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Data Collection

Last Edited 21/8/2020

Crops Details

 What kind of crops do you wish to grow? Please provide a list.

 If more than one crop type, please indicate how many hectares will be dedicated to each
crop type and if there’s a preference for a specific crop location.
 If the field is already planted, please provide details and photos: when was the field
planted, what are the distances between the plants, what are the distances between the
 Is there a local source for high quality seeds /seedlings?

Field Details
 Please provide a Google Earth file with a map of the field. Please make sure the field’s
perimeters are clearly marked.
 Please provide a topography analysis of the field
 Total area of field in hectares?
 Does the field have access to a transportation road?
 Does the field require leveling and clearing?
 Does the field have a water source? Please specify:
 If not, what kind of water source (such as a well, water reservoir/pond etc.) can be
 What is the maximum capacity the water source can provide (in cubic meters per hour)?
 Does the field have electricity?
 If not, what kind of electricity source can be created?
 Can electricity have 3 phase if needed?
 Does the field have artificial draining solutions such as canals/trenches?
 Does the field already have an irrigation and fertigation system?
 If yes, what kind (drip irrigation, pivot irrigation etc.)
 What is the type of soil in the field?
 What is the average slope of the field?
 Are the any areas in the field where the gap between the high point and low point is
more than 2 meters?


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