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Manuscript received 13 January 2021

Revised manuscript received 2 March 2021
Manuscript accepted 16 March 2021

© 2021 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact

Published online 17 May 2021

Revisiting stepwise ocean oxygenation with authigenic barium

enrichments in marine mudrocks
Guang-Yi Wei1*, Hong-Fei Ling1*, Graham A. Shields2, Simon V. Hohl3, Tao Yang1, Yi-Bo Lin1 and Feifei Zhang1
 tate Key Laboratory for Mineral Deposits Research, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University,
Nanjing 210023, China
Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK
State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

ABSTRACT maximum constraint on the extents of global

There are current debates around the extent of global ocean oxygenation, particularly anoxic or euxinic seafloor. Further constraints on
from the late Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic, based on analyses of various geochemical the extent of global ocean oxygenation cannot be
indices. We present a temporal trend in excess barium (Baexcess) contents in marine organic- directly acquired based on these metal proxies.
rich mudrocks (ORMs) to provide an independent constraint on global ocean redox evolu- For modern fully oxidized ocean basins,
tion. The absence of remarkable Baexcess enrichments in Precambrian (>ca. 541 Ma) ORMs with Ba-limited conditions, excess barium
suggests limited authigenic Ba formation in oxygen- and sulfate-deficient oceans. By contrast, (Baexcess) accumulations in marine sediments are
in the Paleozoic, particularly the early Cambrian, ORMs are marked by significant Baexcess ­commonly linked to the formation of BaSO4-
enrichments, corresponding to substantial increases in the marine sulfate reservoir and oxy- supersaturated “microenvironments” in organic
genation level. Analogous to modern sediments, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic ORMs exhibit no matter linked to shallow-marine export produc-
prominent Baexcess enrichments. We suggest that variations in Baexcess concentrations of ORMs tivity (e.g., Bishop, 1988; Dymond et al., 1992;
through time are linked to secular changes in the marine dissolved Ba reservoir associated Paytan and Griffith, 2007; Martinez-Ruiz et al.,
with elevated marine sulfate levels and global ocean oxygenation. Further, unlike Mo, U, 2019). However, more systematic analyses of
and Re abundances, significant Baexcess enrichments in ORMs indicate that the overall ocean modern marine sediments deposited in different
oxygenation level in the early Paleozoic was substantially lower than at present. redox environments challenged the use of Baexcess
as a reliable proxy for paleo-productivity on a
INTRODUCTION seafloor redox, based on the principle that burial more global scale (Schoepfer et al., 2015). In
Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history is character- fluxes of these elements into ORMs are primar- particular, predominantly O2-deficient oceans
ized by a stepwise increase in atmospheric and ily determined by their ocean concentrations, of the Precambrian may have had a more exten-
oceanic oxygen levels, with two major steps rec- which are in turn related to global marine redox sive dissolved Ba reservoir in deep waters (cf.
ognized in the geologic record: the Great Oxida- states (Scott et al., 2008; Partin et al., 2013; Falkner et al., 1993; Crockford et al., 2019).
tion Event (GOE) between 2.4 and 2.1 Ga, and Reinhard et al., 2013; Sheen et al., 2018). Secu- At such times, the water column’s sulfate con-
the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event (NOE) lar changes in Mo, U, and Re concentrations in tents, rather than Ba concentrations, may have
between 0.8 and 0.55 Ga (Holland, 2006; Lyons ORMs have consistently supported the inference played a first-order control in Baexcess accumula-
et al., 2014; Knoll and Nowak, 2017). Multiple of stepwise increases in marine oxygen levels tion in ancient marine sediments (Torres et al.,
redox proxies have been used to track the long- throughout Earth’s history (Fig. 1) (Scott et al., 1996). Although Ba is not a redox-sensitive ele-
term redox evolution of Earth’s atmosphere 2008; Partin et al., 2013; Sheen et al., 2018). ment, the removal of Ba from the water column
and ocean (see reviews in Canfield [2005], Significantly elevated Mo, U, and Re enrich- is intrinsically linked to marine sulfate levels,
Och and Shields-Zhou [2012], and Tostevin ments through the NOE highlight that marine associated with global oceanic redox states and
and Mills [2020]), among which the concen- Mo, U, and Re reservoirs were potentially com- pyrite burial fluxes. In this view, Ba enrichments
trations of redox-sensitive metals (RSMs) in parable to those in the modern ocean as a result in ancient sediments depend on co-evolution of
marine organic-rich mudrocks provided insights of progressive ocean oxygenation. However, the dissolved Ba and sulfate reservoirs in the ancient
into temporal changes in marine redox states sizes of marine Mo, U, and Re reservoirs may oceans. In this study, we present Ba concentra-
(Robbins et al., 2016; Algeo and Li, 2020). not be linearly related to the dissolved O2 con- tions of ORMs from the Archean to the modern
Enrichments of Mo, U, Re, and Cr in marine centration of global seawater. Although large times, aiming to provide new insights into the
organic-rich mudrocks (ORMs, defined by hav- dissolved RSM reservoirs imply modern-sized extent of global ocean oxygenation throughout
ing a total organic carbon content of >0.4 wt%) global anoxic or euxinic seafloor sinks (Partin the Earth’s history. Combining with the esti-
have been used to reconstruct trends in global et al., 2013; Reinhard et al., 2013; Sheen et al., mated marine sulfate concentrations, we use
2018), this does not require modern-like dis- authigenic Ba concentrations in ORMs to recon-
*E-mails:; hfling@nju. solved O2 concentrations. In this view, Mo, U, struct the long-term evolution of the marine dis- and Re enrichments in ORMs only provide a solved Ba reservoir and further constrain the

