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Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in Spectrum Access System Using
Q-Learning Algorithm

Article in IEEE Access · January 2022

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3180753


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6 authors, including:

Waseem Abbas Riaz Hussain

COMSATS University Islamabad COMSATS University Islamabad


Jaroslav Frnda Shahzad Malik

University of Žilina 71 PUBLICATIONS 973 CITATIONS

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Received April 28, 2022, accepted May 28, 2022, date of publication June 8, 2022, date of current version June 13, 2022.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3180753

Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in

Spectrum Access System Using Q-Learning
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad 45550, Pakistan
2 Department of Quantitative Methods and Economic Informatics, Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communication, University of Žilina,
01026 Zilina, Slovakia
3 Department of Telecommunications, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, 70800 Ostrava, Czech

Corresponding authors: Waseem Abbass ( and Muhammad Awais Javed (
This work was supported in part by the Institutional Research of the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and
Communications, University of Zilina, under Grant 2/KE/2021; and in part by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech
Republic conducted by the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czechia, under Grant SP2022/5.

ABSTRACT Spectrum access system (SAS) is a three-tier layered spectrum sharing architecture proposed
by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz
band. The available 150 MHz spectrum is dynamically shared among Incumbent Access (IA), Primary
Access Licensees (PAL) and General Authorized Access (GAA) users. IA users are the highest priority
federal military users, PAL users are the licensed users and the GAA users are the least priority unlicensed
users. In this scenario, PAL operators are willing to give access to their idle spectrum to GAA users to
generate extra revenue. SAS will ensure to protect IA users and PAL users from interference caused by lower-
tier users. It is the responsibility of SAS to allocate resources to GAA users but the method to do so is left
open. In this article, a novel auction algorithm based on Q-learning for dynamic spectrum access (SAS-QLA)
is proposed. In SAS-QLA, multiple GAA users dynamically and intelligently bid using Q-learning to access
PAL reserved idle channels. SAS will decide to allocate the channels to GAA users with maximum bidding
offers. GAA users have their own quality of service (QoS) demands i.e., transmission rate, packet loss,
bidding efficiency, and maintain the preference of available PAL reserved idle channels based on Q-learning
considering the available QoS. The proposed scenario is also modeled as a knapsack NP-hard problem and
solved using dynamic programming and distributed relaxation method. Numerical results demonstrate the
effectiveness of the SAS-QLA algorithm in improving the bidding efficiency, maximizing the data rate per
unit cost and spectrum utilization.

INDEX TERMS Auction algorithm, CBRS-SAS, GAA bidding, Q-learning.

I. INTRODUCTION The radio spectrum is a limited resource and the efficient

Over the decade, the demand for internet-based applications, use of the radio spectrum is the main concern of cellular
the internet of things (IoT), and machine-to-machine com- network operators, industry, and government. The federal
munications is increasing exponentially. To meet the require- communications commission (FCC) proposed to share the
ments, flexible and rapid access to the radio spectrum is radio spectrum held by the government with commercialized
needed. Fifth-generation (5G) cellular communication sys- access in the USA [2].
tems provide efficient data connectivity with high speed [1]. The citizens broadband radio service band (CBRS)
3.5 GHz (3550 MHz – 3700 MHz) band was proposed to be
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and shared with licensed and unlicensed users [3]. A centralized
approving it for publication was Anandakumar Haldorai . framework based on the spectrum access system (SAS) was

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
60790 VOLUME 10, 2022
W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

introduced to share the radio spectrum held by the govern- idle channel. The GAA users can consider factors like trans-
ment with licensed and unlicensed users. Moreover, three mission opportunity, environmental factors, and current state
types of users are introduced in the SAS framework [4]. to make their bid independently. Meanwhile, PAL operators
Incumbent access (IA) users are the highest priority users ensure to generate profits and lease radio spectrum to the
such as navy radars and fixed earth stations. Primary access GAA users with a maximum bid. Moreover, a mathematical
licensee (PAL) users are the second priority, commercial model to allocate the available idle PAL reserved channel to
license holders. PAL users pay for the license to get a the best bidder i.e., GAA user, is proposed that is based on the
guaranteed quality of service (QoS). General authorized classical Knapsack problem. The formulated NP-hard prob-
access (GAA) users were introduced as unlicensed users lem is solved using the dynamic programming and distributed
that opportunistically access the available radio spectrum. relaxation method.
In SAS based CBRS framework 150 MHz band is distributed In the defined scenario of SAS-based architecture where
between PAL and GAA users. 70 MHz band (3550 MHz GAA users have to select a channel from the list of avail-
– 3620 MHz) is dedicated to PAL users and the 80 MHz able idle PAL reserved channels with the best data rate and
(3620 MHz-3700MHz) band is reserved for unlicensed GAA minimum cost. This problem can be modeled as a knapsack
users. PAL operators can acquire the radio spectrum through problem as the GAA users have the only option to accept the
competitive bidding for a region for up to three years. More- channel for transmission or reject the channel. In the scenario
over, there can be a maximum of four PAL operators and of a greedy knapsack problem, a portion of the item can
each PAL operator can get a maximum of four radio bands also be sacked. In our case, it is not feasible as GAA users
of 10 MHz each from 70 MHz dedicated radio spectrum for cannot take a portion of the channel. Therefore, the problem
PAL users. The 80 MHz (3620 MHz - 3700 MHz) radio is modeled as a knapsack 0-1 problem because each channel
spectrum band is reserved for GAA users and can be used has an individual weight and a value that will be used by
for unlicensed services. QoS is not guaranteed to GAA users GAA users to decide whether to accept or reject the channel.
but the users can opportunistically access the PAL reserved There are some well-known algorithms available to solve
radio spectrum to get the required QoS if the quality of PAL the knapsack problems i.e., greedy algorithms [12], dynamic
users is not compromised. Furthermore, PAL users cannot use programming [13], branch and bound [14], e-t-c. A dynamic
GAA reserved radio spectrum [5]. SAS is the central entity programming algorithm is used in the scenario where a prob-
in the CBRS-SAS framework to authorize spectrum sharing lem can be segmented into sub-problems. To solve a prob-
between PAL and GAA users. It is also the responsibility of lem, a dynamic programming algorithm solves individual
SAS to protect IA users from interference caused by PAL and sub-problems to get a solution for a particular sub-problem.
GAA users [6]. In the end, it joins all the solutions to get an optimal solution.
The SAS based CBRS architecture is different from con- Whereas genetic algorithms find the optimal solution from
ventional cellular networks and a lot of research has been a list of available solutions. Genetic algorithms are suitable
done in the domains of spectrum access, adaptive resource when there is already a solution set is available. Branch and
allocation for multiple tiers of users, spectrum pricing, main- bound algorithms are suitable for combinatorial and discrete
taining QoS, protocols, and standards, operational security optimization problems. The distributed relaxation method is a
and interference management [7], [8]. In the recent three well-known assignment algorithm that works like an auction.
years, most of the work focuses on spectrum sharing and The distributed relaxation method allows the persons to bid
spectrum trading between PAL and GAA users. Spectrum simultaneously for multiple items with an option to raise
trading is an efficient method for PAL operators to sell the the bids. When all the bids are in, the item is awarded to
licensed PAL reserved idle radio spectrum to GAA users [9]. the highest bidding person. In our scenario, the distributed
FCC proposed a set of rules to dynamically share the available relaxation method is used, as it allows the GAA users to bid
spectrum among IU, PAL, and GAA users [10]. In SAS for the multiple PAL reserved channels in a spectrum pool.
based CBRS framework spectrum trading is allowed where Once the SAS receives the bids from all participating GAA
idle spectrum held by PAL operators can be leased to GAA users then the PAL channel will be allocated to the GAA
users for financial gains and to use the available spectrum user with the highest bid. The distributed relaxation method
efficiently while satisfying the rules of spectrum sharing. is competitive and suitable for large problems as compared to
However, the methods to trade and allocate the spectrum the existing method. Hence, we select the dynamic program-
to GAA users are left open in the current release of CBRS ming and distributed relaxation method for comparison with
alliance technical specifications [11]. our proposed algorithm because these two algorithms give the
In this paper, a novel auction algorithm SAS-QLA based best solution in comparison with the existing methods and
on Q-learning for dynamic spectrum access in the SAS-based algorithms and our numerical results show that the SAS-QLA
CBRS framework is proposed. The proposed algorithm aims algorithm outperforms these two algorithms if SAS gives
to improve spectrum access for GAA users. In the SAS- preference to GAA users.
QLA algorithm, reinforcement learning is used that allows Above all, the paper provides the following contributions.
the GAA users to improve their bidding strategy based on 1) An algorithm, SAS-QLA, based on Q-learning that
their past payoff knowledge to compete for the available uses reinforcement learning is proposed to enhance the
VOLUME 10, 2022 60791
W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

