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When creating your profile on these websites, make sure to highlight your qualifications,

teaching experience, and any certifications you have. Including a well-written self-introduction
and a professional photo can also improve your chances of getting noticed by hiring managers.

What’s the meaning of self-introduction?

Here’s what you should know about the basics of self-introduction
How to introduce yourself in English in a corporate environment
Say more than your name and a title
Keep it relevant
Speak slowly
How to introduce yourself in a casual situation
Use humor appropriately
Keep your intros short and compelling
Examples of simple introductions in English
How do you introduce yourself properly in an interview?
Key points:
Here’s an example of a great self-intro in English at an interview
Here’s another simple example of self-introduction
4 things that make all the difference when introducing yourself
Standing upright
A firm handshake
Smiling when introducing yourself
Maintaining eye contact
Get started on the right foot when introducing yourself
Wrapping up
Introducing yourself in English is more challenging than many people may think it is. It only has
some things to do with being fluent in English.

It’s something that even some native English speakers need help with to know how to introduce
themselves properly in different situations. Like when meeting with a big client or attending a
job interview, for example.

And speaking of interviews, this isn’t one of those moments where you enter a room, say hello,
and after mentioning your name, you hope that someone else will take over from there. You start
scratching your head, not knowing what to say next.

If you’ve been wondering what’s been missing from your intros, here’s one thing you should

Entering an interview room and saying your name just loud enough for everyone to hear will
send one message.
However, doing it with your right hand stretched out in the gesture and your shoulders back
sends a completely different impression. Yes. Body language also plays a particular role when
introducing yourself. Here’s what we are going to cover today on simple self-introduction in

What’s the meaning of self-introduction?

What usually happens first when you meet up with someone for the first time or attend a job
interview? Introducing yourself. Right?

We can define it as the act of introducing yourself to strangers and expressing yourself with
confidence. Like any other language, introducing yourself in English involves much more than
just saying your name and where you come from.

You need to share a little bit more about yourself. I understand just how tricky it can be when
introducing yourself to strangers. That’s why I took my time to write and walk you through this
interesting self-introduction guide.

Here’s what you should know about the basics of self-introduction

A great self-intro in English is not something you can easily perfect. Introductions often change
depending on the circumstances and the audience.

While there are several types of self-introduction people often follow, each type appears to have
the same 3 useful elements when done in a professional setting.

Your name: Your name is one of the most important elements of your self-introduction. While
we might already be aware of your identity, mentioning your name is a professional way to start
your introduction in English.
Your occupation: Indicating your role in the company will help people place the right context on
your goals as an expert. It’s also a clever way to inform others about your skills and experience.
Why you are introducing yourself: You may or may not be aware of it yet, but this element
varies the most among introductions. It’s crucial to say why you are introducing yourself, even if
the purpose might seem obvious. It sends a message of what people should expect from you.
Want to practice your self-introduction in English to sound natural?
Choose any native-English-speaking-tutor on LiveXP and practice speaking & introducing
yourself online in 1-on-1 lessons.

How to introduce yourself in English in a corporate environment

When introducing yourself in a corporate environment, the difference between a great intro and a
terrible one could end up being hundreds of dollars in a business deal or profitable employment.

Although much may depend on it, you can easily navigate self-intros once you master the right
approach. To get the best results, check out the below tips and advice to help you improve your
introduction in English.

Say more than your name and a title

It’s quite OK to begin a self-introduction with your name and title. But even though it’s fine,
your title doesn’t often communicate other important areas of your story.

For instance, if you tell someone that you are the marketing manager at your company, it will
only paint a simple picture of you.

But if you add a little bit more information to it. Adding something more or less like, “I run high-
level campaigns for the brand’s highest-paying customers,” automatically highlights your
important roles and the value you bring to the company.

Moreover, sharing your contributions to the growth of the brand you work for gives you a lot of
credit. It tells people just why it’s important to make a connection with someone like you. The
thing is, when you point out the values you bring to a company, the people you’re talking to will
be more likely to pay attention.

Keep it relevant
It’s quite easy to get carried away and go completely off-topic, sharing more details about your
life than people need to know. Things that are somehow not even relevant to the specific

Therefore, always ensure to stay as close to the topic as possible when introducing yourself in
English. At a job interview, for example, it’s only necessary to share relevant details about you
that your interviewer would want to know.

Yes, it is fine to talk about yourself. Your family. Interests. Hobbies. Et cetera. But also talk
about your qualifications, achievements, and what makes you a good fit and the most suitable
candidate for the job.

Speak slowly
Rushing when introducing yourself can make people miss some important details about you that
you want them to know.

Instead of listening to you rush through every detail of your life, I’d rather hear you speak well
and clearly about what makes you so you. Therefore, be sure to slow down the speed when
introducing yourself in English and highlight the most important facts about your life.

How to introduce yourself in a casual situation

Only some situations or environments where you introduce yourself will be a corporate setting.
That means you will need a different introduction approach in a casual setting.

