 105.1 is only available in the German language. The supple- work of the TG “Reference Designation and
mentary publications complete the basic set of KKS basic rules, especially with regard to Plant Documentation” is based on its own
rules of procedure. As in the predecessor
committee, all members of the technical
group still have equal voting rights and any
conflicts of interest are resolved immedi-
RDS-PP®-Standards ately in the group by the parties involved.
Basic Standards (incl. part thermal power plants)
The individual parties cooperate in a prac-
VGB-B 102 d/e
RDS-PP® Letter Codes
RDS-PP® Application Guideline
tical and results-oriented manner and are
System Key for Basic Functions Power Plants, General part of this symbiotic team of experts. This
and Product Classes
ensures that the individual interests of
Supplementary power plant type specific parts
each stakeholder can be optimally taken
VGB-S-823-31-2014-12-EN-DE VGB-S-823-32-2014-03-EN-DE VGB-S-823-33-2018-07-EN-DE into account.
RDS-PP® Application Guideline RDS-PP® Application Guideline RDS-PP® Application Guideline
Hydro Power Plants Wind Power Plants Photovoltaic Power Plants Problems that arise in daily work are
brought to the group‘s attention by opera-
VGB PowerTech - All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten - © 2021

VGB-S-823-34-2020-12-EN-DE VGB-S-823-41-2018-07-EN-DE tors or consultants. These issues are put on

RDS-PP® Application Guideline RDS-PP® Application Guideline
Combustion Engines Power to Gas the group´s agenda and are discussed in
order to identify solutions promptly. The
TG offers initial advice (first level support)

for questions concerning power plant des-

ignation and arranges experts for the im-

plementation of optimisation projects.

VGB-S-831-00-2015-05-EN VGB-S-832-00-2012-06-EN-DE VGB-S-891-00-2012-06-DE-EN VGB-B 108 d/e Representatives of VGB member compa-
Provision of Technical
Documentation for
Designation codes for
document kind
VGB abbreviation catalogue
for power plant technology
Rules for the creation of denomi-
nations and their application nies are invited to actively participate in
Energy Supply Units classification code (DCC key) for power plant engineering
the further development of the VGB power
Supplementary VGB-Standards plant designation systems and to support
DE/d: German edition. EN/e: English edition. shaping the future development of the des-
ignation systems.
Fig. 4. Overview of the RDS-PP® Standards and the associated VGB Standards with the basic
standards and the generation-specific Standard on hydropower, wind power, photovolta-
ics, combustion engines and “power to gas”. The standards are either published as bilin- Documentation and use
gual edition, German-English, or as separate German- or English-language works. The sup-
plementary publications complete the RDS-PP® basic set of rules, especially with regard to
of KKS and RDS-PP®
Thanks to the detailed explanations of KKS
On the one hand, the designation systems fiers for energy supply systems. With these and RDS-PP®, users are enabled to label
also offer the possibility of assigning docu- specifications, communication is signifi- their plants in accordance with regulations
mentation to the corresponding compo- cantly improved between all partners en- with the corresponding assignment of
nents/systems. In this context, the VGB trusted with the handling of documents. plant documentation.
documentation standards VGB-S-831-00 Unnecessary costs can thus be effectively Currently the KKS comprises a total of nine
and VGB-S-832-00 should be mentioned. and sustainably avoided and power plant VGB Standards in German or English with
These standards describe requirements for operators are enabled to operate their around 2,600 pages of documentation and
the scope of delivery of technical docu- plants independently and also independ- information. The KKS key part with func-
mentation and the use of document identi- ent of OEM. tion key, equipment unit key and compo-

KKS and RDS-PP® – VGB speaks the language of power plant engineering VGB PowerTech 1/2 l 2021

=MRH Regardless of the degree of industrialisa-
=MRE tion, power generation is undoubtedly one
of the most important and complex tasks of
a society. The reliable supply of energy and
thus the successful operation of each indi-
vidual power plant – regardless of the pri-
mary energy used – requires a designation
system for the consistent identification of
plant components and processes. KKS and
RDS-PP® offer these possibilities from
planning to orderly dismantling. Starting
with project planning, through plant oper-
ation and up to the planned end of opera-
tion, all process participants speak the
=MUG same “VGB language” and can thus com-
municate with each other nationally and
also internationally without any problems.
Thanks to this VGB power plant language,
data can be exchanged independently of
manufacturers and operators, enabling
Fig. 5: Image from the currently published RDS-PP Standard on „Power supply systems with inter- power plant operators to operate and
nal combustion engines“. maintain their plants independently and,
in the end, to dismantle them in compli-
nent key are made up of about 10,000 data ance with legal requirements and regula-
sets, each for German and English. The tions.
“KKS Pocketbook” (148 pages), which is
available free of charge as a print and eB-
ook, and the KKS app for iOS and Android For further information please visit VGB‘s
operating systems, which is also free of KKS/RDS-PP® topic page:
charge, support the user on site (Figure 6).
The RDS-PP® currently comprises a total of
10 VGB Standards in German or English The German language version of this article
was published in VGB POWERTECH 1/2
with around 3,200 pages of documenta- (2021), pp- 68. l
tion and information. The RDS-PP® key
part comprises about 9,000 data sets of the
system key. The free “RDS-PP Pocket-
book2” (German and English edition, 74
pages each), available as print and eBook,
as well as the KKS app for the operating
systems iOS and Android, which is also free
VGB PowerTech - All rights reserved - Alle Rechte vorbehalten - © 2021

of charge, support the user on site.

For the user and operator of KKS and RDS-
PP®, VGB also offers customised license
models that are oriented to the respective
requirements of a project, from planning to
construction and operation to decommis-

Fig. 6. iOS/Android-App for

KKS and RDS-PP.



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