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Department of Civil Engineering

Course: Capstone Design I & II
Code: CE 492 & CE 493

Topics: Intersection Design for Improvement from Existing Condition"

A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of
B.Sc. in Civil Engineering



1 Ragib Akther Chowdhury 193 285 047
2 Halima Akter 193 246 047
3 Johirul Islam 193 245 047
4 Habibur Rahman 193 270 047

Supervised By:
Subrata Roy Tutul
Lecturer (Part Time)
Department of Civil Engineering
Presidency University
It is stated that the work " Intersection Design for Improvement from Existing
Condition" reported in this capstone has been performed under the supervision of “Subrata
Roy Tutul”, Lecturer (Part Time), Department of Civil Engineering, Presidency University.
To the best of our knowledge and belief the capstone contains no material previously
published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the capstone

Signatures of the student

Ragib Akther Chowdhury Halima Akter

Johirul Islam Habibur Rahman

Course: Project/Thesis I & II
Code: CE 494 & CE 495

The Capstone design titled "Intersection Design for Improvement from Existing
Condition" Submitted by


1 Ragib Akther Chowdhury 193 285 047
2 Halima Akter 193 246 047
3 Johirul Islam 193 245 047
4 Habibur Rahman 193 270 047

has been accepted satisfactory in Partial Fulfillment of requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering on September, 2022.

Supervised By:
Subrata Roy Tutul
Lecturer (Part Time)
Department of Civil Engineering
Presidency University

At first, we are grateful to almighty Allah for giving the strength and courage that, we are
preceding the thesis with successfully. The preceding of capstone design involves
contribution and assistances from many individuals. First of all, we would like to express
our invaluable profound gratitude to our supervisor Subrata Roy Tutul”, Lecturer (Part
Time) Department of Civil Engineering, Presidency University. For his valuable
continuous guidance, helpful suggestions and constant encouragement for this going of

Finally, we would like to convey our thanks to the Department of Civil Engineering for
providing the necessary advice and suggestion to fulfill the requirements of this entire
project, without the help and support of these people this report might never complete.


5. 1 General 6-7
5. 2 Objectives of the study 8
5. 3 Scope of Traffic Speed Study 8-9
5. 4 Outline of report 9
6. 1 Company Name & Address 11
6. 2 Company Overview 11
6. 3 Mission 11
6. 4 Business Area 12
7. 1 General 14-18
7. 2 Table 3.1: Approximate capacity and Outer Diameter of
different types of Roundabouts
7. 3 Table 3.2: Basic design characteristics for each of the
six roundabout categories (Robinson, 2000)
7. 4 Table 3.3: Roundabout category comparison (Rodegerdts 2010) 20
Geometric elements of roundabouts, Table 3.4: Central Island
7. 5 21-23
Diameter (Kennedy 2007)
7. 6 Table 3.5: The width of circulatory road (Kennedy 2007) 24
7. 7 Table 3.6: Inscribed Circle Diameter (Kennedy 2007) 24
7. 8 Table 3.7: Entry Width (Kennedy 2007) 25
7. 9 Table 3.8: Exit Width (Kennedy, 2007) 26
7. 10 Table 3.9: Entry Radius (Kennedy, 2007) 26
7. 11 Table 3.10: Exit Radius (Kennedy, 2007)
7. 12 Design Principles and Guidelines 27
7. 13 Design Evaluation Metrics 27


10. Vehicular Data collection


12. Fig 5.1- Study area location on Map 30
13. Fig 5.2 Top View of Kawaran Bazar Roundabout 31
14. Fig 5.3 Top View of Kawaran Bazar Roundabout 31
15. Fig 5.4 Survey Location from Kawran Bazar to Panthapath Direction 32
16. Fig 5.5 Survey Location from Kawran Bazar to Moghbazar Direction 32

18. Fig 6.1: Vehicle movement Indicator in Roundabout 33
19. Fig 6.2: Vehicle movement Indicator in Roundabout 34
20. Fig 6.3: Entry flow of Intersection 35
21. Fig 6.4: Entry flow of Roundabout 36
22. Fig 6.5: Proposed Roundabout Design at Karwan Bazar 36

A Report on
Intersection Design for Improvement
from Existing Condition

This report was conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering at
“Presidency University” with the objectives to prepare a Project. The report
focuses on the evaluation of the roundabout design at the Kawran Bazar
Intersection in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It begins by highlighting the challenges faced
by the city due to rapid urbanization and population growth, leading to severe traffic
congestion. The need for an efficient and safe transportation system is emphasized,
particularly at the bustling Kawaran Bazar intersection, which has experienced
significant traffic issues. To address these challenges, city planners have proposed
the implementation of a roundabout design at the intersection. Before proceeding
with the project, an extensive survey was conducted, involving transportation
engineers, urban planners, and traffic management specialists. The survey analyzed
factors such as traffic volume, congestion patterns, and accident rates to determine
the suitability of a roundabout design.
The findings from the survey highlighted the benefits of a roundabout at the
Kawran Bazar Intersection. The design demonstrated the potential to improve
traffic flow, reduce congestion, and enhance road safety. The report emphasizes
the necessity of a roundabout due to the increasing traffic volume in the commercial
area, which the previous design struggled to accommodate.
The design process of an effective roundabout is discussed, encompassing various
technical aspects such as geometry, layout, entry and exit lanes, lane widths, and
pedestrian and cyclist accommodations. The report emphasizes the importance of
comprehensive data collection, including field surveys and traffic simulations, to
evaluate the existing roundabout's performance and identify areas for
The report presents a detailed analysis of the roundabout design, considering
capacity, operational efficiency, level of service, and safety. It provides valuable
insights into the roundabout's effectiveness, identifies potential enhancements, and
offers recommendations to optimize traffic management efficiency. In summary,
the report contributes to the ongoing efforts of traffic management authorities in
Dhaka by evaluating the roundabout design at the Kawran Bazar Intersection. It
envisions a future with reduced congestion, improved travel times, and enhanced
safety for all road users. The insights and recommendations presented in the report
will inform future design enhancements, positioning the intersection as a model of
efficient and safe traffic management in urban centers.

