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Profiled Companies

Is Subsidia ry
Name Parent Company Business Description Location Website Sector Industry Sub Sector Listing Status Funded By FY Revenue (₹ mn) EBITDA (₹ mn) PAT (₹ mn) Total Debt (₹ Of Foreign EBITDA (%) Last Ba la nc e She et
mn) Da te

Bio-Gen Extracts Private Limited - Bi o-Gen Extracts Private Li mited is a che mical s Bengaluru http://bio-gen.in/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 2,066.28 129.70 86.69 - No 6.28% 31 Mar 2022
co mpan y th at sp ecia lize s i n enzyme s, bu lk dru gs
a nd in termed iates. It manu fa ctu res Active
Ph armace utica l In gred ien ts (APIs) i n In dia . The
co mpan y is re cog nize d as a supp lie r o f
N utraceu tical Ing redi ents to the d ome sti c a nd
g lob al ma rke t; It sup pli es to o ver 50 0 customers
g lob all y w ith pro ducts regi ste red in the Europ ean
U nio n, N orth Ameri ca, Asi a, Au stra lia a nd
Africa .The co mpa ny also cl aims to be certifie d by
ISO, GMP, Fssai , KLBD , Ha lal a nd H.A.C.C.P.

Midas Care Pharmaceuticals Private Limited - Mi das Ca re Pha rmaceu ti cals Priva te L imited i s Mumbai http://midas-care.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 1,406.83 80.77 53.59 - No 5.74% 31 Mar 2022
o ne o f the most dyna mic, a nd fast-gro win g
p harma ceu ti cal comp ani es. The co mpan y offe rs
sp ray, a ctive ph armace utical i ngre die nts, a nd
o th er ph armace utical p rodu cts. Mida s C are h as
a n eve r-i ncre asin g rang e of b rand s and
formu latio ns that incl ude s H eal th care Prod ucts,
Me te red Do se Inha lers (MDIs), Pe rsona l Care
Pro ducts, Auto Care Pro ducts, a nd H ome Ca re
Pro ducts. Mi da s C are Pha rmaceu ti cals serve s
cu sto mers in Ind ia, Asia, th e Midd le Ea st,
Eu rope , Africa , an d America .

Tineta Pharma Private Limited - Tin eta Pha rma Private Li mited ran ked amo ng st Mumbai http://tineta.com Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 811.87 125.64 92.38 - No 15.48% 31 Mar 2022
the ve ry best Veterin ary Pharma ceutica ls
C ompa ny in Ind ia. It is a rela ti vely you ng e ntrant
i n th e fiel d of Ve te rina ry Ph armace utica ls & Fee d
Su pp leme nts. Thei r e nde avor ha s bee n to o ffer
p rodu cts a nd servi ces conformi ng to th e hi ghe st
Halcyon Labs Private Limited - stan
H alcyoda rds.
n LaThe C ompaLiny
bs Private has iscove
mited on erag
of eInindia
wi'sde Ahmedabad https://www.halcyonlabs.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted An ge l / Indi vidu al | Promoter / Pro moter Co | 2021 538.58 140.09 94.63 - No 26.01% 31 Mar 2022
eog strapphy of Ind
harma coiangl
th i ntentesive cove
s. Thei r orage
ffer i n 17 Grou p (Co )
p roduscts selrviced
ike Cobrtiyco
h igh
tra s,
d an dlid
ded es,icated
a m. vul sants, a ntifung als, an d so on. Th e
co mpan y's mode rn soph isticate d manu fa ctu ring
faci litie s a re lo cated in N arod a, Ah meda ba d,
Guj arat state whi ch is th e main d estina tion h ub
for che mical a nd p harma ceutica l activity in Ind ia.

Dr. B. Lal Clinical Laboratory Private Limited - D r. B. L al Cl ini cal L abo ratory Private Li mited Jaipur https://www.blallab.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare diagnostic labs Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 501.04 109.08 70.62 - No 21.77% 31 Mar 2022
p rovid es Patho log ical a nd Di agn ostic sol ution s
tha t in corp orate the be st in fra stru ctural a nd
tech no log ical a dvan cemen ts in th e worl d of the
h eal th sector. The y a re th e on ly P athol ogy La b
N etwork that ha s mo re th an 50 + Co lle cti on
C enters thro ugh out Raj asthan .
The y p rovid e a wi de ran ge of medi call y
a dvan ced se rvices in R adi olo gy (X-ray,
Ma mmogra phy, OPG, and BMD ), Ul tra soun d,
a nd o th er Dia gno sti c Se rvices li ke ECG, TMT,
H olter, etc.

