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“so1Aetjaq 10}Our ssox8 pue ‘eenSur] ‘aandepe-sojour ouy er90s-[euosied sjuaudojaaap s,p[tyo & Jo syoadse smoy sayenfeaa I “plo svat % 9 0} syaam Z UaIpyTyD uy skejap jequaudojaaap yop 0} pousisap st LSC OULL -oBuer Teauou unum st quowdojaaap s,piiyo v saqoym ouruns9}ap 0} JuaumAsUT Sulusoros se PopuDTNT st I 369} ous TOIT ‘We JOU St LSCINW tf “LS amp ays] 1sn¢_“9|qISsOd se uoos se poquosaid Adexayy ayetidoidde pu ‘opeur spexiayos ‘poztuSooo1 2q Kew yuatdofansp mols qIp os sioyIOM ypIeoy JoINO pue s10}00p ‘sasmu se Yons speuorssayord tpjeay Joy padojaaap sem Y “aUP|IYD EMEA ONIN, 900°9 UO (0L6I) Saefoosse sIy pue Sinquoyuery “y weITTTA IC Aq (LSAa) 1say Sutuae!9g Teyusmdojoaag soAuaq [ouISUO am Jo UOLeZIpsepULys pure uoneayrpour e st af “sureHLM °C 9qa0q “IC Aq podojanap sKejap Jeywauidoyaaap snouias YIM uasp[ly Jo uoNOaop Ajo tp UE pasn Joo} jrgasn Ajqeoruo ‘aqdunis & St ISCWW 24, “roSunok pue plo siok sey e pue xis paSe wosppyo ut sonttqesip Jeiowudojensp Jo uonomrap arp oF sardde yemp Jopour uoN=}ap Auva ue st “CLSCININ) 1891 Burna019g yuowdojnag vRMYY ONY ay St Sa) Butuaaros yons aug -aqrssod se Aya sv ywounvan aeudosdde pue sisouserp soy poxtoyar aq 0} sSurpuy snoroidsns 10 earusod ym asorp Suryiussod Sou op Aiqeqord oym asomy woy wo[qoid om oavy Aiquqoad oym suosiad jJam A[yuaredde yno pos sisay Burus0I0g -fypider paride aq weo yeu sampaoord aio 10 suoneunuexe ‘sjsaq Jo wonvordde ap £q yajap 10 asvasip peziuSooarn ue jo woneoynuap! eandumsaid amp st Surusciog ajasag uy (isqWW) 1S31 DNIN3aYDS WLN3WdOT3ARd VIINVW O8L3W SHL ‘The test is administered using the MMDST kit whieh includes the manual. sample test form, test materials and the MMDST bag. The test materials are standard and shown in 1. These consist of the following: +A bright red yam pom-pom ‘+ Aratile with a narrow handle Linch colored wooden blocks (ced, blue, yellow, green) + A sinall clear glass bottle with 5/8 inch opening + A small bell with 2 ¥ ineh-diameter mouth ‘+A rubber ball 12 % inches in circumference © Cheese curls © Apencil + Bond paper Calculating the child’s age and indicating the age Tine is crucial, if not the most important, initial step in test administration. The test items that will be administered will depend on the calculated age of the child. Therefore, this will Buide the selection of test items to be administered and the subsequent interpretation of the MMDST results. Four kinds of scores may be given for eact test item: passed, failed, refused or no opportunity. Failure of an item that is completely to the left of the child's age line is, considered a developmental delay and is therefore referred to in the MMDST as a delay. ‘The succeeding sections of this manual will describe the test form, steps in administering the MMDST, scoring each test item, and interpreting the test. Difficult test situations are also presented plus the conditions under which retesting is acceptable Figure I. Test Materials ‘THE TEST FORM Like the DDST, the MMDST is made up of 105 items ‘written in the range of accomplishments for children between bi and six years of age, Te sample test form is shown in Figure 2. Instructions for administering footnoted items are placed at the back of the test form. These items are ized in Four sectors 1. Personal-Social - tasks which indicate the child's ability 10 get along with people and to take care of inset 2. Fine Motor-Adaptive - tasks which indicate the child's ability to see and to use his hands to pick up objects and to draw. 3. Language - tasks which indicate the child's ability t0 hear, follow directions and to speak; and 4. Gross Motor - tks which indicate the child's abil to sit, walk, and jump. Across the top and bottom of the test form are age scales ‘marking ages in months from 1 to 24, and ages in years from 2% to 6. Each of the test items is represented in the test form, bby a bar. The bar is placed along the age seale to show when 50% (indicated by the hatch mark) 75% and 90% of rnormal children are able to pass the item. A sample test item, and the corresponding age scale is shown in Figure 3. AGE SCALE (months) w 2, Bois 6 18) 20 ttc ms roma ag Som 158 90% ai Figure 3 Test Directions for Footnoted Items 1. Try to get child to sine by smiling, talking or waving to him Do not touch hrm 2. When child is playing with toy, pull it away from him, Pass if he resist. Child does not have tobe able ote shoes or button in the bach. 44 Move yam slowly in an arch from one side othe other, about 6 above child's face. Pass if eyes follow 90° to midline. (Past sidine; 180") Pass if the child grasps ratie when i is touched tothe backs or tips of fingers. 