Lovie Letter of Rec

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I have had the privilege of knowing Lovie Digiorgio for the last four years.

I originally met
Lovie in 2019 when I was her Village Director at Camp Crestridge. Since then, I have been honored
to be Lovie’s Village Director for her next two summers at camp and have watched her grow and
mature from a fun and unique middle schooler to a beautiful and loving high school senior. Lovie is
keenly curious and is not intimidated by asking questions. She is inquisitive, and has an insatiable
hunger for Truth. During the summer of 2019, I was blessed to be able to observe as Lovie
continuously inquired of her counselors about who Christ is and what it looks like to follow Him.
After seeking out information, doing her own studying of the Bible, and asking many questions, it
was an absolute delight to learn that Lovie had decided to give her heart and life to Christ. I can still
picture the joy on her face as she told me the exciting news!
Since that summer, I have been able to witness so much fruit in Lovie’s life. Her name is
fitting with the ways the Lord has gifted her with the ability to love others so sweetly and
intentionally. Lovie is inclusive in the way she befriends others and loves with no strings attached. I
have been able to witness Lovie go out of her way to pull other girls into the group and make sure
they feel welcome and included. Her counselors have always spoken highly of Lovie and of her
character. She truly lives out the Truth of weeping with those who weep and rejoicing with those who
rejoice. On more than one occasion I was able to observe as Lovie stepped in and walked alongside
friends and cabin mates who were struggling. As a cabin mate vulnerably shared about difficulties in
her life, Lovie got up from where she was sitting, sat beside the girl, held her hand, and cried with
her. She offered so much empathy when girls shared adversity with her and was their biggest
encourager when they had victories.
During the summer of 2022, Lovie took steps of obedience to make her decision to follow
Christ public by being baptized. Since I’ve known Lovie, she has never been content with the
knowledge of Christ or the Bible that she already has. She hungers and thirsts for Truth and seeks it
out by asking others and by hunting for answers on her own. Her desire for Christ is contagious and
an encouragement to those around her. Lovie also deeply desires those around her to know and
experience the joy of Christ that she has. While at camp, I saw and heard of many conversations she
had with friends who were not believers. She lovingly and respectfully shared Truth with them.
Lovie is patient, full of grace, and overflowing with kindness. Her optimistic attitude is
unshakable even in hardship. She shared the gospel with others even as a camper, and would boldly
share with others as a member of the SALT program. She possesses a servant’s heart and is a willing
and joyful worker. She would be an incredible asset to the SALT program, and I truly believe the
program would benefit from her being part of it.

Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.

Thank you,
Baylee Porch

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