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Grahita Ananta Ratri

Universitas Airlangga


This study aims to investigate the portrayal of domestic violence and forms of
radical resistance by women characters against the violence in the movie A
Vigilante (2018). The prevalence of domestic violence has become a
commonplace. As in the movie A Vigilante (2018), the women characters are
portrayed as radical characters. To pursue the aim of this study, a qualitative
methodology incorporating both narrative and non-narrative approaches and the
theory of radical feminism by Rosemarie Putnam Tong was employed. This study
also uses coping strategies theory by Lazarus and Folkman to analyze the
strategies used by women characters in resisting violence. The findings of this
study demonstrate that the women characters receive acts of physical violence.
Besides, the discussion also indicates that women characters represent radical
resistance by using strategic planful problem solving, confrontative coping, and
seeking social support. In conclusion, this movie represents a radical resistance.

Keywords: A Vigilante, Coping Strategies, Domestic Violence, Radical

Feminism, Resistance


Domestic violence is a social issue reaching across global

boundaries (Kaur & Garg 2008). In the domestic scope of violence, it

involves a spouse, a child, or other family members as abusers and victims
(, 2017). As in the statistical report of domestic violence
cases reported by The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence's
Vision that 1 in 4 women have experienced a form of violence by their
partner (2021). Therefore, the issue of domestic violence has received a lot
of attention, such as in the media. Currently, the media present issues in
various forms, one of which is movies. A movie as a mass media product
generally has the function of broadcasting information and entertaining
(Hasim, 2002:141). However, the movie industries usually also imply
issues that are relevant to the conditions of the time, and convey messages
through a movie for public consumption.
As in the movie A Vigilante (2018), where the issue of domestic
violence clearly depicted in the movie. However, the main woman
character in the movie, Sadie, is shown as a victim of domestic violence.
Thus, it changed Sadie’s character to become a person full of ambition to
take revenge on the man who had abused her. Not only Sadie's character, it
is also shown briefly that there are several victims of domestic violence,
which are Andrea Schaund and Charlene Jackson.
From this explanation, the writer aims to analyze the movie A
Vigilante (2018). It is a drama genre movie produced in the United States
which premiered on March 10, 2018 at South by Southwest, and was
released by Saban Films on March 29, 2019. The writer focuses on
identifying the portrayal of domestic violence experienced by women
characters in the movie. Apart from that, the writer also focuses on the
portrayal of women's fight against the violence, by using coping strategies
framework by Lazarus & Folkman (1984).
The vigilante behavior represented by the women characters is a
reaction to the helplessness of the acts of violence they have received. This
is in line with the theory that when someone does not believe in social
punishment by institutions, they tend to turn to vigilante violence because
they prefer to punish the perpetrators themselves and exercise social

control (Black, 1983). The punishment shown ranges from humiliating,
torturing, or executing the offender (Buckser, 1992; Patterson, 1999;
Young, 2005).


Related studies are summaries of studies that are relevant to research. In

this section, the writer will identify and evaluate related previous studies. The
writer finds several studies that have the same issue and theory as this

The first study is a journal article entitled “The Radical Feminism of

Imperator Furiosa's Character in Mad Max Fury Road Film (2015)” written
by Soraya Prasasty Marito Sibarani, M. Natsir, Fatimah M. Published on
January 1, 2020, this journal is incorporated in the Journal of Cultural
Sciences, University of Mulawarman. Radical feminism by Rosemarie P.
Tong is a theory that is applied to this journal. As a result, the writers found
that Imperator Furiosa showed characteristics related to two types of radical
feminism by Tong, including radical libertarian feminism and radical cultural
feminism. This study contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the two
branches of radical feminism, as well as depictions of female characters who
express radical feminist values.

The second study is a journal article entitled "Effects of Violence Against

Women in Suquth Al-Imam by Nawal El-Sa'Dawi: A Radical Feminism Study"
written by Syarifuddin. This journal was published in the April 2020 issue of
ESENSIA. This study attempts to identify the forms and impacts of violence
experienced by the female characters in the perspective of radical feminism.
Results of this study indicate that the main female character experiences
several forms of violence. This study provides comprehensice information
about violence and its impacts. In addition, this study also provides
perspectives on radical feminism theory.

