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Tazmeen Ismaeel
Poverty is the top most reason of instability of economy of Pakistan. It is situation
under which people have not enough resources to get basic necessities of life.
They can’t satisfy their needs . 80 percent of people of Pakistan are facing issues.
Poverty has been linked with low level of education, no skills ,inequality in
distribution of resources and basic necessities among all people. 95% wealth is
distributed among 5% of elite class. 10% are upper middle,70% are lower
middle,10 % are poor and 5 percent are below poverty line which is 1.5 dollar/or
500 per day in Pakistan. Many people even don’t have 1.5 dollars to fulfill their
needs. This is because of unemployment or low salary issues. No jobs ad has been
issued by govt. authorities since last 5 years. Poverty ratio is increasing day by
Very first thing to control poverty is to do justice in distribution of resources
and life necessities among people even at lower level. When corruption from
lower level will be removed then it will be removed from upper level. After the
removal of corruption, poverty will decreased. Another step is to set daily wage at
$25 dollars per day. Surety of health, education, shelter and food are also basics
for eradicating poverty.

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