CITATION: Wei, G.-Y., et al., 2021, Revisiting stepwise ocean oxygenation with authigenic barium enrichments in marine mudrocks: Geology, v. 49, p. 1059–1063,

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ian Volcanic Observatory) standards. We also
A compiled a literature database of Ba concentra-
tions and associated Al and total organic carbon
(TOC) contents in ORMs through geological
time. Because barite ore–bearing rocks associ-
ated with local hydrothermal or burial diagenetic
processes can exhibit extreme Ba enrichments
unrelated to global oceanic dissolved Ba con-
centrations, they were excluded from our data-
base and are not discussed further on. We also
chose the typical samples from the early Cam-
B brian for scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
observations in order to better constrain the sit-
ing and origin of particulate Ba in ancient ORMs
(Figs. S2 and S3 in the Supplemental Material1).
Authigenic Ba concentrations of analyzed
and literature marine sediments (i.e., non-detri-
tal particulate Ba, defined as Baexcess) were cal-
culated using the following:

 Ba 
 Ba  detritus =   ×  Al  bulk , (1)
 Al  detritus
 Ba  excess =  Ba  bulk −  Ba  detritus. (2)

The Ba/Al ratios of the detrital component

were derived from the average upper continental
crust (UCC) (AlUCC = 8.15%, BaUCC = 624 ppm)
(Rudnick and Gao, 2014). Temporal trends in
Baexcess enrichment in ORMs through the geo-
logical time are presented in Figure 2.


