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The White Star Dream Ship
At 11:40 p.m. on April 14th, 1912, a tragic event occurred that will no doubt change history. The Titanic, pride of the White Star Line and the largest, most fabulous ship afloat, struck an iceberg. In less than three hours 1, 502 people were taken to a watery grave in the worst

M AY 1 ,1 9 1 2 I NS I D E T HI S I S S U E : The Floating Palace Getting Ready

The Crew of the Titanic

2 2

The Voyage Begins Another Bad Omen

The Stairway to Heaven
Titanic (Warnings of Disaster)

What Happened After Titanic Went Down?

Launching of The Lifeboats

3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10

The Amazing Rescue Iceberg A Sinking Feeling

How The Unsinkable Sank
The Largest Ship Goes Down

Disaster at Sea

People Who Died On the Titanic

To The Lifeboats
What Happened To the Millionaires Captain?


The Unsinkable Molly Brown

Titanic Sweethearts Bringing Back Bodies

5B WCS Press Says Goodbye...

A Ticket For Disaster!

maritime disaster in history. The following Special News Addition of the Titanics Tale was created by the best news reporters there are. Grade 5B of White City

School have written the news with the best information available. It is our hope to allow the reader of this written work to see the incredible, tragic events that occurred on this cold night on the Atlantic ocean.

The Titanic weighed over 53, 000 tons. Fourteen years ago a novel called the Futility was released about a ship called the Titan. This ship was unsinkable and hit an iceberg on the way to North America. Many people in the novel died because the ship did not have enough life-boats. In 1912, the Titanic cost $7.5 million to build. The Titanic along with the Olympia are the largest manmade objects ever moved.

A Terrible Tragedy! By Jordan H.

Last night, April 14, a terrible tragedy happened on the high seas. The Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink. It happened about 11:40 p.m. while most people were unaware of the icebergs around them. Captain Smith organized the crew to get the passengers into the lifeboats. This was very hard because there werent enough boats. The lights went out at 2:18 AM and the ship began to tear apart. Survivors report seeing the ship break in two, between the 3rd and 4th funnels. Some swimmers were crushed. All the people who were still trapped on the ship either jumped into the water or went down with the ship. Finally, the Carpathia came close enough to rescue the people on the lifeboats. Senator Fletcher was one of those rescued. We partially rowed and she partially came some of the way. We saw her at a distance. She stopped and we surmised that she was then picking up a boat. I think we were about the 4th or 5th to be picked up, he reported. Survivor Mary Davis Wilburn said, The dead came up holding children in their arms. The poor

people never had a chance. In total 1517 people died and 706 people were saved. Everybody thought that the Titanic was unsinkable but were they right?


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The Floating Palace

The Titanic is one of the most famous historical ships in the world; it is about the largest object ever to be moved. Two men, who were workers on building the Titanic, were killed accidentally. The Titanic had three anchors- one on each side of the ship and one right in the center front of the ship. If the Titanic had not dropped its anchors it would have floated away. Once the ship was done they had bright red rockets to tell the boats to stay away from the launching area of the Titanic. The White Stare Line built the Titanic. The person that paid for the Titanic was Lord Pirrie. There was another ship called the Olympic also built by the White Stare Line it was launched in 1910 and the Titanic was launched in 1911. There was no bottle breaking ceremony on the bow of the Titanic and Olympic when it was finished being built. It took 62 seconds for the Titanic to be launched into the water off the platform that was 772 feet-long. They had 22 tons of grease, tallow, soap, and train oil on the platform that they used to slide the Titanic into the water. The Titanic was launched May 31, 1911. When the Titanic was launched all the shipyard workers went back to work in the shipyard. The Titanic and Olympic were the biggest man made palaces on the water. Tugboats towed the Titanic out into deeper water. If you had bought a ticket you could watch from inside the gantry. There were 40 lifeboats on the ship, but they took half of them off because they thought the ship was unsinkable. When the Titanic had left it was nice outside and the water was nice and calm. for New York City. Less than three hours after hitting the iceberg, the Titanic sunk to the bottom of the sea, 1500 people died. Only a few passengers were saved. Everyone in the world was shocked when they heard of the Titanic sinking, because everyone believed it was unsinkable. Some of the people on the ship were very rich, and powerful people. The people who died on the Titanic had fortunes worth $600 million ! The Titanic also was carrying poor immigrants who were coming to the New World to be free and to make money. The Titanic along with the Olympic were the biggest man made palaces on By Kyle D. the water.

