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oG- [3]
1.3 Informal letter/Email
For work on informal letters or emails, see page 96.

Read part of an email from a friend who is planning to come and visit your country.

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KEE 1-60z16 [<[>] [t]

Of course, I'd really like to see as much as I can, but with so little
time (only a week) I wonder if that's feasible. Do you have any
suggestions on where to go and what to do in your country?

Reply to the email message offering your friend some advice. Write your email in 220-260
'words in an appropriate style.

Useful language
Beginning the letter/email Responding to an invitation
· Thanks so much for your letter/email. It was so good to • Thanks very much for inviting me to your farewell dinner.
hear from you. I can hardly wait.
I'm really sorry not to have written/been in touch for • I was absolutely thrilled to get your invitation but
so long/such a long time/lately. l've been up to my eyes unfortunately it doesn't look as if I'll be able to make it.
in work/preparing for my exams/out of email contact for a As chance would have it, I'm going away that weekend
couple of weeks. Making a request
• I thought I'd better send you a message/write/drop you a • I was wondering ifyou happened to have time to meet a
line to let you know ... friend of mine who is planning to come to study in
Ending the letter/email your country.
I think that brings you up to date on what I've been up to. · Ifyou've got a spare moment, do you think you could
Do write soon and let me know what you've been doing. email me the information about the scholarship?
• Once again, thanks so much for all your help and advice. Referring to a previous letter/email
• I'm really looking forward to seeing you on the Remember that course you said you had enrolled for?
eighteenth/in two weeks' time in Barcelona ... • You told me in your Jetter/email that you were thinking of
Please say 'hi' to ... from me. taking up yoga.
• Give my Jove to ... Last time you wrote, you wanted to know where we were
planning to go on holiday
• I'm real/y/terribly/awfully sorry that I missed your birthday · You know that friend ofmine I told you about? Well, ...
• Sorry we didn't manage to get together when you were in ...
· Do you fancy getting together for a meal some time?
• Why don't we try meet up in the next couple of weeks?
• I was wondering if you'd be into coming along to a class
reunion at the end of next month?

190 Writing reference (Paper 2)


Model answer

DO begin by giving a
reason for writing. I.thought Id bettrerepl possible
since Isee actall leaving next Monda. Im so
e.x.cii:ed .. Ican 't.wai1: Yo.s�'jO'J- ·•···-·····- ·······-·· ·-········-----··-·- .

DO use paragraphs Yoo're ight that in such a short.timeit

in which you cover
possible-to see ever.thing..You'dneed at least six
each of the points
mentioned in the task months fox that! what I would do is to explore one
input. area in depth. I have to sau that Victoria, where I lve, an excellentChoice. .----.-...--..---o..-

DO think of some You.could strt a b spending acouple

of your own ideas Melbourne andthen r nt
e a car. and head foc..the Great.
as well as the points
mentioned in the task
Ocean oad. It's a real. spectacular roadthat follows
input. the coastlineandstretches fox.over250kilometres. If
I were goo,Idplan to spenda couple of daysdiving
along, stopping. foc the night. in. Lomeoc.Apollo Day,

You.asked about things to do and.I have to.say.its

hard to now where,to begin. while vou in.Melboume, re
I'd definitely tr
to vtstt tie National Galler.of.
Victoria and the South bank complex, which is near04.. are some great bars and restaurants there. .
On. vour drive along the Ocean oad voll see all the
famous surf beaches but it's also a geat area for.
waling. There are hundreds of tracks through the rain
forest. I think¥voe'd really enjoy that too.
DO finish your letter
by arranging to see
or contactthe person well, I'd better stop no. Give me a call as soon as
you are writing to
again soon.
Mou get in and well meet op somewhere. I might even
join vou on the Ocean oad tip.

4HI the best,


DON'T use a formal salutation like Yours sincerely/faithfully at the

end of your letter. DO use a suitable salutation for the kind of
relationship you have with the person you are writing to. If the
person is a close friend or relative, you can use With (all my) love,
Love or Lots of love; if the person is a friend, use All the best. For
people you don't know well, use (With) best wishes

Writing reference (Paper 2) 191

Writing - An Informal Letter

Fill each blank with the following words. Use each item once only.

As you know Anyway in the end get on

Best wishes Congratulations really busy let me know
I'm sorry Thanks of course putyou up

Dear Pete,

1. for your last letter. 2 it's taken me so long to reply

but Ive been 3. ............................. moving into my new flat.

