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1. Can a director or manager of a company be held liable for the labor claims of a dismissed employee? (Teletech)
2. Can the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate fiction apply to a foreign corporation that owns a majority of the
shares of a domestic corporation? (CyberAu vs. CyberPH)
3. Can the President and manager of a corporation be made solidarily liable for the claims against the corporation
arising from his conduct of bad faith in directing the affairs of the corporation? (Atienza vs. Golden Ram)
4. If three corporations belonging to the same owner issued separate and ambiguous employment contracts to the
same employee, can piercing the veil of corporate fiction be applied to enforce the monetary claims of the
employee? (Piercing the corporate veil is applicable)
5. Can the owner of corporate entities be made criminally liable for the illegal acts committed by the corporation?
(Villanueva vs. People)
6. Registration of corporation
7. When will the corporate existence of a private corporation commence?
8. Effect of Non-use of charter
9. Ultra Vires Doctrine
10. Ultra Vires vs an illegal act
11. Can the SEC refuse the application of the corporation to decrease its authorized capital when the corporation has
submitted all the requirements of the law? (Business Judgment Rule)
12. Can stockholders of a solvent corporation be held liable solidarily with the corporation under the trust fund
13. Is the subsequent execution of a board resolution giving the chairperson and president of a corporation authority to
file a court action cures the defect of lack of authority at the time of the filing of the court action? (Jorgenetics Swine
Improvement Corporation vs. Thick & Thin Agri-Products)
14. Can the corporation deny the verbal agreement entered into by its officers even though such an agreement was
already partially executed? (Doctrine of Apparent Authority)
15. Can a bank be liable for damages due to its unilateral closure of a customer’s account subsequent to the tortuous
acts of its employee? (Agro Food and Processing Corp. on Doctrine of Apparent Authority)
16. Can a company president who signed a document holding himself liable with the corporation raise the separate
personality rule as a defense? (Personal Liability)
17. Can a company President be liable for monetary claims of an OFW? (Oscares vs. Magsaysay Maritime Corp.)
18. Concept of Doctrine of Corporate Opportunity
19. Rule in disloyalty of a director (Section 33, R.A. No. 11232)
20. Grounds for disqualifying a director/trustee/officer (Section 26, R.A. No. 11232)
21. Derivative suit
22. Requisites for filing derivative suit (Florente. Jr. vs. Florete)
23. Can a foreign corporation claim that its only transaction with a domestic corporation is an “isolated transaction”
even if it was related to the foreign corporation’s specific business purpose? (Magna Realty Mix vs Andersen)
24. Can domestic corporation that dealt with a foreign corporation argue that the foreign corporation has no licenses to
do business in the Philippines and cannot, therefore, sue in the Philippine courts? (Magna Realty Mix Concrete Corp.
vs. Andersen.)


1. Rules to determine the existence of partnership. (Article 1769, NCC)

2. Rule on partnership term (Article 1784, NCC and Art. 1785, NCC)
3. Doctrine of Partnership by Estoppel
4. Legal Consequence
5. Limited Partnership (Article 1843, CC)
6. Contributions of a limited partner (Article 1845)
7. Rule on the appearance of the surname of limited partner in the partnership name (Article 1846)
8. Exceptions to Article 1846
9. Effect of the exception on Article 1846
10. Rule on the liability of the limited partner (Article 1848)
11. Exception to Article 1848)
12. Rule on preference among the limited partners (1855. NCC)
13. Requirement of Article 1855, NCC)

1. Double Insurance (Section 93, R.A. No. 10607)
2. Rule in case there is double insurance (R.A. No. 96 (a), R.A. 10617)
3. Is the violation of the “other insurance clause” uniformly contained in the separate insurance contracts obtained by
the insured result in the avoidance of the said policies? (Multi-Ware Manufacturing Corp. vs. Cibeles Insurance
4. When should the prescriptive period for filing an action concerning the denial of an insurance claim be counted?
(A[pha Plus Int’l Enterprises Corp. vs. Phil. Charter Ins. Corp)
5. Rule on payment of premium
6. Can the insurer collect the premium due for the period that extended insurance coverage when the policy was
eventually terminated? (Chartis Phils. Insurance. Inc. vs. Cyber City Teleservices)
7. Can the insured collect on the insurance policy covering certain machinery that the insured does not own?
8. In Compulsory Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance, it is necessary for the insured to prove that there was no negligence
on his part before his claim can be processed? (Sec. 391, R.A. No. 10607)
9. Rules on the filing of claim/action under the CMVLI (Section 397, R.A. No. 10607)
10. Rules in case of suicide (Sec. 183, R.A. No. 10607)
11. EXCEPTION: Suicide committed in the state of insanity shall be compensable, regardless of the date of commission.


1. Rule on the Legal Recognition of Electronic Data Massage

2. Rules on the Legal Recognition of Electronic Documents
3. Legal Recognition of Electronic Signature
4. Are screenshots of text messages admissible as evidence under the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000?
5. Is the sending of documents through electronic data messages, including facsimiles, sanctioned under R.A. 8792 or
the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000?


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