Chapter 1

1.1 General:

As urban areas continue to experience rapid growth, the need for efficient and safe
transportation systems becomes paramount. In modern cities, transportation is one of
the most crucial aspects of urban life. The movement of vehicles and people is
essential for economic growth, social connectivity, and quality of life. Traffic
congestion, however, has become a significant challenge for many cities, especially
in developing countries. Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is no exception. With
a population of over 21 million (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics). Dhaka is one of
the most populous cities in the world, and its roads are notorious for traffic jams and
slow movement.

Intersections are one of the important bottlenecks, which interrupt the smooth flow
of traffic which cause delay. In spite of being a very small area, the intersection is a
very important one as it dictates the overall capacity of road network (Alam, M.S.
1997). For avoiding this unnecessary delay or to get an efficient traffic flow
movement, these intersections need to be planned and designed properly and
carefully. Along with the appropriate road network and geometry, the necessary
traffic control devices (TCD) also need to be applied wisely. So, the performance of
intersection is very significant to get an efficient road network (Hoque, M.S. 1994).

“A roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is

permitted to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically
given to traffic already in junction” The main types of roundabouts are Grade
Separated, Mini, Normal, Compact, Signalized, and Double Roundabouts (the last
being a combination of Mini, Compactor Normal Roundabouts).

In the developed countries, like USA, UK, Australia, Canada, etc. to obtain orderly
movement of vehicles through intersections, they have strict traffic control rules,
regulations and well-established planning, designing methodology for geometric
design of road intersections and as well as standard guidelines for the application for
geometric design of road intersection and the proper application of traffic control

Especially, signalized intersections are among the most complex locations in urban
road network. The operational conditions of such intersections profoundly affect the
well-being of the surface transportation of goods and passengers in cities; whose
social, economic, recreational, and other activities depend on an efficient road
system. As the operational quality of urban road systems gradually deteriorates due
to increase in traffic volume and a higher level of service (LOS) is required, a well-

planned and efficient improved scheme is necessary to assure a satisfactory
condition of road transportation at all times. The evaluation of the current status and
performance of road intersections is one of the important tasks in the management
and improvement of Dhaka. In the bustling city of Dhaka, Bangladesh, where
urbanization and population growth continue to surge, transportation systems face
the pressing challenge of accommodating increasing traffic volumes. The Kwaran
Bazar intersection, a vital hub of commercial activity, has long been plagued by
traffic congestion, leading to frustrating delays and compromised road safety. In
response to these issues, city planners have embarked on an ambitious endeavor to
introduce a roundabout design at the Kwaran Bazar intersection, aiming to optimize
traffic flow, enhance safety, and provide a seamless commuting experience for
motorists and pedestrians alike. Before undertaking such a transformative project,
extensive research and analysis were conducted to assess the viability and efficacy of
a roundabout at the Kwaran Bazar intersection. A comprehensive survey was
undertaken, engaging the expertise of transportation engineers, urban planners, and
traffic management specialists. The survey examined various factors, including
traffic volume, congestion patterns, and accident rates, to determine the suitability of
a roundabout design for this particular location.

The findings of the survey proved instrumental in substantiating the benefits of

implementing a roundabout at the Kwaran Bazar intersection. Detailed data analysis
revealed that the introduction of a roundabout would significantly improve traffic
flow, reducing congestion and travel times for commuters passing through this
critical intersection. Moreover, the roundabout design demonstrated remarkable
potential to enhance road safety by minimizing the risk of high-speed collisions and
providing better visibility for all users. By incorporating the survey results and
analysis, city planners gained valuable insights into the specific challenges and
requirements of the Kwaran Bazar intersection.

1.2 Objectives of the study:

The objectives of an Intersection Design as a Roundabout are to collect data and

analyze traffic flow characteristics at a particular location, such as an intersection of
a roundabout. The study aims to determine the volume of traffic of entry flow and
circulating flow of a roundabout passing through the area. The speed at which
vehicles are traveling, and the types of vehicles those are present. There are several
specific objectives of Intersection design as a roundabout is listed below:

➢ Evaluate the effectiveness of the roundabout design at the Kawran Bazar

Intersection in reducing traffic congestion.
➢ Assess the impact of the roundabout on maintaining a continuous flow of traffic and
minimizing delays.
➢ Examine the level of safety provided by the roundabout design, including its
ability to reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall road safety.
➢ Analyze the capacity and operational efficiency of the roundabout, considering
factors such as traffic volume, queuing, and level of service.
➢ Identify potential areas for improvement and suggest recommendations to enhance
the performance of the existing roundabout design.

By achieving these objectives, this study aims to contribute to the ongoing efforts of
optimizing traffic flow, enhancing safety, and improving the overall efficiency of
transportation systems at the Kawran Bazar Intersection and serve as a valuable
reference for future intersection design projects.

1.3 Scope of Traffic Speed Study:

The scope of this study encompasses the evaluation of the existing roundabout
design at the Kawran Bazar Intersection in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The study focuses
on assessing the effectiveness of the roundabout in reducing traffic congestion,
maintaining a non- stop flow of traffic, and enhancing road safety. It includes an
analysis of various technical aspects related to the roundabout design, such as
geometry, layout, lane configurations, and pedestrian/cyclist accommodations.