6. Passif child continues to look where yam disoppeared or tries 0 sce where it went, Yam should be dropped quickly from sight fiom tester's hind without arm movement. 7. Pass if child picks up cheese curl with any part of thumb and finge 8, Pass if child picks up cheese curl with the ends of thumb and index finger using an over hand approach. (é) | 9, Pass any en- 10. Which tine is 11, Pass any cost 12 Have child closed form longer (not ingline copy frst Fail contin bigge). Tur It ied, vous round — paper “upside demon: rotons oven and re sate peat GB or 516) When giving items 9,11 and 12, do not name the forms. Do not demonstrate 9 and 11 13, When scoring, each pair(2 arms. legs, et) counts as one part 14 Point to picture and have child name i. (No credit is given for sounds only.) picks up cheese curl with any part of thumb and P Jcks up cheese curl with the ends of thumb and index finger using an over hand approach. ++ Vhen giving items 9,11 nd 12, do not name the forms. Do not demonstrate 9 and 11, : ir (2 arms,2 legs, etc.) counts as one part. na Paani child name it. ( No credit is given for sounds anly,) 2 banana? curtain? in terms of use, shape, what such as banana is a fruit, not ts may be subst romach, child lifts chest off table with support r hands. his back, grasp his hands and pull him to wall or rail only, not person. May not crawl. ust perform standing broad jumps over width of test consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials. 27. Bounce ball to child who should stand 3 feet away form tester. Child must catch ball with hands, not arms, 2 out of 3 trials. 28. Tell child to walk backward 9 <—-@DegeDee9 toe within 1 inch of heel. Tester may demonstrate, Child must walk 4 ‘consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 trials. DATE AND BEHAVIORAL OBSERVATIONS (how cid ee ume ott. anon ‘to este, amenion span, verbal beksnor. self-confidence ee | ee 15, Tell child to: give block to Mommy: put block on table: put block on floor. Pass 2 of 3. (Do nor help child by pointing ‘moving head or eyes.) 16, Ask child: What do you do when you are cold? hungry? tied? Pass 2 of 3 17. Tell child to: Put block om table; under table; in front of chair, behind char. Pass 3 of 4. (Do nov help child by pointing, ‘moving head or eves) 18, Ask child: If ire is hot, ice is?: Mother isa woman, Dad is a, ‘horse is big. a mouse is? Pass 2 of 3. 19, Ask child: What isa ball? river? desk? house? banana? curtain? roof? fence? street? Pass if defined in tems of use, shape, what iis made of o its general category (such as banana isa fruit, not just yellow). Pass 6 of 9 20, Ask child: What i a spoon made of? a shoe made of? a door made of? (No other objects may be substiuted) Pass 3 0f3. 21, When placed on stomach, child lifts chest off table with support ‘of forearms andlor hands. 22, While child is on his back, grasp his hands and pull him to siting, Pass if head does not hang bac. 23, Child may use wal of rail only, not person. May not crawl 24. Child must throw ball overhead 3 feet to within arm’ reach of tester 25, Child must perform standing broad jumps over width of test sheet (8 % inches). 26. Tell child to walk forward, SPE2=IED —P heel within Linch of toe. Tester may demonstrate, Child must walk 4 consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 tals. 27. Bounce ball to child swho should stand 3 feet away form tester (Child must catch ball with hands, not arms, 2 out of 3 tials. 