4 on passing your driving test first time. Now all you have- to do is save up

for that Porsche you've always wanted - and the tax and insurance, 5. .............................!

6. .........................., Ive just started a new job as the manager of the biggest video shop in

town. I was a bit nervous on my first day when I had to meet the staff, but,

7 , everything turned out all right and I think we're going to

8. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. very well.

9 , the main reason I'm writing invite you to a party I'm having

Saturday week. I do hope you can come. I've got a spare bed so I could 10.

for the night.

I must stop now or I'll miss the last post. Please 11 if you can come so that

I can give you all the details of how to get here ..

12 ..
Here are some examples of the types of informal letter you might have to write with useful
language for each one. Can you think o
more kinds of informal letter?

Starting the letter

Thanks for your letter.
It was wonderful to hear from you again.
I'm sorry I haven't written before, but I've been very busy (-ing).

A Thank-you letter
I just had to write to thank you for (the wonderful party on Saturday).
Thanks very much for (putting me up last weekend).
It was very kind of you to (offer me the use of your flat in Paris.)

Giving advice
In your letter you said you weren't sure what to do about (Jenny). Well, if I were you, I'd
(talk things over with her face to face.)
Have you thought about (changing your job?)

Giving good news

I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that (Jane's expecting a baby in June.)
By the way, did you know that (I'm now manager?)
You'll never guess what happened the other day! (Peter asked me to marry him.)

Giving bad news

I'm sorry to tell you that (I've just lost my job.)
Bad news, I'm afraid. (I've got to go into hospital next week.)

Asking for help

I hope it's not too much to ask, but (could I come and see you next week?)
I wonder if I could ask a favour. Could you (lend me £50 till I'm paid at the end of the month?)

I'm writing to say sorry for (what I said last night.) I wasn't thinking. It was very silly of me.
I want to apologise for (ruining your new sofa. I know you said it didn't matter, but it was
very clumsy of me to spill my drink all over it.)

Finishing a letter
Well, that's all for now.
I'll tell you more when I see you next week.
Thanks again (for last weekend.)
I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.
See you on (the fifteenth.)

Giving regards
Give my regards to (Mary). Best wishes ...
Look after yourself. Best regards ...
Take care. Yours ...

£-, ..l---..;..._---- -·-·. ·---------:---------------------_:__;__..:..:.:..:

7 Letters to a friend
01G\N A

e Address a) Salutation (see Layout)

Your address (not your name) should be in the b) First paragraph - introduction
top right-hand corner, arranged in the following c) Second and third paragraphs - information
way: that has to be communicated
Number or name of house; street or road d) Fourth paragraph - conclusion
Town e) Ending (see Layout)
Region or county; postcode f) Signature
Country (if necessary) Here are some useful phrases for the first and last
e Date paragraphs of a letter to a friend.
The date should be under the address. It can be
written in different ways:
11th October, 198-.
October 11th, 198-.
11/10/8- (This can be confusing, as it means Introducing a letter, and general newsy phrases
different things in different { tel1 you (that)...
countries.) e I'm (just) writing to let you know (that) .•.
11 October 198- (This form, with no etc.
punctuation, is frequently just. {wn d } to ...
I thought I would ·te
used in modern offices.) • gropyou a
Salutation e Just a short note to...
Dear Bob, (the salutation) should be against the e Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear
left-hand margin and should have a comma from you (again).
after it. • Sorry I haven't written to you for so long. I've
been very busy and I just haven't had the time.
e Paragraph 1
The first paragraph traditionally begins under • I've been meaning to write to you for ages, but
the first letter of the correspondent's name I'm afraid I just haven't got round to it.
• It's ages since I heard from you so ...
(in the example, the B' of 'Bob). However, it is
now acceptable to start the letter against the • What a surprise hearing/seeing/getting a
letter ...
left-hand margin.
e Endings
• I met John theother day and he told me ...
• I've just heard that.. . ·
There are many ways of ending a friendly letter.
Here are some: With love, With best wishes,
Kind regards, Yours, All my love,
e Signature
Write the signature in the middle of the page. Ending the letter
• Jill sends her regards.
/ Exercise 29 • Regards from Jill.
e My regards to your parents.
1 Put the following in the correct positions and e I hope to hear from you soon.
with the correct punctuation as they would (hearing from you soon
appear at the beginning of a letter: • I'm looking forward to{ seeing you...
Littlewood Road 22 'England .198- June 14 · . (your reply.
London WC3 3NC. ·· .• · · j" whether ... /
. ·. { tel11 me
2 You are asked to write e letter to a friend in
Engrand. Write the address, date, salutation and
e Write soon and
. let me know 1 when ... /
w,, ere...
ending (with signature) for this letter. Put them {
• See vou soon
in the correct positions. • on Saturday.


