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Choose the best answer!

Read the text to answer questions 1 – 3.

There will be a school trip to Kuta Bali on 24 th of Desember
Departure : 07.30 a.m.
Programs : swimming, games, volley ball and lunch at the sea view restaurant.
Afternoon : walk along the beach and watch the flying kite festival.
Fee : Rp. 900.000,-
Contact Person : Andi, Zahra

Chair person,


1. The purpose of writing the text is … .

A. to inform about flying kite festival
B. to announce about walking along the beach
C. to give information about a school trip to Bali
D. to inform about swimming, and games in Kuta beach

2. How many programs will be held?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

3. The word ‘fee’ in the text is closest in meaning to … .

A. cost
B. money
C. value
D. number

Read the text to answer questions 4 – 6.

To : Anna

Hi, Anna. Do you know our singing rehearsal is canceled

this afternoon? Mr. Budiman told me this just now. Our
practice will be done on Wednesday afternoon after Ms.
Hanina has come back from Semarang. So, how about
going to booksore? Oh yes, Riri is ready to accompany us,
you know. Reply soon.


4. What do you think the receiver of the massage?

A. A singer.
B. A student.
C. A teacher.
D. A singing trainer.
5. What will the receiver suppose to do after reading the message?
A. Join the singing practice this afternoon.
B. Wait Ms. Hanina back from Semarang.
C. Tell Anna wether she will join her or not.
D. Told Mr. Budiman that she couldn’t join the practice.

6. “Riri is ready to accompany us, you know.”

The underlined words refers to ....
A. Anna and Riri
B. Della and Riri
C. Anna and Della
D. Della and Ms. Hanina

The following text is for questions number 7 to 9.


In accordance with the international security regulations, the following items are never allowed to be
taken onto a plane by passangers, either in their carry-on bags or in their checked luggage: weapons,
including knives and guns; explosives, including dynamite and fireworks.

The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags. Tools, including
hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches; sports equipment such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis and
ski poles.

When you pass through the security line, all bags go through our x-ray machines and some bags will
be manually checked by personnel, as well.

Thank you for your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

7. What is the the announcement about?

A. International airport security regulations.
B. Items brought in passengers’checked luggage.
C. The procedures when passing through the security line.
D. The annoucement to have the passengers’bags be checked manually.

8. What can’t be brought onto airplanes according to the announcement?

A. Hammers.
B. Golf clubs.
C. Fireworks.
D. Wrenches.

9. Why do we must follow the regulations ?

A. To have a safe flight.
B. To have pleasant vacation.
C. To pass through the security line.
D. To prove that we are good citizens.

The following text is for questions number 10 to 13.

Is celebrating her
Sweet seventeen birthday
Let’s celebrate with her
On Sunday ,March 5th, 2018
at 3.30 p.m
Rinjani Ball room
To confirm your attandance
Please contact Fatimah
WA/Sms only (085) 454 - 69731
10. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To tell the birthday party.
B. To ask people to join party.
C. To confirm attendance to Fatimah.
D. To ask people to attend Adinda’s birthday party.
11. After reading the text above, the address will likely ... their attandance
A. go to
B. cancel
C. ordered
D. make sure
12. What will likely the invitee do?
A. At night
B. In the morning.
C. In the evening.
D. In the afternoon.
13. To confirm your attandance please contact Fatimah” The underlined word is closest in
meaning to ...
A. see
B. meet
C. text
D. pick up

The following text is for questions number 14 to 16.

Dear Rangga,

All your hard work have been paid off. You got the silver medal in National Science
Olympiad. I knew you could do it. I hope next year you will be the best.

Congratulation. I’m really proud of you.


Your Teacher

14. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To pray a better future for someone.
B. To appreciate someone’s hard work.
C. To congratulate someone on his success.
D. To ask someone to celebrate his winning.

15. ” You got the silver medal in National Science Olympiad.” From this sentence we can
infer that Rangga was ….
A. the runner up
B. the champion
C. the participant
D. the third winner

16. “All your hard work have been paid off.” The underlined word is closest in meaning
to .…
A. given
B. finished
C. rewarded
D. completed
This following text is for question number 17-20

Silvia Edith is my mom. She is very important to me, because she teaches me to be better
every day. She is a good example to me , and I love her for many more reasons.
My mom is 40 years old, but she doesn't look like it. She is medium of height. Her hair is
short, wavy, and blondy. Her eyes are small and brown. Her skin is soft and white. She has a
beautiful smile. Some people say I look like her when she was teenager.
My mother has many talents and very diligent. She can type on a computer very fast, she
likes to dance and cook.
My mom works as a junior high school teacher. She likes to teach in her areas, which are
science and geography. She loves to teach because she says it was her dream when she was a
child. Also, she says she learns when she teaches other people. She works hard every day
because she loves her work and she likes to learn something new every day.

17. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To share writer’s felling.

B. To share about the mom’s appearance.

C. To show the writer’s mom daily activities.

D. To tell a decription of the writer’s lovely mom.

18. The writer describes that her mom is ....

A. teacher

B. hard worker

C. weak and old

D. important and good example

19. “She loves to teach…”

The underlined word has closest meaning to…

A. hate
B. eager
C. like
D. brave

20. “She is very important to me”.

The underlined word can be replaced by....

A. immortal

B. impatient

C. significant

D. incredible

Text for questions no. 21-24!

Standing 333 meters high in the center of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower is the world's tallest,
self-supported steel tower and 13 meters taller than its model, the Eiffel Tower. A symbol of
Japan's post-war rebirth as a major economic power, Tokyo Tower was the country's tallest
structure from its completion in 1958 until 2012 when it was surpassed by the Tokyo Skytree. In
addition to being a popular tourist spot, Tokyo Tower serves as a broadcast antenna.

A second set of elevators connect the main observatory to the 250 meter high special
observatory, from where you can get a bird's eye view of Tokyo from high above the
surrounding buildings. The special observatory is the third highest observation deck in Tokyo.
When visibility is good, visitors can see the Tokyo Skytree and Mount Fuji in the distance.

The closest subway stations to Tokyo Tower are Onarimon Station on the Mita Subway
Line, Akabanebashi Station on the Oedo Subway Line and Kamiyacho on the Hibiya Subway
Line, which are all about a 5-10 minute walk from the tower. Alternatively, you can reach the
tower in about a 15-20 minute walk from Hamamatsucho Station on the JR Yamanote Line or
Daimon Station on the Asakusa or Oedo subway lines.

21. What is the text mainly about?

A. It’s about Tokyo.

B. It’s about Eiffel Tower.

C. It’s about Tokyo Tower.

D. It’s about Japanese symbol.

22. Actually the height of Eiffel Tower is ….

A. 250 meters

B. 320 meters

C. 333 meters

D. 346 meters

23. You will only take more or less 17 minutes to the Tokyo tower if you depart from ….

A. Mita Subway Line

B. JR Yamanote Line
C. Hibiya Subway Line
D. Onarimon Subway Line

24. “Standing 333 meters high in the center of Tokyo, Tokyo Tower is the world's tallest,
self-supported steel tower and 13 meters taller than its model, the Eiffel Tower.”

The underlined word above refers to ….

A. Tokyo tower
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Steel Tower
D. Center of Tokyo

Text for questions no. 25-28!

The first time I visited Florence was in 1990, I had never been to Italy before and it was
very exciting to step out of the central train station, La Stazione della Santa Maria Novella, and
into the ancient streets. The immediate impression I had was that the Tuscan township had been
suspended in time, everything surrounding the train station, the beautiful church of Santa Maria
Novella, the tenement buildings, even the shops and restaurants are all four or five hundred years
old. I felt like I had travelled back in time half a millennium.

The first historical place I visited was the Uffizi Palace, the main art gallery, which
houses paintings by artists such as Sandro Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael amongst many
others. There was an overwhelming range of Renaissance art, and after completing a round tour
of all those extraordinary works of art, I found a quiet little cafe in which to relax with a truly
authentic cappuccino. There was a vast choice of cafes and restaurants all around the Uffizi
Gallery and almost everywhere within the central township you are never more than a stone’s
throw from somewhere to indulge in fine Italian cuisine.

After visiting the Uffizi, I decided to investigate the magnificent Pitti Palace, located a
short stroll across the Ponte Vecchio and adjacent to the delightful Boboli Gardens, the
magnificent 14th century palace is a ‘must-see’. Within close quarters also were the Palazzo
Vecchio in the Piazza della Signoria and of course the Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral the world
renowned marvel of engineering designed by Fillipo Brunelleschi in the mid 15th century.

I strongly recommended spending at least a week in Florence to take in all the beautiful
art and architecture and needless to say, to enjoy some of the wonderful gastronomic delights this
beautiful Tuscan town has to offer.