The third study is an undergraduate thesis by Faridatul Candra Wahyu
Alriani entitled "Confronting Racial Discrimination: Coping Strategies Of
Non-Wasp People in Green Book Movie (2018)". The thesis was published by
Universitas Airlangga in 2020. Applying the theory of coping strategies by
Lazarus and Folkman, the study aims to reveal the coping strategies used by
the two non-WASP main characters in the film Green Book (2018). As a
result, the study reveals that the two characters show different types of coping
strategies in dealing with the issues depicted in the film. This study provides a
perspective regarding the analysis of coping techniques for characters in

The last study is a journal entitled "Coping Strategies in Free Guy Films
for Self-Character Development" by Nur Rohaeni Fuadi and Rufus Goang
Swaradesy. This journal aims to reveal how characters in movies Free Guy 1
and Free Guy 2 faces the challenges of technological developments that affect
human activities. The study contributes to the implementation of coping
strategy theory in the study as the findings disclosed in the journal.

The four related studies relevant with this study. The first and second
studies raised the issue of violence as this study, and also apply the same
theory, radical feminism by Rosemarie P. Tong. The third and fourth studies
raised different issue from this study, but the theory applied is related to this
study which is coping strategies theory.

In this study, the writer used the theory of Radical Feminism by

Rosemarie Putnam Tong. Radical feminism movement emphasizes its goal to
change the social system by carrying out radical and revolutionary opposition.
This theory has the principle of rejecting pressure between genders, especially
men. In relation to the issue of domestic violence, radical feminists hold the
belief that violence is a consequence of men's intention to exercise control
over women (Tong, 2009).

This study also applied the theory of coping strategies by Lazarus &
Folkman. The purpose is to find out the strategies used by the women
characters in overcoming situations of oppression that occur to them. Coping
strategies is divided into two branches which include problem focused coping
and emotional focused coping. In problem focused coping, the strategies used
by individuals in dealing with stressful situations are divided into planful
problem solving, confrontative coping, and seeking for social support.
Meanwhile, emotional focused coping consists of positive reappraisal,
accepting responsibility, self controlling, and distancing (Lazarus & Folkman,


This study used a descriptive qualitative method to produce descriptive,

detailed and systematic analysis of the data. This form of descriptive
qualitative research aims to make the elaboration of the phenomena or issues
to be studied intensively answered, as well as to provide a description of the
situation related to the discussion in a narrative form.

In addition, the writer also uses a narrative and non-narrative approach by

Corrigan and Patricia White as a framing to analyze the data collected, so that
the analysis can be comprehensive from various aspects such as narrative
dialogue, cinematography, to the values represented in the movie.

Sources of data in this study are divided into two; primary data and
secondary data. The primary data uses the movie A Vigilante which can be
accessed via an Amazon legal platform and prime video by subscribing to the
platform. Furthermore, secondary data is also used to support research,
including written documents such as books, journals, articles and other data
related to research.


In this section, an analysis will be elaborated on the scenes in the

movie A Vigilante (2018) which show the portrayal of domestic violence
on women characters, as well as the women characters' resistance to this
violence. The writer will analyze based on narrative and non-narrative

The Portrayal of Domestic Violence Towards Women

Characters in A Vigilante (2018)

A Vigilante (2018) portrayed a depiction of domestic violence

experienced by women characters. Feminist-informed definitions of
domestic violence have included coercive control and a range of abusive
behaviors such as physical, sexual, psychological, social, economic and
spiritual abuse (Laing & Humphreys, 2013; DeKeseredy, 2011). This
subchapter analyzes the forms of violence depicted in the movie A
Vigilante (2018) in a narrative and non-narrative way. The characters who
experience domestic violence in A Vigilante (2018) include Sadie, Andrea
Schaund, and Charlene Jackson.

The Portrayal of Domestic Violence Towards Saddie

The concept of violence and its impact on the character of Sadie in

the movie A Vigilante (2018) has been presented in the form of physical
violence. Acts of violence towards Sadie have been carried out by her
husband. It is not shown directly how Sadie received acts of violence in
the past. Even so, there is dialogue at 40:30 when Sadie tells about the
traumatic events that she often had in the past.

Sadie : “.... He would set my bones. After he broke them. When I

broke the rules. He never did it in front of Cody, though. He never
hurt me in front of him and I always used makeup to cover
anything. And we protected him.”