· .; ;. '",.;...w�· ,'",; :·;:i''i,;�1,.0:p:cr"::!: ;it.s·, ,:'&;f)1"1"'""�"'"''""'"' "' · · ·

Sample question
Write a letter to a fiend apologising for the
disagreement you had, which you now consider
to have been your fault; st your last meeting
. . · ·;s.· ·

Sample answer 86 Uror Skreak,

2 March, 18_.
Dear 5,
'm uwihi l _gplogise fr? be disagreamonk u
had last uek. .'ue bear pinking obour tt and \ US
ta_blame?--I think ue did agreo to moo± al 730 pm,and
not &.30pm.
mrrurtisij I ur~et Ue t sen go «gain naxt uek.
U' dor't ue7 mo¢± o-Uednosday at 7.30 pm. buo
Rod lisx-·anl toy perhaps go to tho cunomi, if
bhare's 0frying good or? [f£ bis usno gcud.for go, at ba oFce and ue' arrange
ans.or d~? My numbers 73654, extersion 22.
ldohope.9au\ foet our quarrel. as I scid, I
row us mu fauuCk. l ad ai a-eqllu hoctic da at
tho offico, crd uen ue rob ' us Un c boad mood.
T's uh@g. I'said cul ose horiblo thrung bo Uo.
[uch lcskiq ford segin9yo no cek
Pi_oert i
wtth, �
- I
in I

The phrases that have been keyed with a figure Example:

can be used in ·most informal letters. Anyway, I would like to see you again next
·a) I'm writing to'
apologise far...
thank you for... c) I do hope' you'll..
congratulate you on... The reason why the word 'do' is included is to
tell you that... emphasise the hope. 'I hope' is expressing my
invite you·to... wish. 'I do hops' is pressing a strong wish.
let you know that.
ask you if... ·t » I'm very much looking forward to seeing'you
b) Anyway',
This is a useful word at the beginning st tie A\good sentenee with which tu end a letter.
second or third paragraph to introduce th
main point, or to change the subject:

- -.-.-

8 Asking for permission
• Do you mind if I ... 7
The phrases in the sample which are underlined, e Do you think I could...?
keyed with a figure 2, express the three purposes
of the letter: 9 Refusing a request
{ r 'm writing to apologise for2 • .- .
I was to blame...
• I got your letter the other day asking... but I'm
a) apology
afraid I can't help you.
It was my fault
I'm afraid it's just impossible. .
{ l ha� had a really hectic day.. :· • You know I would help you if I could but...
b) explanation
That's why...
{Why don'twe meet ... ? 10 Inviting
c) arrangement and then perhaps go to the cinema e We're having a party on Saturday and we were
If this is no good for you, could wondering if you would be able to come.
you' 2 ...2 e It'll be lovely if you can come.
There are many reasons for writing letters, and
below is a list af phrases which can be used for 11 Accepting an invitation
particular purposes: • I was delighted to get your invitation .•. I'd love
to come.
1 Giving good news • Is it all right if I bring a friend with me?
• You'll be delighted to hear (that)...
• Is it all right if I come a bit later on? %
e I've got some marvellous news...
12 Refusing an invitation
2 Replying to good news e Thank you very much for your invitation, but
e I was delighted to hear (that) ... I'm afraid I won't be able to come.
e Congratulations on passing the exam. • Perhaps well be able to arrange something for
another time. --
3 Giving bad news
{ for you.
13 Advising/recommending/suggesting
e r, 'm afraic
f .d [''ve got some bax d news
to tel pp you. e Why don't you/we...?
e I felt you ought to know (that)... • Let's go ...
• fl were you, I'd...
4 Replying to bad news • I thin you should...
lwe should...
e I was sorry to hear (that) ...

