F4 1819 Final Exam

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Instructions :
1. There are 15 multiple-choice questions in Section A. Answer them on the
multiple-choice answer sheet provided. There are 8 questions in Sections B. A
bonus question appears at the end of the question paper and you may try this
question. Answer them in the answer book provided.

2. Take specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg kg-1 C-1

specific latent heat of fusion of water = 3.34  105 J kg-1
specific latent heat of vaporization of water = 2.26  106 J kg-1 ,
universal gas constant R = 8.31 J mol-1 K-1,
0C = 273 K and acceleration due to gravity, g, is 9.81 m s-2 whenever

3. The last page of this question paper contains a list of physics formulae which you
may find useful.

Section A -- Multiple-choice questions (30 marks)

1. The following graphs show how the resistances of three substances change with






Which substance(s) is / are suitable to be used in making thermometer(s) ?

A. (1) only C. (1) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

2. Which of the following pairs of substances will have the same specific heat
capacity ?

(1) 1 kg of pure alcohol in a pot and 3 kg of pure alcohol in a polystyrene cup.

(2) A 2-kg iron ball and a 5-kg iron bar.
(3) 1 kg of dry ice in a cup and 1 kg of carbon dioxide in a container.

A. (1) only C. (1) and (2) only

B. (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

3. Which of the following statements is / are correct about the greenhouse effect ?

(1) All the radiation outside can enter the greenhouse.

(2) Infra-red reflected inside the greenhouse cannot escape from it.
(3) The amount of infra-red reflected from the walls inside the greenhouse is
greater than that reflected from outside.

A. (1) only C. (1) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

4. Pressure
gas X

gas Y


The above graph shows how the pressures of two containers of ideal gases X and
Y vary with temperature. Which of the following is / are possible explanation(s)
of two different slopes obtained in the graph ?

(1) They have different amount.

(2) They have different volumes.
(3) The scale of temperature is not expressed in Kelvin.

A. (1) only C. (1) and (2) only

B. (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

5. Which of the following units of products is / are expressed in terms of Joule ?

(1) Mass  Velocity

(2) Force  Displacement
(3) Heat capacity  Change in temperature

A. (1) only C. (2) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

6. John moves to the East with a speed of 3 m s-1 for 1 s and then to the North with a
speed of 3 m s-1 for another 1 s. Which of the following statements about the
motion of him is / are correct ?

(1) John moves with zero acceleration.

(2) The velocity of John in the 2 seconds mentioned above is pointing towards
the North-East direction.
(3) The displacement of John in the 2 seconds mentioned above is 6 m.

A. (1) only C. (2) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

7. Which of the following statements is / are correct when a metal ball is projected
on the moon's surface ? (The acceleration due to gravity on the moon's surface =
1.6 m s-2)

(1) The time for the metal ball to reach its highest point is the same as that
when it is projected on the earth's surface.
(2) The mass of the metal ball is the same as that on the earth.
(3) The weight of the ball is the largest when the ball reaches its highest point.

A. (1) only C. (1) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)


A constant force F is applied to the two blocks X and Y on a smooth horizontal

surface such that they move together. If the ratio of masses X and Y is 2 : 3.
Denote FXY be the force acted on block Y by block X. Then the ratio of F : FXY

A. 3:2 C. 5:2
B. 5:3 D. 7:3

9. The graph below shows the variation of velocity (v) of a ball bearing drops inside
a long column of oil with time (t).


t /s
0 to
Which of the following statements is / are correct ?

(1) The ball bearing has maximum acceleration at t = 0.

(2) The displacement of the ball bearing from t = 0 to to is .
(3) The average velocity of the ball bearing from t = 0 to t = to is .

A (1) only C. (1) and (2) only

B (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

10. A force of 60 N is applied on a block of mass 4 kg as shown in the diagram

below. The force makes an angle 30 with horizontal.
60 N


smooth horizontal surface

What is the acceleration of the block ?

A. 0 m s-2 C. 13.0 m s-2

B. 7.5 m s-2 D. 15.0 m s-2

11. Three horizontal forces X, Y and Z act on an object placed on a smooth horizontal
plane. The figure below shows the top view of the object and the forces. The
object remains stationary.


If force X disappears suddenly, what would happen to the object ?