Suraksha Diagnostic & Eye Centre Private Limited - Su raksha Dia gno sti c & Eye Ce ntre Private Kolkata http://surakshanet.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare diagnostic labs Unlisted Angel / Individual 2021 133.44 106.39 84.72 - No 79.73% 31 Mar 2022
L imited i s e ng age d in pro vidi ng he al th care
se rvices. It offers dig ital x-ray, colo no scop y,
stress test, h olter mon itorin g and mu lti slice C T
sca n service s. It a lso op erates a cen tre in NR S
Me dica l Col leg e & Hosp ital in Ko lkata on P PP
(Pu bli c Pri vate Partne rship ) b asis wi th the Sta te
Gove rnmen t. Sura ksha di agn ostics service s
sp an Pa th olo gy, H istopa th olo gy, Mole cula r
D iag nostics a nd Ra dio log y a nd in clud e the la te st
tests. It is th e fi rst in Ind ia to recei ve the cove te d
Rela Hospitals Private Limited - R Chennai https://www.relainstitute.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual 2022 124.71 124.22 91.81 - No 99.61% 31 Mar 2022
C elaAP (CH ospi ta lsofPriva
oll ege Ameterican L imited
Pa thi solo Institute
gists) an d
ce rtidica l Cenatre
fi cation nd, a i snaIn te NABH
lso rnatio nal a nd MeNABL
dica l facil ity i s
a q ua tete
a ccredi rnary
d. Thcare
e larg H est
ospidtaiagl ded
nostic icatechdain
to fosteri
in ng
a astern
e nd res pon din itg tod
Ind ia, to the n ee dsamo
ay ranks of ang d iverse
the top p atien
5 t
n opu
ationlaalti ly
Th eneHosp arly 35 ital ce
is commi
ntres acrosstted toWestb ein g an
ng altionan dallBiha
y si gnir. fi cant hea lth care system with
the sta te o f the art infrastructu re fa cili ti es,
fun cti on ing i n a spraw lin g area o f 3 6 acres of
l and l oca te d in Ch romep et, Ch enn ai , Indi a. The
faci lity with 45 0 be ds incl usive o f 13 0 critica l care
b eds, 14 o pera ti ng roo ms, an d state-of-the-a rt
re fe rence lab oratori es and R adi olo gy servi ces.
Dr.Kamakshi Memorial Hospital Private Limited - D R.Kamaksh i Memori al Ho spi ta l Private Li mited Chennai https://www.drkmh.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 1,746.93 455.24 90.96 1,035.85 No 26.06% 31 Mar 2022
i s a 3 00 b edd ed tertiary he alth ca re provi der
l ocated at Pa lli karan ai in So uth Ch enn ai,
co mmitte d to a hig her ob jective o f d eliv erin g
u ltimate q ual ity o f he alth care w ith utmost
e xcell ence and p erson al care . Dr.Kama kshi
Me moria l Hosp ital is a n ation all y re cogn ized
fore runn er an d one o f the p remie r i nstitution i n
Styrax Life Sciences Private Limited - p rovid ing
Styrax Li feCan cerces
Scien andPrivate
C ardi ac care. Dr.Kamaksh
Li mited is an i Hyderabad http://www.styraxpharma.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 1,265.34 168.69 55.81 993.92 No 13.33% 31 Mar 2022
iMe moria
ntegra ted l Hosp ital h ouse
ph armace uticals mah ighnufactu
ly edu cated
ri ng
sch ola rs a cross al l th e speci
co mpan y. The co mpan y h as a multi-p rodu ct ali ti es who a re
g lob all
Gree y tra
nfie ine d,ufacturin
ld man e qui ppegd fa with
cili tyadatvan ced
tech no log y a nd in fra stru ctu re. The Hosp ital ha s
Vi sakha pa tn am. Sp read o ver 5 acre s, Styrax is
o veronymo
syn 15 0 Con us wisultan
th q ualts, ity
hasa sdo o ne 4 500 0+
ur entire C rieti cal
ra ng of
p rgeri ese qui
rocess eq uip
pmen pedt isw full
ith y180co00mpli 00ant
ld uptheAre ICHa.
a nd cGMP Sta nda rds.

Muskan Medical Centre Private Limited - Mu skan Med ica l Cen tre Pri vate Limi te d ope rates Noida http://www.neohospital.com Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare hospitals Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 825.84 140.74 64.42 584.66 No 17.04% 31 Mar 2022
u nde r th e bran d name N eo Ho spi ta l and i s o ne of
the l ea din g multisp ecia lty h ospi ta ls in the C ity
w ith 150 bed s a nd a full co mple men t of speci ali st
d octors. Th ey are offerin g care in a ll med ica l and
su rgica l spec ial ti es.

