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BLACK FROG ROBOTICS Team 6134 Engineering Notebook h~ FIc FIRST° Tech Challenge Black Frog Robotics FTC Team 6134 Novi, MI Engineering Notebook Table of Contents “Team: Getting to know the Blick Frogs (A) Team Summary ‘Member Introductions Team Brochure Pre-Season Preparations (B) Session #1 (7/12/14) Session #2 (8/15/14) Session #3 (8/19/14) Session #4 (8/28/14) ‘Outreach (C) Howell High School Robots in the D MSC Software Autodesk. Website ‘South Lyon rookie FT¢ Team Mock judging with FLL teams 6006 and 2638 Demo at Frog Force Frenzy and Toy Drive Fanuc Robotics Demo at Novi FRC Kickoff ‘The Paw Print Interview University of Michigan Cancer Center ‘TDR Orthodonties Vector Software Engineering Dallas Industries Gleaners Food Bank Novi Meadow Science Fair [Novi Middles School Staff Presentation Consumers Energy/FTC Commercial Shoot Deerfield Elementary Science Fair Frog Force Presentation KCCI TV Interview Consumer Energy Generation Genius Project Page Ae a9 et B38 a4 85 ct c2 oa cr C13 cia cs C22 C25 C29 32 C35 C37 639 cat C45 C47 49 C51 C53 C55 C56 age to Black Frog Robotics FTC Team 6134 Novi, MI Engineering Notebook Table of Contents Page Business Plan (D) ‘Original Business Plan Summary ba Brainstorming and Setting Goals be Letter for Sponsorship D4 Vector Can Drive D6 YTD Actual to Budget through States D7 ‘Thank You to Our Sponsors be Updated Business Plan for Super Regional D9 YTD Actual to Budget b-10 Current Sponsor Thank You bat Engineering Section (E) Engineering Section Table of Contents et (ur Engineering Process £2 age 2062 Section A Team Profiles Black Frog Roboties FTC Team 6134 Novi, MI MEET OUR TEAM “The Black Frags are a team of eleven 7 and 8" grade Novi Middle ‘School srestats, We hove 4 returning team members from last year and 7 roots FTC sce sers. The mojrity of us have perveipated on FLL teams in he previous years, We work great together asa team and have oreas of focus such as Yragramming, chassis, game spec, and strategy. When not b4Sy with Black Frog Preetinge we are also involved in mary other activities such os oe volleyball, ee i etbxll, ond eros country. We have 2 mentors from the Novi High ses PRC team Frog Force and we appreciate their guidance throughout ‘the season. AlexMoore Jam 14 years old and | am in 8" grade at Novi Middle School | was on the FLL team Techno Tadpoles for two years. | play percussion in the middle schuul band and enjoy gaming online with my friends. This year I've leamed to use some of my dad's power tools to make props from popular video games including a retractable dagger from ‘Assassin's Creed. | joined FTC to get ready for the high school FRC team! i Ankith Udupa My name is Ankith Udupa, I'm 12 years old, and currently a seventh grader at Novi Middle school. | play the violin for the school Orchestra and also part of the cross country team. | also play the guitar, piano and tennis. For the past two years | have been part of the FLL team called "Techno Tadpoles”. This is my first year 8 part of the FTC team, Rlack Frogs. | enjoy participating in FIRST challenges because it gives me opportunity to work in a team on real world problems involving science, engineering, and programing. Overall, | am excited and ready to partake in FTC! Anne George 1am 13 years old. I'm in 8” grade and | go to Novi Middle School. | had done FLL for 2 years and this is my 2" year in FTC. Outside of school | play volleyball and soccer. | am in the choir and | love music, Arnav Talukder 1am 13 years old and in 8th grade. | go to Novi Middle School. | play the violin and the piano. Thie is my second year on the Black Frogs. | find it interesting and fun to develop a solution to each year's challenge. Also my favorite animal is a Pig, Arun Kammanadiminti I'm 43 years old, and I'm in 8th grade. | go to Novi Middle School. | play the alto saxophone. | like tinkering with things | find. I’ m Karate black belt and 'm interested in FTC because | want to ‘excel in building from FLL's Legos to FTCs Tetrix parts. As you probably noticed, my last name is very long. Leon Chen Jam 13 years old. | am in the 8th grade at Novi Middle School. | used to play for Vardar South, a champion soccer team, and | enjoy playing the piano and violin. | have not had much robotics experience, however, my passion for computer programming and mechanical engineering has brought me here. F enjoy FTC because | am able to utilize my skills while working with others to achieve success. Nishtha Kakar Jam 12 years old. | am in 7" grade and | go to the Novi Middle School. | was fon the FLL team The Techno Tad Poles for the past 2 years. My favorite sport is volleyball. | enjoying singing and | take part in the school Choir. | love to build and design which is what | enjoy about FTC. | look forward to the great season ahead! Saketh Addanki I'm 12 years old and attend Novi Middle ‘School in the 7th grade. | was on the FLL team Rapid Robots for 2 years. Outside of school and robotics | like to play tennis and watch a wide array of sports. | am very excited about this year because its my first year in FTC and | really enjoyed FLL. Serdar Karahann [am 13 and in &” grade at the Novi Middle School | was introduced to First Robotics by my frend Arav and have loved it ever since. My favorite part of Robotics is the competitions because we get to compete with our robot. Outside of Robotics | play basketball for the Novi Wildcats. This is my 2" year of FTC and I'm excited for the season to start! Sydney Grassmyer Lam an 8th grader at Novi Middle Schoo! and | am 13 years old. | was on the FLL team Techno Tadpoles last year. | enjoy playing sports such as soccer, volleyball and | enjoy to ski. | am glad | am on FTC because | like to fix and work with the robot. Vinay Panyam lam 12 years old, and I'm a7" grader at Novi Middle School. | was on the FLL team the Techno Tadpoles for 3 years. | like to program and build. | like FTC because it really improves your thinking skills. Vinay Panyam am 12 years old, and I'm a7" grader at Novi Middle School. | was on the FLL team the Techno Tadpoles for 3 years. | like to program and build. | like FTC because it really improves your thinking skill, COACHES Hari Addan! This is my first year of coaching an FTC team. | primarily focus on the mechanical aspects of the robot for the team "Black Frogs". I have a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering from Mississippi State University. 1 work for Ford Motor Company engineering battery packs for electric vehicles. | enjoy spending time with my family and volunteering, K Kammanadiminti | am with Ford Motor Company IT, where I have been for the past eight years and 20+ years of IT experience. | have a BS in Electronics, MS in Computer Science and hold an MBA from the University of Chicago. | coach the Black Frogs on programming the robot. This is my second year as a coach on FTC. Besides coaching on robotics, 1 enjoy woodworking, travel and spending time with my family. As CAD: For our CAD, we used the software ‘Autodesk. We took publically available CAD files for some standard parts such as the Samantha and NXT and we also created some of our own such as the bucket and scissor lift. After we finished the robot, we decided to i. We made a 1 minute video with what we could constrain. The animation can be ‘viewed at our pit. We also won an EKOCYCLE 3D printer which we have used to manufacture some of our robot ‘components. by Thank you to Black Frog Robotics all of our FTC Team 6134 sponsors! Novi, MI ip) FOUNDATION