To evaluate the roundabout design, a robust methodology is employed, involving the

collection and analysis of real-time traffic data. Traffic surveys are conducted to
gather essential parameters such as traffic volume, vehicle speeds, and pedestrian
movements. This comprehensive dataset serves as the foundation for assessing the
roundabout's performance and its impact on traffic flow and efficiency. In addition
to the quantitative analysis, a qualitative assessment is conducted to examine the

safety aspects of the roundabout design. The study includes an examination of
accident rates, analyzing whether the implementation of the roundabout has
effectively reduced the risk of collisions. The effectiveness of provisions for
pedestrians and cyclists, such as dedicated crossings and cycle lanes, is also
evaluated to ensure the roundabout design fosters a safe and inclusive environment
for all road users.

The scope of the study extends to assessing the capacity and operational efficiency
of the roundabout. Parameters such as queuing, delay, and level of service are
analyzed to understand the roundabout's performance under different traffic
conditions and demand levels. This analysis provides insights into the roundabout's
ability to handle existing traffic volumes and its potential to accommodate future

Furthermore, the study aims to identify areas where the roundabout design can be
improved. Recommendations are formulated based on the analysis conducted,
addressing factors such as capacity optimization, traffic management strategies, and
potential enhancements to pedestrian and cyclist provisions. These recommendations
aim to enhance the overall performance and efficiency of the roundabout, further
mitigating congestion and improving traffic flow.

While the focus of the study is on the specific roundabout design at the Kawran
Bazar Intersection, it acknowledges the broader implications of effective
transportation infrastructure planning. By evaluating the roundabout's performance,
this study contributes to the broader knowledge and understanding of traffic
management strategies in urban areas. However, it is important to note that the study
does not extend beyond the specific evaluation of the roundabout design and does
not encompass broader urban planning or policy considerations.

1.4 Outline of report:

The report has been documented in the following manner. The first chapter gives the
primary understanding of the problem statement and objectives of the study. The
second chapter has been devoted to review of earlier studies to set the guidelines for
the present work. The criteria for site selection, method of data collection and theory
on intersection while the methods we adopted in our data collection system have
been discussed in chapter three. Analysis and discussion of results are given in
fourth chapter. The specific conclusions drawn from this study and
recommendations for further work are given in the fifth chapter.

Chapter 2
Company Profile

2.1. Company Name & Address

Name: Jamuna Consultancy LTD

17/1, Hatkhola Road, Tikatuli, Dhaka-1219;
Phone: +88-02-9999000000 & 01711111111

2.2. Company Overview

Jamuna Consultancy Ltd is one of the growing engineering consultancy service

providers in Bangladesh. It provides consultancy services from initial design to
final implementation and all the management services to the government and
private projects in Bangladesh on road and bridge construction.

It has a team of efficient and skilled engineers, architects and planners who are
eager to provide high quality and eminent services to its clients.

Jamuna Consultancy Ltd is a company committed to quality design and

construction. All the projects have been designed according to the guidelines
stated in the Bangladesh National Building Code and to capable of withstanding
the code-specified natural forces like earthquake and wind. Additionally, at this
company all construction materials and equipment have a high-performance
rating and are procured with great care to ensure the highest possible standard.

2.3. Mission

All the activities of Jamuna Consultancy Ltd are based on the belief that, there
are no alternatives to perfection in services, which can only be achieved, at macro
level through cooperation among the industry, the universities, the government
and the private and public sector agencies concerned with the national
development and at a micro level, by exchanging information, ideas and feedback
between different levels of the technical and management hierarchy.

2.4. Business Area

• Engineering Consultancy Services for road, Highway and Bridge construction.

• Architectural Design

• Structural Design

• Project Management

• Electrification, road sign and safety management for transport and its others users.

• Development of government & private projects.

Figure 2.1 Company Organogram

Chapter 3
Literature Review

3.1 General:
“A roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is
permitted to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically
given to traffic already in junction” (Robinson, 2000). The main types of roundabouts
are Grade Separated, Mini, Normal, Compact, Signalized, and Double Roundabouts
(the last being a combination of Mini, Compactor Normal Roundabouts).

The traffic capacity of the roundabout depends on several factors which include the
geometry of the roundabout, the diversity of vehicles, and driver behavior. Usually, the
priority of movement at roundabouts is for the circulating flows; therefore, the
approaching traffic must wait and look for a gap in the circulating flow. There is a need
to evaluate roundabouts with different characteristics, such as intersection demand
level, traffic demand patterns (e.g., turning movement ratios), and geometric
characteristics (e.g., entrance angle, exit angle), and pedestrian volumes.

The history of roundabout and in particular its evolution from the old traffic circles and
rotaries built in the first half of the 20th century. Dahl et al. (2012) found that the rate
of decreasing in the observed capacity with an increase in the circulating flow was
lower at the roundabouts.

According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2014), Chittagong has a population

of more than 2.5 million and it is developing gradually over time. Rapid urbanization
increases the number of vehicles on the road section extensively in our country. The
road traffic in the Tiger-pass intersection is solely heterogeneous containing vehicles.
In the road transport network, the traffic junctions are considered to be the most
complex and the most challenging points where several traffic streams intersect. If
traffic junctions with circular flow of traffic (the so-called roundabouts) are compared
with traditional at-grade urban road junctions with or without traffic lights, it may
easily be decided that properly dimensioned and designed roundabouts greatly increase
the level of efficiency.
Moreover, during their total lifespan, they reduce the vehicle waiting time at road
junctions, the total time of travel, fuel consumption and the length of travel, while also
lightening harmful impacts on the environment due to the release of exhausted gases.
In addition, from an economic standpoint, such intersections bring plentiful benefits
such as lower cost of construction, lower land purchase costs and installation of
equipment (illuminated traffic signs in particular), less costly maintenance, and lower

losses generated by congestions due to excessive traffic load. Besides, the level of
traffic safety grows significantly when roundabout-type intersections are used.

“A roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is

permitted to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically
given to traffic already in junction” (Robinson, 2000). The main types of roundabouts
are Grade Separated, Mini, Normal, Compact, Signalized, and Double Roundabouts
(the last being a combination of Mini, Compactor Normal Roundabouts).