Felix Healthcare Private Limited - Fel ix Hea lthca re Private Li mited pro vide s New Delhi http://www.felixhospital.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 1,024.10 168.92 80.80 526.12 No 16.50% 31 Mar 2022
co mpreh en sive treatmen t, with ou tp atie nt,
i npa ti en t an d day care faci litie s, d edi cated
su rgica l suite s, ICUs an d a 24-h our wi ng to
h and le a ll eme rgen cies. Th eir ho spital s a re
e qui pp ed wi th state-o f-a rt Ca th l ab s, OTs wi th
H EPA, L IN AC fo r R adi othera py and MR I a nd CT
sca n mach ine s to en sure that th ey ha ve access
to al l med ical faci litie s. It is commi tted to pro vide
the h ig hest qua lity of me dica l care to pe opl e.
The ir speci altie s incl ude C ritical ca re & p ain
ma nag eme nt, Gene ral, Mini mal Access &
L apa rosco pic Surg ery, D iab etolo gist, C ard iol ogy,
Mo th er & Chi ld Ca re, EN T (Ear, Nose & Throa t),
Onco log y (Can cer), C hest physi cian , Di etetics,
Jodhpur Healthcare Private Limited - D entistry,
Jo dhp ur He N eu ro lore
althca gy,Private
Intern al Li Med
mitedicin whe,ich Jodhpur https://www.medipulse.in/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 740.82 181.88 94.57 517.33 No 24.55% 31 Mar 2022
o ermatol
te s ogy,
und er Nethphroe branlogdy na
e tc.me Medi pul se is a
2 50-b ed tertia ry ca re hea lthcare fa cility, loca te d
a t Ba sn i. It i s the first Hosp ital to ge t Accred ited
u nde r N ABH, th e hig hest accred itatio n fo r a
h eal th care faci lity in Western Ra jastha n.
Me dip ulse provi des cutting -edg e te chn olo gie s for
d iag no sti cs a nd med ical & surg ical trea tme nt in
Kerala State Drugs And Pharmaceuticals Limited - the fo rm o f 65 Inten sive & Critica l Care Be ds, 8 Ambalapuzha https://ksdp.co.in/ Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Institution 2020 667.54 107.36 69.19 505.36 No 16.08% 31 Mar 2021
Ke rala S ta te D rugs And Ph armace utica ls
L td dul ar Opis
(KSDP) eraa tiPub
on Thea te rs, He
lic sector a Ca rdia re
althca c
u athete rizatio
rta kin n Lab
g. The oratory,
y ca te r to thePatho
n eed logoyf sethervices,
R adi olo gy an d Ima gin g solu ti ons, an d
co mmon pa tien ts reso rti ng to Go vernme nt
H ospirgen
ta lscyin sthe
State s i nclu din ga.traItuma.
of Keral is th e onl y
It llo
a h as Ceicnters
path Pharma of Exce
ceuticalle nce
l Foin C ardi
rmula olo gy &
ti ons
C ardi
ma acctu
nufa Surg
ringery, N euro
o rgan izatiolognyof
& the
Ne urosuGo vernmergery, nt o f
Ke rala .ed
& Jo intsRep
litie i nclulace ment,
de de dicaatend d Mi
Acce ss Su rge ry to na me a fe w.
p lan ts for the man ufacture of Non -Beta-l actam
p rodu cts a nd Beta-l actam prod ucts fo r the
p rodu ction o f Ca psul es, tab lets, d ry pow der
i nje cti ons, dry syrup s, an d other pro du cts li ke
PPE kits, glo ves, ma sks, ha nd san itizer, etc.

Med Freshe Private Limited - Me d Fre she Pri vate Limi te d fo rmerly kno wn as New Delhi http://www.medfreshe.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 2,442.32 151.83 60.57 372.59 No 6.22% 31 Mar 2022
N arul a Hol din g Priva te L imited o pera te s u nd er
the n ame Me d Fre she is a pa rt of UNG an d has
i ts exp ertise i n Pneu matic Tu be Systems,
Pn eu ma tic Wa ste & La und ry C oll ection Sy ste ms,
Mo dul ar OT/ICU/ER, Medi cal Gas Pipe L ine ,
C entral Ste ri le Su ppl y D epa rtme nt, Nu rse Cal l
System, Automa te d Sto rage & Re tri eva l Syste m,
Waste Treatme nt System, Tu rnkey Sol ution s.

Auxein Medical Private Limited - Au xein Me di cal Priva te L imited i s a ra pid ly Jakhauli http://auxeinmedical.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 1,000.77 204.49 83.71 219.45 No 20.43% 31 Mar 2022
g rowi ng Man ufacture r & Expo rte r o f Orth op edi c
Impl ants an d Medi cal Equ ipme nts. The ir
p rodu cts i nclu de Ortho ped ic Imp lan ts, Externa l
Fixa to rs, Orth op aed ic In stru ments, a nd Su rgica l
Po wer Too ls.

Imperial Life Sciences Private Limited - Impe rial L ife Scie nces Priva te L imited i s e nga ge d Gurgaon http://www.imperialls.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare agricultural biotechnology Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 2,271.99 151.20 98.76 185.32 No 6.66% 31 Mar 2022
i n provi din g sol ution s Instrume ntation , R eag ents,
Bi oin fo rmatics, Con sumab les & Mole cula r
D iag nostics. Besi des that, i t ha s th e entire ra nge
o f pro du cts for Ge nomi cs, Mol ecul ar Dia gno stics,
C ell C ulture , Dru g Disco very an d Biop rodu cti on
l abs. It is al so eng age d in man ufacturi ng of
p rodu cts for ge nomi cs, pro te omics, cell cu lture,
d rug di scove ry a nd bi o prod uction lab s p rodu cts.

R B Diagnostic Private Limited - R B Di agn ostic Priva te L imited o pera te s Kolkata https://www.rbdiagnostic.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare diagnostic labs Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 540.53 156.43 84.27 184.59 No 28.94% 31 Mar 2022
d iag no sti c ce nters th at p rovid es vario us servi ces
for he al th n eed s su ch as Docto rs Ap poi ntment,
Pa th olo gy, Rad iol ogy, Den ta l, C T, MRI, Po rta ble
X-ra y a nd mo re.

Synergen Bio Private Limited - Syn erge n Bio Pri vate Limi te d is eng ag ed in Mumbai https://synergenbio.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare medical research and testing Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 417.87 94.23 54.93 181.47 No 22.55% 31 Mar 2022
p rovid ing clin ical re search se rvices to
p harma ceu ti cal bi otechn olo gy, me dica l de vice,
a nd h eal th care in dustrie s. The co mp an y se rvices
i nclu de Bi oava ila bil ity & Bio equ ival ence ,
Bi oan al yti cal, Cli nica l Tri als, Protocol
D evel opme nt & Me dica l Wri ti ng, Medi cal
Se rvices, etc.

