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Saving water in modern world

Tazmeen Ismaeel
Water is one of the most important substances on Earth. It is precious gift of
ALLAH on the earth. All living things need water to survive. Life exist because of
availability of water. It has main contribution like taste, color and nice smell to the
life of a human being. Basically we find it everywhere in rivers, seas, tanks, ponds,
ditches, dams. 71 % of earth is covered with water, out of which 98% water is not
drinkable and only 2 % is drinkable and fresh, which is used for household and
dinking purposes.
Now-a-days we are facing a common problem of water shortage in
Pakistan, especially in Karachi. Our water resources are depleting day by day.
After few years, we are going to have serious shortage of water. This shortage is
because of our careless habits as we left tap open after usage, use a lot water for
bathing, washing utensils and clothes. We are not using water in controlled
manner. Moreover, we are also polluting water reservoirs by dumping waste into
We should save water for our future. We can do it simply by performing small
tasks like by checking leakages and repairing them, taking short showers, which
can save a lot of water. We should wash the utensils using water in a tub instead
of tap. We should turn off water while brushing our teeth. These practices make
you saving a lot water with less effort. Don’t dump waste into water reservoirs in
order to make them clean. I hope we understand the importance of this life saving
substance for our future generations.

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