Briones, Aubrey M - Role Model

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SSP Freshmen 1st Semester

Role Model
Student Activity Sheet

Name: Aubrey M. Briones

Section: BSMT1 – A13

Lesson Title: Role Model Materials:

Learning Targets: At the end of the session, I should be able coloring

materials to: References:

1. learn from others’ actions and qualities to improve myself to “5 Reasons You Need a Role Model.”
be the person I want to become; and (2016).KudosWallinTechOut. Retrieved from

2. develop a stronger sense of motivation to strive to

model y achieve my goals in life.

A. CONNECT (10 mins)

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" is a question most students have likely heard and
thought about for a long time. But have you really thought about what this question means for you,
personally? How would this question affect your life now; the decisions you make, the future you’ll

For most of us, a way we can envision this future for ourselves is to look to our role models — people
who have gone through similar things and succeeded. These role models act as guides to help you
understand who you would like to become in the future. By understanding what they did in the past,
with similar circumstances, we can hopefully gain a better understanding of what we need to do to gain
a similar — or better — future.

B. COACH (40 mins)

— DO —

Please read the story below and highlight the important key points to help you remember. We want to
share with you this story of struggles, successes and failures that contain many lessons that can
inspire and motivate you in daily life.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP Freshmen 1st Semester
Role Model
Student Activity Sheet

Education is the most vital aspect which should occupy the center stage in a
person’s life and it’s the best gift that parents can bestow upon their
children." – Sidhu

Not everyone has enough to receive education. But a responsible parent will
do anything he can to be able to provide the needs of his children and a
sympathetic daughter/son will likewise do whatever it takes to lessen the
burden of his/her parents.
JACKIELYN S. NGOJO Doctor of Taking the 'right course' in college is considered as every students'
Veterinary dilemma after finishing high school. Choosing the right path with straight
Medicine focus ahead along with the commitment and perseverance - one should be
Southwestern University
able to reach one's goals. Others ventured as a working student. Some applied to various scholarship
grants from public and private institutions in order to hopefully minimize the initial financial burdens of
the family.

Being a scholar has helped me to become the best that I can - to do better and excel everyday.
Throughout my six tough years of studying veterinary medicine, one could say that dedication is crucial
when you want to achieve your goals.

Then, I was given the chance to improve myself by joining three consecutive annual NCVMS (National
Congress of Veterinary Medicine Students) since I was on my first year proper (third year) from 2016
until 2018 held in different vet schools in Luzon and Mindanao. I was able to meet co-vetmed students
with the same passion that I have in giving the best life to our speechless patients. I was also chosen
to lead an organization (Veterinary Medicine Clinicians’ Society - College of Veterinary Medicine
Southwestern University PHINMA) which has the objectives of application of knowledge to the clinician

Nevertheless, I could not say I’m already best at my craft but it helped me to become who I am today
and was able to finally graduate from six years of studying. The most complicated part in life is yet to
be confronted. Reality is out there - waiting for me to jive in. Amidst in this time of pandemic, it helped
me realize things more - The importance of space, time and acceptance in order to fully understand the
scope of life. That education is best learned in school but one should not also forget to keep your feet
on the ground and be grateful to anyone who had helped you.


Now that you’re done reading, let’s check what you have learned and understood from the story.
Please read and answer the questions carefully in the space provided. You may write in full
sentences or bullet points.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP Freshmen 1st Semester
Role Model
Student Activity Sheet

1. What similarities do you see between yourself and [write name of student]? Give a concrete
example based on the letter he/she wrote.

 Based on the letter stated above, the similarities I see between me and Ms. Ngojo is the
willingness to lessen the burdens of our parents in which we will do everything to do so. With
her, she did everything where she worked hard, she became a scholar and joined NCVMS. Like
her, I too would do everything to lessen my parent’s burden, they asked me to excel in my
academics and that’s what I’m doing. I have made sure to be an academic achiever as my
parent’s only wish is to for them to be proud of my academe. I have been an honor student
since the very start, often excelling in subjects such as math, science and English with special
mentions in history and arts.

2. What’s your biggest takeaway from his/her experience?

 My biggest takeway from her experience is the fact of which when u have a clear goal and
purpose and when your heart is in the right place, your hard work and path will fall into place.
She wanted to be a vetmed but she also wanted to lessen her parent’s burden, in such that she
achieved her full potential and got amazing opportunities. I find that the intent of what we do
is the foundation for how things will probably happen.

3. Of the many experiences, which one was most inspiring? What will you do in your life starting today
because of this inspiration? (Be as specific as possible.)
 I think her experience on the seminars and how she got to lead the one in SWU, I think that if
my life starting from this very moment when I got the inspiration from her story, I would try to
be more proactive in my community in Medtech, I would try to participate in siglakas and
medtech week. I would try to help others in studying and I want to be a good role model for

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

SSP Freshmen 1st Semester
Role Model
Student Activity Sheet

C. CHECK (25 mins)


Think about how you can be a good role model for younger students. Draw a picture or doodle of
something you can do and write your brief explanation about it below.


I am a role model in terms of academic responsibility, I’d like to

show them that the only way to excel in academic is in the ways
of which genuine learning and building of a good academic
foundation is the way to go!#rolemodel

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION


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