The Titanic departed from Southampton, England on the first and only voyage Wednesday, April 10, 1912. The Titanic was the largest ship ever built at the time, it was almost three football fields long and twelve stories high. After stopping at Cherbourg, France and then Queenstown, Ireland the Titanic headed

On September 20, 1911 the Olympic (Titanics sister boat) collided with the British Royal navy cruiser. The cruiser tore a 40 foot gash in the liner side. It didnt sink the Olympic however it did create a situation where all the shipyard workers had to fix it. This delayed the original maiden voyage on March 20, 1912, to April 10, 1912. On April 2,1912 they test drove the Titanic and did test drills. Captain Edward John Smith took part in the trials. The builders and owners thought it would be as strong as the Olympic. On April 4, the Titanic was at Berth 44 at White Star Dock. The Titanic traveled 570 miles or 917 km. The Titanic ship was dressed up in colorful flags to salute Southampton. There at port the builders painted, furnished, and installed fixtures. The Titanic was ready just in time on April 10th! By Garrett H.

Was this another omen?

The Crew of The Titanic

Captain Smith, a very accomplished sailor, was 62 years of age and this was to be his final voyage before retirement. He had 25 years experience with the White Star Line. He was often referred to as the Millionaire Captain because the upper-class people really took a liking to him. Unfortunately, we believe he went down with the Titanic. This is usually a belief among captains to go down with their ship. Later in the Tale of The Titanic you may read what is believed about Captain Smiths final moments. Along with Captain Smith, were several senior officers. Chief Officer, Henry Wilde (fatality), First Officer, William Murdoch (fatality), Second Officer Charles Lightoller (survivor). One can only imagine their agony on this fateful night. All together 892 crew members helped to make the Titanic function, some only being 14 or 15 years old. Twenty three crew members were women.




On the Titanic, there were more third class passengers than there were first class passengers. It was really unfair because the third class cabins were the smallest rooms on the Titanic. There were only 2 bathtubs in the third class area. The cabins accommodated 10 people. There were 710 people in third class and 329 people in first class. The best thing the children in third class liked about sleeping there was the bunk beds. There had only been 76 children in third class when the Titanic set sail. The youngest passenger boarding on the Titanic was Millivina Dean who was two months old and was in first class. The largest family was the Sages. They had been boarding in third class. They had 9 children in their family from the ages of 4-20. The Sages needed two or even three cabins for their family. They had sailed from Peterborough, England and were going to Jacksonville, Florida. robe, a dressing table and a washbasin. Although our numbers may change we have accounted for 174 survivors from the third class passengers out of a total of 710, 119 second class survivors out of a total of 225, and 199 first class passengers out of a total of 329, The tragedy continues! By Taylor D.

The first class rooms were amazingly beautiful. The two most luxurious rooms on the Titanic were the two parlor suites with private promenade decks on B-deck with the most decorated staterooms that were ever built on an ocean liner. Each room had a sitting room, two bedrooms, two wardrobes, and a private bathroom. But not all first class rooms had their own washroom. The typical first class stateroom had a First Class Cabin Aboard bed, a large sofa, one wardthe Titanic

Third Class Cabin Aboard The Titanic

Another Bad Omen???