MSC A Software hupifblackfrogrobotics. Our Team ‘The Black Frogs are a team of eleven 7 and 8" grade Novi Middle Schoo! students, We have 4 retuming team ‘members from last year and 7 rookie FTC. team members. The majority of us have participated on FLL teams in the previous ‘years. We work great together as a team ‘and have areas of focus such as. programming, chassis, game spec, and strategy. We have 2 mentors from the igh School FRC team Frog Force ‘and we appreciate their guidance throughout the season. We find the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) program to be helpful to us in the ‘ollowing ways: ‘Strategy Development — how to score points, defend, ete Planning Problem Solving Time Managernent cation of Math, Science and Physics in robot bud and design innovation Developing leadership ‘Communication and Public Speaking ‘+ Respect for other ideas in design + CAD/30 Printing Our Robot “The Black Frog robot is made of mostly standard Tetrix® kit parts and Lego® Mindstorms® kit pats; we also have ‘some custom made parts. We used our itcan drag around the rolling goals. We started our robot design by using NASA’s design process for kids. We began by analyzing the game, brainstorming design ideas, selected a design, prototyped t, evaluated and several ideas and solutions to the task at hand. We have learned throughout our season by discussing the problems that we have faced to improve on our Tobot. Some examples of prototypes. lit design Gracious Professionalism We had several opportunities this season to promote FTC and FIRST, help the community and work with profesional. baseball game and gave a demo our robot fo about 40,000 people + We dela Toys for Tot drive gathering toys for tore than 70 chilsren + We mace cookies and blankets for cancer + We presente to MSC sofware and leamed abou tre prosucts + We presented to Autodesk and dscussed our Use of CAD and they gave us some tps ‘+ Wie vised local dentists anc saw how they used robots We organized can dives with Vector Software Our Team The Black Frogs are a team of eleven 7” and 8" grade Novi Middle Schoo! students, We have 4 team members. The Participated on FLL years. We work great together as a team and have areas of focus such as programming, chassis, game spec, and strategy. We have 2 mentors from the Novi High School FRC team Frog Force ‘and we appreciate their guidance throughout the season. We find the FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) program to be helpful o us in the following ways: ‘+ Stategy Development ~ howto score 1 Respect for other ideas in design + CAD/ 30 Printing Our Robot The Black Frog robot is made of mostly standard Tetrix® kitparts and Lego® Mindstorms® kit pats; we also have NASA's design process for kids. We ‘began by analyzing the game, brainstorming design ideas, selected a design, prototyped f, evaluated and at hand, We have leamed throughout ‘our season by discussing the problems ‘sweeper and use of surgical tubing in lift design, Gracious Professiol We had several opportunit promote FTC and FIRST, ‘community and work with For outreach: 2 We were loved FTC Team 6134: Team Summary ‘We are the Back Frogs, eam 6134, fom Novi Michigan, Seven of our leven teammates ee eight gders ad he ober our re event graders, Weal goto Novi Midale School. We have eight boys and three girs. We are proud members othe FIRST family and won the INSPIRE award at the Michigan State Championship, We all lve the spr of FIRST and apply strategie, problem solving, organizational and team building sil beyond Robots in our pursuit of knowlege inte area of STEM. Fel fe to check ou Cur profiles sting BEMIS in the engineering notebook Atthe star of the season we organized our ideas into several matrices and used NASA's engineering processes {developed for kids to design and test our obot. In autonomous we originally only kicked the kickstand down. [Now as we enter the super regional competition we have dared to do what we originally thought was impossible bby scoring inthe center goal inthe autonomous stage. Inteleop we drag the ninety centimeter rolling goal to the parking zone with our newly designed hooks and we score init several times, Then we score four balls inthe {enter goal daring end game before pushing a ralling pal up the amp. Details abou our design poses can be found inthe engncering netbook on gE St apa) To esgn our obet we used a Pugh Matrix an NASA‘s Design proces. On our cassis we use ask wheel design fora smaller vadus a tum. Weave four omi-wheis for eter ung and wo fel wheel nthe centr for prtecton fom beng pushed aroun, Our robo seared insuch away that neo oud maton fil two fspond and wil not be problem. Wels cn dive without two of our wheels We can push 40 pounds and driv at litle overa mile or hou We were able to prove this on te eld by pushing ouralince parte pth ranp during our esol competition For ovr game spec we bua bucket with holes and 3D Frit bl guide to ick up alls and put them in our mping mechanism which son he sesso it The SEissor lit is powered by lead sre. We aed ods to make it more sable and spins to lp aise. When te each our desired height we can rekeae the ball fom our rity powered dropping mechan wih uiding cup sim del note tube Forte hoa we sed two servos ety ata fo wo ods, More ‘pects acon RESETS HERS EESQSERSOUEESHARGEN nour enginccrng notebook, ‘To program our robot we used robot C. In autonomous we used special variables such as Counts per Inch and Counts per Degree to accurately and easily program the robot in terms of standard measurements. We also used IR measurements to program different movements in autonomous. In teleop our goal was to program the controller to make driving easy for the drivers. We used the 3D CAD software Autodesk Inventor to model our pee iphone r note on ET and E28 veh E30, Outreach i also extremely important to us. We went to demo in front of 40,000 people at Comerica Park fora Detroit Tigers MLB baseball game. We demoed at two school science fait to introduce kids in our community to robotics and FIRST. We shared our robot with several companies to teach them about FIRST and learn about engineering in our community. We helped a FTC team get started and coached two rookie FLL teams on what to expect at competition. We presented at our middle school staff meeting where we encouraged the inclusion of FIRST robotics within the STEM curriculum, We supported our FLL and FRC teams by demoing at our FLL ‘qualifier and FRC kick off events. We were even invited by FIRST in Michigan to represent FTC in an Upcoming Consumer Energy Comme pomoring “Ge Eerey-Gut Stem” iglights om ou season an te found on FESS MTCMEINCSITAIOR 6 the engineering notebook For our business plan, we looked at our past year expenses and ereated this year’s budget. We determined how ‘we could reuse materials from last year to lower our expenses. Our major expenses were primarily o build the robot, To raise funds, we reached out to local businesses such as Dallas Industries and large corporations like Ford motor company. We also organized several fund raisers ineluding California Pizza Kitchen and can drives fxr cin poss Alo ine ad exes rrp nan xe sett an ego the team during our epular mestings and shared wing our Google dive Our wpa business plan team budget scale GBB) and sponsors GERM can be Tound inthe engincering notebook Section B Pre-Season Preparations FTC #6134 Black Frogs sessions | attendees: Whole Téam tocation: Arms House. pate: July (2 | One. oF fe Pest meetings ond ve ol | docu the cobot end other shah. We looked at OTe od weabers expend he | He cabot fom) ass, of our robot ond gre sft ‘DOIB-201+ yese. items, | es PERE RIG be can whee Ye aha | Gl BD eal Robobes Tear, Fy os Jovi [Fest Piles co |) Pe aalk > cabot fe pilch Be. fish | aay 3 q pith at Deboid Tigers || FTC #6134 Black Frogs session# | pate: July 12 Task Reflect Vee talked about | Apna volvatee b wih. Ht fundraising ond leery od gad He deft bo us h Hk abot hh send fo companies dm contechin Nace vps cs ; Ve gue We job fe Ms, Mowe vho treet Vill centesh, Yr Dath 8 ee par Pn i mebd ove Pip: vith athe ETC tam ond if Pouy , reed ow Walp. FTC #6134 Black Frogs Session# dy attendees: Whole Team recaton-rov's House om Agua IS*” Do things thot will leod us | 0b the SI cacOnls ~Daqussing |XWe decided House, would a sea gossmble the reboiaP ter f the robo. atleast me meeting with [the enginesning companies Mekokor hod oxronged L -On collect} XWe Collected over $ 243.90 | Pron Vector * Ee = Coleths L FTC #6134 Black Frogs session J antendees: ENOYONS tection: PACMO'S House pate AGS [9 Te none an Intidluction | | ay programmed AED NE oo same PRN Ws some Sample ¢ | | | | ere + OSE OAT ANG |e | ST x5 ples Or Maciusy and he | | uses OWOIGL- | coe nas Hoe dwelsske | | We AIS POT OT Wp [Recorded by: : Wy | WE coved qddiMOnat —Conceps eee 1 programming, anc yan tere renter De. | WW) Of) Ane ere Five Geo B-+ FTC H614 Black ros sessons anendees: \Vnole Teayn uxcion My House pate: $-T6-( ¥ Pre-SeaO Tnuenter SoP uae ond NSc Tecap Lea We [2acned the basics oF ries Taventor eae - Secdacs | 1 he Wh wr fe helpint about the |se ho eee (pe ee | Anvettor jarred q lok of tie, bas ies Sl | making corstraints. | Software FQoce | We al Saf dwn and falted | Recap Aboyt vn we ofied a featne | ae ab MS. We ake discuss the notes Nishta a0 k- (en oc | Section C Outreach FTC #6134 Black Frogs Session# | Location: Howell, Muhiyen ee We went to wage inter est Attendees: Arn pate: Ju ly Towel Moiga i devo aad eqn whe BIC sb pace ot TE 18 fo people who = Oo We had bo Me ah our cobok , bet Her vork, We suifched freee jakeeng} verldn't vork. ae a bene Mies oot iP Shed, et Howell We demoad our cobOk and wetched Phe i | FRE tens robch. FTC #6134 Black Frogs session axtendees Arno er Arkith Misha, Location: Gomedica Pork Date: 729) It plan for te dbs a Demo our cobot at the fe Tigers game “Paoyicagate/hely ia the Kirst piten De We seh up a £ield in an ateg of c : mo 0" the stadium to demo cur robot. Pobot We “pit people abou ETC and ecg how to join FIRST eoboties, Also we drove Lhe reba! agound and let other peep who Wanted to Jrive ger a tuna ss jo deiviag. te Our high school ERC tean $0q Force had Hele iq the (4,P000! Fiat would be Hrowiag ant the inst gitew at Ane gamte- Pacn Hearn Goss eiteh | edt went kiel of to the tield wepresent the kam. Before +he prich vide abot CL RST was played anc en the bot theew the pitch. {Recorded by Lo he nay Talukder 7 Robots In The D eee ROARII FTC #6134 Black Frogs Session # 3 Attendees: ALex. Anne, Sydndy .Wishine, AUN, att Location: (SC SoFL Ware Date: Tuesday, AUST 25,2014 Erinn lank te MSC matinmre Task Pens Saowed Radot — we snowed O% robo and sharea what je can do. We am answered Phew questions about how we designed our abot IQjrowad Fak [ude stored wrod “FIST B about fond the diferent pr|FAMNS , WS eploinad how it Peps us 19 STEM elaied actwities { Recordea by: — Sydney and Nistitha. MSC Software’ Simulating Reality, Delivering Certainty” 6-5 FTC #6134 Black Frogs session # 3 Datertwsday , Aygust26,2¢ Task on “The MSU TEM ShowWeD US A _pouer| Kamat. abe [e.My 36th Msc Bie shoved us how simulalien heips ey land mproie one ennai cmpans products before the produc built. Ths process els 10 Save companys time and money [Mec Aeoord — | The WSC TEAM ShoKEd “Hoa Ley loom Julie cua cavid nel Us One way hey said was, ty could help creme Components that WOU 1S likely Break “YS! reac gottwore. One of the ftam members ofa, fo help mente us and help Kat Our robo} by using thelr simian soFtware Recorded by | Seaney and Nistea FIC #6134 Black Frogs wf session 4 attendees: Keun Saketh Ac pod) Hd Location: Date: Sep i> Laaca Mor about | fy om Hing Sor} \ubadesk loyex3 Showed Ug a \ Specin! Nouluke page — | © Sydoric’. easier é\ AUTODESK c-§ session # 5 oe = The vsag we desigresd He provide an everal| owe website FTC #6134 Black Frogs Date: Q/2if een nee ¥ ae awe beak eye 5 ct te Hund deam spit — (We learrad the deag drop bechique OF teWedblyy website <3 fasile designs were evaluded ins dpelied in tine Crd we sem chow A deh gN With a hacizenial mem bue at tho, top, am qau pre Conus Nacaes’ (“Hon 'Seensr! “Enact eke —Nowevery one i> able to work en nat Sooets areas afer We Orgaaiow * trent BLACK FROG ROBOTICS FTC #6134 Black Frogs session? G attendees: Vinay Location: View ’s house pate: [1/4 /), Work on the websibe Nocament Freid (Med up what we dil on the | tos |Woset te mse Viney layer C40 FTC #6134 Black Frogs session] antendees: Alo. Location: Alex's fuse pate: || polit BLACK FROG “ ROBOTICS FTC #6134 Black Frogs sessions B arenes: Hot, Arey Setey, Wiey Location: Lyon HighSceol Date: l0-6-4 Erna VA on gin bh fo South Lyon FIC Tem anh se Re whet fhey reeled help wits We went fo Ve inkradued oecselves ad gow whet “eae dob fale Tey We been mad hed mam pecedly beied. fagetter’ oc gew whet Hey | Vy 9 eA Heim packs — Frdey ald vale @ Thy vere so ss ot ghaft,s0 ve cae law fey He doin Ue act hoping be help then more _veek [rear A enna First Lego League Team 6006 Electro Force C-h FTC #6134 Black Frogs session oe ee Share or — Jwe went to an FLL team 40 mentor experiences with }them and te\l yhey what ¥° expect: FLL tem lack anv FLL compesirion, We indrodoce kureelves and Shared cur experiences ith them. They were really good listeners. we gave Hem [De tum ap = la. ja chaliona udend challenge Hum Jamd om show Nay did we discussed | Wa saniad all Bu : isan do Yhe cone values} sth theme no qth Ahem. — gmake cvetdine at “a Je gakudk \o ps oO tam gorh quartion cake dy we Wa gone thin oF smiori. ing Sannin wey awed. Se C45 First Lego League Team 2638 Team Wired c-lb FTC #6134 Black Frogs session # /D attendees: SyAMEY, VINO) Saket. Location: Feain Wired Meeting Date: yyovember 3, 20% a Ww welp the FLL tan wired fo prepare for the comprnvion We ted team wed IN 2 & Leod th i. “| eas chatienges and we We Rom, goue — Hho suggtins ON what nat tehey could ah 30 HW e co Stages s3020e8 BL “CoN iitied, ; We Warcned them run Some We worched IMISSIONE, AEter we watched | ¢ we < -Hhemy SOmMe POIntErs Sore of thei” | “om Show to! be more efcicent, Foboy MEMS — | on saving, FRE Mores and Using less attettchiments | [Recorded by: _Sepnen, Crrassmpe Ee FTC #6134 Black Frogs x1 anendees: 6 fill Block Frogy Date: \\-23-14 Session #— (dale Stheo! = Wa stamoed i dak Boy foes [By Tov ao oe lam. Gna 50] orn Ie i aah ne lad RF a FLL pe we aad, wisi - Our team err 0 [cates bs | oa “Tous Aor Tot dive. for “Toys for | Aloe ONL OF HE LEON | Tots" avive. ae one OF MOCE Sous | Tr toro we Colectedt | LOR Leas for Ane Arve pow _[lelectol aha $70 4 donations. Recorded by Pring Crevige, Mh Mao, Make, Mood C20 JOPBUTPIOOD wary [eUOISsy ag PSY ny, ¥10Z ‘Sz Jaquisseq CWE e& > sarasay sdiog surrey] soqeig pow \ i jo oddng Surpurysing 10.4 PSLQ Weal, Sorq Youlg 03 opmayneaS ur parussozg uoywiaiddy fo aaifiz4a) FTCH6134 Black Frogs session 36 Attendees: An\/ (11) (SI Location: -EpQJUK ROBUT TCSP [R/Ilo/ 3° (rn Wi Vina * Tolle alooot visting FANUC “We CSCUSSE, QOOOT V y * TCUILOMOUT earned and focnct ingesting vist Ng O& OUT VISE 40 FANUC nbottCf | FANUC Paring cur vst, FANUC 401d . 05 abour WHat tney Cli MuClUing Cets.wue leamnedt Wo ther outs Help. “Me manvfsturng OF lout Gore oF +e world! PREYS. AP rer wey tol US Wor they dich Wwe told | Mem avout FIRST and C1 We Shovecl WneM a ee - Ir Ung Hergaes | quate eatron Werte Goo ___ inna enn of Os did FANUC gave} Recorded by: ee Piovjauder c-22 FTC #6134 Black Frogs session# 35. ! cae NOY US Q 4our oF neiC mmc tale Glue they taugive US alecut Me | ViSUINY — Seven OxIg ge Mate WNT FANUK. — Wee X-ouis, Y-axrsZ-Ge's YO) Pron and ID!l> aNd a axis OF lateral motton. Mey also! Snowed US 0 Wook Hor coud NEE GO. Car crisis ANd a rect shot Sortedl SOF SYmall pt Sized objects by Color Ney dod US about hau they Nad +nre Man typey oF robots ONES Fhat pArre ones that MONLFACKUP Decks, and anes Mat Handt€ Fooyl- We ended the visit with she | FANUC employees AtNforuirg | US + atrive Ane te selec | wwooks- “Frow Tauicler_ FTC #6134 Black Frogs FRO eiccort Session # Attendees: Syclney , Anne, Saketh, Ai nant Ade Arun, Wiha, Secaak Tee, Wie Location: Date: Jomo, 3,205 EE Shores ave roloat ot | FRO Kcxose, | NE VES Lag Sen Now ofpersymty te Sew OUT Nowy Raboties grievor, ROOHES wiccers 40 hele cor | Sundrassing, eRFOTES “Yolxt Wren | FLL Woms om Wows, Oke | Shore FIC eos, FRC StvdewkS and Shoo} ovvex inarered parent $ We J exprioined wing We Choose the They | seGOr WEA ‘ond demoed ovr | TOC dnd prion FO SHO WHE | Hmpioverntmas we hobe mode, | Record by = Sypney od ' Aane = 6-25 session’ PRC Kickot& WOACh, FRC ieee Videos LISI ko. FARST