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Praktikum 1:

1) Pada tiga resep berikut ini, terdapat singkatan dalam bidang farmasi. Temukan singkatan
tersebut dan tuliskan pada tabel lembar kerja 1.
Tabel Lembar Kerja 1.

A. Resep 1

No. Singkatan dalam Kepanjangan Arti

Bidang Farmasi
1 R/ Recipe Ambilah
2 No. XXXV Nomero 35 Sebanyak 35
3 S1dd 5 tab Signa 1 de die 5 tablet Tandai 1 kali sehari 1
4 pc Post coenam Setelah makan
5 on Omni nocte Tiap malam
6 S3dd 1 tab Signa 3 de die 1 tablet Tandai 3 kali sehari 1
7 prn Pro renata Bila perlu

B. Resep 2

No. Singkatan dalam Kepanjangan Arti

Bidang Farmasi
1 R/ Recipe Ambilah
2 M Misce Campur
3 f.l.a Fac lege artis Buatlah sesuai aturan
4 Pulv Pulvis Serbuk
5 dtd Da tales doses Berikan sekian takaran
6 No.XV Nomero XV Sebanyak 15
7 s Signa Tanda/tandai
8 tdd1 Ter de die 1 Tiga kali sehari satu

C. Resep 3

No Singkatan dalam Kepanjangan Arti

Bidang Farmasi
1 R/ Recipe Ambilah
2 Ad Ad Sampai
3 M.F Misce fac Campur dan buatlah
4 La Lega artis Menurut aturan
5 Oint oinment Salep
6 Da Da signa Berikan dan tulis
7 In pot In pot Di dalam pot
8 S Signa Tandai
9 u.e Usus externum Pemakaian luar
10 Mane et vespers Pagi dan malam

Praktikum 2:
1) Pada rekam medis berikut ini, terdapat singkatan dalam bidang kedokteran. Temukan
singkatan tersebut dan tuliskan pada tabel lembar kerja 2.


Chief Complaint
“I have been short of breath and have been coughing up brown mucus for the past 3 days.”

James Thompson is a 55-year-old man with a 3-day history of worsening shortness of breath,
subjective fevers, chills, right-sided chest pain, and a productive cough. The patient states that
his initial symptom of shortness of breath began approximately 1 week ago after delivering
mail on an extremely cold winter day. After several days of not feeling well, he went to an
immediate care clinic and received a prescription for levofloxacin 750 mg po for 5 days, which
he never filled due to financial reasons. He has been taking acetaminophen and an over-the-
counter cough and cold preparation, but feels that his symptoms are getting “much worse.”
The patient began experiencing pleuritic chest pain and a productive cough over the past 3
days, and feels that he has been feverish with chills, although he did not take his temperature.
Upon presentation to the ED, he is febrile and appears to be visibly short of breath.

HTN × 15 years
COPD × 10 years
Lives with wife and four children. Employed as a mail carrier for the U.S. Postal Service
Smokes 2 pack/day for the past 30 years. Denies alcohol use or IV drug use

Patient states that he has only been sporadically taking his medications due to financial
- Lisinopril 10 mg po once daily
- Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 mg po once daily
- Ipratropium/albuterol MDI two inhalations four times daily
- Albuterol MDI two inhalations PRN shortness of breath
- Acetaminophen 650 mg po Q 6 h PRN pain
- Guaifenesin/dextromethorphan (100 mg/10 mg/5 mL) 2 teaspoonfuls
Q 4 h PRN cough


Physical Examination
Patient is a well-developed, well-nourished, African-American man in moderate respiratory
distress appearing somewhat anxious and uncomfortable.
BP 156/90, P 127, RR 31, T 39.1°C; Wt 88 kg, Ht 6'1''
Warm to the touch; poor skin turgor
Labs on Admission
- Na 140 mEq/L - Hgb 12.1 g/dL - WBC 17.2 ×
- K 4.3 mEq/L - Hct 35% 103mm3
- Cl 102 mEq/L - RBC 3.8 × -
- CO2 22 mEq/L 106/mm3
- BUN 31 mg/dL - Plt 220 × 103mm3
- SCr 1.4 mg/dL - MCV 91 μm3
- Glu 101 mg/dL - MCHC 35 g/dL

pH 7.410; pCO2 29; pO2 65 with 85% O2 saturation on room air
Chest X-Ray
Right middle and lower lobe airspace disease, likely pneumonia. Left lung is clear. Heart
size is normal.

Chest CT Scan without Contrast

No axillary, mediastinal, or hilar lymphadenopathy. The heart size is normal. There is
consolidation of the right lower lobe and lateral segment of the middle lobe, with air
bronchograms. No significant pleural effusions. The left lung is clear.

Probable multilobar community-acquired pneumonia involving the RML and RLL

Tabel Lembar Kerja 2.

No. Singkatan dalam Bidang Kepanjangan Arti
1 HPI History Patient Illness Riwayat Penyakit Pasien
2 ED Emergency Departements Instalasi Gawat Darurat
3 po Per oral Pemberian obat melalui
4 HTN Hipertensi Tekanan darah tinggi
5 COPD Cronic Obstructive Penyakit paru obstruktif
Pulmonary Disease kronis
6 SH Social History Riwayat sosial
7 NKDA No Known Allergy Tidak Ada Alergi yang
8 VS Vital Sign Tanda Vital
9 WBC White Blood Cell Sel darah putih
10 MCHC Mean Corpuscular Rata-rata Konsentrasi
Hemoglobin Concentration Hemoglobin Korpuskular
11 MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume Volume Korpuskular Rata-
12 Plt Platelet Trombosit
13 RBC Red Blood Cell Sel darah merah
14 Hct Hematokrit Hematokrit
15 Hgb Hemoglobin Hemoglobin
16 Glu Glutamat Glutamat
17 BP Blood Pressure Tekanan darah
18 RR Respiratory Rate Laju Pernafasan
19 Wt Weight Berat/bobot
20 Na Natrium Natrium
21 K Kalium Kalium
22 Cl Clorida Klorida
23 CO2 Carbon dioksida Karbon dioksida
24 BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen Nitrogen urea darah
25 SCr Serum Ceratinin Keratinin serum
26 ABG Arterial Blood Gas Gas Darah Arteri
27 RML Right Middle Lobe Lobus Tengah Kanan
28 RLL Right Lower Lobe Lobus bawah kanan
29 P Pulsus Detak
30 MDI Metered Dose Inhaler Penghirup Dosis Terukur/
Inhaler dosis terukur
31 T Temprature Suhu
32 Ht Heart Rate Detak Jantung
33 CT Computed Tomography Tomografi terkomputasi
34 PRN Pro renata Sesuai kebutuhan
35 PMH Progressive Macular Hipomelanosis makula
Hypomelanosis progresif

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