The traffic capacity of the roundabout depends on several factors which include the
geometry of the roundabout, the diversity of vehicles, and driver behavior. Usually,
the priority of movement at roundabouts is for the circulating flows; therefore, the
approaching traffic must wait and look for a gap in the circulating flow. There is a need
to evaluate roundabouts with different characteristics, such as intersection demand
level, traffic demand patterns (e.g., turning movement ratios), and geometric
characteristics (e.g., entrance angle, exit angle), and pedestrian volumes.

One study showed that non-signalized roundabouts are safer than traditional
intersections (Turner, 2011). Perdomo et al. (2014) scrutinized factors affecting
pedestrian crossing behavior and found that the existence of pedestrian crossings,
crossings location, vehicular speed, pedestrian islands, signage, number of traffic lanes
and traffic volumes all affect the pedestrians’ willingness to cross at roundabouts. Hels
et al. (2007) investigated roundabouts are familiar to result in fewer traffic accidents
than traditional intersections. However, this is to a lesser degree true for bicycles than
for vehicles. One of the first studies on vehicle safety at roundabouts in North America
was performed by Montonen, who conducted a crash study using data from
roundabouts both on national and municipal roads. The results showed that on national
and municipal roads with roundabouts the accident rate was 26% and 23% while the
injury accident rate was 4% and 4% respectively (Montonen, 2008). Many studies
mainly focused on vehicle safety at roundabouts which all conclude that when
intersections are converted to roundabouts the safety benefits are tangible (Jensen,
2013). One simulation study in 2001 modeled 25 signalized intersections in
Burlington, Vermont as roundabouts using the software SIDRA (Redington, 2001).
The author estimated a 250,000 yearly reduction in fuel use, when signalized
intersections were converted to roundabouts; which amount to 61,000 tons of CO2
saved per year. Roundabout features such as signage and advance warning play an
important role in determining driver performance when navigating the roundabout. It
has been observed that single-lane roundabouts perform better safety-wise compared to
multilane roundabouts (Wankogere, 2014). Roundabouts are linked with a 30% to 50%
reduction in the number of injury accidents. Fatal accidents are reduced by 50% to

70%. Effects on property damage accidents are highly uncertain, but in three-leg
intersections, an increase often will occur (Elvik, 2003).

The roundabouts are areas where there are more than one approach legs around the
central island, vehicle passages around the island are provided through circulatory
roadway and traffic gives priority to the traffic around the island. The priority rule for
roundabouts was first initiated in the UK during the 1960s. It has been in widespread
apply ever since, being adopted around the world. A fundamental property of
roundabouts is to assure vehicles joining the roundabout give way to traffic that is
already circulating around the island, ensure the traffic passes without interruption. The
beginning of the 21st century, the rapid recognition of roundabouts in many countries
has seen due to good performance in terms of vehicle movement at low speeds and
safety compared to another intersection types (Kennedy, 2007). In spite of sufficient
safety record, roundabout performance exactly depends on the design features and
several issues that considerably affect both crash frequency and severity existed in
roundabouts (Montella, 2007, 2011; Zealand, 2000). For a good harmony between
safety and capacity with the geometrical design, optimum roundabout performance is
required. Montella, Turner, Chiaradonna, and Aldridge (2013) stated that to achieve the
greatest performance of roundabouts with regard to safety and capacity, geometric
design features are of essential importance. Kim and Choi (2013) found that it is
possible to associate geometric design elements of roundabouts with actual vehicle
crash occurrences. Troutbeck (1989) showed also how the capacity and queuing in
roundabouts are affected by roundabout geometry. The basic design principles at
roundabouts are designed to meet user needs and enable the operation to be effective.
In the design stage of roundabouts, the appropriate sight distance and visibility must be
taken into account and should allow drivers to channel themselves by following the
lanes. Moreover, ensuring low speed at entrances, providing an adequate number of
lanes to reach the desired capacity, making apparent road signs and markings,
satisfying the necessary arrangement for pedestrians, cyclists and other road users are
the other design principles that should be provided by roundabouts (Wolhuter, 2015).
Although, it is very important to design roundabouts in accordance with the design
principles, following geometrical design standards and guidelines are also a critical
factor to construct them. Because several geometric elements of the roundabout have
significant on the safety, efficiency, and capacity of the roundabout. The aim of this
paper is to contribute to the understanding of the performance of the roundabouts
regarding on the guidelines and standards and help designers, planners, and engineers
to understand the basic design requirements for roundabouts.

Whether driving, shopping, walking or lingering, intersections are a focal point of

activity and decision, and thus are critical parts of the city streetscape and

transportation network. Intersections account for the most serious conflicts between
pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers, but also present opportunities to reduce crashes
when designed carefully. Good intersection design can tap civic and economic
potential, infusing overbuilt or underutilized spaces with street life.

Intersection design should facilitate visibility and predictability for all users, creating
an environment in which complex movements feel safe, easy, and intuitive. Their
design should promote eye contact between all street users, engendering a streetscape
in which pedestrians, drivers, and bicyclists are aware of one another and can
effectively share space. Intersections are the most challenging aspect of street design in
an urban environment. Capacity constraints at these pinch points in the roadway
network govern the width of roadways as they pass through them. People on foot may
avoid difficult crossings or subject themselves or their children to considerable risks
while crossing a street at a poorly designed intersection. The principles outlined here
enable practitioners to build intersections as meeting points that function well for
everyone using them.

Intersections are crucial to a street’s performance; they control a road’s speed, safety,
cost, and efficiency. Accommodation of turning movements directly affects safety and
efficiency, making left turns the key design factor in intersection improvement and
operation. As such, intersection turn lanes are discussed as a separate strategy.
However, other improvements can also be made to increase safety and capacity, thus
reducing congestion on the road. The most common strategies include improving
signal timing, removing elements that hinder sight distance, making drivers aware that
they are approaching an intersection, and improving bicycle or pedestrian facilities at
the intersection. There are potential applications for intersections of many types: urban
or rural, signalized or unsignalized, and major or minor streets. Raised medians,
bicycle lanes, improved skew angles, reconfigured signal timing, and advance warning
devices are all possible treatments to improve intersection safety and/or capacity.