Reckon Organics Private Limited - R eckon Orga ni cs Pri vate Ltd is Bulk Dru gs an d Vadodara http://reckonorganics.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 580.86 129.55 77.21 172.09 No 22.30% 31 Mar 2022
Bu lk Drug s i nterme dia te p rodu ct man ufacturi ng
u nit, w hich speci ali zes in man ufacturin g Ascorb ic
Aci d an d its d eriva ti ves. R eckon Orga nics e arlie r
kn own a s Reccko nPha rmache m Pvt. L td . w hich
w as commissi one d in the ye ar 200 8, i s a s upp lie r
to al l majo r p ha rma compa nie s i n In dia l ike
Pfize r, Ab bott, Pira mal, etc. The comp an y's
p rodu cts i nclu de Ascorb ic Acid (Vitami n "C"
Pl ain ) IP/BP/USP, So diu m Asco rbate IP/BP/U SP,
Asco rbic Acid Coa te d (Vitamin – C C oated ),
C alci um Ascorba te BP/U SP, Ascorb yl pal mitate,
Ferro us Ascorb ate, a nd Ca lciu m C itrate Mala te .

Canixa Life Sciences Private Limited. - C ani xa Life Sci ence s Pri vate Limi te d is a fa st New Delhi http://canixalife.com Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 971.58 116.23 74.16 156.89 No 11.96% 31 Mar 2022
e mergi ng h eal th care comp any, committed to
se rve th e ul ti mate purp ose of “Devo te d to
Su pp ort L ife” and to satisfy th e gro win g unme t
me dica l ne eds of peo ple a roun d the gl obe . As a
p romisi ng he al th care comp any, th ey ha ve bee n
a cti vely in volve d in p rodu cing a nd marke ti ng
w ide ra ng e of a fford abl e medi cine s to b oost th e
i dea o f n obl e hea lthcare i n eve ry p ossib le asp ect.
It e volve s with its inn ovative p rodu cts, ul tra -
mo dern ma nu fa ctu ring faci litie s a nd hi gh ly skille d
ma npo we r, nu rtu red wi th u tmo st ethi cs. In the
e mergi ng wo rld o f Pha rmaceu ti cal marke t,
C ani xa ha s a lrea dy emerg ed as a le ad ing
D ermatol ogi cal p laye r a nd ai ms to be a mon g th e
Yasho dha ra Sup er-Spe cial ity H ospi ta l Private - p aramo
Ya shod un ha tracomp
Supeani es. The
r-Speci ir prod
ali ty uct raPng
Ho spital e
ri vate Solapur http://www.yashodharahospitals.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare super speciality hospital Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 519.27 98.48 57.11 154.05 No 18.97% 31 Mar 2022
Limi te d i nclu
L imiteddesi sAna titoAcn e, An
p and ti -know
w ell Al lerg ic, An ti Fu
n Hosp ital nga
an dl,
N ti Itch Lo ti on,CAnti
g Home en trePsoria ti c, AnYard
i n Market ti Sca bieapu
Sol s, Anti
Vi ral,
Ya shod Cle haanse rs, Face
ra Supe wash
r-Speci , Ha
ali ty Hoirspital
Care ca, Ha ir
a bouisturize r, tiMel
t i ts pa entsasma, Moistusuch
in streams rizers,a sMu ltiviiol
Card ta ogy,
N ephImmun
rolo gy,osu Urolppre
gastro PeEntero
rsona logyCare,
H ygielog
Onco ne,y,Sun
GenScreeral en,
Me To
ne, lNICU
Antib iotic,
PICU,Toetc. pica l
The y a osup
lso p pre sants.
rocess in p harma cies, physi othe rapy
ce nters, blo od ba nks, X-ra ys, mammo grap hy,
p atho log y l ab, and ma ny more wi th utmost ca re.

Vasan th a Sub ra man ian H ospi ta ls In dia Pri vate - Va santh a Subra mani an Ho spital s In dia Pri vate Chennai https://vshospitals.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 834.52 92.14 62.18 145.04 No 11.04% 31 Mar 2022
Limi te d L imited p erforms the same b usin ess lin e un der
Va santh a Subra mani an Ho spital s P ri vate Li mited
i s o ne o f the we ll-kn own Ad vance d Oncol ogy
h ospi ta ls in C hen nai . It is th e 1st IC U with Anti
mi crobi al bi o-cla d techn olo gy. It o ffers wo rld-
cl ass tre atmen t in the fie ld of onco lo gy and i n
mu lti-di scipl ina ry h eal thcare se rvices to all
se cti ons o f soci ety. It offers th e fi ne st treatmen t
i n onco lo gy, o rth ope dics, gastroe ntero log y,
n eph rol ogy, etc., alo ng wi th 2 4-h our ph armacy,
l ab test & a mbul ance se rvices.
Aureu s Institute Of Me dica l Scien ces Private - Au
VSreus Institute
Ho spita Of Med
ls, C hen nai hical
as Sci ence
a sepa s P ri vate
rate Nagpur http://aureushospital.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 371.03 107.87 53.31 132.62 No 29.07% 31 Mar 2022
Limi te d L imitedtion
i nterna i s aal1pa
ed muldti epa
-speci alty
rtme nt ho spital
provi din g
si tu ated
p re-ap poi n Nag pur
intmen offerin
t, tra g compre
vel arra nge mentshe nsive
such a s
p ickup
me dicafrol service
m the s.a irpo
arran geme
is a nt o f sp ecia l
d ietsta morph
fo r patieose d versio
nts, la ngunageof AC ESrts(Au
expe forreus
- ti cal
Enare & Emerg
gli sh encyetc.
spe akers, Servi ces) hosp ital, whi ch has
b een servin g patie nts from en ti re cen tra l In dia
o ver th e pa st 4 yea rs. The ho spita l fo llo ws
i nterna tion all y b ench marked stan da rd s in
me dica l, n ursin g, and o pera ti ng p ro tocol s.

