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This gives us an important fact concerning .

If we set in the
above equation, then we obtain

Dr. Abhishek Das

Curve: A curve or a path in is a continuous mapping from a closed interval
into . Here the points and are said to be the
initial point and terminal point of the path respectively.
Closed Curve: If , then the curve is called a closed curve.

Simple Curve: If a curve be such that for all

then is said to be a simple curve.
A parametric representation of a curve is given by
where and are continuous real valued functions on .

A line segment joining two complex numbers or a line segment with initial
point and terminal point is a continuous function defined
by Dr. Abhishek Das


Dr. Abhishek Das


Dr. Abhishek Das

Simply and Multiply Connected Domains:
We say that a domain is simply connected if every simple closed contour lying
entirely in can be shrunk to a point without leaving .
In other words, if we draw any simple closed contour so that it lies entirely
within a simply connected domain, then encloses only points of the domain

The entire complex plane is an example of a simply

connected domain; the annulus defined by
is not simply connected.

Dr. Abhishek Das

A domain that is not simply connected is called a multiply connected domain;
that is, a multiply connected domain has “holes” in it.

Note in the figure that if the curve enclosing the “hole” were shrunk to a
point, the curve would have to leave eventually.

Dr. Abhishek Das

Dr. Abhishek Das
Dr. Abhishek Das


Dr. Abhishek Das

Solution: By factoring the denominator as
we see that is the only point within the closed contour at which the
integrand fails to be analytic. Then by rewriting the integrand as

We can identify . The function is analytic at all points within

and on the contour . Hence, from Cauchy’s integral formula, we have

Dr. Abhishek Das

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