Designing signalized intersections begins with knowledge of the fundamentals of road

user needs, geometric design, and traffic design and illumination, all covered in
separate chapters of the guide.

Road users, such as motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, are the operative players in
the road system, and their perceptions and decisions affect their performance. In the
1980s, FHWA's Human Factors team began applying human factors-based knowledge
to the design of roadways and signage. Termed positive guidance, the concept focuses
on understanding how road users—primarily motorists—acquire, interpret, and apply
information while driving.

The concept of positive guidance is simple: If drivers are provided with the
information, they need in a format they can read, understand, and react to in a timely
fashion, then the chances of driver error will be reduced and safety will be improved.

"The idea is to give motorists the information they need at the time they need it," says
FHWA's Ranck. "Intersections are complex meetings of roads, so it is crucial for the
driver to get the right information as to what lane to be in and where to go."

Traffic engineers apply knowledge of road user needs by designing and operating
signalized intersections that inherently convey to various users what to expect. This
information reinforces common expectations or communicates alternative information
if uncommon elements are present, such as an emergency vehicle running a red light,
allowing sufficient time for drivers to react.

Types of Roundabouts

Roundabouts have been categorized in terms of varieties for different conditions. The
criteria such as the location of the roundabout (rural, urban), expected capacity, traffic,
safety, traffic participants are generally taken into account for categorizing
roundabouts. It is worth to say that mentioned criteria vary from country to country,
because of the fact that the country's roundabout guidelines or standards are dissimilar
from each other. Therefore, different types of categorizations for different status and
circumstances directly affect roundabout geometric design features and operations. In
the light of previous studies and guidelines or standards, the differences can obviously
be seen. In the following, some examples addressing this issue are summarized. The
first example is the categorizing of roundabout done by Tollazzi (2015) based on
capacity and outer diameter, which is presented in Table. According to Table 3.1,
roundabouts are divided into six different types.

Table 3.1: Approximate capacity and Outer Diameter of different types of Roundabouts

The values given in the table are for information purposes only, and for solving
specific cases. Each case should be checked in terms of actual traffic flows and the
design and technical elements used. Basic design characteristics for roundabouts
identified under six groups with respect to the environment, a number of lanes and size,
by Robinson et al. (2000) are given in Table 2. In the guide, the identification was done
by size and environmental facilitates due to specific operations or design aims. These
categories are mini-roundabouts, urban compact roundabouts, urban single-lane
roundabouts, urban double-lane roundabouts, rural single-lane roundabouts, and rural
double-lane roundabouts.

In the report edited by Rodegerdts (2010), roundabouts are divided three categories ın
order to facilitate due to the performance and design characteristics of the roundabouts.
This report is an updated version of FHWA’s Roundabouts: An Informational Guide
which is prepared by Robinson et al., 2000. Unlike the first version, the roundabouts
categorized under three classes: mini roundabout, single-lane roundabout, and
multilane roundabout. This categorization is done considering the size and number of
lanes shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.2: Basic design characteristics for each of the six roundabout categories
(Robinson, 2000)

Table 3.3: Roundabout category comparison (Rodegerdts 2010)

In the same manner, Wolhuter (2015) divided the roundabouts into six different categories.
These are mini roundabouts, single-lane roundabouts, multilane roundabouts, turbo
roundabouts, teardrop roundabouts, and magic roundabouts. To sum up the presented study
and/or guidelines, the authors can highlight the fact that there are certain types of roundabouts,
and this roundabout can be changed depending on not only the demographic structure of the
state but also environmental factors. Hence, their dimensions and design principle change

Geometric elements of roundabouts:

The successful implementation of a roundabout design depends heavily on providing

the proper design. Principles for the geometric design of roundabouts are depended on
guidelines and standards. The designer must consider the conditions of the project and
supply appropriate geometry according to set engineering tools and design standards.
In this respect, it is important to plan and construct the elements of the roundabout in
accordance with the design criteria for better performance of the roundabout (Lee,
Kidd, Robinson, & Scarbrough, 2003). Each geometric element forming the
roundabout should be arranged according to the demands of the roundabout users and
constructed related to the guidelines and standards. As a part of the complicacy of
roundabout design stems from the fact that regulating one element of the roundabout
may negatively affect another with a strong effect (Wolhuter, 2015). It is crucial that
the individual components are compatible with each other so that the roundabout will
meet its overall performance objectives. To achieve the objectives, the dimensional
properties of each geometric element of the roundabout must be well-organized.
Several geometric design elements are used in roundabout standards and guidelines
Figure 1 is given to make a schematic view of geometric elements of roundabouts. But,
there should always be considered that certain differences occur according to the
standards of the countries and type of the structure. Next sections were formed in order
to give detailed information about all of the parameters shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Roundabout Features

Central island:

The elevated area at the centre of the roundabout is defined as the central island,
surrounded by circulatory roadway and generally without car passage. The central
islands are organized geometric elements that aim to enhance the perception of
roundabout approaching for drivers and perform their functions in aesthetic terms. The
central islands are highly effective on the capacities of the roundabouts, just like other
design parameters such as circulatory road width, entry-exit angles, and widths. The
large size of the central island contributes to the greater capacity of roundabouts
(KGM, 2000). Central islands are generally preferred in a circular with constant-radius.
Because the constant radius helps to maintain constant speed around the central islands.
It contributes to increasing safety at the roundabout. Kennedy (2007) implied that most
design guidelines and standards do not recommend the use of a non-circular central
island at roundabouts. However, under certain conditions, the central island shape can
be used as an oval, elliptical or oblong instead of a circular (Montella et al., 2013;
Rodegerdts, 2010). The central island diameter varies according to the guidelines and
standards used by countries. Table 3.4 shows that the central island diameters for the
standards used in different countries.