Stadmed Pvt Ltd - Stad med Pri vate Limi te d is one o f the mo st Kolkata https://stadmed-global.com Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 899.63 158.28 86.50 121.50 No 17.59% 31 Mar 2022
i nno vative o rgan izatio ns in Indi a, wid ely
re cogn ize d fo r i ts pi one erin g pha rmace utical s. It
w as one of the first compa nie s i n In di a to
p rodu ce ami no aci ds-ba sed en zymes an d
p rodu cts l ike Alka sol, Pulmo cod, Amino zyme,
a nd En tro zyme (amon g others) con ti nu e to
sa ti sfy ge ne ration s o f pa ti ents, aid ing i n th eir
sp eed y recove ry.

Trimax Bio Sciences Private Limited - Trima x Bi o Scien ces Priva te L imited i s a Hyderabad http://www.trimaxbiosciences.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted An ge l / Indi vidu al | Promoter / Pro moter Co | 2022 534.64 84.06 52.23 118.77 No 15.72% 31 Mar 2022
ma nufa ctu rer of p harma ceutica l interme dia tes Grou p (Co )
a nd a cti ve pha rmaceu ti cal in gred ien ts w ith a
p rodu ction ca paci ty of abo ut 400 ton s p er ann um
w ith a cap ital cost of rs.60 cro res at R aich ur
i ndu stri al e sta te . Thei r p rodu cts in clud e
a to rvastatin ca lciu m trih ydrate, naftopi dil ,
me tformi n, e tc. The comp any's r&d i s the
fou nd ation o f its success in b ring in g new
p rodu cts to the marke t.

Endoc Lifecare Private Limited - En do c L ifecare Pri vate Limi te d is an ISO 9 001 Rajkot http://endocpharma.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted Angel / Individual 2021 571.51 80.16 56.83 111.27 No 14.03% 31 Mar 2022
ce rti fi ed, GMP -a pp roved ma nufacture r a nd
e xporte r o f Bul k D rugs. Th e compa ny wel l-kno wn
a nd trusted n ame in the a rea o f Active
Ph armace utica l In gred ien t. It is one of the b est
p laye rs i n Orn id azol e - IP/IH , Fluco nazo le – U SP,
Flu cona zol e – IP, Fl ucon azol e – EP and
Gesco Healthcare Private Limited - Tiza nidH
Gesco ine
eaHCL – UPri
lthcare SP d rugs
vate Limiman
te d ufacturin g.est Chennai
is th e larg http://www.gescoworld.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 478.16 91.70 53.73 96.91 No 19.18% 31 Mar 2022
sp ina l impl an ts man ufacturer in Ind ia an d are
co mmitte d to tra nsformin g live s thro ugh
i nno vative me dica l solu ti ons gl oba lly. Th e
co mpan y desi gns an d manu fa ctu res hi gh-q ual ity
n euro , o rth opa edi c a nd spi na l impl ants alo ng
w ith a vast array of surgi cal in stru ments th roug h
a cti ve coll ab oratio n with the med ical fratern ity. It
i s the l arg est sp ina l impl ants manu fa ctu rer in the
co untry toda y.