25. What is the text mainly about?

A. The writer’s amazing feeling of Florence.

B. The writer’s great experience on designing Florence.

C. The writer’s glorious experience on enjoying Florence’s building.

D. The writer’s wonderful experience on tasting the delicious food in Florence.

26. There are so many… in the mid-city of Florence.

A. houses

B. modern buildings

C. cafes and restaurants

D. apartments and malls

27. The writer suggested to stay in Florence ….

A. less than a week

B. a minimum of a week

C. no more than a week

D. more than two weeks

28. “I strongly recommended spending at least a week in Florence to take in all the beautiful art
and ….”

The underlined word above means ….

A. to experience

B. to compile information

C. to accommodate someone or something

D. to bring all the extraordinary things

How to operate a coffee maker

1.Fill the 2.Turn on and

reservoir with preheat
water. themachine.

3. Set up the portafilter.

4. Rinse and dry 5. remove the portafilter

the portafilter. from the group head and
transfer the grounds to the

6. Use your finger to distribute the 7. Lock the portafilter into its
grounds and level off the top. position in the group head. Place
a glass cup below the spout. Turn
on the water and the espresso
will pour out the spout and into
the cup.

29. What is the writer’s intention about writting the text?

A. Describe the coffee maker

B. Tell the user how to use the machine.
C. Give an example of using the machine.
D. Tell the reader about the tips of using the mechine.

30. What should the user do before drying the portafilter?

A. Fill the reservoir with water.

B. Turn on and preheat the machine.
C. Rinse the portafilter
D. Set up the portafilter.

31. What will happen if we don’t dry the portafilter?

A. The machine will be stuck.

B. The portafilter will run well.
C. The machine can be operated
D. The portafilter will be full of the coffee seeds

32. “...into its position in the group head.”(step 7). What does the word its refer to?

A. A spout
B. A glass cup
C. A Portafilter
D. A group head

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with farmers and hunters.
One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He prayed hard to God for help
or his family would die of starvation. Few days later, an old man with long grey beard, passed by
his house took pity on him. He gave him a goose and said “I didn’t have any expensive thing to
give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to almost
surprise the farmer found and egg in his yard.
This was no ordinary egg. It was a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his earlier hardship.
He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every
six months.
The greedy farmer lost his patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of
golden eggs inside its stomach. Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already
too late.

Read the text, and then choose the best choice to each question.

33 What is the topic of the text?

A. A Goose.
B. Golden Egg.
C. Foolishness.
D. Farmer in china.

34. What is the main problem of the text above?

A. The goose is lucky for him.

B. The foolishness’s farmer is too late.
C. A Farmer lost his entire livestock to food.
D. An old man passed his house took pity on him.

35. What happened after a poor farmer met an old man?

A. He became hardship, patient and a nice person.

B. He became arrogant, lazy and patient.
C. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
D. He became foolish, arrogant and patient.

36. An old man looked like.........

A. a stingy man

B. a Dishonest person

C. a kind person

D. an arrogant man

A landslide or landslip is a natural disaster, something which is unfortunately

unavoidable. Landslides can vary in size but usually they always involve a large ground
movement. This can be things such as debris and rock failing. A landslide can occur on shore or
off shore and usually at coastal lines but it is the gravity that forces the debris and rocks to fall
and for a total landslide to occur. If an area has some pre conditional factors, it could help to
build up a lot of problems, sub surface problems and conditions from arising. The conditions
could make the slope to continuously product landslides.

The Causes of a landslide: Erosion – if this occurs, even just slightly, can make some of
the slope to fall in to oceans or rivers. Glaciers can also have a landslide – there is not much of a
different from a cliff top. Instead, the ice melts or is subject to heavy rain and causes a slight
shift from a glacier. Earthquakes – this brings about a sharp change in the slope and makes it
unstable. Groundwater can destabilize the slope putting pressure on it greatly.

Volcanoes erupting – this can cause the slope to become unstable. Soil structure can
change. However, these are all natural causes for a landslide to occur but human activities can
contribute to cause a landslide. Heavy machine vibrations in the ground Deforestation can
make fragile slopes unstable.


37. The text above mostly talks about....

A. the variety of disaster

B. the general information about landslide

C. the type of causes of land slide disaster

D. the tips about how to avoid land slide disaster

38. A sharp change in the slope and makes it unstable is called..........

A. a landslide

B. erosion

C. earthquakes

D. glaciers

39. A Glacier is a natural phenomenon when....

A. the big ice is melting

B. the soil felt down in to the river

C. it brings about a sharp change in the slope

D. it can cause the slope to become unstable

40. This kind of text will be useful for....

A. people who want to go traveling

B. people who like to study about soil

C. people who want to observe polar

D. people who want to recite natural phenomenon

Turtles are prehistoric group of reptiles that developed when the dinosaurs were still
living on earth. They are known as a slow-moving animal and indeed certain land turtles are
quite slow. However, some species such as sea turtles tend to move faster, even on land. The
land turtles are also known as tortoises.