alumni save the\c | expertnces FTC 46134 Black Frogs We were ingpited by the Fj WACKOLE Vdeos , They weBived the “evture, Workhord ond 40 YON FRC ‘oe We ences +O FLSST Mum their Suture, One AWM Hack grare thelr experiences ond hy i> Figsy was helped than with | ally inspired US to continue. with ex ond Move On too FRC Me Wien ok Ws yore He sracer Dater“Jan, 3, 205 d-ab FTC 46134 Black Frogs sessiont# ERC Kickote pate: 1/4/15 | Lumber on | the cleo’ gree ™ Pade te none Ae abonghe wh Khe Que We Creetked Auecdom Qumnbe . Ws sued Redan, Juved, Od Ahawed. a ofp auch ne Sanliswod suck our dhe a the Qurleet wv ek Sake MP Bee: ree uel Noe RuAMIAG, ROO’ [We were Guiding «deme Charia, Ae dhok we tusulelnict Geom smoker, em Gur. homce for Alu g Ie we reckiry, ter ens Hos aghnes Jeu pork SAPO WL GAL pact (peor ereeuas col chem wan use dic ok Yrog Force amd omode ce cuore nownp alps. c-37 FRC 2015 Kick Off FT #6134 Black Frogs session # #3 Attendees; LaNOLE FEN) Location: PLYLO\'S NOL Date: 1/1/15 SUNCO - Get urtervieweal oy O& Newspaper the Payprint. -uwse were Wntefviewed by &the “Raw Prine * reportey> Dhiya Sense Mavgan. She OVEd “ys Many Questons above our team, ETC, andl F.T.RS-T Spe WOOS Very inteesceolin Cur tenn, (WITOKE OF | Ona cig. see nee Page) He puclisneal tre aracke , and LE nas sent oa to MOR tan | COO Families fern cursanecs. T+ was also piten +e | Dewiceweostte Fortine | ENGE GIstIce to see!! L os em Awe Crecvge 77 - 00 the witertn| C-A4 Volume ese 5 ‘The Paw Print Februay 5, 2015 Clubs & Activities ssunt he Table of Content) Outstanding orchestra performs at MMC Bye desioa Pad ‘On Tanuary 22 and 23, te eightt grade orchestra stents Went othe Michigan Music Conference (MMC) in Cand Rapid. tthe conference, h stents performed several songs, which ean example fr other schoos to Follow Las year, the orchestareceivedall ones on thet MSBOA festival performance, qualifying forthe conference. “Thon, th pe oftheir performance was seat in othe people who selected the performers for MMC. ia Ras the NMS orchesr teacher, was ned last June tha the ochesra was accepted to play athe confrence. Since then, the chest hasbeen hard at work lering their new songs and performing them in various "The ioe orchestra was exciteto go to this conference. twas a once ina lifetime expeiene sine ou eighth grade ersra wes the only middle schoo] orhesta nthe tat o be accepted into such a prestigious conference. However, he conference was nt al just hard work fr the students. vas a chance fr the student to have fon with ends and lear new echnigaes on their instruments, ‘One orchestra student commented I was rly a once in ifeime experience an ad oto fin!” enjoyed the experience and got to mis schoo, although twas stesfl figuring out when T woud eatch Up onal ofthe work ad tests hat mise," another stadt sad This experience has definitly shown tha the Novi Middle School orchestra is a ole model orchestra for ote ‘nial shoo orchestra crocs the stat look up especialy considering that many members ofthe orchest, have only been playing for tre or fur years 21" Century robotics ‘By Dhivyashree Senthil Murugan “The idea of technology has rel found its tre potent in the 21 century, and its sill evolving, People are ‘working on developing that int ality o this day, Robotics is even a stp further, really big steps but i regis vat thinking. FIRST is very enowned inthis impressive development. FIRST stands for Fr Inspiration and Revogniion ‘of Science and Technology. It isan interational organization that combines mide school and high school fodens in the world of robotics they come together to compete in obote competitions was founded in 1989 and bogsn in 1992. 1/4 of amillion youngsters wee involved ever since. The high schoo students compete against other cams from othe location, just ike the middle schoo team. Their mission i to inspire Soume people into becoming. future leaders of science and technology. The organization has levels of robots 2Ghnetons according tote ae ofthe competitors. The awards go by the type of competition that staking pisos (regional, distr competion, championships, ee.) The FTC is curently the mnidle school level of Empettion It stands for FIRST Tech Challenge The level has teams from diferent locations The Novi ‘Middle School tam-the Black Frogs-vere inerviewed to tak more about this hands-on activity that most of you are probably not aware of “The Black Frows built their fist bot and it was 18 inches all They were recognized out of 60-100 other teams because they won the Ist lace “Inspirational award." Tey also won Ist place in the Regionals ‘Tounament out of 100 other tems. The members sid tha they got their name to go with the fog theme of the Nov high sehool robotics team: Frog Force. C-~30 Volume 15 Issue S “The Paw Prat Feta 5.2015 ‘hte ws kel conpar he STEM il nee compte STEM oe nn byte sit, Soca iy ie iu STEN sls el rte compeios woe mach moe aaa etre eke rag balay eel” rs then ste rl cers th competion, we ve cone tp wilt or ing hepa ow en Poe es ect compton whey sb he pte ye nse tanec un comping tthe” Te om Sie van aes ected pong competion Se er cen fl psn coogi le! i ah Fe en ae ihrer lk ral se caso oe Trretas pt wi ets at ny rpm woo Tita detonate in a rs compton eps ofthe ozone ean mente se yeaa hee” "utes hy" eed aro cohen.” Aaa a te! hvca tos vr ve bey i its te etd kee bo} ask fing bec Ses ly oom shower ay wa Rabo anon and spits neko yoo nts You gto Spr ihn hg at mf our Ls hepa wal ih emp sone iy Kannan ian sss sire ana tHe a ed sb Seta au ber poe niger Stn ping spose Won be ack seisthtba dtc ute eon hap tem see ctl at etna eh Biv uo bemoans tae aa nan aust ad Setanta ingore ma Aft bi sy tt ae te a Ba ng ts at span waa hue halege. A ve Se ee era asa mer domes eb pie en Fee tad imcaung pen tinal tran mor lp arc td "aing tere yea amin eying ee an at theo waned pans pte an en Bea ena ony sso rcagrurso et Saad nen osc ian eth we Pe a aras'diketom mrelisimgrelinFTC 0 het se marisa ne ene hed ikea mdi sanlrgtee merasool oi FTC cee ey Reais HC srspine sa taloany map see ay ee geno pone shih ol patiipy thn yoo psy cee meer aah Wed es encting ie atlagpen me he!” a se anand nig By how ye mere opened Pon cee ee ee iy coy ene set singe sd hepa at Nate 0 Select C3 FTC #6134 Black Frogs as vae: 13/15 | Hee | We’ mate Fleece be (a for Cancer | o fo the Cowes tf bens oe ichiqan Cance ve oe a pe eee ea | bobat. Mahe | We made seecar babchas Gpories — | ve coches for concer Canes | Fabieals ; | fabients — | INU : = CH C-3: University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Patient & Family Support Services Nee aHernlere a ote ¢ Bleck Brey” , A kno Ake The, Aeeent yi De Ful, leek CA session “Ho | Ortaodontts+ vist _| _ Plan fer | Ane Doss = Vise ane | company. OvrnndenltSt FTC #6134 Black Frogs pate: 1/19 15 yiste one one oF Ox wQges Sponstrs Ter Pumas cos Reyes dun OWIOWS GaMVany-Shows nem Gur YORDK: GENE eink ONS VISEA Wer AES to tEAM Dumgss, and ane OF DOT ant oe ral we wasted! . ESE nen because ey Ni oan | very OG SCO “oF ae xeON We Qrorved *hem aoe Os explained. o°MeM Box «ne | Game and OF MPAA, | Tney wee Vy WPCA) Y ust per chor and Apo LOC we NAVe aioe THe, gyoweck OS tex AS ae use 6 OES sek aM. Tey CCS and B- PUM OSE WICC aye des Tees at Coolanar We o jo gee S re _We_ WwW We | re word’ Ck FTC 6134 Black Frogs sessions +7 Attendees: Ray, Wile boxes, Location: Ve-tor Date:|-23 -/5 penser NMesit pectoral shen our pr | We visited Vee ler, & Company FAO ncchy be dit end embidele eleclomts, We belheg © them ab — | (x clalage ea FLRST ss, and whit | Share cur progeess a eae this peas js, We bh ’ a ee | | teow eee aie ae | [Recorded bye Vega Pagan i =| C-38 tor’ vec FIC H6138 Black Foss, session t 5 anendees: Whole ean vocation: Dollag Industries ate: Fetq_ 1 Go 70 Dallos Industries fo share | |e word of Wh FIRST ond See o Tour of | | their foci | ———— Weve | “We talked to Mr.Chocke abou | Talk obest|our — robot, season, and all owe | [oar Season competitions. He hod pvier knowleds§ | lon FLRST buf wos very impressed Loo | | Touring the | -We got tour