Dr Remedies Labs Private Limited - D r R emed ies La bs Priva te L imited i s a n Hyderabad https://www.remedieslabs.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare diagnostic labs Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 390.13 91.06 58.71 71.28 No 23.34% 31 Mar 2021
e mergi ng d iag nostic servi ce provi der acro ss the
n ation in mul ti ple ci ti es and co ntinu es to stri ve to
p rovid e the be st qu ali ty servi ces and expa nd
ra pid ly with a n aim to reach the ma jori ty of the
p opu la ti on. Wi th a g oal to pro vide compl ete
d iag no sti c se rvices, Dr. R emed ies La bs has set
u p a state of the Art Cen tra l Cli nica l Re fe rence
L ab in Hyde raba d, Tel ang ana promi sing q ual ity,
re lia bil ity, an d custome r ca re. With an a im to
b ecome a glo bal n etwork acro ss the co un try, it i s
w orkin g on a utomated systems by util izin g
tech no log y so tha t accu racy, e ffic ien cy, timel y
Gomti Life Sciences India Private Limited - re portinLig,fe and
Gomti Scien e ffective
ces In dia cu Pri
sto vate
mer service
Limi te dc an be Ramanagara http://gomtilifesciences.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2021 66.87 65.13 65.13 64.29 No 97.40% 31 Mar 2022
a chie ved). is a re lia ble p artner to compa nie s in the
D r. nufa
ma Re medi esand
ctu re La bs, theyD
su ppl o iag nostic Di visio n of D r.
f active
p emed ies ceuGrou
ti cals.p has
GL SIPLal read
sta blide
she da
a cti ve
Ing redig en
ts mee nt wti ith
ng th
the e hel
ph armaco
p of a dedpo eia
Qua da
stan lityrds,
Intermence dia de partmen
te s a nd timp
ba cked
uritie sb in
y a safe,
e xperi
se cureen cedcon
a nd profife
den ssion
ti al als
man from
ner. Cli nica l
Ga nesh D iag nostic An d Ima gin g Cen tre Pri vate - R eferen
Gan esh ce Lanostic
D iag b. And Imag ing C en tre Pri vate New Delhi https://www.ganeshdiagnostic.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare diagnostic labs Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 429.53 117.82 68.61 49.42 No 27.43% 31 Mar 2022
Limi te d L imited i s Ind ia 's b igg est h ea lth check-u p service
p rovid er, ma kin g ano th er ben chmark for hi gh-
q ual ity se rvice s a t ge nui ne pri ces. The y are on e
o f the Be st Di agn ostic and Pa thol ogy servi ces
p rovid ers aro und D elh i, re solvi ng issu es and
p robl ems in a ro bust and h igh ly effective wa y a ll
a cross th e bo ard. At thei r D elh i-ba sed d iag nostic
ce nters, th ey provi de an a rray of se rvice s
i nclu din g bl ood tests, X-ra ys, ul tra soun ds, CT
sca ns, MR I sca ns, e tc. Th ey also o ffer h ome
sa mple co lle ction i n Del hi an d hel p ide ntify
d isea ses ea rly so th at trea tme nt i s a s s oon a s
p ossib le. an d has up dated te chno log ies to
g ene rate 10 0% accu rate repo rts for eve ry test
A. C. Surgipharma Private Limited - a ndC.ch
A. Su eck-up
rgi pha. rma
sh Dia Li gno sti c is the
mited a plalece
ad ing New Delhi https://www.acsurgipharma.com/ Pharmaceuticals Healthcare pharmaceutical distributors Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 1,154.43 100.35 69.02 44.81 No 8.69% 31 Mar 2022
w here
Ind ian iPharma
nn ovatioCnompa mixesnywiththataecu nsulture
resofth care .
at l ife-
sa ving d rug s re ach to all p atien ts o n ti me with
h igh -en d del ivera bil ity. They ha ve be en reg ula rly
p articip atin g in al l th e Go vt. Te nde rs in Indi a at a
l arge r sca le a nd ha ve bee n pio ne ers fo r mo re
tha n 25 ye ars now i n viab le di stri buto rs hip o f
p harma p rod ucts to make the re motely
a ccessib le.

Synergy Lifecare Private Limited - Syn ergy L ifecare Pri vate Limi te d is a part of Vadodara http://rhythmheart.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 581.42 143.02 73.09 43.90 No 24.60% 31 Mar 2022
R hythm Hea rt Institute. It is an Intern ation al cla ss
me dica l care, frien dly an d offe rs d evote d service .
The y fa cilitate b ette r trea tme nts a nd h ave bu ilt a
mo dern h osp ital by in dig eni zation th e latest
me dica l te chn olo gy fro m a cross th e glo be to
sa fe gu ard thei r p atien ts' h eal th . They al so
p rovid e a 24 -hou r Eme rgen cy Se rvice Full y
e qui pp ed Ca rdia c C entre wi th a h igh -en d Cath
l ab, 4-D Ech ocard iog raph y ma chin e, Zero
Infectio n card iotho racic op eratio n thea tre ,
d edi cated C ardi ac IC U, ICU , etc.

Kreative Organics Private Limited - Kre ative Orga nics Priva te L imited i s a WHO Hyderabad https://www.kreativeorganics.com Lifesciences Healthcare active pharmaceutical ingredients Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 479.99 108.97 70.15 36.15 No 22.70% 31 Mar 2022
GMP-certifie d comp any, a manu fa ctu rer of A ctiv e
Ph armace utica l In gred ien ts (APIs) for the w orld
ma rket. Krea tive be lie ves in ad heri ng to the
h igh est qua lity sta nda rds.
Kre ative is p roud to be the AP I sup pli er to so me
o f the w orld ’s larg est p harma ceutica l compa ni es
i nclu din g Boe hrin ger Inge lhe im, Ab bo tt, Actavi s,
Ad cock, Sun Pha rmaceu ti cals, Dr. R edd y’s,
Emcu re, C ipl a, Zyd us Cad ila , Auro bin do, etc.
The co mpa ny's prod ucts a re exp orted to
re gul ated ma rkets l ike the USA an d Euro pe an d
q ual ity-con sc iou s cu sto mers in marke ts li ke
R ussia , Sin ga pore , Brazi l, Tai wan , Kore a, etc.

Surabhi Healthcare & Research Private Limited - Su rabh i He althca re & R esea rch Private Li mited i s Bangalore http://kangaroocareindia.com Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare fertility and maternity care Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 444.64 107.43 64.63 36.02 No 24.16% 31 Mar 2022
the u ni t of Kang aroo C are Ho spita l. Ka nga roo
ca re is a mothe r a nd chi ld care h ospi ta l in
Vi jayn ag ar, Ba nga lore , an d Mysore. Th ey are
su ppo rted by top-ra te d docto rs a nd eq uip ped
w ith adva nce d infrastructure . The comp an y i s
e nga ge d in pro vidi ng med ical a nd h eal th care
se rvices acro ss th e coun try.

