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The Food Service Sector  1782

- Grand Taverne de Londres (The

Great Taverne of London)
o standard of restaurant.
 The Food Service Industry - founded by Antoine Beauvilliers,
 Bar and Beverages Industry wrote the cookbook entitled L’Art
du Cuisinier.
 1789
- Food service is a dominant - Restaurant becomes a common
segment of our industry since it place in France after the French
represents the significant revolution broke up.
proportion of the economy. - George Auguste Escoffier, known
as “Cooks of Kings and the
History of Food Industry Kings of Book.”
o Founding father of classic
 12th Century
French cuisine.
- Restaurants were known in
- He popularized the brigade system.
Hangzhou (China), a political,
o A French cooking method
cultural, and economic center
during Song Dynasty. with each section that is
run by a chef de partie.
o Caters to different style of
- Service a la francaise (serves all the
cuisine, rice bracket, and
dishes all at once) and replace to
religious requirements.
service a la russe (serves each dish
- Ma Yu Chin’s Bucket Chicken
in order based on the printed menu)
House (1153AD)
 1794
o Still serving meals but not
- Restaurants spread rapidly across
in the same place as before.
the world with the first in US,
 18 Century
Jullien’s Restorator.
- Restaurants, as businesses
o US, Boston, open jullien’s
dedicated to the serving of food
restorator and focus
and where specific dishes are
healthful dishes.
ordered by the guest and generally
o Serving all the dishes all at
prepared emerged
once (service a la francaise)
 1725
 1810
- Sobrino de Botin was opened
- Service a la russe was introduce to
France by the Russian Prince
o Oldest restaurant in the
 1891
o Still using famous wood fire
- The YWCA of Kansas City
oven to cook their delicacies.
established the first ever Cafeteria.
 1765
o Young Women’s Christian
- The word restaurant, first
Association (YWCA) that’s
appearance in 16th century.
lost cost meal for working
o Restaurant – restaurer
(French word and to restore
 1936
(heal) in English)
- First drive in restaurant was opened
- Was applied in an eating
in Glendale, California.
establishment by Boulanger.
o Parisian soup seller
o Patrons are serves food in 4. Ethnic Food Service Operation
their vehicle but popular in - It specializes in food associated with
early 1950s. a particular culture.
 1954 o Individually owned.
- Ray Kroc was the pioneer of the o Ethnic, because you want to
fast-food industry with his promote particular culture
McDonald’s enterprise. of yours.
o Ray Kroc is the man behind o This popularity ethnic food
the idea of fast-food service operation is
industry. (Hamburger king) brought by various
o Richard and Maurice immigrant groups such as
McDonalds are the founder Chinese, Japanese, etc.
of McDo in 1940. 5. Specialty Restaurant
 Present - Features a particular kind of food
- Cuisines like French, Chinese, that is usually theme related.
Mexican, Japanese, and other o Sea food restaurant that
cuisines become common in most specializes in sea food
cities. o Steak house, sushi, pizza,
o Restaurant becomes the etc.
important part of our travel 6. Fine Dining Restaurant
experience. - It emphasizes high quality food,
TYPES OF FOOD SERVICE expertly prepared and
ESTABLISHMENT professionally served.
o If you want a good selection
1. Chain Restaurant of menu items
- linked by some common 7. Theme Restaurant
identifiable characteristics such as - Generally, serve a limited menu
their products, ownership, and but aim to wow guest with a total
physical appearance. experience.
o Meaning to say there are o Aiming for the ambience
different branches in and food.
different destinations or 8. Tops
provinces, but they are the - Refers to food and beverages
same with the products and operations located on the top
physical appearance. floors of hotels or other tall
2. Quick Service Restaurant building.
- Served food with little to no o Usually locate in major
waiting at which they order food cities, aside from the food
from a very limited menu. you are eating/enjoying,
o Slogan of quick food you are offered with
3. Table Service spectacular/interesting
- It is one (1) in which customers are view of the city.
seated and served at tables. 9. Family Restaurant
o Escorted employee and you - It caters to family groups – parents
can select your table and with children and other
give printed menu. contemporary family groups.
o Guest check - Bill presented o You need to consider your
at the end of the meal. menu/food and ambience
should be for all ages.
- An establishment that permits a ARRANGEMENT
customer to see the food available
and to make selections from among 1. Table Service
those displayed. - Serves takes order selection from
11. Buffet menus then deliver the food to the
- A service characterized by a long customers seated at their tables.
table or counter on which a selection Types of Table Service
of varied food is attractively
displayed. (1.) American Service – the food is
o It all you can serves on individual plate and
12. Catering serve to guest.
- Refers to the preparation and (2.) Russian Service – elaborate
service of food to a group of people service in which entree and
gathered for a specific purpose. vegetable are serve from a plater
o Weddings, birthdays, and into the diner’s plate by the
special occasions. waiter.
Two types of CATERING (3.) French Service – the waiter will
(1.) On premise catering take your order, and there is
o The food is prepared and table side cooking.
served on the premise of (4.) English Service – the main
the restaurant. entree is place in front of the
(2.) Off premise catering host, food and carves, and plate
o The food is prepared in the it, then the waiter will deliver
kitchen of the restaurant and the plates in front of the guest.
served the food outside the 2. Counter Service
restaurant. - Customers are served with food
13. Airline Catering across a level surface called counter.
- Business of providing food o Either can be seated at the
prepared and packages for service counter or consume your
by an airplane crew during a flight. food at the counter.
o The food is not prepared 3. Room Service
inside the plane but in - Customers have situated away
central facility that is called from a normal dining area typically
commissary located in in a hotel or hospitality room.
airport where they will o Accommodation or hospital
cook and packages the food room.
in container and 4. Self Service
transported inside the - Customers select food from an array
aircraft and reheat it. of displayed items and then carry
14. Takeout the items.
- Operation that prepares food for o With/out tray you can
consumption off premises consume your food in the
o Simply means the food will premise.
leave the premise. 5. Take out or Delivery Service
- In delivery service, customers
place an order by telephone or fax,
then waits for the food to be
- For take-out, collect food on the 1. Alcoholic Beverages
premise and carries it out before
consuming. A. Wine – fermented, usually grapes.
BEVERAGES INDUSTRY  Still wines (natural wines) - Wines
do not continue to ferment after
Wine and Beer being bottled.
 Sparkling wines - Fermentation
- For religious ceremonies, and
process continues after bottling.
rituals, people fermented fruit
 Fortified wines - Still wines to
juice into wine, fermented water
which brandy has been added.
and honey into mead, and grains
into beer.  Aromatic wines - Wines fortified
o They store alcohol using and flavored with herbs, roots,
barrel. flowers, and barks. Aperitifs –
consume it before meal.
Golden Age
B. Beer – brewed and fermented.
- Establishment known as phatnai,
- Alcoholic content would range to 4
served traders, envoys, and
to 16%
government officials from a variety
of regions.
C. Spirits or Liquor – fermented and
1634 distilled.
 Whisky – made from fermented
- First tavern called Cole’s opened in mash or grain to which malt, in the
Boston. form of barley is added.
- In New York, Gov. Willem Kieft  Brandy - distilled from wine in a
opened a tavern to accommodate fashion similar to that of other
Dutch colonial guest. spirits. Has 35 to 60% by volume
1950’s – 1980’s alcoholic content.
 Tequila – fermented juices obtained
- People got interested with bars. from the heart of blue agave plants.
o Its not about the drinks but  Rum – from fermented juice of
the purpose is the newly sugarcane (light) or molasses (dark)
invented television.  Gin - from fermented mash of
o During this period the neutral grains mainly flavored with
liquor licenses started to be juniper berries and other
distributed in New York botanicals.
and given to those who  Vodka – made from barley, corn,
wants to operate. wheat, rye, or potatoes.

