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Name Business Description Location Website Sector Sub Sector FY Revenue (₹ mn) EBITDA (₹ mn) PAT (₹ mn) Total

Location Website Sector Sub Sector FY Revenue (₹ mn) EBITDA (₹ mn) PAT (₹ mn) Total Debt (₹ mn) EBITDA (%)

Rel a Hosp ital s Pri vate Limi te d is In sti tu te a nd Me dica l Cen tre , an Intern atio nal
Medi cal facil ity i s a qua te rnary care H ospi ta l ded ica te d to fosteri ng an d
respo nd ing to the ne eds o f a di verse pa ti ent pop ul ation . The Ho spital i s
committed to be ing a n intern ation al ly sign ifican t he alth care system wi th th e
Rela Hospitals Private Limited sta te of the a rt in fra stru ctu re fa cili ti es, fu nction ing i n a spraw lin g area of 3 6 Chennai Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 124.71 124.22 91.81 - 99.61%
acres of la nd lo cated in C hrome pet, Che nna i, Ind ia. Th e facil ity wi th 450 b eds
incl usive o f 1 30 critica l care be ds, 1 4 op eratin g rooms, and state -o f-th e-art
referen ce la bora to ries an d Rad iol ogy se rvices.

Go mti L ife Scie nces Indi a Private Li mited (GLSIPL) is a rel iab le pa rtn er to
compa nie s in the man ufacture an d sup ply of active ph armace utica ls. GLSIPL
Gomti Li fe Scien ces In dia can p ro vid e active Ingre die nts me etin g th e pha rmacop oei al stan dard s, Ramanagara Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 66.87 65.13 65.13 64.29 97.40%
Private Li mited In te rmed iates an d impu rities in a sa fe , se cure an d confid entia l man ner.

Suraksh a Di agn ostic & Eye C entre Priva te Limite d is eng age d in p ro vid ing
hea lthca re service s. It offers dig ital x-ray, colo no sco py, stress test, ho lter
moni to ring and mu lti slice C T scan se rvices. It also o pe rates a centre in N RS
Medi cal Co lle ge & Ho spital i n Kolka ta o n PPP (Publ ic Private Partne rship )
Sura ksha D iag nostic & Eye basi s w ith the State Go vernme nt. Su raksha d iag nostics servi ces spa n
Kolkata Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2021 133.44 106.39 84.72 - 79.73%
Cen tre Private Li mited Patho log y, Hi sto patho log y, Mol ecu lar Dia gn ostics and R adi olo gy an d incl ude
th e la te st tests. It is the first i n In di a to re ceive the co veted C AP (C oll ege o f
America n Patho log ists) ce rti fi cation a nd is a lso NABH a nd NABL a ccredi te d.
Th e larg est dia gno sti c ch ain i n ea ste rn In dia , it to day ran ks amon g th e to p 5
natio na lly wi th n earl y 3 5 centres acro ss West Ben gal a nd Bih ar.

Av Pro cesso rs Pri vate Limi te d ope rates un der the bra nd na me Ste rico . It ha s
source d its te chno log y from Boa rd of Rad iatio n & Isotop e Te chn olo gy (BRIT),
an arm o f the De partmen t of Ato mic Ene rgy, Govt of Ind ia. Av Processo rs h as
put up a state– of–the-a rt faci lity at E-5 2, Ad ditio nal A mb ern ath MID C at
Av Processors Private Limited Anan dn aga r i n Ulh asna gar Talu ka of Th ane D istrict i n Maha rashtra, Indi a fo r Mumbai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2019 155.57 103.95 61.15 - 66.82%
radi ation proce ssing o f vari ous pro du cts in p re-pa ckage d fo rm thro ug h gamma
rays by usin g Co bal t-6 0. The p lan t is d esig ned for 12 00 kil ocuri es of coba lt-60
and i s ru nn ing o n fu ll de sign ed ca paci ty wi th ma jor focus on
medi cal/ph arma ceutica l prod ucts.

Vardh man Trauma & Vardh man Trau ma & L apa roscop y C en tre Pri vate Limi te d is an un listed
L apa roscop y C entre Priva te compa ny wh ich op erates in H eal th C are Pro vide rs & Servi ces space . The New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2022 493.05 233.13 79.16 133.52 47.28%
Li mited compa ny wa s fou nde d in 19 96 -06-2 8.
Mata La xmi Nursin g Ho me And Investig ation Cen tre P. Ltd is an un liste d
Mata La xmi Nursi ng Ho me And
compa ny wh ich op erates in H eal th C are Pro vide rs & Servi ces space . The Raipur Health Care Providers & Services fertility and maternity care 2022 178.47 84.30 58.43 1.84 47.24%
Investig atio n Cen tre P. Ltd compa ny wa s fou nde d in 19 86 -12-3 1.
Poon a He alth Servi ces Private Poon a He alth Servi ces Private Li mited is a n unl isted comp any. Th e comp any
Pune City Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2021 157.37 71.68 52.19 89.51 45.55%
Li mited was fou nde d in 19 85-0 6-24 .

Srija n Fe rti lity Cli nic Priva te Limite d (Srija n) is one o f the first d ed icated a nd
compre hen sive fertil ity se rvices pro vide d in Bih ar. Th e center is no w amon gst
th e bu siest IVF clin ic in Indi a doi ng mo re th an 50 0 IVF cycles a nd more tha n
300 0 IUI cycl es every yea r. The cli nic no w bo asts si x C O2 i ncub ators, o ne
Srij an Fertili ty Cl ini c Pri vate tri ple g as in cuba to r, a hi gh-e nd stere o zoom micro scope w ith dig ital reco rdin g
Li mited and tra nsmissi on, and i s n ow al so eq uip ped w ith an emb ryo scope a ti me- Patna Health Care Providers & Services fertility and maternity care 2022 205.71 89.50 62.56 - 43.51%
lap se pi ctu re syste m i ntegra te d with tripl e ga s i ncub ators. Sri jan i s o ne o f the
fi rst IVF cli nics in N orth, Cen tra l, a nd Eastern In dia to ha ve th is instrume nt
whi ch ha s b een sh own to imp rove the p regn ancy rate by g iving a sta ble
envi ronme nt to e mbryos an d an o ppo rtu nity fo r b ette r e mbryo se lectio n.

Hetero i s o ne o f Indi a’s le adi ng g ene ric pha rmaceu ti cal comp ani es an d th e
worl d’s la rgest pro duce r o f an ti -retrovira l drug s for the trea tme nt o f HIV/AID S.
Backed by over 20 ye ars of e xpe rti se in the ph armace utical i nd ustry, He te ro’s
stra te gic b usin ess area s sp read a cross APIs, ge neri cs, bi osimi lars an d custom
pha rmaceu tical se rvices. Th e compa ny is glo ba lly reco gni zed for its stren gths
in Re sea rch and D evel opme nt, man ufacturi ng an d commerci ali zation o f a w ide
rang e of prod ucts.
Clians Labs Private Limited Hyderabad Lifesciences medical research and testing 2022 369.91 159.10 65.61 428.00 43.01%
Hetero h as 33 state-o f-the -art ma nufa ctu ring faci litie s strateg ical ly loca te d
worl dwi de. And a ma jori ty of our facil ities ha ve be en succe ssfu lly au dited and
app rove d by stri nge nt re gul atory au th oritie s l ike US FDA, EU , TGA-Au stra lia ,
MCC-So uth Afri ca an d others. Ou r p ortfo lio inclu de s 3 00 pl us prod ucts
enco mpa ssing ma jor thera peu ti c ca te go ries such a s H IV/AIDS, Onco log y,
Card iova scula r, N euro log y, He patitis, Nep hrol og y, Uro log y, Di abe te s,
Op htha lmol ogy, Hep atolo gy and Immu nol ogy etc.

Swag at Hosp itals Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted co mpan y w hich o pera te s in
supe r sp eci ali ty ho spital sp ace. Th e comp any wa s fou nde d in 1 999 -08-3 1.Cli ck
here to vi ew the comp any' s p rodu cts an d service s. Be low i s a b rief descri ption
Swagat Hospitals Private Limited by th e comp any ab out wha t the y d o: Be st Ho spital i n Guwa hati, Assam Swag at Guwahati Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2021 398.69 171.13 93.69 166.73 42.92%
have best Neck Surg ery, Pl astic Surge ry, Ca nce r Su rgery, Neu rosurg ery, C T
Scan, MRI SCAN, Gyn aeco log y & Ent in Guw aha ti .