28, Tell child to walk backward <-C>e2eDeqp _ ce within inch of heel. Tester may demonstrate. Child must walk 4 consecutive steps, 2 out of 3 tal ing the item, walks well, in Figure 3 is fess than 12 months and 17 months. The of normal children sah math) at ‘The bar represe located betwee! left end of the bar denotes that swell at less than 12 mionths, S0%% (indicated by hat 13% months, left end of shaded area shows 75% do so at 1S months, and tight end of bar shows 90% walk well at about 17 months. Ail test items are represented similarly ‘Some test items have a small footnote number atthe left end ofthe bar. This number indicates the corresponding instruction for administering the item that is found at the back of the test form (see Figure 2), For example, the instruction for the walks up steps, is #23 at the back of the test form (see Fi 4. Some test items may be passed by report of the parent “The leterR in the bar as shown in Figure 4 indicates this. Only items with an R on the form may be passed by report. However. \Wncever poss the ter add obusve what the child ean actually perform father than ask the parent, even though the item may ‘be passed by report. ome which co Sepaued by repent ye Footnote Number — Figure 4 ‘The item, equal movements, has an asterisk (*) at the right end ofits bar. This indicates that 100% of normal children pass this item at bith, The item is hardly seen in the form but itis the only item with an * and is located inthe fine motor adaptive sector ofthe test form, [Nine items have arrows (->) at the right end ofthese bars This includes the items, defines words and compasition of ‘The arrows indicate that normal children may pass these items ‘even beyond 614 years of age ne Emenee Cateutating the Child's Age The frst step is to calculate the childs age, This willbe the basis for drawing the age line later and determining the test items to be administered. Check the calculation very well before placing the age lie on the form. ‘Ask forthe birth date of the child and calculate the exact age using this formula: date of test minus birth date equals age of child. Calculate first the days, then months, and then years. To illustrat, ifthe birth date is March 10, 1997 and the date of test is November 27, 1999, then: Yeu Month Day Date of Test, 8 ” 1s Bir date 37 3 10 ‘Age of Chil 2 5 5 ‘Age ofthis child is therefore 2 years 8 months and 15 days Sometimes. it bares ness t9"onow" in the subession. Mae sie 50 ays are booed lm de rar corm sel 12 meas ram he year coke. For example, ifthe same child was tested on February 5, 1999, then: Drawing the Age Line Use the age scale shown at the top and bottom of the test form as a guide (see Figure 5). Mark the calculated age of the child on the scale and draw line through the four sectors of the test form. Write the date of the test atthe top of the age Fine ‘The location of the age line must be accurate because the test interpretation depends upon correct placement of this line “The space between age marks represents 2 weeks until age 14 months and | month from [4 to 24 months, From 24 months 10 5 years, spaces between marks represent 3 months, and ther afte, 6 months to the end ofthe age scale. To illustrate, in Figure 5, the test was administered on March 1, 1996 to a child 3 years and 3 months of age (line is halfway between 3 and 3 ¥ years) Year Month Day og 13 35 Date of Test 8 4 7 Birth date 37 3 “10 1 Gees ‘Age of Child v 0 3 Eee Ed ‘Step 1. Convert the date of test from 99 years, 2 months and ‘days into 98 years, 13 months (12+ 1) and 35 days (30 + 5), ‘Step 2. Subtract the bith date from the converted date of test ‘The age ofthe child at the time of testing is therefore 1 year, 10 months and 25 days. f ‘THE TEST PROCEDURE 1 Pret inary Phase Establish rapport with the mather/eareuiver. State that you are interested in observing what babies and children can 40 at certain ages. State also that this i a screening test and not an intelligence oF IQ test. Reassure the motherearegiver that the child is not expected to be able to do all that the child is asked nor pass all the items administered. You smight explain it this way: "Maglalaro ho Kani ng inyong anak at gran Jo hing aro ang kanyang magagava sa panama tam nitong mga lara May mga ttcmungin doko sa iyo, Hovag kayong mabohala kung hind ns Imagawa lahat ng aking ipagaganva o hind niva ‘masagor ang aking mga karanurgan.” Make