Fhe amazin | Facility |Facility oF Dallas Industries | |we got to See their equipment land what tHep mace ¢machine | | that de %, flatten medal anal | | coils wil?s.) | "Goteh Aiden, Ane _beoge. © Sydney Gross myer, C3 FTC #6134 Black Frogs nO a session ntendees: SwyONE, PAE, ALEX, BOLD x Sc, Leon, Nines, Anti Locatl yo eg Sor | GE OVENS Oe COPAMUON S Tne Hers a, 0 1 ees S Foods ehers are Kee ones ee Coos, COMPaN' ye Loe fort, Faron an TERE SOME KE SAREOH LEO AbovVE | qeones | pes 30 a. Wn ONES. We [Distrib | hoo ko Sore oe SOAR ea | Furs Vegi’ 2 rd wa | Foon, | Yoo be xory 22 fe ogee Ww aye. ead Ole, ang) 30% | NO DOES | Coe er FAYE bins see ‘mts. oa. | OF Sos Br eotem eaten Wis A406 | | Vi A\4 pads. Th Thats 154 meats. | C4 Kids Helping Kids Solving Hunger Together a Lcrosens | Fesimoved mma ‘The KHK program offers a our heGeanes facy, parcipaton nan eturatona session on hunger arenas nd ston arc ahands-on acing experince pack feo forthe hungry pees AK eft suport wo vtal Gers programs that reach hungry cen with ius fos SSmartBites Program ‘The Smarties program proves sho wih hea snacks ode to hung staeris dung the school day and ‘enichent peg Hs BackPack Prosram Gleaner garners wth eal shoals to dtte BackP acs fl wth ratious food fr veekend to chien whorly on chook roved meals dg the ‘wee. The BuckPack program provide bast sb meas 0 ren whomay hers go witout Groups ae generally 10.25 peopl ns, wih one ‘A pot sts sohool ago parpants (anes 6— atl chaperone fo evry 10 isyoung aul Ke ‘Tn making che clay bom take home and oe fo 2nd grade groups ned one atu for vey ve he ood bake wsed at an Empty ‘Suter Fails ae alo elo ove, op eed hungry neighbors. Tis ‘ok volumes ae 17 years ofa. ‘Schedule Your Group Today! in abiaroeis requests. ply Eos casins ae hed onthe 2nd ad th Satay ofeach marth fom 9001130 am. ‘100-320 pm. Crops ae insta, wince suit cnaperene fr every Tu.W,F: 9001130 am, ad 1220-290 pm. $2: 900-1130 am. and 100-815 pm. your ats, a [Ematyous Contact Jenna Yunase Regge Wiens 923-9895 ext. 408 Iuhasedgcon, “Tuee Sat ut: am, and 1230230 pn 9) 33895 ot 281 n KHK Regge Wiliams (219) 925-3596 ot. 231 rans ae org ‘Thure Only: 930-190 am. and 1290-290 pm ,Weapl.yo $0 Speap 24s Aq paonpau aq uo ua6unH, Spry 6urdja} spi, jSJeaw GES ‘T 0} JUajeAinba BY} JO S8XOq G|ZZ - LB PaplalA poo} jo sued payeuop BUIVOS yJOM psey JNOA IIA! AON s8014 yoe}g Wea! D14 a-44 We eet ap ovtsre é Ye Sens FTC 16134 Black Frogs Os aracatenlamte Session # a Attendees: Viney, Anesth, Anac, Sahelt, Staley tag toration: Ao) |< @aderas pate: 2-26 -/5 pment Nov Meclows Sdence Fair Precorkedion : (fe Regent ab Nok Mead nsf Paice oe ang drove ae Eat, (| ound ouc Tabet. We beset ae ohn gen! and & coxple OF | Ihallg, at score) in front of |_| Phe cross. ite ee, Hor Ni rhauk FIRST cant tis Wars F | halen We xen a Ye \Fcest “aps, wbantel boc ile ene Hnem the cockste wsece glancing ot a re fale Udupa-, Vinay Panga C-46 session #5 3 Location: | Plan for the day fay | expan | FIRS) | yeachexs a NE We aqme xy the PLT | FTC #6134 Black Frogs atendees fll, RM iiddelle SOON Pate: 5 eyslamn to the Mo \ 1 Stose abcut | cur SEGSOKL | UNC robotics boskSto the \ ; co ove | They ‘We ey im ese and | won this enthiisiosM ‘ollowe | | cena tion | tho! the whole presen’ Bes e@ our [Tins | up a Wer acho | lour Season | our Quteach,ow design,and ovr | to cur | Programming. | | feochers | | "leh Hat |__ : Sy dey Gaesiyer i F1¢W6134 Black Frogs session #51 attendees: (Ue ECCI Location: Se Wngithy HIGNschool pate: MavCh Ze», QOID Fo woe so | | J we were inived by COrSNIners ENEOY, J ond Past is Men ook Ot help We | COMENINES EXRQY, ON PIOMOIWO) mY [avd STEM = wane to. Ene commuler Id | tod, | Shoot fio dy qur twsk seare, WE | On Its ge On praenc we WAR OU jere Sot. ALY HpOUht we wer | | scene aay att Sorcese sand, ONE | | [reat pressed with our OCHA, i Oe Oy WE youn A Ul 2 icadende ERE Bact og ae ae “h [More Scone [ako SMe se 3 ay | Ne 2 fos ‘ON tne v ove YRANOL cor ANON | mK; ge be a le Bev Be Oe rorEKeD AO [Resist “Syne a cOssmygr & ANE fgh FTC 6134 Black Frogs session (| Attendees: Alek Arts Vinay, ANR i446 Location: DeerFelk elemnsey Senaal Date: March 19 mma our Fobok ab the Deer Pat Sefone Poe ie Dema shred poorly when a bac fo he SISb0 ME; Vorse eth oe NEL comme Tors etl Shappth the te of the NEF Gohl we coule tet lakeo Aber fut enissap vt were ciple to demo eur Fabale smavemen onl ball pickup’, We even ler u Nem Wet He ILS LEHR, Mosh af Hie | Wha sous were carious fo dein Firs, Demag Robot FTC #6134 Black Frogs sessions OA attendees: Evegere tocation: Now Hyt School pate: 379/16 Pa chet FRC Presert te our by beam, Kay Fate, |i ast Fer a sen Task Reflections eye senen [We fulhd Chniyh ons judg ity ard | Some adjust jest mis to cal Presey =x ee falkyay about ten wal thy |" tere : we heal Tee tgressed wth ous heh |e. aad how well wep re Seated tle team be made when [Recoraedoy Yorag- Pamper Session # FTC #6134 Black Frogs astentees Vay An bith, Neth Location: Towe Eviatsleates Date: 3/P8/15 Einar | @ Task |faon KE [Recorded Mina Fray ronotle Fp pGL Fre, aad the Worth Super Regional | Chempaenghap For a Lecat Towe Neus Cheanel, KCCE Talk bo inberniewer |V. Reflections balk to He inter wewres about | whet ELAS ant STEM meant bo 8, what bt thought He mest uniqgve (exe oe Ce hae Miss reseed aly dle | es on our FIRST expul (Ace FTC #6134 Black Frogs session # attendees: Full Téosn Locationf RC. Micki Stocte Chowidbate? Apri) 9 =i) EOE To help Consumes Energy promote FIC in Mickigan Vain | We were invited tp help Peomating, |Consumers Energy promote FIC He and stom in a TV conmercia thed Se . will prenive, in Aer Mictigqon ly Shawcosea Cage. A owr od and Fought oll Ay the | lother ootors obout FIRST? | li They Were very impressed and we | |hope Ip hove inspired then @ an a the jewers ro] join a FLL FTC or FRC % team @-Sl Session # | Generation | Genus jcompoisn FTC #6134 Black Frogs pate: April -Il Ar the FRC Michigan Chomplonship Consumers Energy Sponsored a. FRC | field. They were # promoting FTC at | the event ond Black Froy members | (nd cur robot were Fectured a on ‘oll theic pronatonal materials __ | wen | On the Consumers Energy website there ore ‘wo orticles prometing | First ond FIC, The article bout Qicls in STEM jobs Shows Sydney | working on the root. The other) larticle About 6 reosons- hy yoo, Sreuls goin FT also shows our] |Fobot. | S 1 Addon os ‘Why STEM? ‘STEM Talk STEM jobs are in demand: Girls need apply boy consamers Energy | Mar 15,2015 | Gis &STEM | Ocomements ‘What do the most powerful women In business have in common? The top ve worn sted in artune Magarin Most Powerful Women n Busines ove studied at least one STEM die, lon Rome, chairman, president and foot majored computer scence and elect engneesing, GM CEO Mary tava cored a bchela’s degre mela engineering Wd nda Noo, thutrnon and cE0 of Pepsico sted pss, chemistry and maeratics- ould STEM sts prove the uitinate to! to shattering he proverbial lacs celina? perhaps but because wome ar os} underrepresented in STEM lsat expect much hater acy sk Fancre se de tot oa obs the 5, buts than a quarter of those jos have been scence, technolo, enginwerng or math Women epeesent 57 percent of oege undergrads, but few pursue STEM dacpnes And ote who do graduate wt veteran rea ktythan ter ale counterpart mately workin a STEM occupation its not ikely because oe pay eral STEM ocupations high ayn. When lst reported in 209, the average anal wage fora STEM Jobs was S778, Women in STEM pbs arn 33 pent more than hese n non: STEMJobs Job opportunity fn ha a factor dscouraying women rom pursuing STEM careers TEM ocupations have ome othe best opportunites fr ob promt toy adn te ature Corey, they make we Sei ecrpee oto ever Oyabsin te Us, and are groin at 1.7 des thera of pon STEM obs By 2022 US, crptpers ar planingto have aed 9.2 milion Jobs that require some level of STEM si se, vats reverting ts Yom taking advantage of hghpayhgh-erand STEM jobs here ar plenty of hors. Lack of eral role modes Gender stereotyping The nev factor Soda presse 0-58 ‘here ate some