Two Types of Beverages

2. Non-Alcoholic Beverages
(1) Alcoholic Beverages - Coffee
(2) Non-Alcoholic Beverages - Tea
- Carbonated soft drink
- Juice
- Mineral water
Accommodation Sector
- It is a counter across which alcoholic
drinks/refreshment are served.
The Hotel Industry
1. Neighborhood Bar
- Excellent meeting place for friends - .
and business associates
o Friendly atmosphere and Revenue Centers
can be found in every o Income generating
where or on around corner. departments of hotel.
2. Sports Bar o A front of the house.
- A bar that has televisions in view
of every seat, sometime can be Cost Centers
turned to different channels. o Technical support to the
o Offer some kind of menu
such as burger, pizza, etc. departments of hotel
o They also offer alcoholic o A back of the house.
and non-alcoholic Organization
3. Brew Pub or Beer House General Manager
- A bar where customer can brew
- Responsible for overall
his/her own beer right on the
performance of the hotel
o Has a wide selection of beer Resident Manager
4. Specialty Bar
- Concentrates on one (1) type of - Next manager in line after the MG
beverage, from wine to martinis, or Rooms Division Director
theme bars.
o Provide it with a variety of - Handles the daily sales and service
selection. of guestroom.
5. Restaurant and Hotel Bar
Food and Beverage Director
- Often used as a holding area to
allow guest to enjoy a cocktail or - Oversees the most labor-intensive
aperitif before sitting down to part of hotel operations, from
dinner. purchasing to serving.
6. Club
- Can be small cocktail lounge with a Sales and Marketing Director
jukebox or tinkling piano in a - Generate new business for a hotel.
o Charges for entrance fee Human Resources Director
o Drinks are pricey and
- Responsible for staffing element of a
higher. hotel from interviewing to
performance review.
Financial Controller
- Looks after all the accounting
functions and various financial
control functions.
Director of Engineering Confirmed Reservation
- Looks after the maintenance and
repair of the physical plant. - When there is a confirmation slip
that is send back to the guest
Security Manager
Guaranteed Reservation
- Manages and monitor hotel security
for both guest and employees. - When the guest pays for the first
right of the guest. (2 pm to 12 noon)
Regular or Non-Guaranteed
Rooms Division Department Reservation
 Front Office
 Reservations - Holds the room until 6pm
 Guest Services regardless if they will pay or not.
 Telephone Exchange - If now show, they will sell it again.
 Housekeeping
Overbooking – to compensate

