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Unit 3: Lesson 3.

4 Managing and Caring for the Self | Taking Charge of One’s Health

Activity Sheet 37
Name: John Joseph Perez Date: May 15, 2023
Year and Course: BSCS-1 Score: ________________
Time and Section: 9:00 – 10:00 am / J2

Stress Pill
Instructions: Let us check on how you can take stress as a challenge.

1. Identify one stressful demand that you have experience in the last two
months. It may be academic, work, personal, or family demands.

---As a 20-year-old college student, one stressful demand I have experienced in the
past two months is the pressure to balance my academic workload with personal commitments.
The struggle to manage assignments, projects, and exams while also making time for social
activities, self-care, and personal responsibilities can be overwhelming at times.

2. What makes it stressful? Identify your behavioral or physiological

response, cognitive, and affective response.

---Behavioral, Increased my time management efforts, multitasking, and potential overworking.

---Physiological, Heightened my stress hormone levels, increased heart rate, tense muscles, and
potential sleep disturbances.

---Cognitive, feeling by overwhelmed, mental strain, difficulty prioritizing, and reduced


---Affective, Frustration, anxiety, emotional exhaustion, self-doubt, and negative emotions.

3. What are some of your resources that help in managing your stressors?

---Supportive Friends and Family, Self-care.

4. What strategies have you done to be able to cope with it? Or what makes
it unsuccessful?

---Physical Activity

--- Self-Care

--- Seeking Support

5. What might be an effective strategy in dealing with that stressful

demand? Why?
Unit 3: Lesson 3.2 Managing and Caring for the Self | Metacognition and Study Strategies

--- Focus on Priorities, by determining the most critical tasks and focusing on
them, you can direct your time and energy towards what truly matters.
--- Realistic Goal-Setting, setting realistic goals based on your available
resources and capacity is crucial. It allows you to establish achievable targets
and avoid setting unrealistic expectations that may lead to unnecessary stress.

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