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1. A universe project can be shared among multiple designers.

2. Is it possible to have multiple connections, .dfx, .blx in the same project
3. Any number of Business Layers (.blx) can be built on the same Data
Foundation (.dfx) . State whether this statement is True or False
4. Pick all the objects which can be published to a repository folder
A. Project
B. Connection object (.cnx)
C. Data foundation (.dfx)
D. Business layer (.blx)
5. Loops in a Data Foundation schema are resolved by: (Choose all the
correct answers)
A. Alias tables
B. Derived tables
C. Multiple SQL statements
D. Contexts
6. To create a new project in IDT, you have to go to:
A) File → New → Project
B) Start → All Programs → SAP Business Intelligence → SAP
Business Objects BI Platform 4 Client Tool
C) File → Open → Project
D) Start → All Programs → SAP Business Intelligence → SAP
Business Objects BI Platform 4 Client Tool → New Project
7. To create a relational connection to connect to a data source, you have to:
A) Right-click on the project name → New → Select Relational
B) Right-click on the data foundation name → New → Select
Relational Connection
C) Right-click on the business layer name → New → Select
Relational Connection
D) Right-click on the connection name → New → Select Relational
8. To publish a connection to the repository, you have to:
A) Right-click on the connection name → Publish the connection to
the Repository
B) Right-click on the project name → Publish the connection to the
C) Right-click on the data foundation name → Publish the connection
to the Repository
D) Right-click on the business layer name → Publish the connection
to the Repository

9. To define cardinality for a join, you have to:

A) Select from different joins as per data requirement and click on
Detect Cardinality
B) Select from different cardinalities as per data requirement and click
on Detect Join
C) Select from different joins and cardinalities as per data requirement
and click on Apply
D) None of the above
10. To publish a universe to the repository, you have to:
A) Right-click on the business layer name → Publish → To a
B) Right-click on the project name → Publish → To a Repository
C) Right-click on the connection name → Publish → To a Repository
D) Right-click on the data foundation name → Publish → To a
11.To generate universe documentation from IDT, you can:
A) Right-click on the data foundation or business layer and choose
Save As… or Print from the context menu
B) Click on Save View As Image icon in the data foundation
C) Use a printer driver that allows you to print to PDF
D) All of the above


1. TRUE 2. YES 3. TRUE 4. B,D 5. A,D 6. A 7. A 8. A 9.

A 10. A 11. A

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