 Front Office
- It is the heart of the hotel.  Guest Service (uniform service)
- Headed by a Guest Services
- The hub or nerve center of the hotel
Manager who may also happen to
The following are among the positions be the Bell Captain.
in the front office: - Can accept gratuities (tip)
Desk clerk, Desk attendant, The following are the key position in
Receptionist or Room agents this department:
- Rooming and cashiering duties, Bellman or Bell Person
welcoming and registering arriving
guests, and presents statements and - Assisting guest with their luggage
collects payment. Concierge
Night Auditor - Arrange land reservation.
- Responsible for balancing guest - Separated desk and office.
accounts receivables. - Must know all the happenings of
- Happens when no transaction. the hotel.
- 1AM onwards duty Door Attendant, Doorman, or
 Reservation
- Arrangement by which lodging - Welcoming the guest and opening
operators hold accommodations the guest with a smile
for guest who will be arriving at
some time later.  Telephone Exchange (PBX)
- In advance and reserved for a - Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
specific time o Also, a profit generator
- A vital part of the smooth running
The following are the types of of the hotel.
 Housekeeping - Chef for every station (Station chef)
- Responsible for the cleanliness,
appearance, and condition of the  Hotel Restaurants
entire hotel, including public areas. - Open to registered guest and to
- Largest department the general public.
- Smooth and efficient new of the - Run by a restaurant manager
hotel and restaurant staff.
- Maintenance and upkeeping
The following are among the  Bars
positions in this department: - Allow guest to relax while sipping
Executive Housekeeper - Important revenue source of
Food and Beverage Department
as well
Kinds of Bar
Lobby Bars -
Room Attendant
Restaurant Bar – serving food and
serving of alcoholic beverages to
Laundry Personnel
Service Bar – pick up by employees
to serve the guest.
Food and Beverage Department Pool Bar – near the pool
 Kitchen
 Hotel Restaurant Sports Bar – want to be entertained by
 Bars sports.
 Steward Department
 Room Service Night Clubs – where customers can
 Catering and Banquet mingle, dance, and has spotlight.
 Kitchen Minibars – inside the room
- In charge with the production
of food and beverage in the  Stewarding Department
hotel. - they are responsible for the
following functions:
The following are the key positions in o cleanliness of the back
the kitchen:
of the house
Executive Chef o maintaining clean
glassware, china, and
- Managed the kitchens at multiple cutlery
outlets and are not usually o Strict inventory and
directly responsible for cooking. monthly stock
Sous Chef check
o Sanitation of kitchen and
- Sous chef also fills the all equipment
responsibility of the head o Forecasting labor
chef when they are not and cleaning
present. supplies.
Chef de partie
 Room Service
- In room dining.
- Refers to the F&B services provides Finance Department
to hotel guestrooms. - Identifies, evaluates and
 Catering and Banquet communicates information about a
Banquet – refers to the group of hotel performance in terms of
people who eat together at one time financial reports.
and in one place. 2 Accounting System used:
Catering – includes variety of - Front office accounting
occasions when people may eat at o guest ledgers and city
a varying time. ledgers
o registered
- Back-office accounting
Marketing and Sales Department o Receivable
- Responsible for making sales
to guest to increase a hotel Engineer Department
market share. - Responsible for physical facilities
- Led by director of marketing and all mechanical in nature of the
and sales. hotel
- Marketing – utilizing 7P’s
(Product, prices, promotion,
place, people, process, and Security Department
physical evidence) - Uses manpower agencies for
- Advertising (tv ads) and non- credible.
personal - patrol the lobby, public space,
- Personal selling – you can suggest. guest room floors and monitor
- Sales promotion ex. BOGO hotel security cameras.
- Social Network sites
- Public Relation – positive
image Promote.

Human Resources Department

- Responsible for personnel
sourcing and hiring.
- Led by Human Resource Manager
The following are the objectives of
HR Department
- Task analysis and job analysis
- Job description
- Productivity standards
- Recruitment and selection
- Orientation
- Training
- Performance appraisal
- Employee development

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