An accident almost took place before The New Yorks holding ropes the Titanic even left the port. As the snapped due to the suction from the Titanic sailed down Titanic and lunged tothe narrow channel wards the Ship Of to depart from Dreams. Passengers Southampton, she Now, we can say the were thankful to see a neared two ships. tugboat attaching a line One ship was the signs were more than and pulling the New so New York which York back. There are is ironic in itself as many signs that perhaps obvious! that was the destinathis ship should have tion of the Titanic. never set sail! While on the Titanic, Chief Officer Wilde wrote a letter to his sister that said, I still dont like this ship. I have a queer feeling about it. Esther Hart a passenger could not sleep with premonitions of disaster.
Chief Officer Wilde

The Stairway to Heaven

The stairway once walked on by Lords and Ladies now lies at the bottom of the murky, dark and mysterious sea. The grand staircase was used by fancy and rich first class passengers. The passengers of the great ship Titanic will never walk on these staircases again. There was one more grand staircase near the back of the ship. The grand staircase had natural light shining through a glass dome and reflected by the oak paneling on the wall. The staircase also had elaborate wooden railings. For now, though, some of the passengers lie in the depths of the ocean, for not all were rescued in time. Most are all the way down to the reception room outside the dining salon on the D-deck. It then continued right down to the E-deck. The second and the third class passengers were allowed in the First Class public rooms before Titanic left dock, but after the ship left, they were to stay in their own area. Some of the third class passengers didnt even have a chance of getting on the life-boats. Nearly everyone in first class had a chance at the life-boats. Once you think about what happened, it wasnt really fair. None of these rich people will ever walk the Titanics Grand Staircase again.

suffering from the loss of their loved ones. The staircase was a big staircase which went all the way to the boat deck, and then


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Titanic (Warnings of Disaster)

Today is Friday April 12, and several eastbound ships have been sending many messages to congratulate them and the Titanic on their maiden voyage. In the messages, I have been told that they have also mentioned about icebergs ahead. It didnt sound like the icebergs were too dangerous so they did very little about it. How did the Titanic send and receive messages in 1912? The wireless department of the boat and wireless operator on the Titanic sent and received messages by radio waves and some kind of Morse code, says the head operator in the wireless department. He also said with a small key they tap out dots, and dashes of some sort, that represents letters of the alphabet and numbers through nine. All these signals were picked up by other ships or also by wireless stations on land. Pretty cool, hey? What did Captain Smith do when he was told by the wireless operators that there was sent messages saying there were ice burgs in the sea-lanes? When Captain Smith was told there were ice burgs in the sea-lanes he steered farther south. He knew ice in the sea-lanes was not unusual in April. Ice burgs and sea ice from Greenland floats each and every Spring past the Grand Banks and off to Newfoundland. Captain Smith said Normal Navigational practice was to steer around ice burgs quickly once they have been sighted by the lookouts on the ship. To avoid ice most west bound ships also take a route farther south than usual, to a location that is called THE CORNER. Once Captain Smith was there he headed straight West. I was curious so I asked some questions about where and when they sleep because they have to operate 24 hours a day. I also asked where they work. They said they worked in a small windowless rooms on the forward boat deck, to make sure the ships wireless department would be working 24 hours a day and not break down. For sleeping, the men would take turns sleeping on bunk beds in a tiny room next door. Im Catlin S. with the Titanic report! Catlin S.

What Happened AFTER TITANIC Went Down?

How many of the passengers survived? The total of people that survived on the Titanic was 429 men, women and children. The total number of passengers was 1,324. The only child to die in first class was two year old Loraine Allison of Montreal All eight members perished from the orchestra. As well as all the bellboys, liftboys and pageboys all perished. Which city was hit the hardest of death? Southampton, England, by surprise many of the crews hometown. On one street alone there were 20 families bereaved. Did anyone of the White Star Line help the families of dead members? NO they didnt, because all members were casual labor and their families had no claim to any death of family. Did anyone help them? YES they did, the British Titanic relief claims and other British charities raised $2,250,000 to help the families of the dead crew and passengers hardest hit by disaster. Funds in the U.S raised $261,000 How many lifeboats are ships required to carry today? Due of Titanics tragic loss of life, cruise ships are required to have enough lifeboats to carry 25% (percent) more then the total number of passengers and crew on their ship.


