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 Segelas jus jeruk : ___________________ of orange juice

 Seskup es krim : ___________________ of ice cream

 Sesendok gula : ___________________ of sugar

 Seiris pizza : ___________________ of pizza

 Setandan pisang : ___________________ of bananas

 Sebotol air : ___________________ of water

 Sepapan roti : ___________________ of bread

 Sebatang coklat : ___________________ of chocolate

 Secangkir kopi : ___________________ of coffee

 Semangkuk mie : ___________________ of noodles

 Sepotong keju : ___________________ of cheese

 Sepiring nasi : ___________________ of rice

 Sedus susu : ___________________ of milk

 Sebungkus biscuit : ___________________ of biscuit

 Sepasang sepatu : ___________________ of shoes


Rp 100 : _____________________________________________

Rp 250 : _____________________________________________

Rp 1000 : _____________________________________________

Rp 1200 : _____________________________________________

Rp 1850 : _____________________________________________

Rp 10.000 : ____________________________________________

Rp 13.500 : ____________________________________________

Rp 57.999 : ____________________________________________

Rp 100.000 : ___________________________________________

Rp 125.000 : ___________________________________________

Rp 754.500 : ___________________________________________

Rp 1.000.000 : __________________________________________

Rp 2.500.000 : _________________________________________

Rp 20.000.000 : ________________________________________

Rp 148.000.000 : ________________________________________

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