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The Use of Word Crap

“Crap” is a slang word which is very popular and commonly used today. This word came
from a person named Thomas Crapper (1837-1910) who came up with the invention of flush toilet.
Back then, people started to use his surname to indicate something which was like a “thing” that
“should be flushed in toilet”. This word was taboo to say, but now this word is very common
whether in an informal conversation or even in a formal one, because now we have wider
expression which people need it to be clearly delivered.
The use of the word crap has developed a lot then how it was. In many situations, people
often say this word to state an expression which can mean many things depend on the context. For
example, there are some sayings about crap which is very popular such as “Cut the crap” that
intends to comedic words and “Full of crap” which means nonsense talking. This word can also be
used as a vulgar slang word, noun, adjective, and verb.
The meanings for word crap in vulgar slang are excrement; an act of defecating; foolish,
deceitful, or boastful language; cheap or shoddy material; miscellaneous or disorganized items or
clutter; and an insolent talk or behavior which is impolite. One example for these meanings in a
sentence is “This bag is so crap.” which means the bag is cheap and has bad materials.
The word crap also can be used as a noun which means a pile of excrement, worthless or pointless
things, nonsense, or lies. As an adjective, the word crap has meaning as very bad (quality), not
skillful, or not organized. Then, as a verb, the word crap also has many meanings such as mess up for
crap up, do something useless for crap around, to treat badly for crap on, or cannot do a promise for
crap out.

Translation and Interpretation

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