Q: Did Any Passengers Refuse to Enter The Lifeboats? A: A wife of the owner of Macys was about to enter a lifeboat, but then she realized her husband was not allowed on, because of the rule of women and children first. She refused to leave her husband. Her husband told her to go on the lifeboat and that he would stay there with the rest of the men until everyone else was safe. He died later that evening. Q: How many lifeboats were on the Titanic? A: The Titanic carried 14 regulation lifeboats, seven on the starboard, and seven on the port. Each lifeboat could hold up to 66 people before reaching its weight limit. In total there was enough room to fit 924 people. Q: What was the condition of the lifeboats aboard the Titanic? A: All the lifeboats had a small hole in the front, which allowed water to drain out when they are kept on the Titanic. The lifeboats ranged from good condition to very old and rotten. Q: Who was allowed to get on the lifeboats? A: The first classed women and children had the first rights to the lifeboats, and when they lowered the lifeboats they only had about nineteen people on them. After the first boat went down the order was lost and the lifeboats started to fill up, some of them with more people than the 66-people capacity. First class filled the boats first, then second and then third. The third class was treated the least fair. They were locked up in the hull of the ship, forced to wait for the other people to get in the lifeboats. Many of them died when the ship sank. Janet D.

By: Maria S.



The Amazing Rescue

Yesterday the worst sea disaster in history occurred right before my own eyes. The shock of what I saw is still haunting me. I was onboard the Mediterranean Cruise Ship Carpathia dreaming of basking in the hot Mediterranean sun, when suddenly rockets fired from the ships smoke stacks and nearly shot me out of my bed. It was then that I realized that my Mediterranean cruise was over. Still half asleep, I looked over at the clock and it read 2:45a.m. My curiosity got the better of me as I ran up to the ships deck only to find 742 other passengers looking around with the same dumbfounded look as me. I heard a loud TWEET from behind me, it was Captain Rostron. The Captain explained that the Titanic had hit an iceberg and sunk in the Mid-Atlantic ice fields and that we were changing course and heading towards the Titanic disaster. We all were too shocked to speak. Our Mediterranean Cruise had turned into an epic rescue mission. Captain Rostron knew the journey toward the Titanic was going to be treacherous. Our sleepiness soon subsided. Captain Rostron, also known as Electric Spark fired out orders to prepare for the Survivors; Do we have a doctor on board? The doctor was Dr. Richard Jones. Dr. Jones, please prepare each of the three dining rooms as hospitals for on-coming survivors; First Officer Murray, ensure that all vacant rooms including smoking rooms, the library, and officers cabins are made available for the survivors; Fifth Officer Schneider, swing out the lifeboats and prepare the ropes, chair slings and ensure the ladders are hung. He then ordered everybody to go back to his or her cabins and the stewards will wake up the passengers when they arrive near the Titanics final resting place. I dont remember walking back to our cabin, there was too much to think about. I dont think I ever fell asleep that night, I just sat upright and stared into space. Thoughts raced through my head, why did this happen? Is it just a prank? Isnt the Titanic unsinkable? If its not a prank, how many people will die? What will the people in steerage do? I had no answer to these questions. The next thing I knew Frankie our steward was knocking on our door to wake us up. Cmon, wake up! Capn says he sees green flares and people in lifeboats burning something, cmon, get dressed so youre not late! My wife and I raced up to the boat deck only to see a dreadful sight. The faces of the people in the lifeboats being pulled up by the davits told me that it definitely was not a prank. The mix of sadness and fear in their eyes was a horrid, shocking sight. Vivid in my mind still is a picture of Elizabeth Allen, a 22 year old woman from St. Louis. She screamed about her husband and then burst into a fit of tears. I couldnt stand it any more, I grabbed my wife and walked away from the horrid scene to our cabin wrote the story youre reading now. The Titanic is a disaster nobody should forget. By Jarett H.