Kriti Scann in g Cen tre Pri vate Limi te d is one of the b est d iag no sti c ce ntre. Kri ti
Scann in g Cen tre (P) Ltd., i s the first wid e-ra ngi ng Di agn ostic Cen tre i n th is city
offe ring dia gno sti c se rvices wi th the mi ssion to p rovid e qua lity medi cal care .
Kriti Scan nin g Cen tre Pri vate Th e cen tre focu ses on Ul tra sono grap hy, X-Rays, CT sca ns, MR I, Bone D exa Allahabad Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 438.86 186.45 81.58 246.68 42.48%
Li mited Scan, Mammo grap hy, OPG, full ra nge o f Pa th olo gy, Mi crobi olo gy &
Histop atho log y. Thei r tea m o f Do cto rs, Nu rses an d Practition ers have th e
tra ini ng a nd exp erie nce req uire d to ensu re th at p atien ts a re in the safest an d
most e xpe rt ha nds from th e momen t tha t they step in to th e Hosp ital.

Madh ura j H osp ital Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted co mpan y. The comp any wa s
Madhuraj Hospital Private Limited Nawabganj Health Care Providers & Services hospitals 2019 290.32 119.47 80.01 29.63 41.15%
fo und ed i n 198 4-03 -09.
Shah Eye Care Pri vate Limi te d is an in tegra l part of the " Shah Grou p". Th e
compa ny man ufactures a wi de ran ge o f hi gh qu ali ty op htha lmic con sumab les
such as Oph th almi c Mi cro Surgi cal Kni ves, p harma ceu ti cal pro ducts etc.
Shah Eye Care Private Limited Davanagere Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2020 183.03 75.19 50.14 35.47 41.08%
SECPL, op hthal mic devi ce prod uct l ine fe atures, “ACUC UT OPHTHAL MIC
MIC RO SU RGIC ALS KNIVES”. The total ma nufactu ring tech nol ogy, proce ss
and ma chi nery ha s b een tran sfe rred from German y.

Thin d Eye Ho spital Pri vate Th ind E ye Hosp ital Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny was fou nde d Jalandhar Health Care Providers & Services eye care hospital 2022 209.16 83.25 71.12 108.28 39.80%
Li mited in 19 95 -11-1 0.Cli ck h ere to view the co mpa ny's prod ucts and se rvices.
Dha nde Pa th lab D iag no sti cs Dha nde Pathla b Dia gno sti cs Pri vate Li mite d is an u nli ste d compa ny. Th e
Pune City Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2020 181.53 72.07 51.40 - 39.70%
Private Li mited compa ny wa s fou nde d in 20 14 -04-0 1.
Ge ne ra l Optics (Asia) Ltd is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny was fou nde d
General Optics (Asia) Ltd Pondicherry Health Care Equipment & Supplies eye care products 2022 263.77 104.60 64.35 26.16 39.65%
in 19 82 -10-0 8.
Rio care Ind ia Priva te L imited i s a Ph armace utica l Comp any offerin g supe rior
qua lity pro ducts. R ioca re is one o f the l ead ing ma nufacture rs a nd e xporters of
Riocare India Private Limited reli abl e an d hig h qua lity Simethi cone Huma n hai r w igs. Th eir ran ge of pro ducts Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 309.50 118.28 67.36 34.72 38.22%
are Sime th ico ne 10 0% ( Fi lix 11 0), Si methico ne Emu lsio n 30% Active ( Simu l
73) an d Di methico ne ( DMPS).

C altron Cla ys An d Che mical s Cal tro n Cla ys An d Ch emica ls Private Li mited is an u nl iste d comp any wh ich
Private Li mited ope rates in C hemi cals spa ce. The co mpan y was foun ded i n 20 00-0 5-15 . Mumbai Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 201.60 75.93 50.59 - 37.66%

Ga ud ium Ivf And Wome n Hea lth Private L imited co mpan y's ma in o bje cti ve is
fo r co up les see king a fford abl e & effe cti ve infertil ity Trea tme nt i n In di a. The
cente rs a re compa rabl e to the b est clin ics glo bal ly, e qui ppe d with faci litie s
Gaud ium Ivf And Wome n provi din g the comp lete ran ge of ad vance d fe rti lity solu ti ons – from Ovula ti on New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services fertility and maternity care 2022 365.24 136.94 91.01 59.48 37.49%
He alth Pri vate Limi te d
In duc tio n, IVF, ICSI, IUI, Emb ryo Fre ezin g, Polycystic Ovaria n Syndro me
(PCOS) trea tme nt, Eg g & Sp erm Don ation , co mple te Ma le Fertili ty Sol ution s,
to e nd -to -end Su rroga cy se rvices.
Netrad ee p Eye Hosp ital is the be st p atien t care a nd ad van cing n ew
Netrad eep Eye H ospi ta l Priva te te chn olo gie s i n th e fi eld o f o phtha lmol ogy. Th eir pa ti ents are from 23 d iffe rent Rajkot Health Care Providers & Services eye care hospital 2022 264.18 98.51 52.14 10.28 37.29%
Li mited coun tri es in clud ing Ind ia, th e Uni te d States, C ana da, Austral ia, New Zea lan d,
UK, D uba i, Sing apo re, So uth Africa, and Ke nya.
Sha rma Orth ope dic (Indi a) http://orthopaedicimplants-
Sharma Orthopedic (India) Private Limited is an unlisted company. Vaghodia Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 410.58 146.48 92.83 100.39 35.68%
Private Li mited

Mani sha An alytica l Lab oratori es Private Li mited (MAL PL) is one o f the
Biotech no log y co mpan ies in Ind ia . The comp any ha s a n ou tstan din g repu ta ti on
as th e pre mier an alytica l te sti ng la bora tory in the cou ntry.
Man isha An alytica l Lab ora to ries MALPL is the p referred testin g pa rtn er fo r a n umbe r o f org an izatio ns fro m Mumbai Lifesciences medical research and testing 2022 337.41 120.29 68.17 0.67 35.65%
Private Li mited varie d sectors. MALPL un dertake s a na lytical testin g of Ph armace utica l
Fo rmula ti ons, Fi ne C hemi cals, Raw Ma te rial s, Co smetics, Ayu rvedi c
Prepa ratio ns. MAL PL is app roved b y Wo rl d He alth Organ isatio n (WH O) an d is
FD A-app rove d.

Dr Rao s En t Sup er Spe cial ity Fo r a ll you r E NT n eed s i n KPHB, Ku katpa lly, Hyde raba d visit Dr. R ao' s Su per
Interna tion al Ho spital Pri vate Speci alty Interna ti ona l Hosp ital wi th th e Best Pa edi atric & Si nus Sp ecia lists in Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 249.77 87.61 58.80 - 35.08%
Li mited Te lan ga na.
Aditya Birl a Scien ce And Aditya Bi rl a Group h as bee n active ly invo lved i n vario us corpo rate socia l
Techn olo gy Co mpan y Pri vate respo nsib ili ty a cti vities; th e most p romin ent be ing the p ulse p oli o prog ramme i n Mumbai Lifesciences medical research and testing 2022 702.36 237.30 90.07 732.75 33.79%
Li mited In dia .

