1393 - Shritej Patil - CNC123

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Nome- Shaitej Sanja Pai

Reg No FRRTUo20 1893
Coadee No-CNCI23
oabeeHUle- Physicaleducali on iet
& Yoqa P Dachce
Codsce czeditS- otE

Aca demic seaz 20 20-2


acha Asang
ton the flooD aith Gohleqs

Knees &
i n fsont
il oith
Bend o u a
j o 4 e g s eD
Ssed u the nles.This S the
PledSant poetuae known aS5

2) ajsg Asand
This is the best postuse fos
PEnayama a s the essest spine
alloeaStos aimum1uog exsan
Slon Siton the flooz Cith both
Tegs staelched Out in foont
o u sel f No Ebend fhe Enee S
me into a Eneelinq postu oe St
leoo on youd heels to
Pu oua enhae co eight on -he heel
& Cinkles TaytoEeep the antles
& heele
bsth f e e t c s lose toye.
t h e a s Poseible SiLstaaight
Dplacethe Pamsonthe thighs &
oesfDm nine n d s sF eeBp &

centsolled bseahinq a
Padma Asang e
Sition the floo c t h bofh
)egs Steetched ost in favnt Cend
ght EnGeplace the h t
froot oo eft thigh& h e lect s
fest on he aight thiah o y mo
dao do the eresse b placi n
left fool on sightAthigh Fo lloded
ght foetioo left thiqh: Do0E
o h is ifyou hae An sevexe

sooblerms th the Enees jsinls

Peofom he ph-jang muda oith
ods-humb index ingestogetb
e sthes hnged otsai gh &
elace t on the enesS SE taagh
2 Pefoamdeep c o n i o Iled
bze athinq

S) TiEong Asan
Slandin GUndstha Asana
Juop coi th the feet t u o o o thsee
feet apaat & slaetch the aam5
o he des S tho fhe aoe
pulin the chestin oeposi te
diaeetjonS Tuan tohigbb l d e
& Sloull- baing the hand ctodn
he ghtfooE place
the Palo he g h t & on he
loos o faonl of the aright o ot
ooE ap a he mi'ddle finges
Page No.

the left hand L e t h e entae

-fhoas0 get aqood w i o t & etzetch
Holdbthe DosiHon fOD Bo GEcon-

P & Come bacE i n the
Game mane> oe qog baYe qone
+he se Pepeat e fhe opo
Gite o de thenb >elay Tn G

Asana coi Hn few ounds

OF deep baeathing

Bhujanga Asand
Le qsdn o the unmuthg

ASana CoilhHhe h a n d a b fhe

Sde o f the b o d j Feep the chin
cifhbod- Tao m
on Hhe floos
oeS to hec in t a a g h t 1ine
o t h e l booe lace the
tame on fhe Floos b the Glde
heet slowH i E t h e
8 4hen o R S e l t h e chest
I he aae uul siaaiqht Do
he off
nåeve t h e Heo<
net JiEt
a a e n e s s of he
Feel the
the umba
ending a
eco Gecon elay &
AHe 9
baog he ches L & head o )
the f l o o c i t h he chin
Touchinq hands 8 then
Releas h e
the CAnroukb Asang
Page No.

S) SasYanq Acang
Lie down in Shava Asanc
saise oth the
Oo the in » e a t h
leqe oelhed up fo degaees
the qeund athes o i s e
+he legs P o go deqsees
ds b the s i d e sP
Place the b a n d
the bod
Raise uathe , fhe b t t o c E s 8
tokingt h e upposof the
the ebodGb Ram
Platin9 the elbou e on he
qound & Sppost the bare aoiH
both he palms
keep the aunE | e g e nstoa
h t lne b upposti nq t h eaun
on the houldezs .Feee the head
o n t h e fl oS3
seahhe io shall ow r anneg

CDhile cncentaahnq t h e paesS

uae at he fhapa e q i o n - Rele-
9se t h e o s e qFle3 a-few
Secood 6 8 ela o Shava Aso

the endo-
Thie Pose simalates
cainee Sqstemi 2 s epeciall
qosdfos h3Did a n d Tt i s also
useful in ases of Jicibetes )
p oapse t piles


13 A) Asanas foa delax ahon

Shava Asang
Spand ha- Nisphan dha i 9
3 ) S SaYija Paanq ama in Shavg 7ASame

e) pdangyamas
) Vyag aha ps anayamg
2 P Cn ag pa angyamd
3) & ahmd 3 psangy a ma
Pa anayamc
S) Chandaa Pa anadamq

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