Table 3.4: Central Island Diameter (Kennedy 2007)

As it is understood from Table 3.4, the standards and guidelines used in different
countries recommend different value ranges for single lane and double lane
roundabouts depending on their location. 3.2. Circulatory roadway the circulatory
roadway is the curved path that vehicles use to move around the central island in a
counterclockwise direction (for countries where traffic flows from the left). The width
of the circulation path is determined based on the design requirement of the design
means and the entrances widths. In general, the circulating width should be at least as
wide as the maximum entry width and up to 120% of the maximum entry width
(DMRB, 2007; Montella et al., 2013; Rodgers’s, 2010). The circulatory roadway
depends on inscribed circle diameter and plays a role in a roundabout speed reduction,
higher capacity (Tollazzi,2015).

Table 3.5: The width of circulatory road (Kennedy 2007)

As shown in Table 3.5, the width of the circulation path should be at least as much as
the entry width and should remain constant throughout the roundabout. 3.3. Inscribed
circle diameter The inscribed circle diameter is the diameter of the largest circle that
can be fitted into the roundabout outline (Kennedy, 2007). And it is one of the critical
parameters affecting the operation of the roundabout. At normal roundabouts inscribed
circle diameter should not exceed 100m since the widening diameter causes high
circulation speed of the vehicles around the roundabout. According to DOT (2003) ,
smaller inscribed circle diameters are better in terms of safety since they provide lower
vehicle speed. However, a larger diameter may be more suitable at roundabouts with
more than four legs.

Table 3.6: Inscribed Circle Diameter (Kennedy 2007)

As shown in Table 3.6, some countries specify both a minimum and a maximum
inscribed circle diameter. Considering Table 6, the inscribed circle diameter should not
be unnecessarily large. 3.4. Splitter island The splitter islands, which are recommended
by all standards and guidelines to be used in roundabouts, are shaped to separate and
direct traffic to and from the roundabout on each leg. Guichet (1997) stated that the
main objectives of the splitter islands; to increase the awareness of the roundabout on
the drivers, to act as a refuge for pedestrians, to separate the entry and exit movements,
to provide a space for warning and traffic signs, and to prevent the wrong turns around
the island. The presence and shape of the splitter islands are very important for both
capacity and traffic safety. The formal appearance of the splitter island is organized in
many countries (triangular or tear-drop) depending on the size of the roundabout. At
larger roundabouts, triangular shaped islands are used and tear-drop shaped islands are
used at smaller roundabouts (Tollazzi, 2015). As the total length of the splitter island
increases, pedestrian safety will increase and at the same time the central island
diameter will increase and the risk of collisions and the speed of entry-turn vehicles
will decrease. Therefore, the length of the separator island should be at least 15m
(Rodegerdts, 2010). 3.5. Entry width Entry width is measured from the point where the
entrance line intersects the left edge of traveled way to the right edge of the traveled
way, along with a line perpendicular to the right curb line (Montella et al., 2013;
Rodegerdts, 2010). The entrance geometric design of the roundabouts is an important
design phase in which different parameters should be considered in terms of safety,
performance and capacity criteria. Entrance geometry design is one of the important
features that determine the speed control and entry capacity at the roundabouts.
Excessive entry width makes it difficult to maintain speed control at roundabouts
(Aumann, 2015; Steinmetz & Aumann, 2017; Tollazzi, 2015). The maximum and
minimum values that countries use for entry widths are given in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7: Entry Width (Kennedy 2007)

Exit width:
The exit width is the total width of the vehicle lane on the exit and is measured in a
similar manner to the entry width (Montella et al., 2013). Exit and entry geometries
have a significant effect in controlling the speed and movement of the vehicles at the
roundabout. While the entry geometry is designed to allow the vehicles entering the
roundabout to be slowed down, the exit geometry should be arranged to allow the
vehicles to leave the roundabout as soon as possible (Tanyel, 2001). The maximum and
minimum values that countries use for exit widths are given in Table 3.8.

Table 3.8: Exit Width (Kennedy, 2007)

Entry radius:
The entry radius is defined as the minimum radius of curvature of the outer borderline
in the entrance zone. The entry radius, which has a direct effect on the capacity and
safety criteria of the roundabout, also plays a role in controlling the amount of
deflection at the roundabout’s entries with other geometric elements (entry width,
central island, circulatory roadway). With the increase of the entry radius, the
roundabout capacity is positively affected. However, with the increase of the entry
radius, the control of vehicle speeds at roundabouts becomes difficult and the risk of
collision increases during circulation (Rodegerdts, 2010). Table 3.9 shows that the
entry radius values for used in different countries.

Table 3.9: Entry Radius (Kennedy, 2007)

Exit radius:

The exit radius is defined in a similar way to the entry radius. The exit radius generally
has a large radius to allow the traffic to leave the circulation path as efficiently as
possible. Table 10 shows that the entry radius values for used in different countries.
Since the Australian guidelines recommend the exits as easy to negotiate, as can be
seen from Table 3.10, no values have been defined in the Australian guidelines.

Table 3.10: Exit Radius (Kennedy, 2007)

Design Principles and Guidelines:
Traffic Capacity and Operational Performance:
Numerous studies have investigated the factors influencing the capacity and operational
performance of roundabouts. Design guidelines consider parameters such as entry and
circulating lane design, roundabout diameter, entry approach speed, and the use of
geometric design elements to maximize the roundabout's capacity and minimize delay.
Safety Considerations:
Roundabouts are known for their superior safety performance compared to traditional
intersections. Studies have examined various safety aspects, including the reduction of
conflict points, impact on accident rates, and the effectiveness of different design
features in enhancing roundabout safety.
Operational Analysis and Simulation:
Traffic modeling and simulation techniques have been extensively employed to evaluate
roundabout performance. These analyses help in understanding traffic flow
characteristics, queuing, delay, and level of service, allowing for iterative design
improvements and optimizing roundabout operation.