Surya Glob al H ospi ta ls Private Li mited bra nde d as Surya Glo bal H ospi ta ls,
Kakin ad a is te rti ary care ho spital a imed a t co mple mentin g th e existin g lo cal
hea lthca re fa cili ti es with wo rld-cl ass hig h-en d Rad ia ti on eq uip ment, R api d Arc
Len ac (Vari an Co mpan y, USA, secon d la te st mach ine i n In dia ), an d
Surya Glo bal H ospi ta ls Private Brachyth erap y a t Surya Glo bal H ospi ta ls, Madh avap atnam, Kakin ad a. Co nsist Kakinada Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2018 348.09 116.00 70.27 112.45 33.32%
Li mited of ful l-fled ge d Ambul ance s, Ambu lan ce dri ve in 4 be dde d Ca su al ty wi th
lifesa ving e qu ipme nt’s, Ve ntila to rs, mon itors, and d efibri lla to rs. Surya Glo ba l
Hosp itals a lso pro vide s co mpreh ensi ve Ortho pe dic servi ces like Jo int
Rep lace men ts, Han d Surge ry, Ped iatric Gen eral Su rgeri es, a nd Spi ne
Surge ries.
Da no Vacci nes And B iol ogi cals Dan o Vacci nes And Bi olo gica ls Pvt L td i s a n unl isted comp any. Th e comp any
Hyderabad Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2020 230.53 76.41 52.57 3.86 33.15%
Pvt Ltd was fou nde d in 19 84-1 1-27 .
Pha rma ceu ti cals Expo rt Pharma ceu ti cals Expo rt Promo ti on Co unci l Of In di a is an un listed co mpan y.
Promotio n Cou ncil Of Ind ia Th e compa ny wa s fou nde d in 2 004 -04-1 3. Hyderabad Pharmaceuticals pharmaceutical distributors 2019 298.07 97.69 96.27 117.40 32.77%

Nice N eöte ch Medi cal Systems Private Li mited is en ga ged i n th e manu fa cture
Ni ce Neo te ch Medi cal Systems
Private Li mited of N eon atal Inten sive Ca re Equ ipme nt. Thei r p rodu cts in clud e Bab y Incu bator, Chennai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 322.92 105.58 74.16 14.15 32.69%
In fa nt Rad ian t Warmer, Bubb le CPAP, an d Resp iratory Hu midi fi er, e tc.

Dr. Ja riwa la La bora to ry & - - Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2021 275.07 88.62 54.09 - 32.22%
Di ag nostics Ll p

R S M Ente rprise s Pri vate Limi te d is an ISO 90 01 -200 8 Certifie d Comp any,
fo cuses o n manu fa ctu ring o f pre mium q ual ity Ph armace utical D rugs. Th e
compa ny's po rtfol io in clud es Erectil e Dysfunctio n Medi cine s, Antifu nga l
Medi cation Pill s, Anti Acne Pro ducts, An ti Can cer Drug s, Anti De pressi on
R S M En te rprise s Pri vate Drug s, Stoma ch Tre atment, H erba l Sex Medi cine s, H air Lo ss Trea tme nt
Li mited Medi cine s, Weig ht Loss Med icin es, Pa in Re lie f Med ici nes, Kamag ra Produ cts, Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 14.31 4.52 87.24 0.94 31.55%
Vitamin Tab le ts, and Ph armace utical D rugs. The comp any ha s so phi sti cated
infrastructu ra l ba se th at i s e qui ppe d wi th h igh tech ma chin erie s. It i s e qui ppe d
with the mo dern e qui pmen t an d mach ine ry, an d is compri sed of efficie nt
te chn icia ns, d octors and ski lle d te chn icia ns.

Jay Lifecare Private Limited Jay Life care Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted co mpan y. The comp any wa s - Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 248.40 76.00 55.80 - 30.60%
fo und ed i n 198 2-03 -30.
Pell ets P harma L imited i s a n unl isted comp an y. The comp any wa s fou nd ed in
Pellets Pharma Limited Hyderabad Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 566.24 171.35 99.35 - 30.26%
200 4-0 3-11 .
Zell e Biote chno log y Pri vate Ze lle Bi otech nol ogy Priva te L imited i s a n un listed co mpan y. The comp an y w as
Li mited fo und ed i n 200 4-10 -04. - Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 396.13 119.41 57.02 30.00 30.14%

Pharma ffil iate s An alytics And Syn th etics Priva te L imited , is an i ntegra te d
Con tra ct Re sea rch Org ani sation (C RO) se rvices pro vide r o ffe ring i ts exp ertise
Pharma ffil iates Ana lytics And in Cu sto m syn thesi s, Ana lytical re search , Stab ility studi es, Formu latio n &
Deve lop men t, Qu ali ty assu rance a nd R egu latory servi ces. Ph armaffili ates ha s Panchkula Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 344.84 103.76 50.43 90.65 30.09%
Synthe ti cs Pri vate Limi te d bee n servi ng custome rs a cross th e glo be co mprisi ng maj or Pharma ceutica l
compa nie s, API manu fa ctu rers, Bu lk dru g supp lie rs, cli nica l CROs and o th er
all ied i nd ustries.

Kesha va Organ ics Private Li mited ha s b ee n stri ving h ard to manu facture APIs
of the hig hest sta nda rds. Th e compa ny is one o f the few SSI whi ch is US-FDA
Kesh ava Organ ics Private app rove d and C ompl ian t wi th a ll ne cessa ry EH S p oli cies. Th e compa ny ha s a
Li mited versatil e pla nt, ma nufacturi ng a wi de ra nge o f Antih istamin es, Foo d Mumbai Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 472.50 141.00 93.22 1.76 29.84%
Supp le ments, a nd Intermed iate s. They are e xpan din g thei r p rodu ct li st to
incl ude Antifung als, Seda ti ves, and An ti hype rte nsive s a mon g others.

Ap ex Supe rspeci ali ty Ho spita ls

Apex Superspeciality Hospitals Private Limited is an unlisted company. Mumbai Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 507.26 149.11 64.70 623.78 29.40%
Private Li mited

Aureu s In sti tu te Of Me dica l Scien ces Priva te L imited i s a 1 00 be dd ed mul ti -

speci alty ho spital si tu ated in N agp ur offerin g compre hen sive med ical se rvices .
Au reus Institute Of Med ical Th e In stitute is a metamorp hose d versio n of ACES (Aureu s C ritical C are & Nagpur Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2021 371.03 107.87 53.31 132.62 29.07%
Scien ces Private Li mited Emerge ncy Servi ces) hosp ital, whi ch has be en se rving p atien ts from entire
central In dia o ver th e past 4 yea rs. The ho spital fol low s i nterna tion all y
ben chma rk ed stand ards in me dica l, n ursin g, and o pera ti ng p ro tocol s.

Lumis Biotech Private Limited Lumi s Bi otech Pri vate Limi te d is an un listed compa ny. The co mpan y w as Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 449.54 130.53 93.58 32.06 29.04%
fo und ed i n 199 4-12 -22.
Phal an x L abs Priva te L imited ma nufa ctu res pha rmaceu ti cal pro ducts. Th e
Phalanx Labs Private Limited compa ny pro duce s a nd marke ts active pha rmaceu ti cal in gred ien ts an d Visakhapatnam Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 380.27 110.27 94.48 - 29.00%
interme dia tes. Ph ala nx Lab s se rves custome rs g lob all y.
R B D iag no sti c Pri vate Limi te d ope rates dia gn ostic centers that provi de s
R B Diagnostic Private Limited vario us service s fo r h eal th n eed s su ch as Do cto rs Ap poi ntment, Pa thol ogy, Kolkata Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 540.53 156.43 84.27 184.59 28.94%
Rad iol og y, De ntal, CT, MRI, Po rta ble X-ra y a nd mo re.

Aprame ya Eng ine erin g Limi te d is a he althca re solu ti on pro vide r b y p artne ring
with man y l ea din g multin ation al an d Indi an OEMs. Apra meya ha s e vol ved as a
fa st-g rowi ng firm in the ma rket & cou nted a mo ng the Top 5 El ectrosu rgica l
Ge ne ra tor Supp lie rs & Di stri butors in Ah meda ba d, Ind ia.
Aprameya Engineering Limited Aprame ya pro vide s a w ide ra nge o f me dica l equ ipme nt a nd sol utio ns incl udi ng Ahmedabad Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 350.40 100.96 74.58 136.83 28.81%
an Ele ctrosurg ical Gen erator, Electrosu rgica l Un it, CO2 Insufflator, LED
Surge ry L ig ht, Surg ical & Med ical Exa mina ti on L igh t, IC U Resp iratory
Moni to ring Syste m, ICU Ven ti latio n Syste m, Ana esthe sia Workstation ,
Jaun dic e Meter, An aesthe sia Mach in e, H ospi ta l infrastructure , ICU System,
Harmo nic Scal pe l, Min i vac smoke Eva cuator & so on .

Phyto Li fe Sci ence s Private Phyto Li fe Sci ence s Pri vate Limi te d is an u nli ste d compa ny. The co mpa ny was Ahmedabad Pharmaceuticals nutraceuticals 2022 535.93 154.14 99.34 50.87 28.76%
Li mited fo und ed i n 200 7-10 -12.