Yesterday a tragic accident occurred when the Titanic went down after hitting an iceberg. It was horrible, I will never forget the loud screaming, said Helen, a second class survivor. There are many rumours as to why this tragedy happened, but we have been able to find out several reasons why the Titanic hit the iceberg. They got messages that an ice field was near. Mr. Ismay ordered to go full steam ahead because he wanted the ship to make it to New York early so it would make headlines in the newspapers. The lookouts did not have their binoculars. The lookout first saw the iceberg at 11:39 pm. Most people think it would be better if the Titanic hit the iceberg straight on, then the Titanic and most of its passengers would have survived. Eyewitnesses reported that the iceberg was 60 feet high. The Titanic kept going straight toward the iceberg, then slowly the Titanic began to turn. It was too late. The officers heard a grinding sound from below. Nobody ever expected the Titanic to sink. It has been known as the unsinkable ship! Some say the Titanic was the ship of dreams, but certainly it has turned into the ship of nightmares. By Chelsea R.

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At approximately 1:30 A.M. panic swept over the Floating Palace that they were sinking. Everyone rushed to the lifeboats to get off the huge ship. Lifeboat number 14 was lowered with 60 people and a man tried to jump in the full boat, but the officer kept him back with 3 warning shots from his revolver to stay away. The people on the Titanic expected a ship to come and get them. So Captain James Smith sent lifeboat number 8 to go out to search for the boat, land its passengers and send back for more, but Jack Philips and Harold Bride in the wireless room knew that no ship in the immediate area was coming to their rescue. The Titanic began to madly radio call that they were sinking fast and to load the woman and children first. The Titanics last message to the Carpathia was that the Engine room was full up to boilers. A girl from the Becker family had to go in a different boat than her own familys. Her familys boat was number 11, Ruths boat number was 13. Ruths boat was nearly crushed by boat number 15. The Carter family had been waiting for an hour to enter lifeboat number 4. When they were finally able to get on, a steward said no more boys. Mrs. Carter put her hat on her son so they wouldnt see he was a boy. John Jacob Astor asked if he could join his wife but the officer refused to let him in the boat and they never saw each other again. By Brett H.

Wireless Cabin

Iceberg Warnings

How The Unsinkable Sunk..

It took about three hours for the Titanic to fill with water ,break in half ,and sink to the bottom of the ocean. As the boat filled up with water the captain called a drill and pretended that that was the reason the boat had stopped. The people who knew what was happening hurried to the deck, others took their time and most likely died. Some The front of the ship was the first part of the Titanic to go under the waves. Thats when the panic started. Every one started running franticly to the front of the deck to get to the life boats, people were killing and hiding ,running and praying -it was crazy. Some stewards were sent to go

people were going crazy,

running to the barrier and holding out their babies, some were killing each other.

lock in the third class passengers in their hold. Some were going crazy, running to the barrier holding out their babies, some were kill-

ing each other. The back started going down and the boat broke; people in the lifeboats rowed miles away as fast as their arms could go. After the bow sank, the stern filled with water and was close behind. And that is how The Unsinkable Sunk. By Kate N.

The Largest Ship Goes DOWN!

On April 15 1912 the largest ship made measuring 882 feet long, the one that everyone thought was unsinkable was struck by an iceberg and slowly sank to the bottom of the deep blue sea. The Titanic was on its maiden voyage form Southampton to New York when disaster struck. Initial reports said that the Titanic was being towed to safety but what really happened was the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank within 4 hours leaving approximately 700 survivors out of the 2200 people aboard the ship. Harold Cottam, a radio operator on the passenger-liner Carpathia, received the message from John Philips on the Titanic Come at once! We have struck a iceberg. Its a CDQ old man! Position 41 degrees46n50 degrees 14 w. The Carpathia went as fast as it could to the Titanic. When it got there all they saw were the lifeboats and bodies floating on the water, the Titanic had already sunk. The survivors were brought on board the Carpathia many asking if anyone had seen their loved ones. As they returned to shore in the distance they could see several people waiting on the docks in the Harbor. Most people were lucky and were reunited with their relatives. Two-thirds were not returned and had to suffer grief for the rest of their lives. After a few days of the sinking, many ships that passed by the disaster also passed by hundreds of decomposing bodies. The shipping lanes had to be cleared of these bodies so the Mackey-Bennet was sent out to recover all the bodies. The first trip they collected 190 bodies and had to return to Halifax and unload them, as the ship stores were full. The mini was called in to retrieve the remaining bodies. There were 329 bodies recovered by this twoships, and many of those were buried at sea. This was a tragic disaster that affected hundreds of people for the rest of their lives and has become part of history forever.