Performance Evaluation Metrics:

Level of Service:
Level of service (LOS) is a commonly used metric to assess the quality of traffic flow at
roundabouts. Different LOS criteria have been developed, considering parameters such
as delay, queuing, and capacity utilization, to determine the overall operational
efficiency of roundabouts.
Saturation Flow Rates:
Saturation flow rates quantify the number of vehicles that can pass through a
roundabout per unit of time. Understanding saturation flow rates is crucial for accurate
traffic modeling, capacity estimation, and performance evaluation.
Microsimulation Models:
Microsimulation models, such as VISSIM, PARAMICS, and AIMSUN, enable detailed
analysis and visualization of traffic operations at roundabouts. These models allow
researchers and practitioners to simulate different scenarios, assess the impact of design
modifications, and evaluate performance under varying traffic conditions.


Data collection is a fundamental aspect of evaluating the design of an existing

roundabout. It serves as the foundation for understanding the roundabout's current
state, assessing its performance, and identifying potential design issues. When
collecting data for roundabout design evaluation, several considerations should be
taken into account. Sufficient data coverage is crucial to obtain a comprehensive
understanding of the roundabout's performance under various traffic conditions.
Collecting data over a representative time frame, including peak and off-peak
periods, helps capture the full range of operational characteristics and potential
The first phase of this study involved the selection of a suitable location. We selected
the Kwaran Bazar roundabout for its convenience in collecting geographic data, and
the intersection plays a significant role in Dhaka city. Throughout the second phase,
geographic and vehicular data for the intersection were collected. In the third phase,
after data collection, the data will be analyzed to determine the capacity of each entry
lane, entry flow rate, circulating flow rate, and existing flow rate to calculate the
central island, splitter island, and sight distance. As a final product of this study, we
will check the adequacy of the existing roundabout.

Method Involve

➢ Field Observation
Conducting field observations involves visually assessing the roundabout's
performance and operational characteristics. This includes observing traffic
movements, pedestrian and cyclist interactions, and overall traffic flow patterns.
Field observations provide valuable insights into any operational issues, congestion
points, or safety concerns.
➢ Traffic Data Analysis

Analyzing traffic data collected at the roundabout helps evaluate its capacity and
performance. This involves examining traffic volume data, peak-hour analyses, and
queue lengths. Comparing the observed traffic parameters with design standards or
guidelines provides insights into whether the existing roundabout adequately meets
the anticipated traffic demands.

Geographic Data Collection
Vehicular Data Collection

The vehicular data has been collected using a video camera. For a particular amount
of time, a video has been captured, and data is later collected by rewinding. In addition
to traffic volume, it is possible to obtain other traffic parameters from the captured
video. It is possible to cross-check the data and ensures quality. In this study, traffic
volume was calculated by manual counting for the one-hour duration on a typical peak
day. Peak 1-hour traffic data was collected in all directions for every hour at that time.
Finally, add them together to show the volume with percentage details in the result.

The date of data collection was May 24, 2023, and the time was from 5.00 pm to 5.30
pm. We set several sets of cameras at suitable points at the intersection. After filming
for a half hour, we found the overall composition of different vehicle categories,
shown in Table 1. In the video clip, we had also determined flows in veh/hr.

Chapter-5 Data Collection
Date and time
The date of data collection was 24 May 2023, and the time was from 5.00 pm to 5.30
pm. We set several sets of cameras at suitable points at the intersection. After filming
for a half hour, we found the overall composition of different vehicle categories,
shown in Table 1. In the video clip, we had also determined circulating flows in


The data were collected in the Kwaran Bazar Roundabout intersection. One group
were appointed to collect traffic volume data and One group are appointed for
measuring the existing roundabout center island diameter, roundabout lane width,
number of lane and lane width etc.

Fig 5.1- Study area location on Map


The goal of the observation was to count the entry flow and circulating flow of the
roundabout to check the adequacy of the existing roundabout. As a result, vehicle
movements were classified into different categories and counted throughout the period.
Method and Equipment

Traffic was counted according to Manual Strip method and for recording data a tabulated
tally sheet was prepared which come handy in recording classified vehicle count. Measuring
tape used to measure the inscribed circle diameter of a roundabout and Mobile Stop watch
was used to measure time.
Some Photos During Survey

Fig 5.2 Top View of Kawaran Bazar Roundabout

Fig 5.3 Top View of Kwaran Bazar Roundabout

Fig 5.4 Survey Location from Kawran Bazar to Panthapath Direction

Fig 5.5 Survey Location from Kawran Bazar to Moghbazar Direction

General Data Analysis

The data analysis section of the "Intersection Design as a Roundabout" report plays a
crucial role in evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the roundabout design.
It involves analyzing various datasets and parameters to assess the impact of the
roundabout on traffic flow, congestion reduction, and overall safety. Overall, the data
analysis section presents a comprehensive and well-structured evaluation of the
roundabout design based on data analysis techniques. It provides clear insights into
the performance of the roundabout and serves as a basis for informed decision- making
and further improvements in traffic management.
Assembling Traffic Data

This includes obtaining the data relating to periods that are relevant for analysis and
which may vary depending on the nature of the side, converting typical crossroad
turning movements into roundabout entry flows, and circulating flows. Figure 3 shows
a typical turning movement diagram based on collected survey data, and Figure 4
shows the typical turning movement diagram converted to roundabout flows. And the
maximum circulating capacity of 3467 veh/hr has been found at the Farmgate

Fig 6.1: Vehicle movement Indicator in Roundabout

Table 6.1 Vehicle per hour Distribution from Four Entry Lane to Other

From To Flow Total Flow

(Veh/hr) (Veh/hr)
Panthapath 425
Shahbag Farmgate 1010 2236
Mogbazar 801
Mogbazar 417
Farmgate Shahbag 680 1492
Panthapath 395
Shahbag 285
Mogbazar Panthapath 705 1491
Farmgate 501
Farmgate 205
Panthapath Mogbazar 419 934
Shahbag 310

The highest number of entry flows observed in the Shahbag approach to the Farmgate
is 1811 vehicles per hour. and the maximum circulating flow is 3467 vehicles per
hour. From the entry flow and circulating flow, we can determine the diameter of the
inscribed diameter of the roundabout and the number of lanes of the roundabout.