the child as comfortable as possible during the test. Sitting on the mother's or caregivers lap is the best position forthe infant or toddler. The table on which test ‘materials are set should be easily acessible to the child. A mat on the floor with you, the test administrator, in a kneeling position is recommended for testing young infants ‘or even older children who live in poorer homes where ‘ables and chairs are not common fixtures in the houses If the child by saying: “(Name), may’ mga Taruan akong dala Tingraan mo, 0 (Show a block)" Every effort is made to observe what the child ‘actually do rather than simply asking the parent. This is done even if 46% of the items may be passed by verbal report of a parent or other caregiver who knows the child well. Avoid testing the child when he is il, sleepy, tired, Ihungry oF upset fone year old or older, put the child at ease Administering the Test Generally the test starts with the personal-social sector. “This gives the child a chance to get used to the tester while the tester asks the parenticaregiver items which ean be scored based on report but can also be directly observed. ‘The items that need to be administered directly in this sector are given next. Fine motor-adaptive sector follows. In this sector, the child can perform the task at hand without hhaving to talk to the tester directly as yet. For the shy Filipino child this isan essential warming-up period “The language sector is tested next, As Frankenburg ot al, (1970) have observed: “By che rime you have reached this point inthe tes, the child will Be more comfortable with you ‘and much more likely to answer questions and talk 10 you.” ‘The gross motor sector is tested last. Many children are oo shy to ty these items at the beginning ofa test. Although the above sequence is recommended, there are instances when you may vary the sequence of some items in order to take advantage of the child’s interest. For example, test items using common test materials like blocks may be ‘administered in sequence although these test items may belong to different sectors. This enables you to put the blocks away and divert the child’s attention to the next task. In general, clearing the table/floor of all materials except those for the task at hand minimizes distractions. ‘What may not be changed, however, is the manner in ‘which each test item is administered. Words or directions may not be changed. Otherwise, test administration will nt be standard. Avoid asking questions in such a way that you suggest the answer For each sector, stat with items thatthe child is able to perform easily, This motivates the ehild to perionm the ‘more difficult tasks later on and provides the parent some satistoction as weil. Praise the child for hisher efforts, When the child has had 3 failures in one sector, move on t0 the next sector othe test. In general, the child is allowed 3 trials to perform each item before a score of failure is viven Please note that some items have required number of tials This is specified in the section on specific test item administration, ‘To minimize refusals, the following suggestions made by Frankenburg etal, ae recommended: Tell the child what to do (Gawin/gayahin mo ito) and not ask “can he" of “will hie.” Ifthe child refuses to do any of the items, the parent’ caregiver should be asked to administer the item instead. It is important that the parenticaregiver be told exactly how to do this. Ifthe child still refuses, score the item “R". Score “R” instead of “F* only if you feel certain that the child can perform the item but refuses to do so atthe time of the test. A good way to validate ths is to ask the parent if the child has performed whatever is being asked of him at some previous time. For example, the child refuses to jump at the time of the test yet the parent reports that the child Jumps all the time at home. Since tis item cannot be passed by report, "R" would be the approximate score. Once you have completed the test administration, note pertinent observations on the child's cooperation, attention span, verbal behavior, self-confidence, nervous habits, parent-child relationships, as well