Turtles can be found in most parts of the world, except in the coldest regions. They
mostly spread over from south-eastern North America to south-eastern Asia. Most turtles live in
fresh water. Other species live in salt water or on land. Turtles inhabit the oceans, lakes, ponds,
salt swamps, rivers, woodlands, and even deserts.

Turtles’ sizes and appearances vary significantly among different species. The smallest
one, for examples mud turtles, may be less than 10 cm in length and less than 0,5 kg in weight.
In contrast, the Atlantic leatherback turtle grows to a length of more than 2 m and may weigh
more than 680 kg.

Most turtles have a hard shell surrounds their body, protecting their vital organs like a suit of
armor. The shell is separated into two parts, an arched upper section, called carapace, and a flat
lower section, called plastron. Most of turtle species can tuck their head, legs and tail into it for
protection from predator. However, other species don’t have such feature.
Turtles are omnivores. They eat living or dead plant and animal. They eat smaller creatures,
involving snails, insects, worms, jellyfish, clams, crayfishes, and other crustaceans. However,
many tortoises are herbivores, eat only plants.

Some turtles are kept as pets by animal lover, but people in several regions of the world
also eat their meat and eggs. In United States, for instance, certain species of turtles are harvested
for sale to restaurants. This practice makes many native species, the snapping turtles, for
instance, have been drastically reduced in numbers. Furthermore, turtle populations have
decreased worldwide since their environments have completely changed or been damaged. A
few of turtle species, including most tortoises and sea turtles, are in danger of completely in
danger of extinction nowadays.

(Adapted from Britannica Elementary Library)

41. What does the intention of the writer write the text above?

A. To retell about body of turtel.

B. To share about the eggs of turtel.

C. To describe the turtel as a predator.

D. To describe the turtel in general.

42. How length is the Atlantic leatherback turtle?

A. Less than 2 m.

B. More than 2 m.

C. Less than 10 cm.

D. Only 2 m.


43. What does the writer expect the readers to do after reading the text?
A. To hunt and destruct turtle’s habitats.
B. To stop people in several regions of the world to eat turtles’ meat and eggs.
C. To think that turtle’s meat is important for health.
D. To make sure that turtle can increase their population in the world today.

Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant.When we got to the zoo,we
went the shop to buy some food to give to the animals. After getting the food,we went to the
nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at the night.

Before having lunch,we went for a ride on the elephant.It was a thrill to ride it.Dad fell
off when he let go off the rope,but he was ok. During the lunch we fed some birds in the park.In
the afternoon we saw the animals being fed.When we returned home we were very tired but
happy.It was because we had so much fun activities at many places at the zoo

44. The purpose of writing the text above is to.....

A. Persuade the reader to go to the zoo

B. Describe about the zoo

C. Retell the writer’s experience go to the zoo

D. Inform the reader about the zoo

45. Why did the writer and his family feel very tired after having a trip to the zoo ?

A. They had to visit many places in the zoo

B. They took a long time to reach the zoo

C. They had to feed a lot of animals in the zoo

D. They had no time to take a rest in the zoo

46. ....our family felt tired after visiting the zoo,we were still happy.

A. Since C. Because

B. Although D. Nevertheless

Once upon a time, there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of
elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them
were even crushed to death.

Then, the king of rats decided to approach the elephant chief and request him to guide his
herd through another route. Hearing the sad story, the elephant king apologized and agreed to
take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day, elephant hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge
nets. Then the elephants king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned one of
the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to seek help from the king of rats.
The elephant went to the rat king and told him about the trapped elephants. The rat king
immediately tools his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the
elephants herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. The danced with joy and thanked the rats.


47. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To tell the difference between elephant and rat.
B. To retell a story about a friendship of two animals.
C. To amuse the reader with a story about elephants and rats.
D. To show a story how the rats can help the elephants from the hunter.

48. Knowing that the lion was trap by the hunter’s snare, what did the mouse do?
A. Asked for a help to the other animals.
B. The rats don’t care about the elephants.
C. The rats then bit the net to make the elephants free from the trap
D. The rats were rushing to the hunter and bit him so the elephants can escape.

49. “Many of them were even crushed to death.” (par. 1) The word “them” refers to….

A. the rats
B. the hunter
C. the elephants
D. the other animal

50. The rat king immediately tools his entire group of rats...... they cut open the nets which had
trapped the elephants herd..
A. so C. and
B. but D. although

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