A The object must accelerate in the direction opposite to that of X.

B The object may accelerate in the direction the same as that of Z.
C The object may remain stationary.
D Cannot be determined

12. In opening a door, the forces needed are different if you push at different points
on the door. Which of the following statements is / are correct?

(1) The moment needed is different if we push different points on the door.
(2) At a point closer to the hinge, the force needed is larger.
(3) The longer the moment arm, the larger the force needed.

A. (1) only C. (2) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

13. An object slides down a rough inclined plane along a straight line after it is
released. The friction acting on it remains constant. Which of the following
statements is/are correct?
(1) The kinetic energy of the object increases.
(2) The potential energy of the object decreases.
(3) The mechanical energy of the object decreases.

A. (1) only C. (2) and (3) only

B. (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

14. A man of mass 60 kg stands at one end of a small boat of mass 180 kg. The boat
is 4 m long. It is not tied to the pier and is at rest initially. Then the man starts to
walk in constant speed. When he reaches the other end of the boat, how far does
the boat move relative to pier? Assume there is no resisting force acting on the
boat by the water.

A 1m C. 3m
B 2m D. 4m

15. A football is projected upwards at an angle to the ground. If air resistance is

negligible, which graphs below correctly represent the horizontal and vertical
velocities of the ball during its flight?
(1) v (2) v

t t

(3) v (4)

Horizontal velocity Vertical velocity

A (1) (2)
B (1) (4)
C (3) (1)
D (3) (4)

Section B ---- (70 marks)

1. Read the following description about spacesuits and answer the questions that

In order to survive the harsh environments in space, astronauts must wear

spacesuits when they work outside a spacecraft.

One of the functions of a spacesuit is to maintain a stable body temperature of

the astronaut. The side of the spacesuit facing the Sun and the side not
exposed to the Sun have extreme temperatures. To prevent harm from this, the
spacesuit must be well-insulated. On the other hand, astronauts cannot cool
themselves by sweating and convection of air in space. To facilitate heat loss,
the spacesuit includes a form-fitting garment with a network of thin tubes.
The cooling water flowing through the tubes brings heat away.

(a) Explain why spacesuits are usually white in colour.

(2 marks)

(b) (i) Name the process in which heat transfers from the astronaut to the
cooling water.
(1 mark)

(ii) Explain the advantage of using water as a coolant.

(2 marks)

(c) Explain how a convection current of air is formed on the Earth and why this
cannot be formed in a spacecraft travelling in outer space.

(3 marks)


outer case

water tank

cold water in hot water out

A storage electric water heater is installed in a flat to provide hot water for
shower. Its output power is 3 kW and the capacity of its water tank is 20 L. The
mass of 1 L of water is 1 kg.

(a) Find the time the heater takes to heat a full tank of water to 60 C. Assume
the initial temperature of water is 25 C.
(3 marks)

(b) In practice, the heater takes a much longer time to heat a full tank of water
to 60 C in winter than in summer. Suggest two reasons.
(2 marks)

3. The following figure shows the cooling curve of substance X changing from the
liquid state to the solid state.

(a) You are given a boiling tube half-filled with this substance in its solid state.
Describe, with the aid of a diagram, how you melt the substance. Also
describe how you obtain the cooling curve of the substance.
(5 marks)

(b) What is the melting point of substance X ?

(1 mark)

(c) How do the average kinetic energy and average potential energy of the
particles of substance X change in region BC?
(2 marks)

(d) If the mass of substance X used is 0.05 kg and the rate of energy loss to the
surroundings at its melting point is 20 J per second, find the specific latent
heat of fusion of substance X.
(3 marks)

4. Two containers A and B with volumes 100 cm3 and 400 cm3 respectively are
shown below.

container B
container A

tap X

The tap X connecting the two containers is closed initially. Container A contains
oxygen at a pressure of 4 x 105 Pa while there is a vacuum in container B. The
temperature of both containers is maintained at 25 C.

(a) Find.

(i) The number of moles of oxygen in container A, and.

(2 marks)

(ii) The root-mean-square speed of the oxygen molecules in A. (Molar

mass of oxygen molecule = 32 g)
(3 marks)

(b) Tap X is opened and container B is heated to 100 C, find

(i) The pressure in both containers, and

(3 marks)

(ii) The number of moles of oxygen in container B.