bidding strategy of GAA users to access PAL reserved to investigate the uniqueness of equilibrium points using an
radio channels. iterative three-layer game model. As a game-theory-based
2) We modeled the proposed scenario using the Knapsack approach is efficient in case of static physical scenarios so to
problem and solved the problem using the dynamic pro- meet the quality of service (QoS) requirements of licensed
gramming method and distributed relaxation method. and unlicensed users in a real-time environment is still a
3) A detailed comparison of the three algorithms is given major challenge.
that shows that the proposed SAS-QLA algorithm To address the issues of generating additional profit for
achieves guaranteed QoS for GAA users while satisfy- cellular and satellite network operators, researchers are pay-
ing rules proposed by FCC and also maximize the PAL ing much attention to share the idle spectrum held by net-
operator’s profit. work operators with cognitive users [32]. In comparison
with classical wireless networks, the radio spectrum alloca-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
tion problem in satellite-terrestrial networks is different in
summarizes the related work. Section III presents the net-
the context of the presence of high priority satellite users
work model, proposed GAA bidding scenario, and detailed
with their individual bandwidth requirements, the presence
problem formulation. Section IV gives the detailed problem
of heterogeneous cognitive users, and their unpredictable
solution with the proposed SAS-QLA algorithm, formulation
demands [33]–[35]. It is important to mention that the work
of the Knapsack 0-1 problem, and its solution i.e., dynamic
proposed in [33]–[35] is based on the assumption that idle
programming method and distributed relaxation method. Fur-
radio spectrum band is available continuously. However, the
thermore, Results and performance evaluation are provided to
licensed users dynamically keep joining and leaving the spec-
analyze the performance of bidding and allocation algorithms
trum. Hence, the assumption of continuous availability of
ins section V. Finally, we conclude our work in Section VI.
radio spectrum is not practical as the approaches are unable
to solve the discrete bandwidth strategies.
II. RELATED WORK Authors in [36] improved the heterogeneous spectrum
In the last decade, the problems related to dynamic spec- sensing using big data-based intelligent spectrum sensing
trum sharing have been discussed and investigated in many technique. The authors discussed the machine learning tech-
research efforts. The key focus of these research efforts was niques i.e., k-means clustering, distributed learning, extreme
to design adaptive mechanisms and algorithms to allocate learning, reinforcement learning, kernel-based learning, deep
radio resources as well as admission control, interference learning, and transfer learning. The authors proposed a
management, spectrum pricing, and end users’ requirements machine learning-based big spectrum data clustering mecha-
of quality of service [15]–[17]. In 3GPP release 15 [18], the nism to detect vast accessible spectrum resources for hetero-
concept of physical resource sharing between mobile network geneous spectrum communications. In [37] authors proposed
operators was proposed. a solution for finding idle channels with guaranteed spectrum
In this section, we summarize related work on spectrum sensing performance with higher detection probability, high
trading and its impact on the economical model of dynamic spectrum access probability, and lower error probability in
spectrum access in 5G and beyond. Moreover, recent trends cognitive radio networks. The authors proposed the multi-slot
and techniques for allocation of radio resources in spectrum double threshold spectrum sensing with Bayesian fusion
access system (SAS) based architecture proposed for citizens based on reinforcement learning to sense big industrial spec-
broadband radio service (CBRS) 3.5 GHz band are also dis- trum data. The authors modeled the channel prediction and
cussed. selection using reinforcement learning based on Thompson
Generally, Spectrum trading methods are adopted by sampling which results in efficiently finding the required idle
licensed mobile network operators (MNOs) to enhance their channels by sensing the big spectrum data accurately. The
financial gains and spectrum utility by leasing their unused problem of the age of information (AoI)- aware radio resource
spectrum to unlicensed users with proper marketing strate- management for manhattan grid vehicle-to-vehicle network
gies [19]–[21]. There are a lot of surveys published in the is investigated in [38]. The authors proposed a proactive
domain of spectrum trading, marketing strategies, spectrum algorithm that includes decentralized online testing at the
pricing mechanisms, controlling dynamic network traffic, vehicle user equipment (VUE) pairs and a centralized offline
power allocation for radio resource management and spec- training at roadside units (RSUs) and modeled the stochastic
trum hand-off, etc. [22]–[25] Authors in [26]–[29] study decision-making procedure as a discrete-time single-agent
the diversity of existence of licensed and unlicensed users Markov decision process (MDP). The proposed algorithm
in a spectrum band using different strategies including shows significant performance gains over the existing base-
game-theory based spectrum allocation and spectrum leas- line algorithms.
ing to secondary users based on different pricing strategies. Authors in [39] proposed the spectrum allocation to unli-
Authors in [30] considered heterogeneity using a game- censed users using reinforcement learning and game theory
theory-based approach for the coexistence of wireless infras- to achieve Nash equilibrium and to minimize the interference
tructure providers, end-user devices, and virtual network of licensed users caused by unlicensed users. However, the
operators. Moreover, in [31] authors proposed an algorithm pricing and auction strategies to allocate available spectrum