The dialogue ”He would... set my bones. After he broke them. ”
indicates that Sadie has received physical forms of violence in the past. As
based on the Oxford Dictionary, bone is the hard part of the skeleton that
is located in the human body. Furthermore, it seems that the violence she
received was not something she experienced only once, but several times
as shown by the word "always" she uttered in "He never hurt me in front
of him (Cody), and I always used makeup to cover anything".

Figure 1. Scars on Sadie's back

The scene at 09:08 shows Sadie's back full of scratches. In that

scene, Sadie is practicing martial arts. The type of medium close up shot
which shows Sadie's back tries to give an idea to the audience that Sadie
has received a form of physical violence, represented by wounds in the
form of scratches that bluish red. In addition, based on the lighting aspect,
it can be seen that the scene has lighting that looks brighter on Sadie's
back, but not so bright or flashy on the sides around it. The difference in
the lighter side of the light shows the highlight of a scene (Corrigan &
White, 2017). The scene shows that the impact of physical violence on
victims is not only painful, but also leaves scars for victims.

The Portrayal of Domestic Violence Towards Andrea Schaund

Another woman character who is told to experience domestic
violence is someone named Andrea Schaund. She was a victim of violence
by her husband, Schaund. Even though there are no scenes directly
showing the violence experienced by Andrea Schaund, several scenes
show the impact of the violence she experienced, namely in the form of
physical violence.

Figure 2. Andrea's injured hand

At 03:49, a close up type of shot shows Andrea's hand, which is

bandaged and in a cast, opening a can of food. The scene begins after
Sadie arrives at Andrea's house because she tells Sadie that she has
received abusive treatment from her husband. With the explanation of the
plot, it can be assumed that Andrea's injured hand has the probability that
it was the result of physical violence that she received from her husband.

The Portrayal of Domestic Violence Towards Charlene Jackson

Another woman character who is told to experience domestic

violence is a character named Charlene Jackson. She was a victim of
violence by her spouse. Even though there are no scenes directly showing
the violence experienced by Charlene, several scenes show the impact of
the violence she experienced, namely in the form of physical violence.

Figure 3. Scars on Charlene's mouth

Set in a kitchen at a minute 21:45, figure 3 was taken in a close-up

shot that focused on Charlene's overall face. By taking this shot, it can be
seen clearly that Charlene has a scar on her lips. Therefore, figure 3 can be
a sign that Charlene has received physical violence. Moreover, Charlene is
wearing earphones as seen in figure 3, which includes props in the scene.
With the music playing from the earphones, it shows that Charlene tried to
ignore her surroundings and destroying things in the room. The behavior
shown by Charlene can be interpreted that she has harbored anger.
Furthermore, women who experience violence tend to be hampered in
expressing their emotions because the negative affection they get in
troubled households tends to have an impact on their ability to express
emotions (Tsirigotis & Luczak, 2016).

The Coping Strategy of The Women Characters in Facing

Domestic Violence

The various forms of violence received by the women characters in

A Vigilante (2018) encourage their desire to be free from this situation and
take revenge on their abusers. In this effort, each individual has a different
strategy. The strategies used by individuals in overcoming their problems

refer to terms called coping strategies, which are ways that individuals do
to recover themselves from negative emotions and the effects of stressful
experiences experienced (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984).

This subchapter will analyze the forms of women character

resistance in A Vigilante (2018) by categorizing the data based on the
framework of coping strategies by Lazarus and Folkman. This subchapter
is divided into three discussions, each of which will analyze the forms of
coping strategies used by the characters Sadie, Andrea Schaund, and
Charlene Jackson.

The Coping Strategy Conducted by Saddie

As the main character in the movie A Vigilante (2018), Sadie is

told as a character who fights back and takes revenge on abusers from
domestic violence. Not only avenging her husband who was an abuser
who tortured her in the past, but Sadie also avenges other women
characters who ask for her help. Even so, the strategy shown by Sadie's
character in taking the fight is to use a problem-focused strategy, primarily
refer to planful problem solving and confrontative coping.