Bhat Bio-Tech India Private Limited - Bh at Bio-Tech Ind ia Priva te L imited i s sp eci ali ze d Bangalore http://bhatbiotech.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare diagnostic products Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 504.06 89.57 57.90 23.55 No 17.77% 31 Mar 2022
i n th e de sign d evel opme nt, man ufacture a nd
ma rketing o f d iag nostic pro ducts an d
Bi otech nol ogy ba sed pro ducts. Dia gno sti c test
d evice s a re for vario us typ es of tests like ,
Pre gna ncy, HIV, He patitis, Mala ria, Den gu e,
C hiku ngu nya , Swi ne Flu (H1 N1), Syphi lis, TB,
C ardi ac Markers, Dry Che mistry, Bio -Ch emistry,
H aema to lo gy & Immun olo gy and EL ISA`S u sed
i n th e an alysi s o f bo dy fl uid s i n hu man. In L ife
Sci ence re la te d prod ucts the y ma nu fa ctu re and
ma rket Gen omi cs (DN A, RN A), Pro te omics an d
L ab Instrume nts. They offer contra ct
ma nufa ctu ring , third p arty l abe lli ng, an d contract
re search . The ir prod ucts a re manu fa ctu red w ith
Agd Biomedicals Private Limited - Intern
Ag d Bioatio nal Stan
medi dard s.
cals Priva te Also th eyi shave
L imited e ngaISO
ge d in Mumbai https://www.agdbio.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 607.16 87.74 50.43 17.99 No 14.45% 31 Mar 2022
9 001
the , ISO
b usi 1 348
ness 5, C Efa
of manu a nd
ctu GMP
ring d iacertificatio
gno sti c ns.
e qui pme nt a nd rea gen ts. It is an ISO 9 001 :2 015
ce rti fi ed for con sistent customer-sa ti sfa cti on a nd
re gul atory con fo rmance , an d ISO 13 485 :2 016
ce rti fi ed for man ufacture, expo rt, impo rt, sal es
a nd se rvice of th e entire ra nge of l abo ratory
d iag no sti c i nstrumen ts an d reag en ts.

Ravian Life Science Private Limited - R avia n Life Sci ence Pri vate Limi te d (Ravi an) is Hardwar http://ravianlifescience.com/ Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2021 648.66 95.48 64.89 8.24 No 14.72% 31 Mar 2022
e nga ge d in the man ufacture o f a wi de ran ge of
Ph armace utica l Fo rmula ti ons wi th a n assura nce
o f Qua lity and R eli abi lity. It i s su rroun ded by Hil ls
a nd Gree nery to avoi d th e risk of contami natio n
from the Extern al Envi ronme nt. Ra vian h as be en
g ranted , WHO GMP / ISO 9 001 :2 00 8, PPB
KEN YA & ND A UGANDA Ce rti fi cation to
ma nufa ctu re a wid e rang e of Ph arma ceutica l
Formu latio ns. Th eir servi ces incl ude

Formu latio n De velo pmen t.

Pro cess Vali da ti on.
Stab ili ty Testin g.
Ad eq uate Do cumen ta ti on wi th fu ll Tra cea bil ity.
Medulance Healthcare Private Limited - C ompl
Me eteceDa
dul an ta for
Hea No ti fiPri
lthcare cation
vate D ossie
Limi te dr.is In di a's New Delhi https://medulance.com/ Health Care Technology Healthcare healthcare saas Unlisted Angel / Individual 2022 245.23 61.84 58.96 7.00 No 25.22% 31 Mar 2022
first, GPS-ba sed tech nol ogy pl atfo rm fo r fast and
re lia ble first-po in t med ical a tten ti on an d le adi ng
co mpreh en sive eme rgen cy re spon se service
p rovid er, e xtensi vely de ali ng in Amb ula to ry
Se rvices. th ey pro vide En d to e nd e merge ncy
re spon se servi ce, GPS-en abl ed hi gh -q ua lity
a mbul an ces, Eme rgen cy Ma nag emen t
Tech no log y, Train ed Dri vers, a nd certifie d
Pa ramed ics cove ring 2 2 cities in Ind ia (All me tro s
& Maj or ti er 2 citie s) a nd De dica te d Hel pli ne
N umbe r.

Phoenix Medical Systems Private Limited - Ph oe nix Med ical Systems Priva te L imited i s a Chennai https://www.phoenixmedicalsystems.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co | Angel / Individual 2022 750.11 130.48 74.97 5.77 No 17.39% 31 Mar 2022
p ion ee r i n infan t-ca re prod ucts i n In di a. The y
ma nufa ctu re, a mong a ra nge o f w orld cl ass
n eon atal a nd matern al-ca re equ ip ment, i nclu de
C ompre hen sive Infan t Ca re Cen te r, Le d
Ph otothe rapy, CPAP (contin uou s posi ti ve airw ay
p ressure ) u ni ts, In cuba to rs, el ectroni c b ab y
w eig hin g scal es, o xygen a nd ap ne a moni to rs,
i nfant ba ssine ts an d speci al Exami na ti on Co uch,
D eli very Ta ble s, L abo ur Del ivery Re covery Bed s
(L DR).

