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TED Talks

Graham Hill : Why I’m a Weekday Vegetarian (4’04)

In this video, Graham Hill talks about his programme aimed at reducing global meat consumption.
Do you think meat consumption should be reduced in any way, and if so, why ?

Vocabulary (Explain in English and try to translate into French) :

- A tree-hugger (0’35) :
- A treat (1’30) :
- To stall (1’45) :
- The taste buds (2’14) :
- To give something a shot (3’42) :

Questions :
1. According to GH, what are the issues related to meat consumption ? (pick up as many figures
as possible) (0’38)

2. How does he compare today’s society and the 50s (1.20) ?

3. Why was it so hard to go veg for him (1’59) ?

4. What are the major culprits in terms of environmental damage and health (2.49) ?

5. What solution has he come up with (2’33) and what are its benefits (3’13) ?

Discussion (and quick polls) :

Who is Veg already ? What made you go Veg ?
For those who are not, is GH’s proposal realistic and would you be ready to start such a programme ?

Vocabulary (Explain in English and try to translate into French) :

- A tree-hugger (0’35) : défenseur des arbres ; écolo fanatique (often sarcastic : environmentalist)
- A treat (1’30) : friandise ; plaisir (esp. for food, stg that provides enjoyment or pleasure)
- To stall (1’45) : remettre à plus tard (to postpone ; delay)
- The taste buds (2’14) : papilles gustatives (sensory organs on the skin of the tongue for the sense of taste)
- To give something a shot (3’42) : essayer, tenter qch ( a shot = a chance with odds for and agains, a bet)

Questions :
1. According to GH, what are the issues related to meat consumption ? (pick up as many figures
as possible) (0’38)

* a hamburger a day increases your risk of dying by a third

* the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farm conditions we wouldn’t
even consider for our cats and dogs

* meat causes more emissions than all of transportation combined (cars, trains, planes, buses, boats)

* beef production uses a hundred times the water that most vegetables do

2. How does he compare today’s society and the 50s (1.20) ?

- We’re eating twice as much meat as they did

- What was a side treat then is now regular

3 Why was it so hard to go veg for him (1’59) ?

- He was « not quite ready » (« My last hamburger »)

- His good intentions were in conflict with his tastebuds

4. What are the major culprits in terms of environmental damage and health (2.49) ?

Red and processed meat

5. What solution has he come up with (2’33) and what are its benefits (3’13) ?

A « Weekday Veg » : nothing with a face Monday to Friday, your choice at the weekend.
Cutting 5 days a week is cutting 70% of your meat intake

Benefits : smaller footprint (messening pollution) / feel better about the animals / saving
money / healthier + will live longer / has lost a little weight)

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