Planful Problem Solving

The planful problem solving strategy based on Lazarus and
Folkman (1984) refers to the method used by individuals in dealing with
situations by focusing on strategic planning to act in dealing with a
problem. In other words, instead of acting rashly, a planful problem
solving strategy tends to prepare more structured efforts with careful

Figure 4. Sadie practicing martial arts

In A Vigilante (2018), Sadie is often shown as a woman character

who has good self-defense. There are several scenes like in figure 4 which
is shown at 02:28 as the opening scene of the movie. Taken with a close
up angle shot that clearly shows Sadie's face and a bit of her arm that is
punching the pillow. Sadie's face is identifiably ambitious. The repetition
of the scene showing Sadie practicing martial arts indirectly emphasizes
Sadie's implicit purpose in conducted the exercise. Oftentimes, this scene
appears after Sadie receives a call from a fellow victim of domestic
violence. Thus, it can be interpreted that training in martial arts is an effort
to strengthen her strength so that she can fight abusers of domestic
violence. This is categorized as a form of planful problem solving because
Sadie's efforts were planned.

Meanwhile, Sadie's character, who often trains her self-defense,

can be said to represent an androgynous character in radical libertarian
feminism. As in today's Western society, practicing martial arts is still

considered a male-dominated activity, even because women's participation
in martial arts in Western history has been limited [Opliger 2013; Jennings
2014; Quinney 2015].

Confrontative Coping

Based on Lazarus & Folkman (1984), the type of confrontive

coping is an aggressive coping strategy that is carried out by individuals.
The aggressive form that characterizes this type of coping is the presence
of acts that show aggressive resistance, and generally these actions carry a
high risk. In the movie A Vigilante (2018), especially through the character
of Sadie, several times it is shown in the scene that she overcomes violent
behavior which tends to refer to confrontive coping.

Figure 6. Sadie kills her husband

Sadie's husband : “You're coming home.”

Sadie : “You killed our boy.

You killed our boy... because he saw the truth of you. You killed
our boy. And now, I'm gonna kill you.”

Furthermore, figure 6 is shown with a medium shot type, from this
position it can be seen that Sadie's husband is lying on the ground, while
Sadie is standing on top of him while stabbing a piece of glass to kill her
husband. Therefore, the scene is categorized as confrontative coping
because the actions taken by Sadie are included in her self-defense efforts,
but this coping has a very high level of risk because it involves
premeditated assassination attempts.

"You're coming home" that Sadie's husband uttered was an attempt

at manipulation used to regain control, power and control over himself.
"Home" is defined as a place to go home for someone. It's a form of
emotional manipulation by trying to remind Sadie of the home she once
had with him. In The Wheel of Power and Control (1984), Sadie's husband
tries to use male privileges related to control over himself.

Figure 7. Sadie commands Andrea's husband

Sadie : “.... Today you will do the following three things. You will
sign this house over to your wife. You will transfer 75% of your
funds to a bank account in her name. And you will leave, for

Aiming to help Andrea Schaund get rid of her abusive husband,
Sadie asks Schaund to do some of the things in the dialogue. The threat
that Sadie gave was an act of confrontative coping because the transfer of
hands over some of the assets and authority contained an element of
coercion, especially because Sadie physically fight Schaund before making
these demands. Based on confrontative coping, a person tends to do things
that are contrary to regulations (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). This type of
close up shot on both hands of Schaund who has typed something on the
keyboard shows that the hands which are full of wounds become the focus
of the scene. Indirectly, the scene emphasized that Sadie had physically
attacked Schaund.

The coping strategy conducted by Andrea Schaund

Andrea Schaund is a woman character in A Vigilante (2018) who is

told as a victim of domestic violence by her husband. The physical
violence that happened to her put her in a stressful situation. Therefore,
Andrea showed her desire to be free from this situation. The strategy
shown by Andrea is to seeking for social support. Moreover, seeking
social support is a strategy used by Andrea. The strategy reacts by seeking
support from other parties both physically and non-physically.

Seeking Social Support

Andrea : “I'm looking out the window, and the trucks won't stop
coming. My name is Andrea Schaund. I live at 176 Hillside
Terrace, Kingston.

My husband's out of the house on weekdays between 8:00 am and

7:00 pm, so it's safe to meet then. But I have two children who
come home at 4:00, and I don't want them to be hurt. He'll hurt
them if I leave.”