promising igs that mes are changing. wry tb share tems underatads hs 70 rom 2 percent in 200345 percent in 2012, and newts re raver sta recopure ta alent and enthusiasm rump gender inked terete mig Be 3 many reteaeas oats se heb markt pet tougher ana STEM ebs become more nema) “ne Mega Sots atl brande nef cnsrcton toy ole an Lego Free for stance, amt demonstrate tong bes ar be pa loed witha compromising onal or reat, Ad Roomate chtenges is aaa ee butt nore, cmp wr deta ke lect a fare Fr mote STEM toy des, consider oshable's Ton 7STEM Ios ‘here's a badge for that. ‘Yeung fale ie aers repping nas eodes to sat it scence an ben engage Bt ing rane ereedcr wearing ve added 3 eo game coca mer badge for young developers and a Geek Squed aaa pcan ta orer rusts for enology Consumers Energy receipt sur Gt cous badge to wok sparking iterest in obs. aneaing win Micran RST Rober Consumers Energy nit Scout events here is eared ht aoa igre tgs ty buldng robots. One event even coincided wh a tatende competion ghee ScOus 4 fron seat the ni seal robots experience inorder to meetineprowingrvarket demands for STEM Jos gsi have step up and take a swing And js ke toys hey need hep from ayeureae geting here tone Mogarine 2014 Mow Powerful Women In Business 1. Gin Romney chan present and CEO 16M 2. Mary Barra, CEO, Genes Motors 3. ndta Noy, chatman CE, PepsCO {ay Hewson camsn president and CEO, Loctheed Martin 5. len Klan caiman and #0, DePont Getinvoved FEN Recent Posts Sicreasons your student Should heros team CBF “Hos Six reasons your student should join the robotics team ty consumers ergy | Mar 6, 2015 | is STEM | Ocommens People are ting sbout the nee fr STEM alent The presen. Governor Corporate excites, Business onmars Unersty presidents. Butreports dings fd procamations wil do le ol parents stat taking about Parents hove the bigest nfvene on th an of course rom a yOUNE SE they corral the ys ply dates nc etracuricular acts. They oo wth the ‘very best intentions Tis often means ccetunethe poste, lite the negative sola wo touts in scene, tecogy, engineering and math are natural encoragedto onthe robotics eam, An the arnt ters and athe ber arts nce are nt, gms, says Gal Apert president of Michigan FAST Robots. -reawot orshes when he members have divers talents. A foobsl team wor go far with a roster fllof Teareroct And tout decent center, po guns woul ge done to the net Robots erent, Alpert ad syne peopl ink raat, they Immediately think et-rain lsat engineering tec’ Apert sau STEM aan ety pat ofthe eauaton Success tam ure creativity and persuasion to develop wining ies and promote eae etm the teamand ulmatly sponsors and judges 1 takes al lings of talent 1 mane work wel snegan Pt Robouesen:ouragsal students to considering Foto veteran STEM acer rot The tearm experince weve tem weno mater ther timate career pursits Here are seasons wy wy penal finders, abo 2 mul dscpine program. can be ncarporate nto every subject reo math, neha snc NS: 2, wor eb a team. Robots factatstearort, itl hnking and problem sng, Teams work together roughout isso, Flom concepts prmation, tain to competion Mi the roa, Tears hare the opportunity to cmnpetelocly regional andnaonaly Those hat excel might even be 6-60 inet compete internation “4 etd wansforable sil The shits lored ath program canbe ready appled and ansferabeto workin any dust. rhino vrhotrhips FIRST Rabotks students Mare han S20 lon in calge scholarships are avaible Take.aook, «Howe fn, Robotis student mee during schoo or afer schol, puzng together over sion and balding Melon memories Theres ately adil moment Enter your ZIP Code tosee if your schoo! has a team. Lee) Recent Posts ‘hould jo the roboris 20m Gis eed apy Archives categories Nea RS EI {©2015 Consumers Energy fying C-Gl Section D Business Plan BLACK FROG ROBOTICS- Team 6134 BUSINESS PLAN ‘As a team, we discussed and reviewed what kind of expenses we would incur Guring the FTC ceason. We brainstormed fundraisina ideas and figured out different ways and the amounts of how much we would need to cover our ‘expanses. We came up with the following figures. BUDGET Bu joceT Fund Raising ‘Team registration 27500 cans 500.00 Robot ¢ 99.00 ork 100.00 Robot supplies 24,000.00 Sponsors 1,000.00 Field kit supplies 500.00 Sticker Sale 100.00 Mise supplies 300.00 Total T7000 Mise Tools 300.00 retures 20.00 Family Dues: $1,100 Tshis 225.00 Regional 150.00 Total Income 2,800.00 Total Expense 2,469.00 ‘Our fundraising sources are: ‘+ Sponsor donations oF Vector Engineering is a company in Novi, Ml. They help us by ‘contributing their pop bottles/cans. They call us about once a month to pick them up. © Orthodontist Tyler Dumas and Reyes provide state of the art ‘orthocontic treatment, which includes use of robotic technology. MSC Software makes products that enable engineers to validate ‘and optimize their design using virtual prototypes. They were impressed by our demonstration and are keenly interested in our project. co. Dentist Dr. Zelin is a dentist specializing in child dentistry and deeply interested and facinated by robotics. + Activity Fundraiser ~ ‘0 Novi Robotics Window Stickers — We created Novi Robotic stickers fo promote robotics and raise funds for our team. It cost us ‘$1 tomake the stickers, and our plan is to sell them for $5, FTC #6134 Black Frogs session # | attendees: Fu/{ Jeon, tocation: Arma S house pate 4/7/14 | Furararsing ideas. | | ANd Maye ow goal. | | ee | pecide hyo | We decides fo prawnstor my ANE. Pig AIAEA FFEXTS | enoch heed wae we upaine mest OM | | we wil spend | ear oder: tne a ones Ww | ne RONG ir OF ea iskfaton, | Anis 520500, [MES rue, ER SP ertatn , |__| deuce: “nor Se ad Boot . Tage. anaugne OF NONeOIS ideo) | Bratrstorm |e come ands foc ordeam. | | Fundvaisy |Yog sage of can eaten ia KSVOS , sel lovi | Ede Routes See oe aes | | | Roougne oF dang a Caifonia | | | Prrza Wednen al hecoried reel a — “Thane Creorge,flenav To\uuder ;Sa\ebn Felton, Gad Nishta Koka. D-2 session # | From\ector spasessnip AOE IGE Ul 10 FTC #6134 Black Frogs one: 9/7 Giek Hy whi on Ios UP © eal Wer Verse, Pay COMPANY . “ney wear OK sheit emplayees *O Keep aneir Cars AOgNe XO U8 Lune, Loe SUI COR ON fOr MONEY, THis SPANSCSINP Aranserreal : Oyer From (aI YON mes | Pree ADINE WOOK Many | Or 15] [CidS ON COC “TEAM none Kaces| vet The Ctrodasy ures CAD cS AO MAKE ook : ciple OLS. TUS 13% YF exon of THe SUSE oF FIC. Que aaved 0M ASS gONBOr_ CS) ard HE OQEA- ‘ecorded bye Arn We OF HIANNLVAG to do a CAUPEVRA Rizaq er one NCQYr Ve oe A CERtarn BIMaGAT Go], ae WKOt oneal pPICe- qnenka Vayar- “He cae, rr wacko Hb D-3 FT H6134 Black Frogs session’ A attendees: Mlb 1/514, OW ishthe Location: Wish the Huse pate: 1/iP/1y Cee Review drat (etter to sponse, 5 We asked, them iF they were intersted) Wrote leHer te in becomng our sponsers. We gave MSC nagiran. a brieP yprrodwrlOw obouk ourself avd Whar FIC 1S A\| aboud . We shor First and oid them dbouk Spensersfap |For our ‘am. faHtained a eos “providedl Sere jes with $aso easter we sent ther Sponsorship la. letter. The letter requested they ip Por any amour) |r a sponsersh ould ike +e oP money they W provide us with. splay the\r logo mt Sev and in retara we wuld era Ferem places. (Recorded Wetha Kekar ‘Dear Mr, John Janevie and Mr. Tom Downey, “Thank you for allowing uso visit MSC Nastran office and taking the time to understand our roboties program, We also eceived and truly enjoyed the Mars Video lik and CAD simulation link from Mr. John. “The Black Frogs is a middle school roboties team that participates in FTC (First ‘Tech Challenge) “The goal of FTC is to enecurage middle school chien to take part in and be exposed to Science, ‘Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) related tivities. Teams work together to build a robot to perform the specified tasks while spreading the word about robotic, learning about teamwork, taking pat in various competitions, and displaying gracious professionalism. Last week we received ou: challenge (se attached link- bjsfan). OOF season has started and weare working on multiple tasks, We have also