This could be when you are passing by a conference or while on vacation. Or if, let’s say, you
travel or move to a new place. It could be anything outside of a corporate environment or your
professional life. And even though you still need to show confidence and poise, you would also
want to:

Use humor appropriately

In a casual introduction, humor always wins the moment. It helps you lighten the mood and set
your audience at ease. And if, let’s say, you are a funny guy, a joke can create a pleasant
environment as long as it doesn’t go too far.

Keep in mind that any use of humor should be relevant to the topic and suitably light. Also,
remember that you are introducing yourself to new people, so you should only bring a positive
vibe with your humor.

Keep your intros short and compelling

Introductions should be brief, compelling, and last at least 30 seconds or less. Whether you just
met a new friend or are introducing yourself in a meeting, you should always aim to get to the
point quickly.

You should also avoid talking in circles or, in other words, beating around the bush. Remember
that the people you’re talking to only need a summary of your life.

Examples of simple introductions in English

Pay attention to the following examples or ideas to learn how you could approach different
introduction situations.

Example №1

Hello, I’m Ronny Okumu. As the marketing manager of the [company name], I run campaigns
for our enterprise customers. Our marketing efforts have seen our top clients double their sales in
just 7 months. I am thrilled to explore a collaboration with your brand so you can also experience
the same results.
Example №2

Hi, I’m [insert your name], the CTO for SchoolUpgrade Inc. Have you heard of the new
education management software most schools are now using? I was head of the team that
designed and developed the smart program.
Example №3

Good morning, sir (or their first name). My name is Ronny Okumu. I’m a technical SEO
specialist at XYZ Company. I regularly share tips and advice for high organic search and site
rankings. How would you like to discuss business?
How do you introduce yourself properly in an interview?
Usually, when an interviewer asks, “Tell me about yourself,” it is to know about you in brief.
Afterward, they will likely follow up with questions related to the role.

With that said, note that the first impression is often the only impression. Once you get your self-
introduction right or happen to answer the routine HR interview questions before the interview,
you’ve earned yourself some extra shiny points.

Key points:
Keep these key pointers in mind and remember to mention them with confidence when doing a
self-introduction during an interview:

When the interviewer asks who you are, say your name slowly but just loud enough so they get it
right. Follow with where you come from, some personal background, and a little bit about your
experiences and hobbies.
Follow with your academic qualifications or what you may be studying that is relevant to the job
Focus as much as possible on your work, previous experience, achievements, internship, and
other things related to the interview.
Feel free to add any other professional training or experience you may have as you see fit.
Here’s an example of a great self-intro in English at an interview
Thanks for the opportunity and the warm welcome, sir. I’m so excited to finally meet you! My
name is Ronny Okumu. I’m a creative writer and SEO expert with 7 years of professional
In my previous role at XYZ brand, I developed high-quality, user-friendly content that helped the
company’s website rank high on Google. This led to us achieving an increase of 22% in sales
growth compared to the previous year.
Notice the way I started my intro instead of saying hi, mentioning my name, and proceeding to
other details? That’s just one way you can use humor to create a comfortable environment when
introducing yourself in a job interview.

You may also start by saying “hello,” “hi,” “good morning,” or “good afternoon, sir,” and then
follow with your brief yet strong introduction. It all depends on your experience and how often
you practice your introductions.

Here’s another simple example of self-introduction

Hello sir. My name is Ronny Okumu. I’m a recent graduate from the Training & Central
Registry section at JKUAT University. The very same place I completed my degree in Human
Resource Management.
I’ve been working there as an intern staff trainer for six months. I have also completed another
internship at the BREAD and BUTTER company, Inc. I was so excited to hear about this XYZ
opportunity in your company, and I’m confident that I’ll bring real value to your business.
Use this kind of approach in an interview or when writing your cover letter, and you’ll be
surprised at the kind of feedback you’ll get.

4 things that make all the difference when introducing yourself

If you have a place to write, now is the time to highlight some points on how to ace a self-intro in
English in a corporate setting.

Body language, which is our main focus here, helps a lot when introducing yourself to strangers.
It is something you can use to your full advantage, no matter the level of your English-speaking
It is important to understand what your gestures, facial expressions, and posture are saying about
you. And, of course, how you can use them to your advantage. Here are some things you can do
when introducing yourself in any situation:

Standing upright
Standing or sitting upright shows that you are comfortable and prepared for a conversation. You
can use this body language to look more confident than you actually are. After all, confident and
ready are what you want to be when introducing yourself to strangers.

A firm handshake
A firm, friendly handshake is also one of the most common ways to greet somebody anywhere,
anytime. You can practice this body language with anyone you meet, no matter their social status
or gender. It’s actually a great way to start an introduction in any kind of situation.

Smiling when introducing yourself

Smiling during self-introduction sends a signal of humor, which will likely make you a more
enchanting conversation partner. Use it to your benefit to create a welcoming environment when
introducing yourself in English.

Maintaining eye contact

Maintaining eye contact when talking to people is often considered a sign of honesty and
trustworthiness in many parts of the world. Personally, I also prefer listening to people who are
not afraid to look me in the eyes rather than those who would rather look down or sideways.