The violence that Andrea Schaund received prompted her to

avenge her husband, Schaund. As in the narration above, it was a voice

message that Andrea sent to Sadie. "I'm looking out the window, and the
trucks won't stop coming" became the beginning of the sentence said by
Andrea. That too was a sentence spoken by Charlene Jackson, another
woman victim of violence who also asked for help from Sadie. Those two
sentences are a code used by survivors of violence if they want Sadie to
avenge them. Therefore, it can be said that the strategy used by Andrea in
overcoming the problems faced is seeking help or seeking for social
support based on the theory of Lazarus and Folkman (1984).

Based on this theory, someone who implements a strategy by

asking for social support can be in the form of information assistance,
support assistance, to physical or non-physical support (Lazarus &
Folkman, 1984). In the movie, Sadie assists Andrea in avenging her by
physically fighting and subduing Schaund. Sadie also pressures Schaund
into complying to do the three things in Andrea's favor.

The coping strategy conducted by Charlene Jackson

Another woman character who is also told as a victim of violence

and shows resistance is Charlene Jackson. As a victim of violence by her
partner, Charlene experienced a stressful situation and was affected
emotionally as described in the previous discussion. Trying to get out of
this situation, Charlene demonstrated a problem-focused strategy
according to the theory by Lazarus and Folkman (1984). She tries to ask
for support or assistance from other parties to free her from the abuser.
Therefore, it can be said that Charlene's strategy against violence is
seeking social support.

Seeking Social Support

Charlene : “I'm looking out the window and the trucks won't stop
coming. My name is Charlene Jackson. I live at 98 Scomen Road,

He let me come to the store with him, this is a stranger's phone. I
gotta go.”

The narration above is the voice message she sent to Sadie in

minute 20:37. Based on the theory of coping strategies by Lazarus and
Folkman (1984), it is interpreted that Charlene uses a seeking social
support strategy.
In her voice message, Charlene said that "this is a stranger's phone, I
gotta go" implies that at that time Charlene only borrowed a stranger's
phone. In other words, it meant that Charlene might not have access to any
means of communication. As a means of communication is that
communication is the process of creating meaning as well as ascribing it.
It is the exchange of interaction among group members (Giffin & Patten
(1976). Charlene's limited ability to use a means of communication, her
partner has a fear that Charlene will contact someone or ask for help.
Correlating the limitations and violence that Charlene received, it
showed that she did not have enough power to put up a fight. According to
Lazarus and Folkman (1984), when a person is unable to put up a fight,
she tends to experience situations that make her depressed. In that
situation, Charlene enlists Sadie's help to get her out of the situation.


A Vigilante (2019) represents the issue of domestic violence by

placing women characters as victims of domestic violence who were
originally oppressed by men characters as abusers. The three women
characters are in the same oppressed condition, as victims who receive
physical violence. Most of the physical acts of violence in A Vigilante
(2018) are depicted indirectly, but can be found in scenes that show
physical injuries to the women characters. In addition, the abuser of the
victims of violence in A Vigilante (2018) is the victim's spouse.

Most of the storylines in A Vigilante (2018) then show the
resistance of the women characters against their partners. The resistance of
the women characters including Sadie, Andrea Schaund, and Charlene
Jackson is depicted radically towards their oppressive situation then refers
to efforts to fight against this oppression using certain coping strategies.
The strategies coordinated by each of the women characters indicate that
the three women are using problem focused coping according to the
Coping Strategy theory by Lazarus and Folkman.

Moreover, Sadie's character as the main character in the movie

represents the value of radical feminism, primarily in the form of radical
libertarian feminism through the representation of her androgynous
character. In contrast to Andrea Schaund and Charlene Jackson, the
character Sadie implements a planful coping strategy and confrontative
coping. On the other hand, the characters Andrea Schaund and Charlene
Jackson implement a type of coping strategy that refers to seeking social
support. The strategy of seeking social support was demonstrated by
Andrea Schaund and Charlene Jackson by asking for help from Sadie to
free them from their abusers.

To conclude, A Vigilante (2018) tries to emphasize how acts of

violence can have an inferior impact on victims. The depressing conditions
for the victim give rise to a desire to be free from existing oppression. A
Vigilante (2018) shows women's resistance to oppression through the
utilization of their own resources which then leads to coordinating coping
strategies. Through a radical representation of women characters, A
Vigilante (2018) conveys a message against violence in the domestic


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