(2 marks)

5. A graph in the figure below shows the relationship of the thinking distance and
the braking distance to the speed of a vehicle.

Thinking distance is the distance the vehicle travels between the driver seeing an
incident and beginning to apply the brake. Braking distance is the distance
travelled by the vehicle during deceleration.

(a) Suggest why the graph of thinking distance against speed is a straight line.
(2 marks)

(b) The graph of braking distance against speed is a curve. The braking
distance is found to be proportional to the square of the speed. Assume the
vehicle decelerates uniformly during braking. Suggest a physical
explanation for the shape of this graph.
(2 marks)

(c) (i) From the figure, what is the stopping distance for a vehicle initially
travelling at 22 m s-1 ?
(1 mark)

(ii) The stopping distance found in (c) (i) is the minimum stopping distance.
Suggest ONE possible reason why the actual stopping distance may be
significantly greater than this. Explain your answer briefly.
(2 marks)

(d) Using the figure, calculate the mean braking force acting on a vehicle of
mass 1000 kg as it decelerates from 22 m s-1 to rest.
(2 marks)

6. A workman of weight 800 N stands on a wooden plank as shown. The weight of

the plank is 100 N. The plank is supported by two trestles X and Y. The contact
point between the plank and trestle X is P and that between the plank and trestle Y
is Q. The centre of gravity of the plank is 1 m away from both trestles. The
workman stands at P and is 0.6 m from the left end of the plank.


(a) Find the supporting force FY by trestle Y and FX by trestle X.

(3 marks)

(b) Another workman put a box on the left end of the plank. What is the
maximum weight of the box without making the plank topple?
(2 marks)

7. A coconut of mass 1.4 kg is initially at rest on a tree. It suddenly detaches from

the tree and falls vertically from a height of 4 m. Assume that air resistance is


Figure 3.1

(a) Find the speed of the coconut just before it hits the ground.

(2 marks)

(b) The coconut hits the ground and the time of impact is 0.05 s. It then
rebounds vertically to a height of 20 cm.

(i) Draw a free-body diagram for the coconut during its collision with the

(2 marks)

(ii) Find the magnitude of the average force acting on the coconut by the
ground during the collision.

(4 marks)

(iii) Calvin says that the law of conservation of momentum is violated in

this collision. Explain whether he is correct or not.

(2 marks)

8. A small bead is projected at a speed u from the bottom of a smooth track fixed
onto the ground. The bead then leaves the track with a speed 7 m s–1 at an angle of
45 from the horizontal. Assume that air resistance is negligible.


15 cm

(a) Find u.
(2 marks)

(b) Find the maximum height above the ground that the bead reaches.
(3 marks)

(c) Find the horizontal distance travelled by the bead from leaving the track to
hitting the ground.
(3 marks)

(d) Calculate the velocity of the bead when it hits the ground.
(4 marks)

Bonus Question (8 marks)

9. In an experiment, several balls with different masses are set to roll down a
smooth inclined track from rest. The track makes an angle of 20 with the
horizontal. All balls roll by a distance of 1.5 m before reaching the end of the


(a) ‘A ball with greater mass will reach the end of the track in a shorter time
because a larger weight acts on it.’ Comment on this statement.
(2 marks)
(b) One of the balls used in the experiment has a mass 0.4 kg.

(i) Find the acceleration of the ball.

(2 marks)

(ii) Hence, find the time taken for the ball to reach the end of the track.
(2 marks)

(c) If the track is not smooth, explain how the time taken for a ball to reach the
end of the track will be affected.
(2 marks)

Rectilinear motion

For uniformly accelerated motion:

v = u + at
s = ut + at 2
v2 = u2 + 2as

energy transfer
A1. E = mcT during heating and

energy transfer
A2. E = lm during change of

equation of state
A3 pV = nRT
for an ideal gas

1 kinetic theory
A4 pV = Nm c 2
3 equation

moment o
A5 EK = molecular kinetic
2N A
energy f a force

v p
B1. F =m = force
t t

B2. moment = F  d moment of a force

B3. EP = mgh
potential energy

B4. EK = mv 2 kinetic energy

B5. P = Fv = mechanical power

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