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Status of Local Species of Tropical Grassland Ecosystem of Pakistan

Submitted To:
Madam Ghazala Usman Submitted
Ayesha Shabbir 19058 Haseeb Ahmed 19057
Saba Riaz 19055 Samia Samreen 19056
Tanzila Iqbal 19063
M. Jamshed 19064
Status of the Species in the Tropical Grassland Ecosystem of the
The tropical grassland ecosystem is also transitional landscape because grassland ecosystem
dominated by the grass with few or no trees in the areas where there is not enough for a forest
and too much of a forest. There are different names in different region of the world.

Temperature range
Temperature are often extreme in grassland. The average temperature is about 20C to 30C.
Tropical grassland have dry and wet seasons that remain warm all the time.

Soil topography
The soil of the tropical grassland ecosystem is porous, with rapid drainage of water. It has only
thin layer of humus. The organic protein of created by partial decomposition of the plant or
animal matter, which provide vegetation with nutrients. Common flora of tropical
grassland plants
Common grasses in tropical grassland include:

1. Bermuda Grass
2. Elephant grass
3. Blue fescue
4. Feathers grass
5. Rhodes grass
6. Res oat grass
7. Lemon grass
These grasses generally go dominant during the dry period and then grow rapidly during the
wet session.
Endangered species
Clarkia franciscana

Scientific classification
kingdom Plantae

Clade Angiosperm

Order Myrtales

Family Onagraceae

Genus Clarkia

specie C.franciscana

Endangered Specie
Reasons of Endangeredment
▪ Logging activity
▪ Habitat destruction due to land conservation to agriculture and farming
▪ Plants used for the purpose of medicine

Acanthomintha ilicifolia
Scientific classification
kingdom Plantae

class Angiosperm

Clade Eudicots

Order Lamiales

Family Lamiaceae

Genus Acanthomintha

specie A.ilicifolia

Endangered Specie

Reasons of endangerment
▪ Its habitat had been greatly modified for agriculture
▪ It is also modified for foods, housing
▪ Modified for plantation Invasive species

Adansonia digitat

Scientific classification
kingdom Plantae


Order Malvales

Family Malvaceae

Genus Adansonia

specie A. digitata

Endangered Specie
Reasons of endangerment
▪ Drought
▪ Over use
▪ Lack of seed dispersal ▪ Pollution
Lack of nutrients

Extinct Specie

Polygonatum verticillatum

Scientific classification
kingdom Plantae

Class Angiosperm

Clade Eudicots

Order Asparagales

Family Asparagaceae

Genus Polygonatum

specie P.verticillatum

Extinct specie

Reasons of endangerment
▪ Land clearing
▪ Urban expansion/urbanization
▪ Agriculture expansion
▪ Over use
Invasive species

Rheum australe

Scientific classification
kingdom Plantae

Class Angiosperm

Clade Eudicots

Order Caryophyllales

Family Polygonanceae

Genus Rheum

specie R. australe

Extinct specie

Reasons of endangerment
▪ Destruction of habitat
▪ Habitat loss
▪ An introduced species
▪ Population growth
▪ Over consumption

Fauna of Tropical Grassland Ecosystem

Mountain plover: Charadrius montanus

Scientific classification
kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Class Aves

Order Charadriiformes

Family Charadriidae

Genus Charadrius

specie C. montanus

Endangered specie

Reasons of Endangeredment
▪ Food storage
▪ Agriculture expansion
▪ Deforestation
▪ Human activities
▪ Natural disaster
Swift fox: Vulpus velox

Scientific classification
kingdom Animalia

Phylum Chordata

Class Mammalia

Order Carnivore

Family Canidae

Genus vulpes

specie V. velox

Endangered specie

Reasons of Endangeredment
▪ Disease
▪ Vehicle strike
▪ Predation by dogs
▪ Human activities
▪ Habitat loss Reference:
• IUCN, UNEP & WWF 1980 Wild construction strategy
• Kan Ahmad (2020)
• http:/

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