Xcell ance Medi cal Techn olo gie s Pri vate Limi te d op erates un der the b rand
name S hal ya and i s e nga ge d in the de velo pmen t a nd man ufacturin g of
medi cal de vice s. They ha ve a wel l-estab lish ed Ma nufacturi ng an d R&D faci lity
loca te d in the Ind ustrial Are a in Ra ba le MIDC, Navi Mu mbai w ith a works are a
of mo re than 4 0,000 sq ft. Th ey have a n in-h ouse fa cili ty for Medi cal De vices
Xce lla nce Med ical Thane Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 415.02 118.50 77.96 48.58 28.55%
Techn olo gie s Pri vate Limi te d Manu fa cturin g incl udi ng CN C To ol Ro oms, Me dica l Pla sti c Mo ldi ng, and D ust
Fre e Enviro nme nt.
Shal ya's are stal warts in seg men ts li ke Surgi cal LED Ope ration Th eatre Li ghts,
Endo scop y C amera Systems, CO2 In suffl ators, LED Li ght Source s, Hystero -
pump s, a nd Med ical D ispo sabl e Devi ces whi ch make s u s a o ne-stop -shop fo r
all Ope ratin g Roo m re lated n eed s.

Soda ni H ospi ta ls And Soda ni H ospi ta ls And Di agn ostics Private L imited i s a n unl isted comp an y. The
Indore Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 468.61 133.39 72.61 55.39 28.46%
D iag nostics Priva te L imited compa ny wa s fou nde d in 19 96 -05-2 0.

Adro it Ph armach em Private Adroi t Ph armach em Private Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any wh ich op erates in Savli Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2020 378.02 107.43 64.52 48.71 28.42%
Li mited Metals & Mini ng sp ace. Th e compa ny was fou nde d in 20 13-0 1-1 1.

Yashra j Bio te chno log y L imited a l ead in g Antige n manu fa cturers, a re a

resea rch an d inn ovatio n drive n, ISO 134 85:20 16, IS O 90 01:20 15 an d OHSAS
180 01 :2 007 ce rti fi ed comp an y, They ha ve ope ration s in German y, USA an d
Yashraj Biotechnology Limited South Ko rea. Th eir rese arch, deve lo pmen t an d prod uction -rela ted activi ti es Mumbai Lifesciences bioscience 2022 776.84 216.10 93.45 681.08 27.82%
enco mpa ss a w hol e rang e of n ative , reco mbin ant and ce ll-d erive d an ti gen s;
and mo no clon al an ti bod ies.
Th e compa ny ha s ve ntured i nto the pre clin ical d rug di scovery spa ce, usin g th e
uni qu e te chno log y o f in du ce d pl urip otent ste m ce lls (iPSC s).

Satyad ivis Pha rmaceu ti cals Satyad ivis Pha rmaceu ti cals Priva te L imited i s a ma rket lea der in the
Antide pre ssant drug , mee ti ng the strin gen t Re gul atory no rms in th e Jinnaram Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2018 296.28 82.29 54.38 4.11 27.77%
Private Li mited manu fa cture of th e Acti ve Pharma ing redi ents (APIs) & In te rmedi ates.
Lo tu s Hosp itals And R esea rch Lotus H ospi ta ls And Re search C entre L imited i s a n unl isted comp any. The
Erode Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 289.76 80.00 57.58 187.20 27.61%
Ce ntre Limi te d compa ny wa s fou nde d in 19 95 -09-0 6.
Briyosi s So ft Ca ps Private Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny was
Briyosi s So ft Ca ps Private
Li mited fo und ed i n 200 4-10 -01.Cl ick he re to vi ew the comp any' s p rodu cts an d Vadodara Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 418.45 114.86 74.60 43.56 27.45%
service s.

Ga ne sh Dia gno sti c An d Ima gin g Cen tre Private Li mited is Indi a's bi gge st
hea lth che ck-up servi ce provi der, makin g an other be nchma rk for hi gh-q ua lity
service s a t g enu ine p rices. Th ey are o ne of th e Best D iag no sti c a nd Patho log y
service s p rovid ers aro und D elh i, re solvi ng issu es an d prob lems in a ro bust an d
hig hly e ffective w ay all a cross th e boa rd. At thei r D elh i-ba sed di agn ostic
Gane sh Dia gno sti c An d cente rs, they pro vide a n array of service s incl udi ng bl ood tests, X-ra ys, New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 429.53 117.82 68.61 49.42 27.43%
Imag ing C entre Priva te L imite d
ultraso un ds, C T scan s, MRI scans, etc. The y a lso offer home sa mple co lle cti on
in De lhi a nd h elp i den ti fy di sease s earl y so tha t treatmen t is as so on as
possi ble . a nd ha s u pda te d techn olo gie s to ge ne rate 100 % accura te re po rts for
every test and ch eck-up . Gane sh Dia gn ostic is a pla ce whe re inn ova ti on mixe s
with a cu ltu re of care.

Pulse D iag no sti cs Pri vate Limi te d has rece ived th e Natio nal Accre ditatio n
Board fo r Testin g and C ali bratin g La bora to ries (NABL ) ce rti fi cate. It sp eci ali ze s
Pulse Diagnostics Private Limited in offerin g Di agn ostic service s, ECG service s, USG service s, b loo d te sti ng Kolkata Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 721.01 194.46 99.35 172.63 26.97%
service s e tc. The comp any ai ms to be come a h igh q ual ity co st effective
dia gn ostic center acce ssibl e to the common ma n.
Ala m H ospi ta ls & R esea rch Alam Ho spita ls & R esea rch Cen tre Pri vate Limi te d is an u nli ste d compa ny. The
Cen tre Private Li mited compa ny wa s fou nde d in 20 03 -07-2 9. Ranchi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2020 293.98 78.67 69.56 102.67 26.76%
Man gal ore Institute Of Mang alo re Institute Of On colo gy Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted comp an y. The Mangalore Health Care Providers & Services cancer care hospital 2021 317.70 84.71 53.05 - 26.66%
Onco log y Pri vate Limi te d compa ny wa s fou nde d in 20 06 -09-2 8.
Avanti Institute Of Ca rd io log y Avanti Institute Of Ca rdio log y Pvt Ltd is an u nli ste d compa ny. Th e compa ny Nagpur Health Care Providers & Services cardiac care hospital 2019 458.48 120.62 73.39 - 26.31%
Pvt Ltd was fou nde d in 19 93-1 0-28 .
Sri Ch and ra Sekara H osp itals Sri Cha ndra Sekara H ospi ta ls Private Li mited is a n unl isted comp any. Th e
Hosur Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2021 271.75 71.28 53.38 19.38 26.23%
Private Li mited compa ny wa s fou nde d in 20 14 -02-2 6.

DR.Kama kshi Memo rial H osp ital Priva te L imited i s a 3 00 b edd ed tertiary he alth
care pro vid er loca te d at Pa lli karan ai in S outh Ch enn ai, committed to a hi ghe r
obj ective o f de live ring u ltimate qu ali ty o f he alth care w ith utmost e xcel len ce
and p erso nal ca re. D r.Ka makshi Me moria l Hosp ital is a n ation all y re cogn ized
D r.K amaksh i Memori al Ho spital
fo rerun ne r a nd on e of the premi er institutio n in pro vidi ng Ca nce r a nd Ca rdia c Chennai Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 1,746.93 455.24 90.96 1,035.85 26.06%
Private Li mited
care. Dr.Kama ks hi Memo rial H ospi ta l hou ses hig hly ed uca te d schol ars across
all the s peci ali ti es who a re glo bal ly tra ine d, equ ipp ed wi th a dva nced
te chn olo gy and i nfrastructure. Th e Ho spital h as over 15 0 Con sul ta nts, ha s
don e 45 000 + Critica l Surg erie s e qui ppe d with 18 00 000 Bu ild u p Area.

Hal cyon La bs Priva te L imited i s o ne of Indi a's larg est p ha rma cong lome rates.
Th eir offer pro ducts like C ortico Steroi ds, Ma croli des, an ti convu lsan ts,
Halcyon Labs Private Limited antifu nga ls, a nd so on . The co mpan y's mo dern soph isticated ma nufactu ri ng Ahmedabad Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 538.58 140.09 94.63 - 26.01%
fa cili ti es are lo cated i n Naro da, Ahmed ab ad, Gu jara t state whi ch is the mai n
destin atio n hub for che mical a nd p harma ceutica l activity in Indi a.