Dissolved Ba in the modern oceans is
­commonly sourced from continental weathering,
along with a relatively small flux of hydrother-
mal fluids, and is scavenged by the formation
and subsequent burial of particulate Ba (i.e., dis-
crete micrometer-sized barite) (Dickens et al.,
2003). Modern pelagic sediments typically have
significantly low Baexcess concentrations due to
low dissolved Ba concentrations and BaSO4-
undersaturated conditions of deep seawater
(Bridgestock et al., 2018). Given the high ­sulfate
concentration (∼29 mM) in modern fully oxi-
dized oceans, particulate Ba accumulations in the
Figure 1. Compilations of Mo, U, and Re concentrations in organic-rich mudrocks (A–C), cor- sediments are dominated by the limited dissolved
responding to evolution of Earth’s atmospheric oxygen content and key biological innovation Ba availability in the water column (<∼100 nM)
events through the Precambrian (D). PAL—present atmospheric level. Red lines in A–C denote (Martinez-Ruiz et al., 2019). Analogous to mod-
average values for Archaean, early Proterozoic (only for B), mid-Proterozoic, and Neoprotero- ern marine sediments, the Cenozoic and Mesozoic
zoic–Phanerozoic data (data from Scott et al., 2008; Partin et al., 2013; Sheen et al., 2018). Panel
D is modified from Lyons et al. (2014) and Knoll and Nowak (2017, and references therein). The ORMs consistently show low Baexcess concentra-
faded red curve represents a classical, two-step model of atmospheric oxygenation; the blue tions (<∼3500 ppm), demonstrating presumably
curve shows an emerging model from Lyons et al. (2014). The arrows denote possible “whiffs” of BaSO4-undersaturated conditions of the coeval
oxygen in the Archaean. GOE—Great Oxidation Event; NOE—Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event. seawater. By contrast, the Paleozoic ORMs are
characterized by significant Baexcess enrichments
global ocean oxygenation level in the critical spectrometer at the State Key Laboratory for (as much as 10,000–20,000 ppm), suggesting
geological periods. Mineral Deposits Research, Nanjing University
(China). The long-term reproducibility of the
METHODS measurements was better than 5% in this study,
Supplemental Material. Supplemental methods,
Figures S1–S5, and data sources. Please visit https://
New major and trace element data in this based on duplicated analyses of IAPSO (Inter- doi​ . org/10.1130/GEOL.S.14470863 to access
study were obtained using a Thermo Finnigan national Association for Physical Sciences of the the supplemental material, and contact editing@
Element XR inductively coupled plasma mass Ocean) seawater and BHVO-2 (Basalt, Hawai- with any questions.

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Figure 2. (A) Temporal
trends in excess barium
(Baexcess) enrichment in
organic-rich mudrocks
(data sources are pre-
sented in the Supplemental
B table [see footnote 1]).
Blue circles denote data
before the Neoproterozoic;
gray circles, data from the
Neoproterozoic to Paleo-
zoic; tan circles, data from
the Mesozoic and Ceno-
zoic. Brown bars indicate
temporal distribution of
bedded barite deposits
(Jewell, 2000). (B) Evo-
lution of marine sulfate
concentrations (blue line)
(with 2σ error bars, blue
shaded area) throughout
A the late Neoproterozoic
and Phanerozoic, modified
from Algeo et al. (2015).
Thermal Maximum.