By Davis F.


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The lifeboats were along the side of the ship and men and women were trying to get into the lifeboats. Why didnt any lifeboats return? Although several passengers and crew members wanted to go back, the majority protested thinking the water would swamp the boats as Quarter Master Robert Hitchins selfishly snapped in boat No.6., Its our lives now not theirs. Did any of the boats return? After the sinking of lifeboat No.4, .under the direction of Quarter Master Walter Perkins, 5 more men were picked up. Did people pray? It is reported that 30 men who were clinging to an overturned collapsible boat were heard reciting the lords prayer! Evan B.

Disaster At Sea
This report comes on the 17th of April 1912. It is with great sadness that we have confirmed reports of the sinking of the Titanic-the floating palace of the sea. A gigantic iceberg hit the ocean liner that they thought was unsinkable! How did this magnificent ship sink? The iceberg cracked open the ship like a egg. Water started to pour into the bow eventually filling the entire lower chamber with water. How many people escaped the lower levels? Unconfirmed reports say that the lower level gates were locked up for the night. Some of the third class men kicked down the gates and 700 men, women and children fought to try and escape the nightmare below. How long did it take to sink? It took 20 minutes for the floating palace to sink to the ocean floor to become an ocean grave yard. Where were the lifeboats?

Many survivors say they saw lights of a ship early, but the ship never came to help. Some believe the Californian was very close by. Two year old Phyllis Quick was kidnapped by a woman who could not find her own baby. Phyllis was eventually returned to her family. First reports of the Titanic sinking stated, All survived from Titanic after collision. Many people were waiting at the pier when the Carpathia returned to see their loved ones, not knowing of their deaths. The rescue operation took over four hours Seven hundred and five people were rescued. Second Officer Charles Lightoller, the highest ranking surviving officer, was the last survivor aboard.


The so called unsinkable boat the Titanic left was Nearer My God to The but Harold from England Southampton to go to New York Bride claimed that the last song they the land of promplayed was Autumn he may ises, at about 12 ohave been referring to the clock in the mornpopular waltz tune of the day ing but there was a so we will never know which Nearer My God To The problem, the Titanic one they played last, we just was going through Possibly the Last Song Heard know they played until they the ice fields, when couldnt play anymore. they struck an iceBy So Many! berg and started SOS Messages on the Titanic Phillip and Bride were the sinking slowly into SOS messengers on the Tithe cold water betanic and they tried and tried low. Lifeboats were to get someone to see the SOS, or hear a filled and lowered down to the icy waters. First faint message, but at around 2:05 A.M. and second class woman and children went first Captain Smith came in and released Philinto the lifeboats but unfortunately there was lip and Bride from there duties and said not enough lifeboats to save all of the people every man for himself, so Bride left but left on board the Titanic. There was about Phillip kept on working. At about 1,500 hundred poor people left to suffer on the 2:17AM a faint distress message was decks of the Titanic. Most were crewmen and heard by a ship near by called the Virginthird class passengers left on board. ian but unluckily the Virginian did not get there in time to save the poor, poor people The Orchestra on the Titanic from the sinking of the Titanic. The leader of the orchestra Wallace Hartley 33 Abigail S. years the son of Albion and Elizabeth, was told to keep on playing happy cheerful tunes on the Titanic. Wallace Hartley decided to play in the first-class lounge on deck then later they played on the boat deck in the first class entrance next to the grand staircase finally they moved out side to play on deck beside the gymnasium. Some survivors said that the last song they played on the Titanic To The Lifeboats Of course the Titanic had its own orchestra. There were eight members in the Titanics orchestra. They all boarded the Titanic as second class passengers and on a joint ticket. The leader of the musicians, Wallace Hartley was born in the year 1879 in Colne , Lancashire. He was the son of a Methodist choirmaster. His first job as a violinist on sea was on the great Cunarder Mauretania. Mr. Wallace Hartley 33,was the son of Albion and Elizabeth Hartley of Colne Lancashire. When the iceberg hit, the orchestra was ordered to play cheerful music to help calm the passengers at their time of need. We are all very sad for the families of all the musicians and every one else that lost a loved one. Why Was it Women and Children First? It was a traditional rule of sea that women and children were saved first. The second officer Lightoller, who was in charge of the port side, was more strict, insisting on women and children ONLY, but the first officer Murdoch, who was in charge of loading the lifeboats on the starboard side, followed the rule, women and children FIRST. By Joanna S.