Qu ad ra Me di cal Servi ces Private Li mited (QMS) i s the l ea din g sta nd-a lon e
dia gn ostic fa cili ty in Ea ste rn In dia w ith state-of-the-a rt eq uip ment an d fa cili ti es
matchin g gl oba l sta nda rds.
Qu ad ra offe rs the l atest i n dia gn ostic imag ing tech nol ogy, in clud ing MR I, CT-
Quad ra Medi cal Se rvi ces Scan, X-ray, Ultraso und , Nu clea r Me dici ne in clud in g FD G-PET scans an d Kolkata Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 523.04 132.73 64.56 77.34 25.38%
Private Li mited Ga lli um scans, Spe cial ist C ardi ac Screen ing , Pa th olo gy, N euro log y, an d
Ga stro en te rolo gy.
QMS is certifie d by ISO 90 01:20 15 from the Interna ti ona l Certifica tion
Agen cie s a nd ha s re ta ine d its N ABL Accred itation (N ation al Accred itatio n
Board fo r Testin g and C ali bratio n La bora to ries, New D elh i).

Jai Surg ica ls Limite d is an un listed co mpan y. The co mpan y w as fo und ed i n
Jai Surgicals Limited 198 0-0 5-29 . Gurgaon Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2021 353.16 89.20 56.17 1.58 25.26%

Medu lan ce He althca re Private Li mited is Ind ia's first, GPS-base d techn olo gy
pla tfo rm for fast a nd rel iab le first-poi nt me dica l attentio n and l ead in g
compre hen sive e merge ncy respo nse servi ce pro vide r, exten sivel y d eal ing i n
Me dul ance H eal th care Priva te
Ambul atory Servi ces. the y p rovid e End to en d emerg ency resp ons e service , New Delhi Health Care Technology healthcare saas 2022 245.23 61.84 58.96 7.00 25.22%
Li mited GPS-e na ble d hig h-qu ali ty amb ula nce s, Emerg ency Man age ment Te chn olo gy,
Tra ine d Drive rs, a nd certifie d Parame dics cove ring 2 2 citie s i n In dia (Al l metros
& Ma jor tier 2 citi es) and D edi cated He lpl ine N umbe r.

Prop ix Te chn olo gie s Pri vate Propi x Tech no log ies Priva te L imited co mpan y speci ali zes in in nova ti on ba sed
visio n insp ectio n syste ms for di verse in dustria l ap pli cation s a cross th e Pune Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2019 457.70 113.87 76.22 - 24.88%
Li mited
Pharma ceu ti cal, Fo od, Bevera ge, FMC G a nd Prin ti ng Indu stri es.
In dia na H ospi ta l And He art Institu te L imited i s a state-o f-the -art, 3 00-b ed mul ti -
speci alty ho spital . Indi ana h as an o utsta ndi ng tea m o f he althca re professi ona ls
compri sing n atio nal ly and i nterna ti ona lly trai ned d octors who a re exp erts i n
th eir spe cia lties, age -speci fi c co mpeten t n urses, die ti cian s, reh abi litatio n
In dia na Ho spital An d He art th erap ists, a nd qu ali fi ed techn icia ns. Th e compa ny's de partmen ts in clud e Mangalore Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 576.13 143.01 75.89 5.83 24.82%
In sti tu te L imited Anesth esio log y, Ca rdio log y, Ca rdio th ora ci c Surge ry, Pae dia tri cs &
Neo nato log y, Pae dia tri cs Su rgery, Nep hro log y, Ne urol ogy, Urol ogy, On col ogy,
ENT, De rmatolo gy, Den ti stry, Rad iol ogy, Lab ora to ry, Pul mono log y, Nu tri ti on &
Die ti c, etc.

Synerg y Lifeca re Private Li mited is a pa rt o f Rh yth m H eart In sti tu te . It is a n

In te rna ti ona l class med ical ca re, frie ndl y a nd o ffers de voted servi ce. Th ey
fa cili ta te better tre atments and h ave b uil t a mod ern ho spita l by ind ige niza ti on
Synergy Lifecare Private Limited th e la te st med ical tech nol ogy from acro ss the g lob e to sa fe gu ard thei r p atien ts' Vadodara Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 581.42 143.02 73.09 43.90 24.60%
hea lth. Th ey also p rovid e a 24-h ou r Eme rgen cy Se rvice Full y e qui pp ed
Card iac Ce ntre wi th a h igh -end C ath lab , 4 -D Echoca rdio grap hy machi ne , Zero
In fe ction ca rdio th oraci c o pera ti on the atre, d edi cated Ca rdia c IC U, ICU , etc.

Jodh pu r H eal th care Priva te L imited w hich o pe rates und er th e bran d na me

Medi pul se is a 25 0-be d te rti ary care he al th care facil ity, lo cated at Basn i. It is
th e fi rst Ho spi ta l to g et Accre dited u nd er NABH, th e hig hest accre ditatio n fo r a
hea lthca re fa cili ty in Western R aja sth an.
Medi pul se pro vide s cu ttin g-ed ge tech nol ogi es fo r d iag nostics a nd med ical &
Jod hp ur Hea lthcare Pri vate
surgi cal trea tme nt i n th e fo rm o f 65 In te nsive & Cri ti cal Ca re Beds, 8 Mod ula r Jodhpur Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 740.82 181.88 94.57 517.33 24.55%
Li mited
Op eratio n Thea te rs, a Ca rdia c C athe te rizatio n Lab oratory, Patho log y se rvices,
Rad iol og y a nd Imagi ng sol ution s, a nd Emerg ency servi ces incl udi ng trau ma.
It has C enters of Excell ence i n Card iol og y & Ca rdia c Su rgery, Neu rolo gy &
Neu rosurg ery, Ortho ped ics & Jo int Rep lace men t, and Mi nima l Access Surge ry
to n ame a few .

Alle nge rs Gl oba l Hea lthcare Pri vate Limi te d i s o ne o f the le adi ng
manu fa cturers an d expo rte rs o f a wi de ra nge o f med ical d iag no sti c e qui pmen t
compri sing X-ra y syste ms , Di gital R adi ogra phy systems, D SA systems, C-
arms, C athla bs, Remo te co ntroll ed RF ta ble , Ma mmo gra phy, Litho tri pters,
OPG, MPM, ECG, EEG, EMG, PSG, H olmi um Lase r, e tc.
All eng ers Glob al He althca re
Th e bra nd ha s b een e njo yin g almo st 36 .5 % share i n th e Indi an marke t an d ha s New Delhi Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 374.79 91.47 66.60 63.14 24.41%
Private Li mited
bee n rep orting C ompo und ed An nua l Gro wth Rate of 14 % fo r p ast five ye ars.
Ove r the past 10 yea rs, its market credi bil ity h as he lpe d it b uil d a ne tw ork of
expo rti ng to ove r 8 7 coun tri es acro ss the g lob e and 4 3 sal es and se rvice
cente rs in In dia , wh ich further ai ded in de live ring a fter-sa les servi ces in an
effi cien t ma nne r.

Surab hi He al th care & Rese arch Priva te L imite d is th e uni t of Kang aro o Care
Su rabh i Hea lthcare & Re sea rch Hosp ital. Kan garo o care is a mothe r a nd ch ild ca re hosp ital in Vi jayn ag ar,
Bang al ore, and Myso re. The y a re sup ported b y top -rated d octors and Bangalore Health Care Providers & Services fertility and maternity care 2022 444.64 107.43 64.63 36.02 24.16%
Private Li mited
equ ip ped w ith adva nced i nfrastructure . The comp any is en ga ged i n provi din g
medi cal an d he althca re service s a cross th e cou ntry.
Sunri se Re me di es Private Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny was
Sun rise Re medi es Private
fo und ed i n 199 6-02 -13.Cl ick he re to vi ew the comp any' s p rodu cts an d Ahmedabad Pharmaceuticals - 2022 382.94 91.76 55.13 38.49 23.96%
Li mited service s.

