Tegveer Noor Assignmet 1

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1. The little boy and girl sat quietly. Their bikes were broken.

‘It’s too bad we can’t ride today,’

the girl said.
“Yes,” the boy replied. “I was looking forward to it.”
They wondered what to do. If they went to the mall, it would be better than staying home.
So they got up and started walking down the street. When they reached the corner, the girl
noticed a crowd of people.
“What are they doing?” she wondered.
“I think they’re going to the stadium,” the boy replied. “Let’s follow them!”

2. There are numerous motives for engaging in sports, such as improving fitness,
finding enjoyment, and having fun. When you head to the gym, the key is to
remember your essentials. After that, you are all set because exercising is remarkably
enjoyable, ensuring a great time before any other concerns. Returning home is
essential, and winter calls for gloves, while summer offers more comfort. When
driving, it's wise to park nearby to lighten your load. Exercise brings genuine benefits,
and no one ever regrets it. Classes can provide an extra boost but signing up online is
the best way to ensure a pleasant experience upon arrival. Having a workout partner
can be invaluable, especially if you are uncertain about proper techniques. So, do not
hesitate – go for it!

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