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

to unlicensed users are still left open. In [40], the authors tion of radio channels in a multi-tier environment. Moreover,
used a carrier sensing mechanism to formulate the super-radio a pricing strategy is also required to enhance the spectrum
formation algorithm to investigate the co-existence of users in utility and increase the revenue of commercial PAL operators.
shared spectrum access for the 3.5 GHz CBRS band. A chan-
nel allocation method to share the radio resources among III. SYSTEM MODEL
different categories of users is proposed by authors in [41]. A. NETWORK SCENARIO
The proposed algorithm achieves the minimum throughput The spectrum access system (SAS) is proposed to be a central
requirement for each category by assigning resource blocks entity to manage the 3.5 GHz (3550 MH - 3700 MHZ)
among all stakeholders. The implementation and evaluation citizens broadband radio service (CBRS) band usage. The
of CBRS-based SAS architecture, hardware experiments, SAS-based CBRS framework is shown in Figure 1. The SAS
and field trials are discussed in [42] and [43]. In recent is the central entity, which authorizes the tiered users in the
research [44], the authors proposed the privacy techniques CBRS band i.e., incumbent access (IA) users, primary access
to protect high priority incumbent users from low priority licensee (PAL) users, and general authorized access (GAA)
licensed and unlicensed users. The authors used the concept users. SAS is also responsible to maintain the required quality
of beamforming with constraints of limiting transmit power of service (QoS) of IA and PAL users but does not protect the
to alleviate interference and increase the detection probability GAA users from the interference of guaranteed access to the
of incumbent users. The resource allocation techniques and spectrum. As the CBRS band was initially reserved for the US
auction or pricing strategies are not considered. The authors navy radar system and is now available for commercial usage.
in [45] considered the privacy of users in the SAS frame- So, IA users can access the whole 150MHz (3550 MHz - 3700
work. The authors use the concept of blockchain technology MHz) spectrum. 70 MHz (3550 MHz - 3620 MHz) spectrum
to get the details of GAA users including their physical is reserved for PAL users. This 70 MHz radio spectrum band
location, identity, and spectrum usage. The cryptographic is divided into seven bands of 10 MHz each and assigned
methods were applied to protect the information. Authors to a maximum of four PAL operators through competitive
in [46] proposed to use the concept of decentralization for bidding.
the SAS-CBRS-based framework. However, FCC proposed The CBRS-SAS system consists of the following network
the centralized SAS in the CBRS band. Moreover, in the case elements.
of decentralized SAS, the privacy of incumbent users can be
compromised. So, this concept is practically not feasible. • Spectrum Access System (SAS)
Radio spectrum allocation to heterogeneous wireless tech- • Environmental Sensing Capability (ESC) sensor
nologies i.e., wireless fidelity (Wi-fi), Worldwide Interop- • Citizen Broadband Radio Service Device (CBSD)
erability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks, and • Domain Proxy (DP)
cellular networks are considered in [47]. The authors applied • Network Management System (NMS);
a genetic algorithm and a Hungarian algorithm to solve the • FCC external databases
problem that was modeled as a multi-objective optimization • End devices
problem. The concept of using the genetic algorithm to find SAS is the main authorizing entity to allocate channels
the optimal solution for the stated problem is a good idea, to IA, PAL, and GAA users and involves in radio spectrum
but it takes a lot of time to find the optimal solution. Hence, management and distribution. It is also the responsibility of
the efficiency of the system is not taken into account. In [48], SAS to protect IA users from lower-tier users and also protect
we proposed an improved Hungarian method to improve the PAL users from interference caused by GAA users to ensure
computational efficiency for allocating idle PAL reserved QoS is provided to PAL users. SAS also manages the trans-
channels to GAA users. We proposed the concept to find the mission power to citizen broadband radio service devices
optimal value of achieving higher data rates at lower costs. CBSD. The CBSD is an eNodeB that supports transmissions
However, the revenue of PAL operators was not considered. in the 3.5 GHz radio spectrum band and supports protocols
Moreover, PAL operators are the main stakeholders of the defined by the federal communications commission FCC in
CBRS-SAS architecture so it is important to consider the its technical specification [49]. SAS uses external databases
profit of PAL operators while considering the quality-of- to store the information of all users, CBSDS, transmit power,
service requirements of incumbent access, primary access and the information of radio channels that are occupied or
licensee, and general authorized access users. still available for allocation. The detection of navy radars and
The recent research papers discussed in Section II show the IA users is carried out using environmental capability ESC
tremendous efforts of the researchers towards radio network sensors. SAS uses the information provided by ESC sensors
selection and dynamic allocation of radio spectrum in multi- to vacate the radio channels for use of IA users. SAS uses
tier environment; However, a need of proper mechanisms is domain proxy (DP) to manage CBSDs aggregation and proxy
still required to consider practical scenarios for allocation of functions to manage large-scale networks. DP can also be
radio channels to GAA users in presence of high priority users integrated with an element management system (EMS) or net-
i.e., incumbent access users and primary access licensees work management system (NMS). It is an optional element
while strictly following the rules proposed by FCC for alloca- to scale large networks. In Figure 1 end-user devices (EUD)

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

FIGURE 1. CBRS-SAS architecture.

are the electronic intelligent mobile devices that support fre- and GAA user’s set is written as
quency transmission in the 3.5 GHz radio spectrum band.
g = {g1 , g2 , . . . . . . .gz }
In this paper, a scenario is considered where multiple GAA
users are seeking opportunities to access the radio spectrum Let d represents the set of frequency spectrum available in
and bid for the available idle PAL reserved channel to get a census tract, j denotes the set of PAL reserved channels in
guaranteed QoS. The bidding strategy proposed for GAA a census tract such that j ⊆ d and h represents the set of
users is based on reinforcement learning that also increases GAA reserved channels. and PAL reserved channels set is
the revenue of PAL operators. The GAA users bid accord- represented as:
ing to the future reward expected, current state, and QoS
requirements. The radio channel assignment will also be j = {j1 , j2 , . . . . . . , jl }
implemented using dynamic programming i.e., a solution for The set of GAA reserved channels is shown as:
the knapsack problem and distributed relaxation method.
Consider a CBRS-based SAS framework scenario, where h = {jl+1 , jl+2 , . . . . . . , jn }
there are multiple idle PAL reserved channels available and and the set of all channels in a census tract is given as
several GAA users are seeking the available opportunities to
access idle channels. The availability of PAL reserved idle d = {j1 , j2 , . . . , jl , jl+1 , jl+2 , . . . . . . .jn }
channels can be modeled as a two-state Markov chain as the The vector j represents the vector containing PAL reserved
PAL users are not active all the time and the joining and channels and the value of each element of vector j can be
leaving network is discontinuous. The available channels are 0 or 1 i.e., j ∈ {0,1}. To see, whether the PAL users are
assumed to be perfectly orthogonal eliminating the chances of active in any particular channel from the vector j can be
experiencing interference if some constraints for out-of-band implemented as a Poisson process of switch 2 state S i.e.,
emissions are applied. idle or busy. The state S of PAL users is represented as S =
Let the number of incumbent users be i. The vector j ∗ atg , where atg shows whether the transmission opportunity
of incumbent user’s set is represented as: to GAA user g is available or not at time t. The value of atg is
i = {i1 , i2 , . . . . . . , ix } 0 or 1, atg ∈ {0,1}. State 0 shows that the channel is idle and
state 1 represents the channel is occupied. We assume GAA
The set of PAL users is given by:
users can access the available Idle channel from vector j and
p = {p1 , p2 , . . . . . . .py } transmit at constant power. Moreover, we assume that GAA