Century Super Speciality Hospitals Private Limited - C entury Su per Spe cial ity H ospi ta ls Pvt. Ltd. is Hyderabad http://centuryhospital.in/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare super speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 523.83 96.98 76.54 5.52 No 18.51% 31 Mar 2022
e nga ge d in pro vidi ng he alth care servi ces. It
o ffers ca rd io loy, neu rolo gy, u ro-ne ph ro lo gy,
o ncol og y, spe cial ty in te nsive -care un its, p lastic
a nd b urns un its, ortho ped ics an d orga n
tran spla nts.

Sasvat Omnicare Private Limited - Sa svat Omn icare Pri vate Limi te d is one o f the Bangalore https://boldfit.in/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 623.21 132.58 96.47 5.06 No 21.27% 31 Mar 2022
g rowi ng h eal th care org ani zation s i n Indi a. The
co mpan y provi des ph armacy man age ment
se rvices wi th in the h eal th care setup a nd a w hol e
a rray of co mmun ity p harma cies. Sasvat
Omni care is a Si ngl e source su ppl y so lutio n for
tertia ry ca re spe cial ti es incl udi ng med ical d evice s
a nd imp la nts. The comp any' s se rvices an d
so lutio ns in clud e Speci alty Supp ly Solu tion s, Ri te
C hoi ce, H osp ital-b ased p harma cies, Op eratio n
R oom an d ICU Integra ti on, Omn icon ne ct,
C ommun ity Ph arma cy , etc.

Orchid Medical Centre Private Limited - Orchi d Medi cal Ce ntre Priva te L imited i s a state- Ranchi http://orchidmedcentre.com/ Health Care Providers & Services Healthcare multi speciality hospital Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 737.77 100.32 53.49 1.05 No 13.60% 31 Mar 2022
o f-the -art, mu lti-sup er speci ali ty ho spital l ocated
i n Ran chi. Orchid Me dica l is a Supe r Sp ecia lity
H ospi ta l eq uip ped to cater to al l me di cal
re qui remen ts . Orchid Me dica l has a pro cess-
d riven a pp roach i n all a spects of h osp ital
R S M Enterprises Private Limited - a cti
R Svities
M Enterp– fromrisesregPriva
te L,imited
ad missio
i s an,np re-
ISO Mumbai https://www.rsmenterprises.in/ Lifesciences Healthcare pharmaceutical formulation Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2021 14.31 4.52 87.24 0.94 No 31.55% 31 Mar 2022
9 rgery,
-20 08
pe riCe
rti fi edry,Coa nd
mpanpo st-su
y, focu rgery
ses proon to cols,
d ischa
ma nufarge ctufrom
ring othef pre homium
Pha p with the
rmaceu tical
h ospi
D rugs.ta Th
l after disch
e comp argepo
any's . Orchid
rtfo lio Me
in cludica
desl Cen treeis
D ysfu
ho spital
Medil ab cineins,RAntifun
anch i togal h ave
Me dicaN ABL tion
Pi ationAnti
al Accre
Acne Proditatio ducts,
n Board
An ti for
C ance
r D rugs,
a nd Anti
C epre
D ali bratio
ssionn La bora
D rug s,toStomach
ries) certifica
on & nt,isHe
9 001
Se x Me:201 5 ne
dici certified
s, Ha irSu per Treatmen
Loss Sp ecia lityt Hosp
Med icin ital.es,
Wei ght Lo ss Me dici nes, Pain R eli ef Me dici nes,
Ka magra Pro du cts, Vitamin Tab lets, a nd
Ph armace utica l Drug s. The comp any ha s
so phi sti cated i nfrastructural b ase tha t is
e qui pp ed wi th h igh tech ma chin erie s. It i s
e qui pp ed wi th the mo dern e qu ipme nt a nd
ma chin ery, a nd i s co mprise d of e ffici ent
Trident Equipments Private Limited - techent
Trid nici Equ
an s,ipme
do cto ntsrsPri
a nd skilLimi
vate led tech
te d isnicone
ian s. of the Mumbai http://tridentequipments.com Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare diagnostic products Unlisted Angel / Individual | Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 591.18 83.87 57.34 0.89 No 14.19% 31 Mar 2022
b igg est and mo st rep utabl e pa rtn ers in the
a nal yti cal la b an d proce ss i nstrumen ta tion i n
Ind ia. The comp any is pro ud to be a ssocia te d
w ith compa ni es of g lob al rep ute ha ndl ing the ir
b usin ess in Ind ia. Th ey are en ga ged i n th e
d istribu ti on o f Qual ity a nd Inno vative p rodu cts for
the se pri ncip als in the fie lds of Ana lytical L ife
Sci ence s proce sses.
Machinfabrik Industries Private Limited - Ma chin fa brik Ind ustries Priva te L imited i s Mumbai http://machinfabrik.com/ Health Care Equipment & Supplies Healthcare medical equipment and devices Unlisted Promoter / Promoter Co 2022 837.38 79.24 53.93 0.07 No 9.46% 31 Mar 2022
e nga ge d in the man ufacture o f customi zed
steri liza ti on e qui pmen ts for pha rmaceu ti cal
co mpan ie s, li fe sci ence , ho spital s a nd the foo d
a nd b evera ge in dustry. The e qu ipme nts
ma nufa ctu red by the comp any fin ds use in
i ntraven ou s i nje cti ons, catheters, vaccin es,
e qui pme nts for steril izin g/pasteu rizin g fo od
p rodu cts l ike milk, food grai ns and sp ices a nd in
h ospi ta l’s CS SD (C en tra l Ste rile Su ppl y
D epa rtme nts).

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