Premie r H ospi ta l is into me dica l scien ces and h ea lthcare . The comp any
provi des se rvices in the d iscip lin es of Me dici ne, Surg ery, Obstetrics an d
Gyn aec olo gy, Orthop edi cs, Uro log y, Ne ph rolo gy, Pu lmon olo gy, N euro lo gy,
Premier Hospitals Pvt. Ltd Paed ia tri cs , Ne ona to log y, Gastroen terol ogy, On colo gy, Pl astic surge ry, Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 543.45 129.91 78.54 - 23.90%
Card iol ogy, Accid ent & Eme rgen cy, an d Critica l Ca re. The co mpan y h as a
Dia lysis cen te r, En dosco py dep artment, NICU, P IC U, D ental se rvices, and a
CT Sca n fa cil ity w hich h as some of th e sta te-of-the-a rt techn olo gy an d
equ ip me nt to trea t pa ti ents.

Corn ile us Pha rmaceu ti cals Priva te L imited i s i nvol ved in resea rch, p rodu cti on
and ma rketin g of Active Ph armace utica l In gred ien ts, Pharma ceutica l Pel lets,
pol ymers an d Rea dymix. Th e prod uct p ortfolio incl ude s h igh q ual ity a cti ve
drug s, va ri ou s su sta in rel ease a nd e nteric coa te d pel lets.
Th e Comp an y h as prod ucts i n fo llo win g categ orie s

API' s
Pell ets
Corn ile us Pha rmaceu ti cals
Private Li mited Polyme rs Hyderabad Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 352.02 82.50 60.86 22.99 23.44%
Rea dymix
Suga r/MC C sph eres

Th e compa ny ha s g lob al op eratio ns spre ad acro ss se veral co un trie s like

Mexico , Brazi l, A rg en ti na, Chi na, Th ail and , Ind one sia, Pakistan , Ba ngl ade sh,
Hon g Kon g, C olo mbia , Ch ile , Guatema la , Uru gua y, Syria a nd othe r emerg ing

Dr Reme die s L ab s Pri vate Limi te d is an eme rgin g di agn ostic service p rovid er
across the n ation i n multip le citie s a nd co ntinu es to strive to pro vid e th e best
qua lity service s and e xpan d rapi dly wi th an ai m to rea ch th e majo rity o f the
pop ul ation . With a goa l to p rovid e comp lete di agn ostic service s, Dr. Reme di es
Lab s has set up a state of th e Art Ce ntral Cl ini cal Re fe rence Lab i n Hyde raba d,
D r R emed ies L abs Priva te Te lan ga na pro misin g qua lity, re lia bil ity, an d custome r ca re. With an a im to
beco me a gl oba l netwo rk a cross th e cou ntry, it is worki ng on a utoma te d Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2021 390.13 91.06 58.71 71.28 23.34%
Li mited syste ms b y u tilizi ng tech nol ogy so that accu racy, e ffici ency, ti mely rep orting ,
and e ffe cti ve customer servi ce can be achi eved .
Dr. R emed ies La bs, th e Dia gno sti c D ivisi on of Dr. R emed ie s Grou p has
alre ady e sta bli shed a stron g fo otpri nt w ith th e hel p of a ded icated Qua lity
Assuran ce de partmen t ba cked b y e xperi ence d professi ona ls fro m Clin ica l
Refere nce L ab.

Dwd Ph armace utica ls Limi te d is an un listed co mpa ny. The co mpan y w as

Dwd Pharmaceuticals Limited fo und ed i n 197 0-07 -07.Cl ick he re to vi ew the comp any' s p rodu cts an d Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 964.51 223.40 83.00 260.79 23.16%
service s.

Sta r Imag in g And Path La b Priva te L imited p rovid es ultra-mo dern d ia gno sti c
fa cili ti es to th e peo ple o f De lhi . In the hi ghl y sp ecia lize d worl d of medi cine
to day , on e nee ds speci fi c q ua lifica ti ons an d expe rien ce for differen t fiel ds such
as radi olo gy, patho log y, an esthe sia, etc. At Star, th ey ha ve fu ll-time
Rad iol og ists, Patho log ists, Ane sth etists, Bi oche mists, Micro bio log ists,
Star Imagi ng An d Path Lab gyne col ogi sts, and w ell ness con sulta nts e ach wi th a mple e xperi en ce in thei r
Private Li mited respe cti ve fiel ds. New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 691.15 159.98 72.83 295.19 23.15%
Sta r i magi ng & pa th l ab' s mi ssi on i s to use w orld -class techn olo gy to give i n-
dep th & l atest stud ies for be tter di agn ostic app roach es. Th e contin uou s e ffo rt
is to cre ate a he althy commu nity by brin gin g he alth aw aren ess an d movin g
fro m re active to pre ventive h eal th ca re an d earl y d etection fo r a ll ag e grou ps
and g en der.

Jee wan Ma la Ho spital Pri vate Jeew an Ma la Ho spital Pri vate Limi te d is an un lis te d compa ny. The co mpan y New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 409.18 93.93 61.13 - 22.95%
Li mited was fou nde d in 19 91-0 4-05 .
Camu s w as estab lish ed in ye ar 199 7, as a pha rmaceu ti cal tradi ng co mp an y.
Wi th time w e ha ve grow n into a full fle dg ed man ufacturin g compa ny, havi ng
manu fa cturin g base s a t six di ffere nt loca ti ons in Ind ia. Wh ile the tra din g
divi sion o ver the yea rs h as got stro ng er, the focu s i s e qua lly on manu fa ctu ring
Camus Pharma Private Limited of h ig h valu e, i nno vative an d ni che pro ducts. Ap art fro m o ur busi ness pre sence Jaipur Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 406.77 92.62 77.31 50.73 22.77%
in Ind ia, Russi a, C IS an d Chi na, we p lan to exp and i n reg ula te d markets in
nea r fu tu re.
Ou r co re seg ments are asthma , COPD, tu be rculo sis, AR V, on colo gy, a nti-
bio ti c a nd b iotech p rodu cts.

Kreative Org ani cs Pri vate Limi te d is a WH O GMP-certified co mpa ny, a

manu fa cturer of Acti ve Pharma ceutica l In gre die nts (APIs) fo r the w orld ma rket.
Kreative bel ieve s i n adh erin g to th e hig hest qua lity sta nd ards.
Kreative is prou d to b e th e API su ppl ier to some of th e wo rld’ s l arge st
Kre ative Orga nics Priva te pha rmaceu tical co mpan ies in clud ing Bo eh ring er In gel hei m, Abb ott, Actavis, Hyderabad Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 479.99 108.97 70.15 36.15 22.70%
Li mited
Adcock, Sun Ph armace utical s, Dr. Red dy’s, Emcure , Ci pla , Zydus Ca dil a,
Aurob in do, etc. The comp any' s p rodu cts are e xpo rte d to re gul ated marke ts li ke
th e USA an d Europ e and qua lity-con sciou s cu sto mers in marke ts li ke Russi a,
Sing ap ore, Brazil , Taiw an, Korea , etc.

Synerg en Bi o Private Li mited is en ga ged i n provi din g clin ical re search se rvice s
to p ha rmaceu ti cal bi otechn olo gy, me di cal de vice, and h eal th care i ndu stri es.
Synergen Bio Private Limited Mumbai Lifesciences medical research and testing 2022 417.87 94.23 54.93 181.47 22.55%
Th e compa ny servi ces incl ude Bi oava ila bil ity & Bi oeq uiva len ce, Bi oan alytica l,
Cli nica l Tri als, Protoco l Deve lop ment & Me dica l Wri ti ng, Medi cal Servi ces, etc.