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What Happened To The Millionaires Captain ?

It is not for certain what happened to Captain Edward John Smith. Many people think he went down with the fabulous ship the Titanic. Other survivors say he shot himself with a pistol. Less reliable reports say he jumped into the water with a baby in his arms and brought it to a lifeboat, but refused to get in the lifeboat himself. People dont know Captain Smiths last words either, before he died in the ice field of the Atlantic Ocean. Two survivors claim they heard him say, Be British boys, be British. Some others report they heard him say, Every man for himself. Or maybe, when he dropped off the baby to the lifeboat and they asked him to come aboard, he refused and said, Good bye boys and went down with his ship. It is ironic that Captain Smith was going to retire after his voyage on the Titanic so that he could spend more time with his wife and daughter. Captain John Smith was one of the richest captains in the world being paid one of the largest salaries! He was well liked and respected. His crew often requested a change in ships just so they could sail with Captain Smith. On the horrible night of April 14, 1912 at 11:39 p.m., Captain Smith was startled awake when the Titanic hit an ice burg. He immediately ran to the bridge where he received the details from his first officer Murdoch! Little is known about what the Captain did in the last two hours he had to live. He was not being the leader people knew him to be. He was in a state of shock and could not make decisions. He made no attempt to save himself! Ashley K.

The Unsinkable Molly Brown!

The unsinkable Molly Brown, otherwise known as Margaret Tobin Brown, is a 45-year-old woman from Hannibal, Missouri. Molly went from rags to riches as her husband hit a big mine of silver. What does Molly Brown have to do with the Titanic? Just weeks ago Molly was on one of her many tours of Europe, when she was called back to America to help her ill grandson. It just so happens that she booked a ticket on the Titanic! I had the great opportunity to interview Molly personally yesterday afternoon. When asked about the events on April 15th this was her response: I was simply reading a book, and I gave little thought to the crash on my window, even though it did throw me to the floor. Once I left the stateroom, I witnessed many men in their pajamas. The ships engines were off. I was never really worried about my life- I was calm. Before I knew it though, I was being dropped into a lowering lifeboat. I was in lifeboat #6. In my boat there were 14 women and one man, the ships quartermaster named Robert Hitchens. He was frantic and he was convinced we were going to die. Major Godfrey Peuchen, a seaman joined us as we were being lowered. Imagine this- they were arguing about who should row the boat! When I told him to let us women row, he refused! I told him if he didnt I would throw him overboard! I wanted to go back to rescue others, but he refused saying we would only find corpses! I told all the women to take an oar and row. Hitchens was infuriating! Molly Brown did many great deeds upon the Carpathia. She organized survivors. With her ability to speak other languages she communicated with the foreign passengers. Molly did some fundraising for the victims. She raised $10 000.00. When Molly left the Carpathia she was surrounded by many reporters such as I. I asked her why she felt she was one of the fortunate still alive her response was, Typical Brown Luck, were unsinkable. There is no question- she will be documented in history as the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Zane B.


Page 9 More Facts About the Rescue and the Carpathia The Carpathia had to steer around six icebergs to finally reach the Titanic disaster. The Captain of the Carpathia ordered rockets to be set off every 15 minutes beginning at 2:45. By 3:15 they reached the site, only because the survivors burned newspapers, handkerchiefs and other belongs as a signal. To get on board, men climbed up ropes and the women were hoisted up in chairs called bosuns Children were raised into the Carpathia in canvas ash bags.