Fig 6.2 Vehicle movement Indicator in Roundabout

Entry Flow of Intersection

800 705
600 501
425 417 395 419
400 310

Shahbag Farmgate Mogbazar Panthapath

Fig 6.3: Entry flow of Intersection

These traffic flow patterns highlight the maximum traffic flow generated from the
Shahbagh approach towards Panthpath, Farmgate, and Moghbazar. The Panthpath
approach also experiences significant traffic flow towards Farmgate. Understanding
these traffic patterns is crucial for effective traffic management and optimizing the
design and operation of the roundabout.

Entry Flow in

Shahbag Fatmgate Mogbazar Panthapath

Shahbag Fatmgate Mogbazar Panthapath
Entry Flow 1811 1075 1206 739

Fig 6.4: Entry flow of Roundabout

For the highest of the four-entry flow (1811 Veh. /hr.), the roundabout has been
designed to have three-lane with a maximum inscribed circle of 80m. For the final
design, a three-lane roundabout having an inscribed circle of 80m (262ft) diameter has
been selected. Thus, the circulatory lane width and central island diameter have been
found 5m (15ft) and 52.6m (172ft) respectively.

Proposed Roundabout Design

Chapter 7

Conclusion & Recommendations

In conclusion, the adequacy check of existing roundabout of Kwaran bazar provides
valuable insights into the traffic patterns and behaviors in the surveyed area. The
findings reveal several critical aspects that can help improve traffic safety and
efficiency. Through this study, we have identified the major contributing factors of
design roundabout. This chapter discusses on the results obtained from the analysis
and their importance. This report presented all possible analysis by the data collected
from field survey.

Roundabout is an efficient feature in the roadway system for vehicles crossing the
intersections smoothly without making any congestion and without halting vehicles

for a quite amount of time. Many intersections are now adopting to have a roundabout
for traffic management and control. This study was intended to design a roundabout
in Tiger pass intersection based on current entry flow. Before design, all existing
geometric and vehicular data has been collected with precision and perfection. For the
highest of the four-entry flow (1811 Veh. /hr.), the roundabout has been designed to
have three-lane with a maximum inscribed circle of 80m. For the final design, a three-
lane roundabout having an inscribed circle of 80m (262ft) diameter has been selected.
Thus, the circulatory lane width and central island diameter have been found 5m (15ft)
and 52.6m (172ft) respectively.


There are some recommendations based on the study took place. They are as follows-
➢ Implement Clear Lane Markings: Install visible lane markings at the roundabout
to guide and direct the flow of traffic. Clearly marked lanes will help drivers navigate
the roundabout more efficiently, reducing confusion and potential conflicts.
➢ Ensure Clockwise Traffic Flow: Emphasize the importance of maintaining
clockwise traffic flow at the roundabout through proper signage, public awareness
campaigns, and traffic enforcement. This will help maintain a smooth and consistent
flow of vehicles, minimizing disruptions and potential conflicts.
➢ Enhance Non-Motorized Vehicle Infrastructure: Improve infrastructure for non-
motorized vehicles, such as bicycles and pedestrians, in and around the roundabout.
This may include the construction of dedicated bike lanes, sidewalks, and designated
crossings, ensuring their safe and controlled movement to reduce the impact on traffic
➢ Construct shoulders or buffer zones: Create designated shoulders or buffer zones
around the roundabout to provide additional space for vehicles that may need to stop
or yield. These areas can also serve as refuge spaces for pedestrians and cyclists,
enhancing safety and minimizing congestion within the roundabout.
By implementing these recommendations, the traffic conditions at the roundabout
can be significantly improved, ensuring smoother traffic flow, enhanced safety, and a
more efficient transportation system for all users. These measures will contribute to a
more sustainable and user-friendly roundabout design, addressing the key issues
identified during the survey and traffic flow count.

➢ We are collecting data to check the design capacity of one of the busiest
roundabouts in Dhaka city, and we have collected the data manually, which never
represents accurate data. If we could use some automatic counting technology, then
accurate traffic flow would be desirable.
➢ We collected the data on a particular day for one hour, but it obviously doesn’t
represent the total traffic stream in its actual condition.
➢ Traffic data was collected for a very short period of time and manpower was less.
The design of roundabouts requires the collection of traffic data over a long period of

Scope for Further Study:
The present study is focused mainly on evaluating capacity of existing roundabout
only. Various other experiments could be conducted depending on the data we had in
out possession. However due to lack of time we conduct those extensive experiments
and it is suggested that those studies should be conducted in future to have a good
understanding of the traffic condition of the roadway we studied in this time.

We express our sincere gratitude to our beloved Subrata Roy Sir, for his invaluable
guidance and support throughout the road survey. His expertise and mentorship
greatly contributed to the success of our project.
We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the traffic police and pedestrians
who assisted us during the survey. Their cooperation and assistance in collecting data
and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic during our fieldwork were instrumental in
obtaining accurate and reliable results. We are grateful for the contributions of all
those who supported us in this endeavor, and their assistance is greatly acknowledged.

Fig 6.5: Proposed Roundabout Design at Karwan Baza


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➢ Roundabouts: a literature review of Turner, D. (2011)

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