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

TABLE 1. Notations Used. C. Q-LEARNING MODEL

Q-learning is a model-free off-policy reinforcement learning
used to find the next course of action based on the current
state of the agent. The objective of the Q-learning model is to
maximize the total reward and selects the action at random as
it learns from the actions that lie outside the current policy
therefore a policy is not required. In the scenario of using
Q-learning, an agent that in our scenario is a GAA user;
performs a task at a particular state to see the consequences of
the actions in terms of the immediate reward or the penalty for
performing the particular action in the current state. The value
users move slowly such that their channel conditions variate of the state is estimated for each action in the particular state.
slowly. The notations used in problem formulation are listed It will similarly try all actions in all states to learn the best
in Table 1. action for a particular state based on the achieved long-term
discounted reward. The optimal policy will be achieved when
the GAA users gained the maximum expected discounted
reward. Q-learning is an iterative process, the GAA users
Considering the fact that PAL users are not always active so
can exploit the reward based on the discount factor after
PAL operators can take advantage to trade the radio channels
performing an action for its particular state to initialize it
with GAA users by using different marketing approaches.
from start. In Q-learning, a sequence of multiple stages is
This scenario can be modeled as an auction or trading market,
defined as incremental dynamic programming for the GAA
where PAL operators can sell the idle radio channels to GAA
user’s experience. The GAA users can perform the following
users to increase their revenue. The GAA users look for
tasks in their nth stage:
available opportunities and bid accordingly, while the PAL
operators offer their available idle channels for bidding. The • Observe the current state.
scenario creates a win-win business opportunity for both • Choose an action to perform for the current state.
parties. • After the action it can observe the next state.
We made the following assumptions in this article. • It receives an immediate reward.
1) GAA users can bid for one or more than one channel • Adjust the initial values using a learning factor.
simultaneously and get the required QoS as committed The detailed formulation of the Q-learning process in the
by the PAL operator. proposed SAS-QLA algorithm is discussed in the following
2) SAS can receive offers from all GAA users who applied section.
for radio spectrum. SAS will select the GAA users
on the basis of the maximum bid for each available D. SAS-QLA FORMULATION
channel. GAA users’ main intention is to get guaranteed QoS at a
3) The bids of GAA users are not shared with each other. reasonable price. GAA users can also opt for high-quality
Hence assuming a symmetric independent private value available channels with increased transmission capacity at
(SIPV) [50]. a higher cost. Moreover, even with the same budget, GAA
4) SAS keeps the information of bids offered by all GAA users can also select the channels based on differentiated ser-
users as SAS has to decide on the basis of offered bids vices (DiffServ) with different service classes. Furthermore,
to allocate the radio channels to GAA users. GAA users can improve their bidding strategy in the SAS
5) SAS allocates a common channel with GAA users to channel auction by using Q-learning based on reinforcement
carry the information used in the SAS-QLA algorithm. learning. GAA users also maintain a bidding vector that con-
Moreover, SAS creates a pool of available PAL reserved tains the best cost factor for each available idle PAL reserved
channels that can be used for trading with GAA users. The channel. We define a function FQSAS = ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) based
spectrum pool of available PAL reserved channels of all four on Q-learning for GAA users that return the auction policy
PAL operators is shown in Figure 2 The characteristics of by getting observations as input.
PAL reserved channels of all operators may vary from each To implement a Q-learning-based reinforcement learning
other and depends on channel fading and interference level. algorithm a policy with a value function and reward function
Random distribution of GAA users and complex spectrum is required to make a decision strategy for channel allocation
environments leads to quality diversity. Due to this diversity, to GAA users. For each moment t, each GAA user g emits an
GAA users can make a rational selection from the spectrum action δgt . In the next moment t + 1 each GAA user receives a
pool as the prices of ideal channels are high. Furthermore, reward in response to its action given by ωgt and move to next
to maximize the profit of PAL operators, a proper pricing state Sgt+1 . We consider a scenario, where each GAA user in
mechanism is required for SAS, which is based on GAA users CBRS-SAS architecture can make spectrum bidding policy
bidding behaviors and QoS provided to GAA users. individually. The SAS-QLA algorithm is modeled according

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

FIGURE 2. Spectrum Pool.

to the utility perceived for the current selection of action and received from the reward function ωgt {Sgt , δgt } for each action
the history of states visited to allocate the channels to GAA δgt at particular state Sgt . So, maximizing the reward value for
users. Hence, it is important to define states, actions, rewards, GAA users at each state with particular actions can be defined
and learning policies for GAA users before applying the SAS- as
QLA algorithm. l
ωgt = αg,j
.Ptg,j (1)
1) STATES j=1
In our defined scenario in section III-B, GAA user current subject to the constraints:
occupied channel is defined as a state Sgt = {γgt } ∈ S. S X
represents the finite set of possible state space. Let’s denote αg,j ∈ {0, 1}, αg,j
S = {Sk }, where k shows the number of states. Sk = {gn }, g
where gn = {0, 1} and n = 1, 2, . . . ., z. State transition where j is the PAL reserved channel set available for lease
of GAA users from Sgt to Sgt+1 can be determined by two to GAA users g ∈ (1, 2, 3, . . . , z) at time t. The reward ωgt
stochastic events. First one is whether the channel is occupied for GAA users depends on the transmission capacity of each
and another is spectrum opportunity is not available. The channel j by paying price Ptg,j .
GAA users will move to next state Sgt+1 , when one of these
two events occur. 4) LEARNING POLICY
Learning policy deals with the mapping of history of visited
2) ACTIONS states, utility received and probability of selected action δgt
SAS will perform an action when it has to assign the available into currently selected action.
PAL reserved channels to bidding GAA users. We define For this purpose a Q-learning function ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) for
action of GAA users as δgt = {αgt , Ptg }, where αgt shows the GAA users is
preferred channel and Ptg represents the bidding price. GAA
users evaluate each action δgt that is based on Q-learning (Sgt , δgt ) = (1 − ηg )ζgt (Sgt , δgt )
function for every state Sgt ∈ S. In result to this evaluation, +ηg [(ωg + σg .maxζgt (Sgt+1 , δgt+1 )] (2)
an immediate reward ωgt is received at GAA users’ end and
The optimal policy (δgt+1 )∗ is defined as an expected sum of
the state of GAA users change from Sgt to Sgt+1 .
ωg , that is discounted by σgt . The Q-learning modifies the
action value Q-learning function to obtain the true value using
3) REWARD FUNCTION the optimal policy (δgt+1 )∗ . i.e.,
GAA users select the channel from available idle PAL
reserved channel that gives the maximum reward that is (δgt+1 )∗ = argmax ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) (3)

