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World creation myth

Once upon a time, there was a god called Aspiratio ( Latin of aspiration

means god of hope). Aspiratio was a cheetah that has an enemy called the devil

(meaning of death). Aspiratio was the mother of Aspiratio when Aspiratio was small

she was a very kind and nice kid, but in the society of cheetahs, when the cheetahs

grow up they will have to leave their mother and live by themselves. Devil started

hating and wanting to kill her mother from the moment that she threw him out of

her house, at the first 5 days, she had no food because she doesn’t know how to find

food. She was bullied by other cheetahs. She decided that when she becomes strong

, she will kill her mother by herself and throw her out of the house.

After days, She started to learn how to catch animals and kill them, she

also started knowing some knowledge from other cheetahs (etc: which kinds of

berries are edible and which kinds are not). After she had enough food and enough

knowledge, she started practicing her skills for killing cheetahs. She runs for nearly 10

hours a day to increase her running speed. She practiced killing cheetahs using living

cheetahs that she could see.

One day, she found out that she could kill an animal in 1 minute,she knew

that this was the time to reverenge.She walked accross her mothers /her home

before home ,she though:”It should be here,I will kill her in seconds when I see

her!”.All of a sudden,a cheetah came and jumped on her,but after a few seconds of

pain.The cheetah that attacked her stopped ,and she stopped the attack .She

said”Are you my children?”.At that moment,she has an idea to kill her mother after
she got all of the resources her mother have.(In the society of cheetahs,they think

that resources are the most important stuff in their lives).And that was how selfish

and evil came on the earth.

After her mother found out that the cheetah she attacked was her

daughter,she didn’t feel amazed and excited .The only feeling she had on her face

was blaming her daughter coming back disturbing her. When she saw the facial

expression of her mother,the feeling that she wanted to kill her mother increased.

Her mother brought her back home ,when she went back “home” she

accted like she was very tired and weak.She told her mother alot of stuff that she

experienced outside.The heart of her mother that was a “rock” started becoming

softer,her mother helped her to recover her wound.

After that day,her mother started giving her daughter some food that

she had just caught at the morning(That is how mother-love came to earth).At

first,she thought that she would been “thrown” away from the house again like what

happened while she was a child.But,what happened was out of her expectation ,her

mother didn’t let her go . She started her plan ,she gathered as much food she could

find in her mothers territory .When her mother come to the place she live,she acted

like she was almost going to die.One day,her mother found out that she gathered a

lot of food ,her plan was found out by her mother .Her mother decided to let her go

after her wound recovers.

In midnight,she decided to kill her mother,she walked slowly to the

place her mother was sleeping at.Suddenly,her mother opened her eyes and jumped

on her daughter.They started their fight,they fighted very hardly ,there were blood

everywhere .Thier blood were mixed will mud and sand(that was how mountains and
humans were made,some mud mixed with their sweat and turned to mountains and

some of the mud mixed with their blood to make humans) .They fighted until they

reach the side of the mountain.Suddenly,her mother fell off the clift ,luckily she

grabbed the side of mountain and didn’t fell of the clift.Her mother didn’t expect her

to save her because she knew that her daughter had the feeling that wants to kill


Suddenly,she felt something warm grabbing her hand,she opened her

eyes and saw her daughter pulling her up.Her daughter look like that she is using all

of her power to pull her up from the cliff,after she pulled her mother up.Her mother

was very thankful to her daughter because she just saved her life.She ran to her

daughter and hugged her,that is how forgiveness came to earth.

After that happened,she decided to have a talk with her daughter.She

and her daughter had a talk on the grass land that they sat when her daughter was

small.She said:”Do you want to accompany me creating the world?I could save every

object that is sick or dead and you could kill any object ”.Her daughter said:”what do

you mean by that?”She said:”I mean that we could work together and you would kill

the creatures that lived for a long time.And I would help creatures that face

problems (etc:sick)solve their problems”.Her daughter said:”Ok,but we have to have

another deal,we must live together or I will keep killing creatures until they are all

gone.”Her mother agreed and they lived happily together, the humans that they

created knew the story of them two .

After 500 years,they coudn’t die and they think that it is to bad to

live for a long time.So,they used a knife that they made and killed thier selves ,the

dead body of them two made grass and plants grow .The crops that the humans
grow finally grew ,finally the humans don’t have to worry about of food .And that is

how the world is created by the two cheetahs.

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