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Complete each statement.

1. REPLICATION makes a copy of a table and places it in a different location to

improve access time.

2. GOVERNANCE is a method or process of government

3. In multidimensional terms, the ability to focus on slices of the cube to perform a more
detailed analysis is known as SLICE AND DICE.

4. To support a(n) VERY LARGE DATABASE adequately, the DBMS might be required
to use advanced nardware, such as multiple disk arrays, and even more importantly, to
support multiple-processes technologies, sụch as a symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) or
a massively parallel processor (MPP)

5. Data VISUALIZATION tools provide advanced visual analysis and techniques to

enhance understanding of business data.

6. A data WAREHOUSE is a centralized, consolidated database that integrates data

derived from the entire organization and from multiple sources with diverse tormats.

7. Data MINING tools are tools that provide advanced statistical analysıs to uncover
problems and opportunities hidden within business data.

8. KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS are quantifiable measurements (numeric or

scale based) that assess the company's effectiveness or success in reaching its
strategic and operational goals.

9. OLAP systems are designed to use both operational and data WAREHOUSE data.

10. FACTS are numeric measurements (values) that represent a specific business
aspect or activity.

11. SPARSITY is a measurement of the density of the data held in the data cube and
is computed by dividing the total number of actual values in the cube by the total
number of cells in the cube.

12. When you ROLL-UP data, you are aggregating the data to a higher level.

13. DIMENSIONS are qualifýing characteristics that provide additional perspectives to a

given fact.
14. A data MART is a small, single-subject data warehouse subset that provides
decision support to a small group of people.

15. DASHBOARDS use Web-based technologies to present key business performance

indicators or information in a single integrated view, generally using graphics in a clear,
concise, and easy to understand manner.

16. A(n) DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM is an arrangement of computerized tools used

to assist managerial decision making within a business.


proprietary techniques to store data in matrix-like n-dimensional arrays.

18. RELATIONAL online analytical processing provides OLAP functionality by using

relational databases and familiar relational query tools to store and analyze
multidimensional data.

19. In a typical STAR schema, each dimension record is related to thousands of fact

20. BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE is a term used to describe a comprehensive, cohesive,

and integrated set of tools and processes used to capture, collect, integrate, store, and
analyze data with the purpose of generating and presenting information used to support
business decision making.

21. The most distinct characteristic of modem OLAP tools is their capacity for

22. In practice, BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE provides a well-orchestrated framework for

the management of data that works across all levels of the organization.

23. The ATTRIBUTE hierarchy provides the capability to perform drill-down and roll-up
searches in a data warehouse.

24. MASTER DATA MANAGEMENT is a collection of concepts, techniques, and

processes for the proper identification, definition, and management of data elements
within an organization.
25. To deliver efficient decision support, OLAP tools must have advanced data
ACCESS features.


TRUE 1. In the prognosis phase, the data-mining findings are used to predict future
behavior and forecast business outcomes.

FALSE 2. MOLAP is a logical choice for companies that already use relational
databases for their operatiónal data.

TRUE 3. The decision support database query optimizer must be enhanced to support
non-normalized structuřes.

FALSE 4. In most implementations, the data warehouse and OLAP are stand-alone,
independent environments.

FALSE 5. Creating a data warehouse iS a simple exercise that takes little time, money,
or effort.

FALSE 6. Monitoring results to evaluate outcomes of the business deciSIons is outside

the scope of BI.

TRUE 7. The BI architecture is composed of data, people, processes, technology, and

the management of such components.

TRUE 8. SAP is a portal vendor.

FALSE 9. The data warehouse designer must define common business dimensions that
will be used by the data analyst to narrow a search, group information, or describe

TRUE 10. The star schema is designed to optimize data query operations rather than
data update operations.

FALSE 11. MDM’s main goal is to provide a partial and segmented definition of all data
within an organization.

TRUE 12. The data warehouse development life cycle differs from classical systems
FALSE 13. Queries against operational data typically are broad in scope and high in

FALSE 14. A data store is used by the data analyst to create the queries that access
the database.

FALSE 15. Normalizing fact tables improves data access performance and saves data
storage space.

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