as your own overall feeling about the testing. In some instances, a child may hhave a normal test result, yet, he/she may present some problems in certain areas that need to be addressed by the health care worker. ‘TEST ITEMS: ADMINISTRATION & SCORING DIRECTIONS Personal-Social Regards face Place the child on his back. The tester should come face to face to within 12 inches ofthe child Pass if the child actually looks at tester. ‘Administration Scoring ‘Smiles responsively ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Smile and talk to the child. Do not touch him, Pass if the child smiles back. If this Scoring cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child smiles without being touched. (R) Question ——Ngumingiti na ba ang bata kung Kinakausap mo, kahit hind! hina- hawakan? Smiles spontaneously May pass by report (R) ‘Administration During the test see if the child smiles at tester or parent without any stimu lation, either by touch or sound Scoring Pass if the child smiles on his own at any time during the test. If this can- not be seen, ask the parent, "Does ‘your child smile without you touching, ‘or talking to him?” (R) Question Feeds self cracker Newmingiti ba ang bata kahit hindi Kinakausap 0 hinahawakan? May pass by epor (R) Administration Scoring (R) Question Resists toy pull Administration Scoring Plays peek-a-boo ‘Administration ‘Ask parent ifthe child feeds himself a cracker or cookie, Pass ifthe parent says the child ean do this. Score "NO" if for some reason the child has not been allowed to have ‘cracker or cookie, ‘Nakakakain na ba siva ng mag-isa ng ‘cookie o cracker? Give the child a toy. While he is playing with it, gently ty to pull it away from him. Pass ifthe child pulls back on the toy. ‘Child should actully esist having the toy taken from him, Make a small hole in the middle ofthe test form with a pencil or pen. When the child is looking at the tester, the tester hides his face with the test form. Tester then looks around the test form twice and says, “Peck-a- boo.” Look through the hole to see if the child watches for you to reappear. Do not move the paper or the child ‘will watch it. Pass ifthe child looks in the direction where tester’s face appeared befor. | | | | i | { | | | Works for toy out of reach Administration Scoring Place a toy that the child seems to enjoy on the table a fttle out of his reach. Do not leave toy out of reach too long or too far away. This may upset the child Pass if the child tries to get the toy. Any stretching of arm or arms or body to get the toy is a pass. Child does not have to actually pick up the toy. Initially shy with strangers May pass by report (R) Administration See if the child seems to be shy or wary of the tester when he first sees the tester Pass if the child at first shows some Scoring hesitation or alittle shyness of the tester. Ith cannot be seen ask he are ifthe dill acts difeenly towards sages ‘than he does to people is familie with (It important otto ask if he is afraid of strangers. This may be misleading.) (R) Question ——_Nangingilala na ba ang bata? Plays pat-a-cake May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Try to get the child to play pat-a-cake Scoring, ‘or wave bye-bye. Do not touch the child's hands or arms. Pass if the child responds to this. If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child plays such games a5 pat cake, s0-big, or bye-bye without the parent moving the child's hands or (R) Question Nakakupagbabay’ o nakakapalakpak nna ba siva nang Innd hinahawakan ‘ang mga kamen? Plays ball with examiner Roll the ball tothe child and try to get him to rol tor toss it back. Pas if the child rolls or tosses the ball back foward the tester. (Handing the ball to the tester is not a pass.) ‘Administration Scoring Indicates wants (not ery) May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent how the child lets one Know what he wants, ("How does (name) let you know when he wants somthing such as glass of water or @ toy") Pass if the child lets someone know Scoring ‘what he wants by pointing pulling or saying a word. (Crying is nota pass.) (R) Question | Pano niva ipinaaatam na mar gusto siva. gava