Accupro be H eal th care And D iag no sti cs Pri vate Limi te d are on e of th e lea din g
Accupro be He althca re And busi nes ses in Patho log y L abs. Also kn own for Patho log y Lab s, Di agn ostic New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 484.87 108.54 75.99 0.29 22.39%
D iag nostics Priva te L imited Cen tre s. The y h ave be en at the forefron t of qua lity di agn osis an d accura te
repo rts.
Mall ige Me di cal Ce ntre Private Mall ige Me dica l Ce ntre Private Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny
Li mited was fou nde d in 19 86-1 2-08 . - Health Care Providers & Services hospitals 2022 418.04 93.39 53.07 10.82 22.34%

Recko n Org an ics Private Ltd is Bul k D rugs an d Bul k D rugs in te rmedi ate
prod uct ma nu fa ctu ring u nit, w hich sp eci ali zes in man ufacturin g Ascorbi c A cid
and i ts d eriva ti ves. R eckon Orga nics ea rlie r kn ow n as Reccko nPha rmache m
Pvt. Ltd. whi ch was commi ssion ed in the ye ar 20 08, is a supp lie r to a ll maj or
Reckon Organics Private Limited pha rma comp ani es in Indi a like Pfize r, Abb ott, Pira mal, etc. The comp an y's Vadodara Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 580.86 129.55 77.21 172.09 22.30%
prod ucts incl ude Asco rbic Acid (Vi ta min "C " Pl ain ) IP/BP/U SP, So diu m
Ascorba te IP/BP/USP, Asco rbic Acid C oate d (Vitamin – C C oated ), Ca lciu m
Ascorba te BP/U SP, Ascorb yl pal mitate, Fe rro us Ascorb ate, a nd Ca lciu m
Citrate Mal ate.

Mitra In dus trie s Private Li mited is an u nli ste d comp any wh ich op erates in
medi cal de vice s sp ace. Fo und ed in 1 99 5-02 -08, th e compa ny ha s g rown a t a
Mitra Industries Private Limited 3-yr CAGR of 1 .08% . Sin ce inco rpora ti on, the comp any ha s ra ised ₹ 40 5.0 mn New Delhi Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 656.27 145.98 87.94 - 22.24%
of d eb t as of Fy - 201 7.
Mother Ho spi ta l Pvt Ltd is an u nli ste d comp any. Th e compa ny was fou nde d in
Mother Hospital Pvt Ltd Pullazhi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2021 471.57 104.58 57.74 - 22.18%
198 8-1 2-30 .

Prana am Ho spital i s a top mu lti speci ali ty ho spita l prima rily focusi ng on
Gyn aec olo gy, Obstetrics, Paed iatrics, Pae dia tri cs Su rgery in Ma din agu da a nd
Pran aam Ho spital s Pri vate Nal lag an dla i n Hyde raba d. Pra naa m Hosp itals ha s b een ra nked as one o f the Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 579.38 128.30 73.56 31.27 22.14%
Li mited To p 6 Gynae colo gy hosp itals Times of Indi a,Hyde raba d. So me of th e other
service s p rovid ed b y Pra naa m H ospi ta l are: Ultraso un d, Outpa ti ent Cli nic, Pre
and P ost Ope rating R ecove ry, He alth C heck-u ps and X Ra y

Cli nirx Re search Pri vate Li mited is a full -service C RO, con ductin g mul tin atio nal
clin ical tria ls fo r p ha rma, b iotech , an d medi cal d evice s co mpan ies in Ind ia a nd
arou nd the w orld . Cl ini Rx has exp erie nce in severa l th erap eutic are as, w ith an
exten si ve track record i n CNS.
Cli niR x h as exten sivel y d eal t wi th the U S FDA, EMA, D CGI, and o th er natio na l
Clinirx Research Private Limited regu lato ry b odi es. C lin iRx ha s a lso he ld IND o f a few mol ecul es. The co mpan y New Delhi Lifesciences medical research and testing 2022 485.30 107.20 77.03 96.73 22.09%
offe rs e nd to en d service s startin g fro m th e cond uct o f Fea sibil ity S tu die s,
Stu dy Pla nni ng to Reg ula to ry S ubmi ssion s, Site Eval uatio n an d Sele cti on, Site
Moni to ring , Pro ject Mana geme nt, Med ical Mo nito ring , Pha rmacovi gil ance ,
Cli nica l Data Man ag emen t, Data Ana lysis, Medi cal Writing , a nd Qual ity
Assuran ce.

Medi lux La bo ratorie s Pri vate Limi te d is an ISO 9 001 :2 008 ce rti fi ed co mpan y, a
100 % exp ort-orie nted ph armace utica l uni t.
Medi lux La bo ratorie s i s p rovid ing q ual ity b ack-e nd sup port to the
Me dil ux La bora to ries Priva te
pha rmaceu tical i ndu stry. Medi lux La bora to ries h as bee n committed to stra tegi c Dhar Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2018 894.24 195.12 77.14 341.46 21.82%
Li mited
resea rch, d el iveri ng a comp lex ran ge of che mistries that are gl oba lly
ben chma rk ed. Th e compa ny's pro ducts and se rvices are ra pi dly maki ng stride s
in the g lob al ph armace utical sp ace .

Synnat Pharma Private Limited Synna t Ph arma Priva te L imited i s a n un listed co mpan y w hich o pera te s in Hyderabad Pharmaceuticals - 2021 474.34 103.29 52.30 251.96 21.78%
Pharma ceu ti cals spa ce. The co mpan y w as foun ded i n 201 1-05 -31 .

Dr. B. La l C lin ica l Lab oratory Priva te L imited p rovid es Patho log ical a nd
Dia gno stic solu ti ons that inco rpora te th e best infrastructura l and te chno log ical
adva nce ments in the wo rld of th e he alth sector. Th ey are the o nly Patho log y
D r. B. L al Cl ini cal La bora tory
Lab N etwo rk tha t ha s mo re th an 5 0+ Co lle cti Jaipur Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 501.04 109.08 70.62 - 21.77%
Private Li mited

Sasvat Omnicare Private Limited Bangalore Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 623.21 132.58 96.47 5.06 21.27%

Jayon Implants Private Limited Palakkad Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 560.15 117.39 78.13 10.01 20.96%

Hiral Labs Limited Ahmedabad Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 387.41 80.96 50.50 3.63 20.90%

Kolkata Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 674.95 141.00 74.74 47.58 20.89%

Ikon Remedies Private Limited Nagpur (Urban) Pharmaceuticals - 2020 577.86 120.56 79.25 61.12 20.86%

Auxein Medical Private Limited Jakhauli Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 1,000.77 204.49 83.71 219.45 20.43%

Cooper Pharma Limited New Delhi Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 441.66 89.87 57.41 2.63 20.35%

Clarion Organics Limited Tumsar Pharmaceuticals - 2019 621.40 125.97 77.09 63.43 20.27%

Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services hospitals 2022 681.76 137.73 50.23 890.05 20.20%

- - Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2020 629.38 125.39 70.37 - 19.92%

Kolkata Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 672.39 132.84 92.96 19.33 19.76%

Siemens Healthineers India Llp - - Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2021 582.95 114.99 94.21 - 19.73%

Ahmedabad Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 709.14 139.16 87.47 - 19.62%

Eskag Pharma Private Limited Kolkata Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 679.81 132.90 79.18 93.69 19.55%

Slayback Pharma India Llp Hyderabad Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 603.44 117.61 59.94 - 19.49%

Softech Pharma Private Limited Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 683.01 133.07 85.50 - 19.48%

Chennai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 478.16 91.70 53.73 96.91 19.18%

Solapur Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2021 519.27 98.48 57.11 154.05 18.97%

Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2022 523.83 96.98 76.54 5.52 18.51%

Palakkad Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 610.21 112.76 68.17 61.45 18.48%

Star Therapeutic Private Limited Ahmedabad Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 481.65 87.94 50.93 38.81 18.26%

Pune City Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 1,147.59 206.49 97.70 - 17.99%

Raptim Research Private Limited Mumbai Lifesciences medical research and testing 2021 1,136.81 204.43 86.58 149.84 17.98%

Genaxy Scientific Private Limited Solan Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 768.72 137.35 94.97 - 17.87%

New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 621.23 110.75 72.16 348.66 17.83%

Bangalore Health Care Equipment & Supplies diagnostic products 2022 504.06 89.57 57.90 23.55 17.77%

Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 2,122.99 375.48 82.97 889.73 17.69%

Stadmed Pvt Ltd Kolkata Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 899.63 158.28 86.50 121.50 17.59%

- Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 979.44 170.88 68.73 417.75 17.45%

Chennai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 750.11 130.48 74.97 5.77 17.39%

Dpb Pharmaceuticals Limited Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 642.07 111.05 82.61 38.26 17.30%

Noida Health Care Providers & Services hospitals 2022 825.84 140.74 64.42 584.66 17.04%

Bangalore Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 527.35 89.81 53.41 38.21 17.03%