E Thanking 14 Giving details of plans, etc.

e Thanks for e I'm coming on the 8.30 train. Will you be able
lending me your bike.
e Thank you for your letter. to meet me at the station?
e Thank you for sending me those beautiful • I'm thinking of going to the States for the
flowers. summer.
e It was very kind of you to... • I plan to visit Washington.

6 Asking someone to do something for you 15 Putting oft an arrangement

• I wander if you could ...? e I'm afraid I won't be able to...after all.
e I wonder if vou could do me a favour?
e Do you think vou could ...? 16 Apologising
e I'm writing to apologise
7 Ag.reeing to a reques! e I'm sorry about...
e I'd be delighted to. , f l didn't ...
• Of course I'll..

' m» sorry j I wasn't able to

17 Wishing someone good luck 7 A letter accepting the invitation. (11)
e Good luck with your interview. 8 A letter refusing the invitation. (12)
e I hope everything goes well on Friday. 9 A letter agreeing to a friend's request for you
to look after her ten-year-old child for a day.

{{ M Exercise 30 ·10 A letter thanking your uncle who has given

you a large sum of money and saying what
Write one or two sentences for the following you'll do with it. (5) (14)
letters. The numbers at the end of each title refer
11 A letter to a friend (girl or'boy) telling
to the information given on pages 61-2. her/him of your plans to get married and go
to live in the USA. (1) (14)
· 1 A letter thanking some English friends for
' having you to stay. (5) · 12 A letter to a relative explaining why you
haven't been able to visit her/him recently and
2 A letter replying to some bad news about your
what you've been doing. (16)
exam results. Your teacher wrote ahd told you
the results. (4) (5) 13A letter to a friend who has. just had twins. (2)
3 A letter asking a friend to let you use his/her 14 A letter to your aunt, who has been looking
apartment by the sea for the weekend. (6) or (8) forward to seeing you, saying you won't be
able to come and visit her after all. (3) (15)°
4 A letter from the friend (in 3 above) saying
you can't use the apartment because... (9) .A
. Exercise 31
5 A letter giving advice to a friend who has a
problem, and wishing her luck with it! (13) (17) Write a complete letter to a friend giving news of
6 A letter of invitation to a party. (10) yourself and asking about her/him.


A Technical matters page 10:
B Diplomacy and tact
page 10€

7A Technical matters
. . - . -
1.0 Layout of informal letters •
The layut o of this model is appropriate for any informal letter. It is also
appropriatefor any personal letter, even one that is formal in tone. such as a
letter of apology to your boss.

1 36 5haeton Drive
2 Shaftesbury
3 Dorset SH2 AB
tel (0747) 6266 If ld arrived on the 8th as planned ! don't supposs
this tragedy would have happened, but the thing is,
5 Mon Sept 4th up
l got caught in the strike and had to spend a
couple of days at Heathrow. That's life, l suppose.
6. Der Arantxa, but I still feel rather bad about it, both for myself
. . �-
(48h at Heathrow is no joke) and for the hsh,
7Thanks very much for lending me your fat while rerhaps l should sell my story to the newspaper--
you ware away. I hope you enjoyed your holiday in 'Innocents Suffer In Heartless Strikel', 'Holiday
Morocco as much as l enjoyed my stay In Vitoria. Chaos Hits Heathrow Two Diet
(Ti! tell you all about it when i see you at my
Anyway, thanks again fro ths loan of the nat.
party on Nov 5th - 1do hope you haven't changed 8

about coming!) ! hope l Heft everything in the right place, and

�your. mid _._. ·.
enough money iy the phone to cover the few local
. . .

Nowyou've probably been wondering what has calls I mgde - Tm sure you'll tell me if thare are
happne ed to your goldfish. (t'm sorry , I meant to any problems. I'm really looking forward to seeing
leave a not¢ about this, but I forgot.) You will have you again, so l do hope you can make it to the
noticed that they arc a bit smaller and, l think, at
party. If not, see you in Eilbso Christmas.
redder than they used to be. This may have core
as a of a surprise to you. but I expect you 9 Love,

have ou~sssd what happened. It's bad news, Tm 10 Rachel

afraid. The fish you've got now are a pair I bought
to replace yours which, Im sorry to say, were both
dead when l arrived in your fat on Aug 1Oth.

