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Practice test

-;Cll"'Fll.n.n 1 Questions 1-10

Questions 1-5
@m Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORDAND/ORA
NUMBER for each answer.

Details of the car

Age/ mileage: about (1) ........................ years old and has done approx. 40,000 miles.
History: had (2) ...................·..... previous owners.
Reason for sale: selling it because has a (3) ........................ in London - no car needed.
Final price: agreed (4) £........................
Appointment: offered to meet on Saturday, at (5) ........................ a.m., in the cafe.

Questions 6-10
@)PD Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ORA
NUMBER for each answer.


Name: Mohammed (6) ........................
Date of birth: 21st (7) ........................
Car make: Peugeot (8) ........................
Registration number: (9) ....................... .
Address: 78 Acacia Avenue, Stourbridge,
Wolverhampton, BM56 YLM
Total annual insurance
(incl. admin charge): ( 10) £........................

....Atl""ll'IAnn 2 Questions 11-20

Questions 11 and 12
@m Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
11 All the students on the course
A are native English speakers.
B are from Asian countries.
C have jobs in law.
12 The blended learning course is
A taught face-to-face for half of the year.
B taught online with two face-to-face meetings.
C taught completely online with virtual exams.

Questions 13-17
@)m Complete the flow chart. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.
How to use the virtual learning platform (VLP)

Log-on to the platform. Download the first (13) ................ : .... and .......... : .........

Buy books on (14) .................... or ]download them from VLP

Ifyo.u need hglp, contac,t tutor by (15) ...................., o,:pho�e..

Ifyou prefer, ask students for help via the (16) .. ·:··..............

Get (17) .................... from tutor on VLP a week later.

Questions 18-20
Choose THREE letters A-F.
What THREE things can you do on the blended learning course?
A participate in seminars at any time
B meet with your tutor at regular times
C listen to lectures at a time ofyour choice
D study on a full-time basis at a distance
E have more time to finish an assignment
F have another year to complete your degree

Section 3. Questions 21-30

Questions 21-26
@):m Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for
each answer.
21 The tutor is pleased that Jane is always well ........................ for seminars.
22 Jane enjoys the psychology seminars and is good at ........................ .
23 The lecture on critical thinking was about asking particular types of.........................
24 Jane should think about the ........................ supporting other students' theories.
25 The tutor is ........................ that Jane makes claims which are not proved.
26 Jane needs to use more ........................ as evidence for claims she makes.

Questions 27-30
What are the disadvantages ofeach type ofresearch?
Choose your answers from A-F below and write the letters next to questions 27-30.
27 Case studies ........................
28 Research papers ........................
29 Interviews ........................
30 Questionnaires ........................
A don't give very detailed information.
B can encourage a particular answer.
C don't provide enough information.
D may make a theory or argument weaker.
E can produce very unscientific results.
F can be out-of-date.

Section 4 Questions 31-40
Questions 31-35
@)m Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu

Reason for interest Because of the (31) ........................ and size of the pyramid
(32) ........................ 5.9 million tons
Height (33) ........................ metres tall
Materials (34) ........................ stone blocks
Date 2550 BC: took (35) ........................ to complete
Number of workers 20,000-30,000
Mystery How could workers move a stone block weighing two tons?

Questions 36-40
Complete the diagrams. Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/ORA NUMBER for
each answer.

38 ........................

39 ........................-metre ramp

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