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

Q-learning is an off-policy reinforcement learning algo- PAL operators to give access to GAA users with maximal
rithm that learns from the actions that are random and finds bidding prices. The price requested by PAL operators may
the best action to take for the given current state. The param- vary according to the market fluctuations and GAA users
eters used in the Q-learning process are the learning rate, offer to payoff based on their own preference for the channel
discount factor, and maximum reward. The learning factor and QoS requirements. GAA users also use evaluation of
defined in our proposed SAS-QLA algorithm is ηg which future behaviors and current transaction state to set their
varies from 0 to 1. This factor shows the learning ability preferences.
of the Q-learning function. If it is set to 0, it means noth- To implement this auction scenario using the SAS-QLA
ing is learned and Q-values are not updated as it is using algorithm, it is assumed that GAA users strictly follow the
exclusively the prior knowledge to decide. The high value truth-telling policy, and there is no motivation to misrepresent
of the learning factor shows that the learning process will be their information.
quick and the algorithm will converge speedily because it will
ignore the old prior information and just considers the most 1) GAA BIDDING PRICE
recent information. In case of problems with deterministic GAA user g maintains a preference list PLg,j t over time t to
solutions, the learning rate is set to 1. In stochastic problems access channel j. The optimal bid a GAA user can is higher
just like in our scenario, the Q-learning function in SAS- than or equal to Ptg,j i.e., PLg,j
t ≥ Pt . Hence, a preference list
QLA algorithm converges under technical conditions to use is defined for GAA user g to access channel j over time t as:
the prior knowledge that is why it is set to 0.1. The discount
factor σg in the SAS-QLA algorithm also varies between
PLg,j = ψ.Btj + ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) (4)
0 to 1. The discount factor is the deciding factor that helps
where Btj is a buffer that holds the total accumulative packets,
the Q-learning function choose between future rewards and
immediate rewards and determines the importance of future ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) is the future reward and ψ is a factor to regu-
rewards. If a high value is set for the discount factor i.e., lates the trade-off between future market and current packet
1, then the future reward will be high but, in our scenario, expectations.
it makes the base price set by the PAL users too high than the We define a random variable λtj independent of time here,
bidding price offered by GAA users, so it will be good to use that stores the number of packets arrived in the buffer in
the less value for the discount factor to converge the algorithm time slot t. The arrival rate is supposed to follow Poisson
quickly and make the auction successful. The third important distribution with λ packets per second. The buffer capacity is
parameter for the Q-learning function is the maximum reward set to be Cg . The buffer state Sg of GAA user g is calculated
i.e., ηg .σg .maxζgt (Sgt+1 , δgt+1 ) defined in equation 2. It shows as:
the maximum reward that can be achieved from state Sgt+1
Sg − RSg ) + λg , Cg }
BtSg = min{(Bt−1 t−1 + t
weighted by the learning factor and the discount factor. The
Q-learning is an iterative algorithm so initial conditions are where, RtSg shows the immediate gain received after
assumed before the next update. The first reward can be used transmitting packets. The factor (Bt−1 t−1 +
Sg − RSg ) =
to reset the initial conditions.
Based on the defined optimal policy, each GAA user will max(0, (Bt−1
Sg − Rt−1
Sg ))
make a positive preference decision. ηg is the learning rate
that remains in the range of 0 < ηg < 1. This parameter 2) SAS-QLA IMPLEMENTATION
determines the Q-function updating speed. The reward for In the SAS-QLA algorithm, we made an assumption that
GAA users change too frequently if the value of ηg is close SAS will auction the available PAL reserved channels for
to 1. σgt is the discount factor that is used to determine the a time period of T and the cost payable to PAL operators
current value i.e., 0 < σgt < 1 of future reward. If the value and reward payoff of GAA users remain the same for this
of discount factor σgt approaches 1, then it shows that future period. SAS releases the radio channels to GAA users when
interaction plays an important role to define total utility val- the transaction is completed and the received bidding price
ues. The Q-function ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt ) takes two values to update satisfies the received price constraint Cp,j for the channel j.
its evaluation. After receiving payoff Ptg,j from the GAA user, SAS com-
pletes the transaction and calculates the reward defined by:
1) The projected value (ζ -value) of new state ζgt (Sgt+1 , δgt+1 ).
2) The instantaneous reinforcement value ωgt Ptg,j = ψ.Btj (6)

So, SAS aims to maximize the profit for PAL operators and
IV. PROPOSED SOLUTIONS ensures that the radio channel will be leased to GAA users
A. SAS-QLA ALGORITHM not less than the reserved price. Accordingly, the optimization
In an example of an auction market, GAA users must offer problem for maximizing PAL operator’s profit can be written
higher bids than SAS-QLA iterative price for GAA users to as:
have more chances of getting access to the radio spectrum.
In this scenario, SAS acts as an auctioneer on behalf of τ (Sg , Ptg ) = argmax(PtPi ,j ) (7)