102 • Task types

Technical matters • Module 7A

1 Why did Rachel write this letter? What are the three different subjects she
2 The letter says three different things. or contains three different elements.
What are they?
3 What features of informal style can you find in the letter? Consider the
following: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure,
cohesion / linking words, tone (what aspects of the writing show that
Aranba is a friend?).

1 Don'twrite your name here.
2 The house number of a British or American address is writtenbefore the name
of the street, but write your own address in the way you normally do.
3 Include your postcode and, ifyou like, yourtelephone number (not to do so can
be a real and unnecessary way of lasing a friend).
4 Don't rite the name or address of the person you're writing to on the left. This
is only done in letters that are formal ad impersonal.
5 Date. These abbreviations are commonly nsed for the days and months: Mon,
Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri. Sat, Sun: Jan. Feb, Aug. Sept. Oct. Noc. Dec.
6 Dear is always appropriate -- for family, intimate friends and even enemies. My
dear and Dearest are also possible. but very affectionate.
7 Most letters start with a refrence
e to the most recent contact you have had with
the other person: ·
Thanks very much for your letter, which came this morning.
It iwas great to see you agai last
n weekend - and looking so ft and slim!
Some people's letters always begin:
Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote, but..• followed by the excuses for not
having written.
8 Most letters end with a reference to the next contact with the other person:
Im looking forward to seeing you / hearing from you.
Do write again soon.
I hope to see you again in June, if not before.
9 Love a suitable ending for an intimate friend of either sex.
More affectionate: All my love, Love and kisses, Lots of love
For a friend or colleague (not intimate): All the best, Best wishes
For a personal letter, but not to a personal friend: Yours, Regards
10 Remember that this is the only place either on the letter or the envelope that
your name appears. Does your correspondent know wlo you are? Make sure
your signature is legible. You may even need to write your surname.
Task bank: Task 27

Task types • 103

informal letters
-------------------------------------------. "-··· ., .

1.1 Layout of a note

In the letter above, achel says 'I meant to leave a note, but I forgot'. This is the
note she right have left.

1 Friday morning, Sept 1st

2 Arantxa
.··.. .
- ·.. . . :

Just aquick note to say thank you. Staying in your fat

has been fantastic.
I'm afrald l got here 2 days late (strike at Heathrow) &
bothyour goldfish had died. Very sorry, buthope that you
like the new fish.
3 Do't forget my party on Nov 5th -- I'm so looking forward
to seeing you & hearin gall about Morocco.
Im off now to the airport. See you soon.

+ Rachel

P6 Ill leave the keys with Josune.

1 Where did Rachel lave this note?

2 Whvis the note shorter than the letter?
3 How did Rachel manage to include all the important points of the letter in a short
note? What did she leave out in terms of (a} information ib) grammar?
• It often appropriate to put the time rather than the date, especially when you
expect the person to read the note the same day.
• It is acceptable, but not necessary, to write Dear.
• Itis acceptable, but not necessary, to write Late, Best wishes, ours, etc.

sow. \'
.- ·.--- 4
" ;


.ff _

=?2» .,.

104 • Task types

Technical ratters • Module 7A

2.0 Technical devices

A How to sound informal
Your writing will sound much more informal if you:
1 remember you're writing to a friend. Imagine a real person.
• Be friendly and jokey,
Hoe's your diet going?
• Refer to common frienids.
Have yuo heard from Sybilla?
Say helloto Edwardfor me. •
Cive my love to the baby.
• Refer to things your friend already knows.
Im sureyou'll remember..• know.•.
Justlikeyou said••.
.•·'- ·:-
2 write in 'spoken' English.

• Use personal constructions (phrases with / and you).

Iknow this sounds silly, but•.. .
I hope you don't mind my saying this, but...
owll iecer guess...
•• if yo know what I mean.
.° 3 use informal vocabulary, including phrasal verbs and informal linking words
• >
such as those below.
• Expressing your opinion
To be quite honest To tell you the truth A I see it
To my mind From my point of vie In my experience
Frankly Actually Td say
• Expressing surprise
Believe it or not Funnily enough
To my surprise You'll never beliece this. hut
This may surprise you. but
• Changing the subject
Anyway, ... Talking of which. ... That reminds me,..-
Incidentally..•. By the way.... Before 1forget....
• Listing reasons
To start with First of all hat's more
And another thing And besides Plus

B Find examples of these technical devices in Rachel's letter and note. Can you
find any oher
t . techniques which Rachel uses to sound informal?

Task types • 105

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