more efficient trapping of Ba from the water high Baexcess, likely implying a transient increase concentrations throughout the Neoproterozoic
column compared to the modern ocean. The in marine sulfate reservoir following the GOE and Phanerozoic based on the calculation of
Baexcess concentrations of the Precambrian ORMs (Poulton et al., 2004; Planavsky et al., 2012). marine barite saturation (Fig. 3). The presum-
(>ca. 541 Ma) are low overall (<4000 ppm), The onset of significant Baexcess enrichments in ably BaSO4-undersaturated conditions in the
except for several high values in the Paleopro- ORMs occurred during the late Neoprotero- early Neoproterozoic oceans, demonstrated by
terozoic (ca. 1.8 Ga) (as much as 10,000 ppm). zoic through the early Cambrian (ca. 520 Ma) nonexistent Baexcess enrichments in ORMs, may
For Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic ORMs, the interval, which is marked by extreme Baexcess have facilitated accumulation of a notable dis-
lack of appreciable relationships of Babulk and enrichments in ORMs (Fig. 2A), corresponding solved Ba inventory from continental weather-
Baexcess to Al concentrations suggests no effects to substantially elevated marine sulfate levels ing or hydrothermal fluids. The marine dissolved
of continental detrital inputs on Ba accumu- during this period (Kah et al., 2004; Canfield and Ba reservoir during the early Neoproterozoic
lations in paleo-marine sediments (Figs. S5A Farquhar, 2009; Algeo et al., 2015). High Baex- was likely three orders of magnitude larger than
and S5B). cess enrichments in ORMs persisted through the that of the modern ocean (Fig. 3). The inception
For modern marine settings, clear correla- Paleozoic, suggesting the protracted existence of BaSO4-supersaturated oceans in the late Neo-
tions between accumulation rates of Baexcess of a large dissolved Ba reservoir in the Paleo- proterozoic led to an overall decrease in marine
and those of organic carbon were observed zoic oceans. By contrast, no appreciable Baexcess dissolved Ba concentrations; nevertheless, the
only in specific environments (e.g., the equato- enrichments are recognized in the Mesozoic and pervasive BaSO4-supersaturated conditions of
rial Pacific), challenging the use of Baexcess as Cenozoic ORMs, coincident with the inception the Paleozoic ocean required an oceanic Ba res-
a widely reliable proxy for paleo-productivity of a resiliently oxygenated ocean and rise to ervoir at least an order of magnitude larger than
(Schoepfer et al., 2015). In this study, the lack current marine sulfate concentrations since the that of the modern ocean (Fig. 3). The Mesozoic
of any appreciable correlations between Babulk Mesozoic (Algeo et al., 2015; Lu et al., 2018). and Cenozoic oceans, characterized by BaSO4-
or Baexcess and TOC contents is observed in the undersaturated conditions, more likely had low
Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic ORMs, especially LONG-TERM EVOLUTION OF THE dissolved Ba concentrations, close to that of the
in samples with notably high Babulk and Baexcess MARINE DISSOLVED Ba RESERVOIR modern ocean (Fig. 3).
concentrations (Figs. S5C and S5D). Notably AND GLOBAL OCEAN OXYGENATION Modern anoxic basins (e.g., Black Sea;
high Baexcess signals can be found in samples In each time interval, the ORMs may exhibit Framvaren Fjord, southern Norway) consis-
with either high or low TOC contents. In these either high or low Baexcess contents (Fig. 2), likely tently show notably higher dissolved Ba con-
contexts, we suggest that instead of marine pro- controlled by short-time-scale changes in marine centrations in deep seawater (280–460 nM)
ductivity, oceanic sulfate concentrations associ- redox state or depositional condition. How- relative to the global pelagic ocean (<100 nM)
ated with ocean oxygenation levels may have ever, the secular trend in Baexcess enrichments (Falkner et al., 1993) due to remobilization
played a first-order control on significant Baexcess in ORMs throughout the Neoproterozoic and of barites following sulfate reduction in sedi-
accumulations in the late Neoproterozoic and Phanerozoic is closely related to temporal evo- ment pore waters (e.g., Schoepfer et al., 2015).
Paleozoic ORMs (cf. Wei and Algeo, 2020). lution of the marine sulfate reservoir (Fig. 2; In some oxygen-depleted continental margins
The Precambrian oceans show inconspicuous also see Wei and Algeo, 2020). An increase in (e.g., Peru margin), the recycled Ba can dif-
Baexcess enrichments in ORMs, presumably due marine sulfate concentration accelerates the fuse upward and reprecipitate as a diagenetic
to pervasive deep-marine anoxia and limited consumption of dissolved Ba in the ocean via barite front across the sulfate-sulfide transition
sulfate concentrations (Canfield and Farquhar, barite precipitation. Thus, the Baexcess abundance zone in the sediment piles (Torres et al., 1996).
2009; Kah et al., 2004; Reinhard et al., 2013; in ORMs is determined by the relative sizes of Once the bottom waters are pervasively barite
Planavsky et al., 2014). However, some Paleo- marine sulfate and Ba reservoirs. We further supersaturated, successive barite accumulations
proterozoic ORMs (ca. 1.8 Ga) reveal relatively qualitatively estimate changes in seawater Ba in sediment piles are not likely quantitatively

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