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

subject to: are modeled as constraints. So, the knapsack problem for
allocation of radio channels to GAA users can be modeled
Ptg > t
Cp,j (8)
as a combinatorial optimization problem, formulated as:
l X
PtPi ,j = Ptg,j
(9) max pj,g xj,g (11)
j=1 g=1
The convergence of SAS-QLA algorithm depends on the time subject to
varying learning factor ηg . The factor ηg uses the results z
derived from Robbins-Monro theory [51] and set the follow- X
wg xg ≤ C (12)
ing conditions to be met for convergence of equation (2) to
optimal value uniformly over ζgt+1 (Sgt , δgt )∗ Sgt and δgt with
probability of 1. The conditions are as: where, xg represents the binary variable that shows whether a
1) The state space and action space must be finite. GAA user is selected or not.
2) Variable ωgt {Sgt , δgt } must be finite. (
+∞ +∞ 1 if the GAA user g is selected
xg =
3) ηg = ∞ and (ηg )2 < ∞. 0 if the GAA user is not selected
t=0 t=0
4) If the variable ζgt approaches to 1 then it represents that
Suppose there are g GAA users seeking opportunities to
all strategies converge to cost-free terminal state with
access idle PAL channels available in the sack managed by
probability 1.
SAS. The GAA user pays a price (profit of PAL operators
In Section III-D, the variables Sgt and δgt are defined. The for leasing the PAL idle reserved channel) pj , weight wg and
variable shows the available channels. The radio channels capacity C. where pj , wg and C are the positive integers. The
that can be occupied or released are from the finite set. optimal solution of the problem modeled in equation (11) is
Hence the first condition is satisfied for condition 1. The given by:
reward function defined in equations (1) and (2) shows that
ωgmin < ωgt < ωgmax . As (ωgt )2 is finite. So, variable ωgt = υg = max{υg−1 (C), υg−1 (C)} (13)
E(ωgt )2 − (E(ωgt ))2 is also finite. It proves that condition 2
holds. In SAS-QLA algorithm ηg is defined as: where, υg represents the optimal solution. The opti-
1 mization problem defined in equation (11) is actually a
ηg = t (10) multi-dimensional Knapsack problem and modeled as NP-
0 t =0 hard problem [53]. There are different solutions available to
So, this proves that condition 3 holds as well. If the factor solve resource allocation problem that is modeled as knap-
ζgt = 1, then the model implemented shows the optimal strat- sack problem. The well-known solution to this problem is the
egy for achieving maximum gains, whereas, the objective is use of dynamic programming (DP) approaches.
to maximize the reward function. In this scenario, all policies Dynamic programming solution modeled in [54] is used
and strategies approach a terminal state with a probability to solve knapsack optimization problems. Dynamic program-
factor of 1 which is true for the finite horizon model. This ming aims to achieve optimal solution. An optimal solution
shows that condition 4 is also satisfied. to a particular problem is combined with similar, overlapping
and smaller sub-problems. The key steps of dynamic pro-
ALGORITHM 1) Decomposition of problem into sub-problems
Knapsack-based dynamic resource allocation model pro- Suppose, the maximum cost w is obtained and stored
posed in [52] allows the SAS to select the most suitable in an array M(g,w) by selecting GAA users 0 < g < z
GAA users based on their bids to allocate idle PAL reserved while satisfying the maximum load of PAL operators
channels. The 0-1 Knapsack problem is modeled as a com- C. If all entries of this array are computed, then the
binatorial optimization problem. It is a scenario in which array entry M (g, wg ) contains the maximum profit for
a constrained knapsack with a fixed size is filled with the PAL operators in terms of cost is the solution to our
most important and profitable elements. In this article, SAS problem.
considers a pool of available idle PAL reserved channels as a 2) The recursive equation
limited sack of capacity C. Each GAA user that can be placed After selecting an optimal solution next step is to recur-
in the sack has a certain weight wg and a factor of profit pg . So, sively define the optimal solutions of the sub-problems.
the problem defined here is to give space to GAA users in the In our scenario, we have two sub-problems; whether
sack while SAS ensures that maximum profit is guaranteed to a GAA user is given access to PAL reserved channel
PAL operators, and required QoS is provided to GAA users or rejected of low bid. The recursive equations are

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

mathematically represented as: 5) Repeat step 3 to select a GAA user with maximum
 unsatisfactory factor and complete the auction process
 if g = 0
using step 4 and step 5. Complete the auction pro-
M (g, W ) = M (g − 1, w) if wg > w (14) cess till every GAA user is satisfied with the channel

else assigned and also meets the cost equilibrium.

After the step of recursive equations, a dynamic programming

solution is achieved for the problem modeled in equation (11).
C. DISTRIBUTED RELAXATION METHOD In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
scheme in the SAS-based CBRS spectrum sharing frame-
Distributed relaxation method was first proposed in [55] to
work, we consider a scenario where there are four PAL oper-
solve the classical assignment problems. The algorithm acts
ators offering their available radio frequency channels to be
like an auction, where unassigned GAA users bid for the idle
auctioned and added to a spectrum pool managed by SAS.
PAL reserved channels. SAS will receive bids from all users,
To see the impact of GAA user’s load in the SAS system, the
once SAS completes the bidding process, then the particular
number of GAA users who took part in a spectrum auction
radio channel for which the highest bid is received is assigned
held by SAS is varied from 10 to 500. The scenario is depicted
to that GAA user. In the worst scenario, the time complexity
in Figure 1. PAL operators add the information of their unused
to assign GAA users a channel becomes O(gAlog(gC), where
frequency channels through a common channel to SAS. The
g is the number of GAA users. A is representing the number
SAS creates a pool of available PAL unused frequency chan-
of pairs i.e., GAA users and PAL reserved idle channels and
nels and holds an auction. The GAA users who need guar-
C is the maximum cost that a GAA user offer for the required
anteed QoS for delay-sensitive applications take part in the
auction process. We proposed the SAS-QLA algorithm to
The distributed relaxation method solves the problem given
bid intelligently in the auction based on the available current
in equation (11) with the condition of having g × j, where G
state, future reward, and transmission requirements. The data
is the number of GAA users and j represents the number of
rate available to GAA users is modeled using the Shannon
available PAL reserved channels. To solve this optimization
capacity theorem [56] expressed as:
problem, distributed relaxation method uses the concept of
cost equilibrium bidding strategy. In the practical scenario,  j 
for all available idle PAL reserved channels j, every GAA Datarate = Bg log2 1 + j (16)
user has different interests to meet their requirements. Let’s Ng
suppose SAS issues a pool of n radio channels. A GAA user j
where Bg is the bandwidth available to GAA user g for PAL
g has to pay a certain price P to get the access. Based on the j
interest of each GAA user for the particular radio channel, reserved channel j and j is the signal to noise ratio received
an interest factor ιg for gth GAA user to determine the value by GAA user g for using PAL reserved channel j.
of interest for each GAA user. Preference for each GAA user The following simulation parameters for GAA users are
can be determined as: defined for the implementation of the scenario discussed
Prefg = ιg − P (15) above. GAA users’ transmit power is restricted to 1W to
limit interference caused by GAA users and remain same for
To successfully allocate the idle PAL reserved channel j from all GAA users. Bandwidth B of sub-carriers is defined as
the pool of channels j vector to GAA user g, the factor Prefg 10 kHz per carrier to find the data rate in the equation 16
must be at maximum. For all GAA users with maximum as defined in [11]. The default value of discount factor is
Prefg for a particular channel meet the cost equilibrium and selected as 0.5 because the effective price where the bidding
assigned with their desired channel. The main steps of dis- price is higher than the reserve price is in range of 0.3 to
tributed relaxation method are given below. 0.8. Learning rate is varied from 0 to 1. The macro-cell based
1) The first step deals with the initialization that deals urban propagation model is selected for the simulations with
with the random allocation of GAA users to idle PAL the Rayleigh multi-path fading model and cell radius of 1 Km.
reserved channels. The simulation parameters used in our simulations are shown
2) SAS assigns the minimum bid for each idle channel in Table 2.
1 All the simulation experiments are executed 50 times to
from the pool j to g−1 , where g is the number of GAA
users participating in the auction process. obtain the mean value to minimize the randomness and to get
3) In third step a GAA user who is not satisfied from the stable results.
allocation by SAS in step 1 increase the bidding price
i.e., Newprice = oldprice + prefg + increment. B. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
4) Profits for PAL operators are updated by subtracting In this article, we evaluate the performance of our proposed
the updated bidding cost for allocating channels to each algorithm SAS-QLA to allocate the idle PAL reserved radio
GAA user and updating the profit array. channels to GAA users using spectrum trading based on

VOLUME 10, 2022 60799

W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

TABLE 2. Network Parameters.