Titanic Sweethearts
After Sundays heartbreaking disaster, the big question of the victims families was would their loved ones be recovered? That was the first thing most people asked after the devastation of being told, Maam youre husbands dead. Although the White Star Line is already searching for bodies, they expect they wont even find half of the victims. Wallets, jewelry and watches have identified the victims that have already been recovered. One mysterious man that has not been identified had six diamonds sewn into his pocket. One of the worlds richest men was found yesterday, John Aster, covered in soot and crushed. In his pocket they found more than $ 2,440 in cash. The personal belongings that were found have been handed over to the families. One woman received a watch that she had given her son. Most people will be buried in Halifax, Canada. Their families may choose if they want them to be buried with the rest or not. The survivors on the ship said it took nearly two hours to figure out what was happening. No one thought that they were telling the truth-they all thought it was unsinkable, said a young woman late Monday afternoon, Some people in the first class saloon didnt believe them until they saw the ice fields. There are hundreds of heartbroken families out there right now, and to them, we wish our greatest sympathies.
Danielle G.

Halifax Graves

Bringing Back Bodies

The Titanics dead return for a proper burial. In the days following the sinking of the Titanic the White Star Line hired a boat called the Macky-Bennet to return to the scene of the tragedy and recovered the bodies of the Titanics people. Today, just two weeks after the sinking , the Macky-Bennet has returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia with over 190 victims and tales of devastation and horror stories. At total of 306 bodies were recovered and 116 buried at sea. Sixty of those returned to shore where they now lay at the local May Flower Curling Rink, waiting to be identified. Among those victims lays a little girl, who is unidentified. Bodies of 5 women were also unidentified. None of these unidentified people are 1st class. Families of the dead gathered at the Mayflower Curling Rink this afternoon to identify the bodies as their loved ones. The first person to claimed was John Jacob Astor. Of the many of hundreds who lost their lives, he was the first to get an accidental drowning death certificate issued. During its five day search of the Titanics disaster area, the crew of the Macky-Bennet did not only see bodies. The crew reports that they saw pillows and dressers and chairs and many other things floating in the ocean of pain and disaster. The people who lived the stories will always, be remembered and the people who died are Carpathia picks up lifeboats all in our hearts.
By Ailey K.

T HE T ALE O F T H E T IT AN IC The Aftermath of the Titanic

Page 10

Have you ever wondered if there was someone you knew who was on the doomed Titanic and they were still alive right now? They could tell you a true story about the floating palace that once floated along the sea peacefully though the patches of ice. It then strikes an iceberg and slowly drowns people to their death. People lose there loved ones forever. Just thinking of how many men, women and children had died from one ship, one night. Of those who died, there were many more third class passengers than the first class passengers.
From the third class passengers, there were 53 children that died and only 23 survived. The third class passengers were treated very unfair compared to the first and second class. After the crash, people would never forget that night. In first class 4 children survived and only one died and that was Allison of Montreal. She was 2 years old and did not survive that horrible crash. Out of the second-class passengers 22 survived and 0 died. Of the 899 crewmembers, only 214 survived. Not many survived because they helped people get to safety. Most of them went down with the ship. Out of 329 first class passengers, 130 were lost. In the second class, there were 285 people in total and 166 died. Of third class passengers, there were 536 passengers that died out of 710 aboard. Southamptons family members were hit the hardest and were very sad because most of the crewmembers lived there. On one of the streets there were 20 families left alone. All the orchestra members died, they stayed and played music to sooth the people while the ship was going down. People werent listening, but it still made the members happy. And now people will always wonder about the Titanics History. By Autumn G.

The editors and publishers of the White City School 5B press would like to conclude their newspaper and wish all a fond farewell. Below is a picture of the members of the 5B Press. Thank you and we hope you found our Tale of the Titanic both interesting and informative.

The Tale of The Titanic was produced by White City Schools 5B Press, May 1, 1912.

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