Andhra Hospitals Private Limited Vijayawada (Urban) Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 830.83 141.31 77.75 172.89 17.01%

Apex Healthcare Limited Ankleshwar Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 1,055.03 179.26 92.88 236.28 16.99%

Nm Diagnostics Private Limited Mumbai Health Care Providers & Services diagnostic labs 2022 712.97 119.82 51.32 45.28 16.81%

Felix Healthcare Private Limited New Delhi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 1,024.10 168.92 80.80 526.12 16.50%

Sohan Healthcare Private Limited Pune City Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 924.72 151.90 61.24 224.79 16.43%

Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 1,372.48 223.89 97.48 244.59 16.31%

Iscon Surgicals Limited Jodhpur Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 958.27 155.21 77.46 201.35 16.20%

Ambalapuzha Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2020 667.54 107.36 69.19 505.36 16.08%

Zoi Hospitals Private Limited Hyderabad Health Care Providers & Services super speciality hospital 2022 511.63 82.15 60.98 38.78 16.06%

Hyderabad Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 534.64 84.06 52.23 118.77 15.72%

Tineta Pharma Private Limited Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 811.87 125.64 92.38 - 15.48%

Hyderabad Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 895.75 137.34 68.56 264.06 15.33%

Ananthapuri Hospital Pvt Ltd Trivandrum Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 1,348.24 205.65 67.26 581.64 15.25%

Gluconate Health Ltd Kolkata Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2019 654.08 98.74 59.70 350.02 15.10%

- Pharmaceuticals nutraceuticals 2021 784.77 116.22 83.57 - 14.81%

Mumbai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 1,029.88 152.21 80.71 21.00 14.78%

Hardwar Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 648.66 95.48 64.89 8.24 14.72%

Indus Life Sciences Private Limited is an unlisted company. Chennai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2020 895.29 131.60 76.37 212.01 14.70%

Mumbai Pharmaceuticals nutraceuticals 2022 980.91 142.68 68.65 341.75 14.54%

Zeus Biotech Private Limited Mysore Lifesciences agricultural biotechnology 2021 855.11 123.87 69.85 34.37 14.49%

Modepro (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 902.87 130.66 65.05 290.52 14.47%

Agd Biomedicals Private Limited Mumbai Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 607.16 87.74 50.43 17.99 14.45%

Ahmedabad Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2021 635.72 91.22 63.82 2.47 14.35%
Tri den t Eq uip ments Private Li mited is on e of th e big gest and most re putab le
partne rs in the an alytica l lab a nd p rocess in stru mentatio n in Ind ia. Th e
Trid ent Equi pmen ts Priva te compa ny is pro ud to be asso ciate d with comp ani es of g lob al re pute ha ndl ing Mumbai Health Care Equipment & Supplies diagnostic products 2022 591.18 83.87 57.34 0.89 14.19%
Li mited th eir bu sin ess in Indi a. The y a re en gag ed in the d istribu ti on o f Qual ity a nd
In nov ative pro ducts fo r the se prin cip als in the fie lds of Ana lytical L ife Scien ces
proce sses.
Quin te ssen ce Busin ess Qu intes sence Bu sine ss So lutio ns & Service s Pri vate Limi te d is an un liste d
Solu tion s & Servi ces Private compa ny wh ich op erates in Pro fe ssion al Se rvices spa ce. The co mpan y was Chennai Health Care Providers & Services healthcare management 2022 818.81 115.80 82.09 11.06 14.14%
Li mited fo und ed i n 201 1-10 -14.
Biogenetic Drugs Private Limited Biogenetic Drugs Private Limited is an unlisted company. - Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2021 977.88 137.71 70.54 175.69 14.08%

Endo c Lifeca re Private Li mited is an ISO 900 1 certified , GMP-app rove d

manu fa cturer an d expo rte r o f Bu lk Drug s. The comp any we ll-kn own a nd
Endoc Lifecare Private Limited tru ste d na me in the are a of A cti ve Pharma ceutica l In gred ien t. It is on e of the Rajkot Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 571.51 80.16 56.83 111.27 14.03%
best pla yers in Orni dazo le - IP/IH, Flu cona zol e – USP, Flu cona zole – IP,
Fl ucon azo le – EP and Tiza nid ine HCL – U SP d rugs man ufacturin g.

Avani Seeds Limited Avani S eed s L imited i s a n unl isted co mpan y. The comp any wa s fo und ed in Ahmedabad Lifesciences agricultural biotechnology 2022 842.75 118.08 83.27 64.79 14.01%
199 3-0 5-17 .
Cyrix Healthcare Private Limited Cyrix He althca re Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted comp an y w hich o pera te s i n Ernakulam Health Care Equipment & Supplies medical equipment and devices 2022 874.20 120.57 77.20 127.28 13.79%
Professio na l Service s sp ace. Th e compa ny wa s fou nde d in 20 13 -05-1 0.

Orch id Med ica l C en tre Pri vate Limi te d is a sta te -of-the-a rt, multi-su per
speci ali ty h ospi ta l loca te d in Ra nchi . Orchid Medi cal is a Sup er Speci ali ty
Hosp ital eq ui ppe d to ca te r to a ll med ical re qui remen ts. Orch id Med ical h as a
proce ss-drive n ap proa ch in al l aspe cts o f ho spital a cti vities – from regi stra ti on ,
Orchi d Med ical C entre Priva te admi ssion , p re-surg ery, p eri-su rgery, and p ost-surge ry protoco ls, d ischa rge Ranchi Health Care Providers & Services multi speciality hospital 2022 737.77 100.32 53.49 1.05 13.60%
Li mited
fro m the hosp ital to fo llo w-up w ith th e ho spital a fter di scharg e. Orchi d Med ical
Cen tre i s th e fi rst ho spital l ab in R anch i to have N ABL (Natio nal Accre dita ti on
Board fo r Testin g and C ali bratio n La bora to ries) certifica ti on & is an ISO
900 1:20 15 certifie d Supe r S peci ali ty Ho spital .

Styra x L ife Scie nces Priva te L imited i s a n in te grated p harma ceutica l

Styrax Life Sci ence s Pri vate manu fa cturin g compa ny. The co mpan y has a mul ti -prod uct Gree nfiel d
manu fa cturin g fa cili ty at Visakh apa tn am. Sprea d over 5 acre s, Styrax is Hyderabad Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 1,265.34 168.69 55.81 993.92 13.33%
Li mited synon ymou s w ith qua lity as our en ti re rang e of proce ss e qui pmen t is ful ly
compl ian t wi th th e IC H and cGMP Sta nd ards.

Agog Pharma Limited Agog Pharma L imited i s a n unl isted co mpan y. The comp any wa s fou nd ed in Vasai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 704.29 93.17 63.54 38.90 13.23%
199 0-1 2-20 .
Prachi Ph arma ceutica ls Private Li mited - Io din e Co mpou nds, Acti ve
Prachi P harma ceutica ls Private Mumbai Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2022 817.45 106.20 68.73 46.16 12.99%
Li mited Pharma ceu ti cal Ingre die nts & Spe cia lity Che mical s Ma nufacture r from
Mumba i, Ma ha ra shtra, In dia
Ariha ntan am Lifeca re Private Li mited Is En ga ged In Man ufacturi ng Of Vari ous
Acti ve Pha rma In gid ien t. Th ey are a (GMP) app roved a nd ha ve Install ed
Ariha ntan am Lifeca re Private
Li mited Morde rn Fa cili ti es to prod uce vari ous pro ducts, Th ey have ed equ ated Umargam Lifesciences active pharmaceutical ingredients 2021 818.46 106.20 63.78 135.01 12.98%
infrastructe r a nd a dyn amic team to pro duce the b est q ua lity and to en sure
ti mely sup ply.
Seag ul l Pharma ceutica ls Pvt Ltd is an unl isted comp any. Th e compa ny wa s
Seagull Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd New Delhi Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 864.27 107.99 79.61 0.88 12.50%
fo und ed i n 198 4-11 -21.
Nucrest Pharma Private Limited Nucre st Ph arma Priva te L imited i s a n unl isted co mp an y. The comp any wa s Mumbai Lifesciences pharmaceutical formulation 2022 830.22 103.80 75.10 32.01 12.50%
fo und ed i n 201 9-12 -09.

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