Q-learning that uses reinforcement learning. The proposed

radio spectrum allocation algorithm is compared with the FIGURE 3. CDF of channels allocated to 300 GAA users.
dynamic programming solution for the knapsack problem and
distributed relaxation method based on the auction method to
assign channels to GAA users.
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) of radio chan-
nels allocation to 300 GAA users is represented for the sce-
nario in Figure 3, where multiple PAL operators took part in
the auction process. Separate readings are calculated for the
auction process where a single PAL operator is present and
also considered for the auction process with multiple PAL
operators. In case when only one PAL operator took part
in the auction process, the number of available channels for
competing GAA users in an auction was too less, that is the
reason only 40% of the GAA users get access to PAL reserved
channels using the SAS-QLA algorithm. The percentage is
up to 20% less in case of using dynamic programming and
distributed relaxation method. When more PAL operators
took part in the auction, more radio channels in the pool FIGURE 4. Effect of Discount Factor.
become available to GAA users so the percentage of GAA
users getting access to PAL reserved channels increased from
40% to approximately 100% when 300 GAA users applied. the discount factor σgt is too less or too high, the bidding
In the case of more than 300 GAA users, the percentage may price of GAA users becomes lower than the reserved price
vary because of the limited availability of radio channels. of PAL operators set by SAS. So, for the successful trading
This result shows that the proposed SAS-QLA algorithm is of radio channels, the bidding price of GAA users must be
accommodating up to 20% more GAA users in available PAL greater than the reserved price set by PAL operators. Hence,
reserved channels in comparison with distributed program- discount factor σgt must be in the range of 0.05 to 0.7 for
ming and distributed relaxation method. successful allocation of available radio channels to GAA
In this article, we analyzed the impact of discount fac- users. If the discount factor σgt is greater than 0.8 or less than
tor σgt and learning factor ηg defined in equation (2) and 0.05 then the bidding price of GAA users becomes lesser than
equation (10), respectively, for the convergence of our pro- the PAL operators reserved price. In this case, SAS will not
posed SAS-QLA algorithm. The value of the discount factor consider the bidding price of GAA users. In our simulations
remains between 0 and 1. So, we compare the effect of the σgt and parameters settings, we consider the default value of
factor for values between 0 and 1. The impact of the discount discount factor σgt as 0.5.
factor on the convergence of the SAS-QLA algorithm is The speed of updating the SAS-QLA algorithm depends on
represented in Figure 4. It is clear from the Figure 4 that the the learning rate ηg of the algorithm defined in equation (2)
bidding price and the reserve price grow much faster when and (10). The effect of learning factor ηg is depicted in
the value of σgt is greater than 0.8. We can see that when Figure 5. Learning factor ηg is not much useful in the con-
the discount factor σgt s is greater than 0.8 the reserved prices vergence of the SAS-QLA algorithm but its main effect is on
increased up to 5 times when it approaches the value 1. The the speed of updating the SAS-QLA algorithm to converge.
price remains under $ 50 when the discount factor is less than We can see in Figure 5 that the bidding price of GAA users is
0.8. It means that the future reward defined in equation (1), (2) quite high in comparison with the reserved price set by PAL
and (3) has the high impact on SAS-QLA algorithm. When operators. In the case of all values ranging from 0 to 1, the

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W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

FIGURE 5. Learning Rate. FIGURE 6. Average data rate per unit cost.

bidding price remains high from the reserved price, we can

use any values for successful trade but need to satisfy the
constraints defined in section IV-A3.
The average data rate per unit cost is shown in Fig-
ure 6. The experiment is conducted for GAA users ranging
from 10 to 500. When there is less number of GAA users
participating in the auction managed by SAS, then the overall
demand for the available PAL idle channels in the pool is less.
So, GAA users get the best QoS at less price. As the number
of GAA users increases, the participants in the auction of the
PAL idle reserved channels become more competitive as a
result of the overall net data rate per unit cost being reduced
which is also evident from the graph.
One of the purposes of the PAL reserved channels auction FIGURE 7. Average Net Revenue.

was to increase the revenue of PAL operators as PAL users

are not active all the time so PAL operators can take advan-
tage by leasing the channels to GAA users to increase their SAS-QLA algorithm and 9% more revenue in comparison to
revenue. The net revenue gained by PAL operators is shown the distributed relaxation method while satisfying FCC rules
in Figure 7. The GAA users use the SAS-QLA algorithm to and also GAA users getting their desired QoS at the best price
bid intelligently based on the current state and future reward. using our proposed SAS-QLA algorithm. If the priority is to
In the case of using dynamic programming and distributed prefer the best data rate per unit cost, then it is evident from
relaxation method, both methods select the maximum cost the results as depicted in Figure 6, that SAS will opt for the
offered by GAA users without offering intelligent bidding. SAS-QLA algorithm as the proposed algorithm gives a 43%
If the preference of SAS is to maximize the net revenue improved data rate per unit cost and a 32 % more data rate
for PAL operators, then selecting the dynamic programming per unit cost in comparison with the dynamic programming
method will return the maximum revenue. In the case of using and the distributed relaxation method respectively.
the SAS-QLA algorithm, the SAS maintains a preference list Figure 8 shows the overall fairness of the algorithms based
with respect to giving the benefit to the GAA users by allocat- on Jain’s fairness index (JFI) on a scale of 0 to 1. The fairness
ing the maximum data rate at minimum cost. Hence, the net index of the algorithms depends on the factor that how many
revenue for PAL operators in the case of using the SAS-QLA GAA users are assigned channels out of the total GAA users
algorithm will be less as compared to dynamic programming who became part of the spectrum auction. We can see from
and distributed relaxation method. In the scenario, where the graph that the overall fairness of the algorithm reduces
giving the benefit to the GAA users is the priority, then as GAA users in the system are increased. It is evident from
the SAS-QLA algorithm outperforms the other two methods, the spectrum trading that as GAA users in the spectrum
which is evident from the Figure 6 because of the GAA user’s auction increase, more GAA users will remain unassigned
ability to bid intelligently. Hence, it is clear from Figure 7 that because of the limited availability of radio channels. Hence,
if SAS opts to prefer the PAL operators over GAA users, PAL the overall Jain’s fairness index reduces as the number of
operators will get 23% more revenue in comparison with the GAA users increases. On contrary, when the number of

VOLUME 10, 2022 60801

W. Abbass et al.: Optimal Resource Allocation for GAA Users in SAS Using Q-Learning Algorithm

their current states, and transmission requirement. The bid-

ding price and reserved price of GAA users are executed
locally. When preference of the SAS is to give benefits to
GAA users instead of PAL operators than the SAS-QLA algo-
rithm outperforms the dynamic programming method and
distributed relaxation method to achieve better bidding effi-
ciency, the data rate per unit cost, and better GAA load man-
agement. Maximum GAA users are accommodated while
meeting their desired QoS.