started to reach out for sponsorships I'yow are interested in becoming our sponsors, we have three levels of sponsorship based on individual budget, We kindly request you to consider helping us with your generous donation Level 1- $100, eludes company logo on our website and brochure. Level 2- $250, Includes all the above and logo on our Robot and T-shirt Level 3- $500 oF more Insludes all the above and company logo on the banner in our pit during the competition. ‘All donations so to Novi Educational Foundation and are tx exempt pet IRS ules. 1 you are interested in becoming our sponsor, please contact Janelle Moore at jmoore| wml. “Thank you. Respectfully, ‘The Black Frogs Roboties Tear pul lakfrogrobati wl. com Ds FTC #6134 Black Frogs session # 3 Attendees: [Snltne Tm pate: | (-\0~ (4 Location? Ay Hous = basinsiorning fumdnousiog intact = jue Krawe am, eaDeanagpymTk Lit, a Vactws soho the Be ee Banal Som. gh 8 fom on Ruy ok 2-3 loge MY Hib wr- Oe Sam radon, laps Yo soma ond oine Monty for Bur dorm. - we denise Kosanch ok cs o Hw com Ussive amd 9 o ‘Sa pe ~ Ws Jail PIS AS gnamy o8wr usr Twch Ga Yor for Wt. | — RRUAiNG oneereny ~ (uomdracuningg dona { Recorded by: Nikkho. Yoke BLACK FROG ROBOTICS- Team 6134 BUSINESS PLAN as of o1/18/2015 ‘mon we wore selected to advance tothe Super Regional Competiion in los we realized tat we would run ino dene ne ef espenses and needed to make 8 orendous amount af fot to aso a lot of money. We tae rece tauatsing Ideas and figured out diferent ways and the amounts of how much we would need to ‘cover our expenses, We came up wih the following gues. iTeMs BUDGET ITEMS BUDGET Fund Raising Food Donation -50.00 ‘Team Registration 275.00 Cans Drive 100.00 Robot C 9.00 Cans 750.00 Robot Supplies 1,200.00 Pk 400.00 Field Kit Supplies 500.00 Sponsors. 4400.00 Mise Supplies 120.00 Sticker Sale 100.00, Mise Tools 100.00 Total $5,200.00 Pictures 25.00 Tshirts 425.00 Mise 600.00 Regional 150.00 state 100.00 ‘Super Regional 500,00, Team Fun 200.00, Total Income $5200.00 ‘Total Expenses $4298.00 ‘our fundraising sources ar: +" sponsor donations - eas Industrie is engaged in stamping an fering operations wth precision press feed and tal handing systems for 80 years. © Ford Motor Company, Frog Force. theNow High School Robotic Team. 2 Hi atite MDE Grant awarded fous ae a rel of being selected to advance tothe North Supe Regional + an Drive and Collection ~ Gan de to be undotakon inthe nighrhood 3 Mectorte an ongoing relationship which donates cans every few weoks Team Detroit and oer such industiies approaches + Food Donation = e erttco and Same are warehouse Chbs that give donations in frm of cash cards or Kindo ‘organizations engaged in STEM, (Our potential expense are: TRobot Sapplice-We expec to incur more expense in this area as we plan to prototype new Kas. ‘Tshirts wil have tobe redone to include new sponsors Miscellaneous Expenes to provide for eome fun items inthe dopey area. ‘Travel and Expenses at lowa wil need tobe covered by additonal sponsors. ‘Team Fun and spit bulding actives will ned adstonal inde. Thank you to our Sponsors uh a eT Ease eros Parents MSC A Software ‘Simulating Reality, Delivering Certainty” AUTODESK NANCY A. ZELLIN, DDS INVENTOR BLACK FROG ROBOTICS- Team 6134 BUSINESS PLAN as ot ostarzo1s When we were selected to advance to the Super Regional Competition in lowa we realized that we ‘would run into large sums of expenses and nee fof money, We brainstormed funraising ideas ant ‘much we would need to cover our expenses, ‘We came up with the following figures. iems BUDGET imems Fund Raising Food Donation 150.00 Team Registration Neighborhood Can Drive 100.00 Robot Cans from Vector Eng, 1750.00, Robot Sup PK 100.00 Field Kit Supplies Sponsors 4,000.00 Misc Supplies Sticker Sale 100.00, Mise Tools Total $5,200.00, Pictures Tshirts Parent Contribution $4,600 Mise Regional state Super Regional Travel and Expenses at lowa ‘Team Fun, Total income "$5,800.00 Total Expenses Courfundaisng sources are = Sponsor donations - Dallas Indust systems fr 50 yer © Ford Motor Company © Frog Fever, the Now High School FRE Mi State MDE Grant awarded tous asa rest of + Can Drive and Collection ~ Gan drive tobe undertaken inthe ne 1 Team ighbornood Sector is an ongoirg elatonshipwhien donates cans every few weeks +Food Donations — ream Detroit and ener such industries approaches ded to make a tremendous amount of effort to raise a lot 1d figured out different ways and the amounts of how 275.00 99.00 2,200.00 500.00 12000 100.00 25.00 425.00 600.00, 150.00 100.00 500.00, 5,500.00 "200.00 $9794.00 engaged in stamping and forming operations wih precision press feed and coll handling beng selected to advance tothe North Super Regional ona orttco and Sam's are warehouse Clubs that give donations in form of eash cars organizations engaged in STEM, ‘Our potential expenses are: oe Robot Supplive.ive expect to nour more expense in his area as we plan to prototype new ideas Miscellaneous Exponst ‘Tshirts wil have tobe redoneto include new sponsors fo pode for some fun its inthe pit area. ‘Travel and Expenses at lowavil reed tobe covered by adsitonal sponsors ‘Team Fun and spit building axes will ned adtiona funds BLACK FROG ROBOTICS- Team 6134 TEAM BUDGET AND ACTUALS as of 04-10-15, ies ITEMS BUDGET ACTUALS Fund Raising Food Donation 150.00 75.00 Registration 275.00 275.00 Neighborhood Regional 450.00 150.00 can Drive 100.00 106.90 state 100.00 100.00 Super Cans from Vector 816.20 Regional 500.00 $00.00 Pk 146.89 Worlds 1,000.00 Sponsors Robot © 9900 79.00 Robot Dumas 8Reyes 500.00 Supplies 1,200.00 1,856.58 Dallas 500.00 Field Kit ‘500,00 $52.70 Frog Force 500.00 Mise Supplies 120.00 173.82 Ford Motor Co 800.00 Mise Tools 100.00 : Mi State Grant Pictures 25.00 23:50 others 350.00 Tshirts 425.00 406.28 Sticker Sale 100.0¢__145.00, Mise 600.00 502.08 Total $5,200.00 $3,939.99 Parent Contribution $2,200 Team Fun 200.00 219.38 Total Total income $5,200.00 $6,139.99 Expenses $4,298.00 $5,338 (asic Reflection "To Compare Actual to Budget ‘© Weare waiting for Ml State Grant ‘of $2150 to cover the registeration and reimburse the parent contribution. © Our can drive initiative was sucessful despite bad weather! ‘9 Wewere able to collect addition cans from Vector Engineering and ‘Team Detroit. ‘© Ourrobot expenses were higher than expected because we bought ‘extra supplies to prototype new ideas. aaa a1vs71OHMN saa ‘NIT13Z ‘V ADNVN YOLNGANI a ys3ad0LNV o squealed oe Japan Y sETHO) BOUs4eHIC] SOE FUL suosuods uno of noA yuoy, Auyeyeg Guvanjeg ‘Ayresy Buneinuis a1eM}j0s X ISIN Section E Engineering Black Frog Robotics FTC Team 6134 Engineering Notebook Engineering Section (E) Table of Contents Requirements (0) Session #1 9/7/14) Session #3 (9/14/14) Session #4 (9/18/14) Sterling Heights Qualifier (11/15/24) ‘Session #25 (11/16/14) Livonia Qualifier (12/6/14) ‘Session #32 (12/7/18) ‘ichigon State Charmpiorship (1/10/15) ‘Session #43 (W/11/15) ‘North Super Regional Championship (3/26/15) ‘Seasion #63 (3/30/15) Benchmarking (6) ‘Session ##7 (10/5/14) Session #19 (1/1/14) P Diagram Noise Factors (c) ‘Session #18 (10/30/14) Session #32 (12/7/14) Feilire Modes Analysis (4) ‘Session #20 (11/2/14) Sesion #28 (11/23/14) ‘system Design (@) Session #6 (9/25/14) compunent Design ‘Session #5 (9/21/14) “Session #6 (9/25/14) ‘Session #7 (10/5/14) ‘Session #8 (10/9/14) Session #9 (10/11/14) ‘session #10 (10/12/18) Session #13 (10/19/14) ‘Seesion #17 (10/29/14) Session #19 (1/1/14) ‘Session #20 (1/2/14) Page Eot Eat ceo Eot2 Eons cot? Eot9 Foi Eo24 0-25 E028 eb 3 ket Eee eat ces cet Black Frog Robotics FTC Team 6134 Engineering Notebook Engineering Section (E) Table of Contents Page Component Design (1) ‘Session #126 (11/20/14) eF37 ‘Session #33 (12/11/14) e329 Session #34 (12/13/14) ef-40 Session #35 (2/14/18) eft ‘Session #36 (12/16/14) eF-45 ‘Session #39 (12/20/14) EF-46 ‘Session #41 (12/31/14) eF-48 Session #44 (1/15/15) eft ‘Session #45 (1/18/15) co ‘Session #449 (2/5/15) EF-56 Session #62 (2/8/15) eF-58 ‘Session #58 (3/5/15) ef-60 ‘Session #860 (3/8/15) eft Electrical System (@) Session #21 (17/14) Egt ‘Session #48 (1/25/15) kez can th) ‘Session #12 (10/18/14 ent ‘Session #13 (10/19/14) Era Session #16 (10/26/14) Ena ‘Session #40 (12/24/14) eS CAD Pletures Eno Session #44 (1/15/15) Eh-tt ‘Session ##56 (2/22/15) Enea Updated CAD Pictures ens Robot Assembly Strategy () Session #2 (11/10/14) Software Programming Strategy ()) ‘Session #2 (9/10/14) ej ‘Session #9 (10/11/14) ee Session #10 (10/12/14) &3 ‘Session #11 (10/16/14) Ei ‘Session #12 (10/18/14) e9 ‘Sezsion #13 (10/19/18) E10 Page 2 of 3 Black Frog Robotics FTC Team 6134 Engineering Notebook Engineering Section (E) Table of Contents Page Software Programming Strategy (i) ‘Session #414 (10/20/14) jan ‘Session #15 (10/23/14) ey ‘Session #16 (10/26/14) cps Sezcion #18 (10/30/18) E}16 Session #22 (1/10/14) eja7 Session #29 (11/26/18) ej8 ‘Session #30 (1/29/14) eH9 ‘Session #38 (12/18/14) 20 Sezcion #39 (12/20/14) eat ‘Session #44 (1/15/15) e.22 Session #49 (2/5/15) &.23 ‘Session #50 (2/6/15) p24 ‘Session #51 (2/7/15) 25 ‘Session #52(2/8/15) Ep26 ‘Session #53 (2/11/15) 27 Session #56 (2/22/15) e.28 ‘Sample Programs eat Session #65 (4/10/15) 43 ‘Sezsion #66 (4/11/15) Epa ‘Session 867 (4/12/15) E45 Design Validation () Session #23 (1/11/14) kt ‘Test Results () Session #15 (10/23/14) eu ‘Session #19 (1/1/14) eM Session #21 (1/7/14) eu ‘Session #22 (1/10/14) ay. Session #37 (12/17/18) elt Innovation (m) Session #2 (11/10/14) emt Bom) Bil of Materils Ent Page 3 of 3 FTC #6134 Black Frogs Attendees: Eniyve Team Date: Cite 10/14 Session # Location: rr nev News | \The Engineering © Oe | | | | y Pratol ype ine oe ncing uuvement fs : = q 8 E S 5 — = Sj) a &\—N LD y ‘ =i Es ey) cs iB \a) 7 [eae selectins Section Ea Requirements session | FTC #6134 Black Frogs Location: Ay nar Hore Attendees: Fy tie 2m pate: 4-7-|4 +t Tdentify the Problem ' Pobeieg of KieKoee | “Talk about Finances | TMentitfy | Deorie¢ | OF Kickoe | Recorded tre Problen Aste OF the gone 40 cle: core loz us | vae4 ous, els a | Aeon Talukdec = We listed iy wag we alee wtote questions “about TS C yester lays revealing we sod down arly identity the problem «| Feeeceet ayo4ts of What 24ch one learned fram the | Classes fat we all f 40 ay Keshering University’ Te hiekoee. FTC #6134 Black Frogs session | pate: G- 7 I4 Tek Our treasurer Wshta ae oavedt q debeiet abort out Efnavees Cinan€es. We discussed how) ingen MOned we had aud haw much we spent, We Ako discussed dfout geth'og sponsors, Recorded by Array Talakder The Morph Matrix poicanonss FTC #6834 Black Frogs i: : ov, Nishta, Arun, Vroay, Session 7 Attendees: 5 dat Anya, Saketh Leon, ex i bocation: Arnuy& Yay, Date: ]- ey ea ae a. Beainstorm ideas Z7Tale about visiting Autodese on Tetecday 2, Dismmantle robot Our tear —— — Bacisastsxm Ge worited - do a coun section Sasa oe ACer deciding what four Cobot to. achieve. od MPH MAKOHX wWiFh On wechantsts 4o achieve fovow Taluk dec, i Nakina kaka | Session # 3 Bae q-4- It FTC #6834 Black Frogs Paina Wo aloodoa iMipg the i gosma apace, itera of Jomk yoore Rest abst, We learned that we Shodld Mane Pas of ovr cobot more accessible this year than on last year's rovot. This Way jf we feed to take Stu€é apart of Fix game spec_rtem its easier bo React eee tae me eens . W dye. dec —_ idee Ae ane Sc ra sd900. Part wood de ainriker door be a ‘Recorded by: Arnay Talukder gind Nishtha. Kaka Sees FTC #6834 Black Frogs pate: J-/'4- (4 session # 2 Ca.tstrem We then used py thagoreacq g on {oem +nerco™ +0 rod oS Ten _ portion OF The AMP Gort ae 4, | pt Cont % - Ay) = 41 4AM WOKE [206 = 1377 42 377 YEW 37 mmr yanratstor and Henay Udlakoer ara — TR ——_ AR] TET ‘Senge a Sane — pa Ta aa TTR] a TF ATT 5 mgagmursee pe] crensuey oan) a Tay ST TATE a aaa | nen ution 139443 9pe2se9 Ca¥ FTC #6134 Black Frogs sessions Attendees: Ever body Location: Aynp's Horse Date: @[18/\4 We exalucted our Robot designs -_ — Page Makeix « We talked about the contents of the Engineering Notebook - Oragirre Robo | EBM Like an excel sprecdshect.| designs OF A. lot more orgpaised anh essien Bagh Mee La ork athe, Evaluate Robot | Ye eae eacln rivera pesedk | : on importance. We norrowed do desgre eo ade denane we ack Woke wrth: cee Ge it a. 6 The Pugh Matrix fonbinations 13, Nabe C148 jet dotaha,(a de> 2 Ob8) 04,04 01 4984 3,0, 34 gold, cota ‘Cine woe fad ein Were gotap to | write” fa” our Engin ceri Nokeboot Led hae FTC #6134 Black Frogs Date: about We agreed that we eed Wilh, abel He ou rebel, b PDiagcan te orgy ae Mode Analysis Yeten (Design Ele CAD, Robot Assembly Slrateyy, 6, Progcamniny Strategy, Desa Ve Test Reports enc, marRiyy, Wize noise tachorg Olea qAg/I4 were (e460 e0q 7 J om, S9sten Fluare le fey FTC #6134 Black Frogs session 144 attendees: 7he Vhole Jean Location: Sterling Heights pate: {] -!$-| 4 | ml co * Arread Op saturday we attended 4 | Yeqional J our £iPst compe iron of the Sonn. PB basing tie day we. fearned mary things! feared competition Dee jag essione vend vary vell od “a Her end, we. vent fo vin Tagore awed. §Shill, 42, needed toe ial, bo HBR ever Ml TE weshhiy session Hey, eskede All Hen aaa bers are. a sessions <2} Cobo} A Matches Lor Nance 989I0q | Robot (uadnes, | | Recorded by: ~ [Our sudging Wey Very Weil. We | FTC #6134 Black Frogs Date: JanuUOrY, 10% we went to the MiCNgan ye Champ tonsa WV Boame- Creek, MONON KNEW OY OE OU WAOAEKTGL aNd peheace he judges With Gur Erauiedge Wioel\ aSKEO: US, VeSHONs KEN UNE ONsWELS an Were coneident. AMEC OSE 1G yin MOH groups oF judges come balk’ AS oLe PKS Od Vere very inwrested we nod 6 Woox Makenes ruinagpodt We dou Dorin, our Maones We clecl Very welt Ate end of the doy we wee) 5-1. vie In the end we were Bt overau im the €clison | divsen- This meant we \radl ARE OPTON4D be due CUULtoU\ce peat CE, SuANeY, Caxasseuyor _ & SoKeN Addons Eaai FTC #6134 Black Frogs ssion# HDs aaa pate: Jan (0" (cont) Etimmoraxon [FOr “ee evorino Fon Malches We wotcnes Nee povineed op ith Team : HexaSonic and Tr Wikobsts + We Were also the 2”? gegded allience: \We ap eosly Mod to the Edison) Semi, Finals There we won the a eeiinaten by 20 Tn ine VRE» | Edigon Finols we won in | | 3 gomes When we Wee versed the Fronklin champions ie lige in the 39 and test Mockoh.WE Sk becatse oF = on ESD couiure _In__GUIC_ NXT Awards | Re were nuninated For 5 majon awards, Bur oF the very end we Won Fit Phe Tnspice Avoid # Resqrded by Saket AWanki Sydney Grasomyer, Anne Cage pees Eq-24 FTC #6134 Black Frogs session 43) pare: [ILA We sted oom the tiags that wat ight od things Fl love gnc wiring . TGR Gh Apes PN tme: Baio uy | "Sgt Bris a + Picking ap Balls “Tabled Balls | «Spxig Snine = Gell Bale vg hits ‘wanch's0 af ee fe Calerga Acesey“NOen i ie \+ Gok pike) crcned dt Spicit Lovins, fii teins pcsiind Thgs b «hud, “Sow in center goel : + Juot dive off camp (prove 01 | Antone pick-up @b routine Ge Lowa [+ Add syond Shp | + Aalyebc obist fe scisor VF Steck a Aca Foam xb inh a Eade FTC #6134 Black Frogs bate: MOVOK A6- VE Super WE went bo Une Soper | sl} Reajoras Comnpiaiyon | Reena ye ones. LA Lo | OR Ove Sudan, Werk weld. | WIG, | wR Sov on Ye eve UNFOCMAY OC | LOMASEMWY OMA WE ONEWEK | GN oF OUP QUEsHions ARE OUT \ Session, tie aes cone gyi & We V | vee i at Sharifig cur Root our ro preformed Wel 0 VANE, WE WOU | nates | 4) encicneS “tn tne end | we wert picked GS On artance | Recorded bys — a “Sipoey, Girassmuer, Aron | % Se & FTC #6134 Black Frogs J2e 28119 session (eo! pate: 3 [Recorseaby Sey, Te eee North Super Regional Fre n613 black Frogs session 3 avendees Qysirey rc Tu aa location egy ‘a eure ate: March 30,2015 Din plom wil Werado | Parc Poomoned cher 2 We dred, tr AIG TR roraceo, dine. . Eq 38 Section Eb Benchmarking FTC #6134 Black Frogs session] aan: Every location: Apna’ Huse Date: JO/ 5 /11y chnarking hou te Igft Seley, | | | 501 Np | We fourd « beam that Use @ how otter"? Sasser lift, ant thy useda Lead g Clams ao — “fe ep ates Ke pull ove side, While th olher Sele jz Wee ted, Te tan agreed thek thes | \"49 4 goad solaten Recorded ey fan Ebel

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