Additionally, maintaining eye contact also shows that you are interested in and paying attention
to the discussion. But be careful not to overdo it, as it might make you look “creepy” when you
keep your eyes locked on someone’s eyes for a long time. It’s OK to blink or look away from
time to time.

We both know that there is no such thing as making a second first impression when introducing
yourself to strangers. You have to get it right from the start, especially if you are in a job

If focusing on the particular structure of an introduction seems a bit hard for you, just make an
effort to practice a simple introduction approach that works for you. If you are confident with
your English skills, you can take a minute or two to practice introductions before you head out to
an important meeting or event.

But if you doubt your English-speaking skills, you could opt for conversation lessons with an
experienced LiveXP English tutor. After all, practice and confidence make all the difference
when it comes to introducing yourself to strangers.

Wrapping up
Knowing how to deliver a great self-intro in English is very helpful, especially when you move
to a new location or neighborhood. You never know when you might need to do a self-
introduction in English.
Therefore, I’d advise that you take some time to go through the tips on this page and practice as
much as you can. And if you need help learning how to introduce yourself in English, LiveXP is
the place to find great English tutors and conversation partners who will help you tackle any
challenges you may have.

Take advantage of 1-on-1 lessons on LiveXP and prepare for your next great introduction. Make
that great first impression every time you introduce yourself to a stranger."


Here are the key takeaways from the article on how to introduce yourself effectively in English:
• Importance of Self-Introduction: Self-introduction involves more than just stating your
name and where you're from. It's about expressing yourself with confidence.
• Basic Elements of Self-Introduction: A good self-introduction includes your name,
occupation, and why you are introducing yourself. These elements help set the context and
• Corporate Environment: In a professional setting, it's crucial to provide more
information than just your name and job title. Highlight your contributions and the value you
bring to the company.
• Relevance: Keep your introduction relevant to the situation. Don't overshare or go off-
topic, especially in a professional context like a job interview.
• Speak Slowly: Speaking slowly ensures that people catch important details about you.
Rushing through your introduction can lead to key information being missed.
• Casual Situations: In casual settings, humor can be effective in introductions, as long as
it's appropriate and relevant. Keep your introductions brief and to the point.
• First Impressions Matter: When introducing yourself, body language plays a significant
role. Maintain good posture, offer a firm handshake, smile, and maintain appropriate eye
• Practice: Practicing your self-introduction is essential for confidence. Tailor your
introduction to the situation, and if you lack confidence in your English skills, consider taking
conversation lessons with a tutor.
Remember that a well-crafted self-introduction can leave a positive impression, whether you're
in a corporate environment, a casual setting, or an interview.

Certainly! Here's a script for you as an English teacher, presented in an engaging and
interesting way:
[Opening Scene: A Brightly Decorated Classroom with Enthusiastic Students]
Teacher (You): Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all feeling fantastic today. My name is
[Your Name], and I am your English teacher. Now, I know what you might be thinking – English
class, ugh! But I promise you, this is going to be a lot more fun than you expect.
[Cut to a Visual of a World Map]
Teacher (You): English isn't just a language; it's a key that opens doors to the entire world. And
guess what? You're holding that key! With English, you can communicate with people from all
over the globe, travel to exciting places, and even score that dream job you've always wanted.
[Show a Slide with "Why Learn English?"]
Teacher (You): So, why should you learn English? Well, let me tell you! English is the language
of business, science, and technology. It's the language of Hollywood movies, your favorite
songs, and the internet. Learning English is like having a superpower in your pocket.
[Cut to a Fun Language Activity]
Teacher (You): But enough of the serious stuff for now. Let's have some fun! Learning a
language is all about communication, so let's start with a game. Who's up for a round of "Two
Truths and a Lie" in English? I'll go first!
[Engage the Students in the Game]
Teacher (You): Okay, here we go. Number one: I've traveled to five different countries. Number
two: I can speak three languages. Number three: I've climbed a mountain. Which one do you
think is a lie? Raise your hand if you think it's number one... number two... or number three...
[Reveal the Lie]
Teacher (You): The lie is... number two! I can actually speak four languages! English, French,
Spanish, and a bit of Chinese. Now, it's your turn. Stand up, introduce yourself, and tell us two
truths and one lie. Let's see if we can guess!
[Cut to Students Having Fun and Participating]
Teacher (You): That's the spirit! Learning English is about taking risks, having fun, and stepping
out of your comfort zone. Together, we're going to explore the wonders of the English language
and discover the incredible world it opens up for us.
[Closing Scene: Students Smiling and Eager to Learn]
Teacher (You): So, are you ready for this amazing journey? I can't wait to get started and learn
more about each one of you. Remember, in this classroom, there are no wrong answers, just
opportunities to grow and shine. Let's make this English class the best part of your day!
[End with a Warm Smile and Enthusiastic Applause]
Teacher (You): Thank you, everyone! Let's dive into our first lesson and make it a memorable

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