In this paper, we proposed a Q-learning-based auction algo-
rithm that in turn is based on reinforcement learning in order
to meet the requirements of GAA users in CBRS-SAS archi-
FIGURE 8. GAA users satisfaction level.
tecture. GAA users are the least priority users in CBRS-
SAS architecture. The SAS as a central controlling entity
does not guarantee to provide the required QoS to GAA
users. For delay-sensitive real-time applications, GAA users
need guaranteed QoS. GAA reserved channels are not a good
option for delay-sensitive applications. As a matter of fact,
PAL users are licensed users and have guaranteed QoS provi-
sioning from SAS but PAL users are not active all the time to
fully utilize the PAL reserved channels. PAL operators paid
a license fee to get access to these PAL reserved channels.
In order to increase the revenue, the PAL operators can use
this opportunity to auction these channels. The PAL operators
share a list of available idle channels with SAS, where SAS
manages a pool of available idle channels shared by all PAL
operators who want to take part in spectrum trading with
FIGURE 9. Execution efficiency. GAA users.
Our proposed algorithm allows the GAA users to bid
GAA users in the auction is limited the JFI value approaches according to the future reward, their current state, and experi-
1 approximately. In comparison to dynamic programming enced environment. The PAL operators also share a vector of
and distributed relaxation method, the proposed algorithm reserved price i.e., SAS only accepts the bids of GAA users
SAS-QLA is accommodating more GAA users with the best for available idle channels when the bid price is higher than
QoS and the overall JFI remains better than other algorithms. the reserved price. Finally, the practicality of the SAS-QLA
Figure 9 depicts the execution efficiency of the proposed algorithm is validated using SAS-QLA convergence analysis.
SAS-QLA algorithm, dynamic programming method, and The simulation results of the SAS-QLA algorithm confirm
distributed relaxation method to allocate idle PAL reserved that the proposed algorithm is much more efficient in allocat-
channels to GAA users. The distributed relaxation method ing maximum numbers of GAA users while satisfying their
outperforms other algorithms because it allocates the avail- QoS requirements. SAS-QLA algorithm also maximizes the
able preferred channels to GAA users without using any data rate per unit cost while the execution efficiency is not
learning strategy. The proposed SAS-QLA algorithm allo- disturbed. Jain’s fairness index (JFI) shows that when the
cates 500 GAA users in almost 250ms. Dynamic program- number of GAA users is less, who take part in the auction pro-
ming takes 300 ms to allocate available channels to GAA cess the JFI approaches 1 i.e., the maximum limit. When the
users because this algorithm searches for the best match in the GAA users in the spectrum auction process increase to 500,
worst scenario; the time complexity of dynamic programming the SAS-QLA algorithm outperforms the other algorithms
is O(n3 ). The proposed SAS-QLA algorithm is quite efficient and accommodates 10% more users in comparison with dis-
as compared to dynamic programming but in comparison tributed relaxation and 20% more users in comparison to
with distributed relaxation method, the SAS-QLA algorithm dynamic programming. The proposed SAS-QLA algorithms
is achieving the best data rate per unit cost and fairness index. provide an approximate optimal solution that converges fast.

The simulation results presented show that the proposed REFERENCES

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J. H. Reed, ‘‘Decentralized spectrum access system: Vision, challenges,
He has authored and coauthored 24 SCI-E and nine
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[47] X. Dong, L. Cheng, G. Zheng, and T. Wang, ‘‘Network access and spec- quality of multimedia services in IP networks, data
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sional Engineer with Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd. Since
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[53] U. Pferschy, J. Schauer, and C. Thielen, ‘‘Approximating the product and Computer Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad. His research
knapsack problem,’’ Optim. Lett., vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 2529–2540, Nov. 2021. interests include spectrum sensing, medium access control, and resource
[54] S. T. T. Sin, ‘‘The parallel processing approach to the dynamic program- management in cognitive radio networks.
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Researchers Electr. Electron. Eng. (ElConRus), Jan. 2021, pp. 2252–2256.
[55] D. P. Bertsekas, ‘‘The auction algorithm: A distributed relaxation method MUHAMMAD AWAIS JAVED (Senior Member,
for the assignment problem,’’ Ann. Oper. Res., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 105–123, IEEE) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engi-
Dec. 1988. neering from the University of Engineering and
[56] C.-F. Yang, S.-C. Chang, and C.-Y. Hsu, ‘‘Hierarchical game theoretic Technology Lahore, Pakistan, in August 2008, and
design of frequency assignment and channel selection for general autho- the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from
rized accesses,’’ in Proc. 26th Int. Conf. Telecommun. (ICT), Apr. 2019, The University of Newcastle, Australia, in Febru-
pp. 448–452. ary 2015. From July 2015 to June 2016, he worked
as a Postdoctoral Research Scientist with the Qatar
Mobility Innovations Center (QMIC) on SafeITS
Project. He is currently working as an Associate
WASEEM ABBASS received the B.Sc. degree in Professor with COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan. His research
computer engineering from COMSATS University interests include intelligent transport systems, vehicular networks, protocol
Islamabad (CUI), in 2011, and the M.S. degree in design for emerging wireless technologies, and the Internet of Things.
computer engineering from the University of Engi-
neering and Technology (UET), Taxila, in 2014.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with SHAHZAD A. MALIK received the B.S. degree
CUI, with a focus on architecture and protocol in electrical engineering from the University of
design of wireless networks especially for cog- Engineering and Technology Lahore, Lahore, Pak-
nitive radio network. He is also a Lecturer with istan, in 1991, and the M.S. degree in communica-
the Department of Computer Science, CUI. His tion systems and networks and the M.Phil. degree
research interests include D2D communication, cognitive radio networks, in digital telecommunication systems from the
wireless sensor networks, and the Internet of Things. Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Electrotechnique,
d’Electronique, d’Informatique, d’Hydraulique et
des Télécommunications, Toulouse, France, in
1997 and 1998, respectively. He was a Postdoc-
toral Research Fellow/Student Project Advisor with the Department of Elec-
RIAZ HUSSAIN received the B.S. degree (Hons.) trical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada,
in electrical engineering from the University of from 2003 to 2004. He was an Assistant Professor with the College of
Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, National University of
the master’s degree in networks from North Car- Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, from 2004 to 2007. Since
olina State University, Raleigh, NS, USA, and 2007, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS
the Ph.D. degree from the COMSATS Institute University Islamabad, Pakistan, where he is currently a Full Professor and the
of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, Dean of electrical engineering. His current research interests include wireless
in 2013. His dissertation was entitled ‘‘Modeling, multimedia information systems, mobile computing, QoS provisioning and
Analysis and Optimization of Vertical Handover radio resource management in heterogeneous wireless networks (mobile
Schemes in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.’’ cellular-2.5/3G/4G, HSPA, LTE, WLANs, WiMAX, MANETs, and WSN),
He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical modeling, simulation, and performance analysis, network protocols, archi-
Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad. His current research inter- tecture and security, wireless application development, embedded system
ests include cognitive radio networks, device to device communication, and design, and the Internet of Things.
the Internet of Things.

60804 VOLUME 10, 2022

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