ng laruan o inumin atbp.? Drinks from cup May pass by report (R) A ‘Ask the parent if the ehild ean hold a ‘cup or glass and drink from it without spilling much. Pass ifthe child can do this. (The eup Scoring must not be the type that has a spout) (Ry Question Nakakahmwak na bu siva mg tasa aso at nakakainom na Kaunti Lang ‘ang natatapon? Removes garments ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent ifthe child can remove ‘any of his clothing such as coat, shoes ‘or underpants. Pass ifthe child can remove clothing Scoring other than his hat, socks, oF ‘on purpose. (R) Question ——_Naawlis na ba mia arg arprang dari. saps, open ng hind trandurgan? Imitates housework May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent if the child imitates household chores such as dusting and sweeping. Pass if the child copies any type of housework. Gumagaya ba ang bata ng trabahong- Bahay aad ng pagrus pes Scoring (R) Question Uses spoon, spilling litle ‘May pass by report (R) Adi ‘Ask the parent if the child uses a spoon oF fork to eat. Ifs0, how much does he spill? Scoring Pass if the child can use the spoon or fork to get food to his mouth without spilling much, (R) Question Nakakagamit ba ang bata ne asara na ‘aus leg eng notatapon? Naisusubo ba niva ang pagkain gaya ne kanin 0 _gulay na kant ang ang naratapon? Helps in house - simple tasks ‘May pass by report (R) Administration Ask the parent if the child helps in the house by doing simple things like purting toys away or getting someting for a parent when asked, Pass if the child actually helps in the Seoring house in any way. (R) Question Nakakarulong na ba siva sa gawaing bahay tulad ng paglligplt ng kanyang Tarnan? Nauntusan na ba ninyo, gaya ng "Paabot ng...2” Puts on clothing May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Ask the parent ifthe child can put on any Of his own clothing such as underpants, socks or shoes. ass if the child can put any of his Scoring ‘own clothing. Shoes do not have to be tied or on the correct foot. (Fal, if child can put on only adult-size clothing.) (R) Question Nakapag-susuot na ba sivang mag-isa ng kanyang damit, panty, medyas, sapatos o tsinelas? Washes and dries hands May pas by eer (R) Maasai As the parent if he ehild can wash fd dys own hands ass only ithe child ean do aie to tasks without help. exe fuming on faucets that ae out of his teach Hands shoul be almost eon Plctely fee of soap and almost om ply dy tops Kap sie ay naghugas kama fave na ba nvang mogsebon. mas Santa et magpanvo nang mai avhind na katanga atin pa? Scoring (R) Question Plays interactive games ‘May pass by report (R) Administ ‘Ask the parent what kind of games the child plays with other children. Pass ifthe parent says the child plays games in which he takes tums with other children, Examples: hide and seek, tag, cops and robbers. Chasing and fighting are not passes. (If the child plays with cars or dolls by himself but where other children are playing, this is notapass.) Anecnong wing laro ag sina nia Aasarmang bare bata? Scoring (R) Question Separates from mother easily ‘May pass by report (R) ‘Administration At the end of the test, see how the ‘child acts when he is asked to stay with the tester while the parent leaves Scoring (R) Question the room, of see ifthe child will kave the room with the tester without the parent. This should not be done bein the end ofthe test in ce the hil pos upset. Pass ifthe child does not bevome too upset, IF this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child ean be left with a baby sitter, other than someone living in the houschold, without getting too ‘upset, Pass ifthe parent answers yes. ‘Naitwwanan na ba si (rame) sa hind asambahay ng hindi ius? Dresses with supervision May pass by report (R) ‘Administation Scoring (R) Question ‘Ask the parent if the child can dress himself. If so, how much help is needed? as ifthe child can put on and take off his clothes, knows the front ffom the back, and needs no help except for tying shoes or putting buttons into the right holes. Parent may help the child by telling him what to do_ as long as the parent does not actully help the child put on the clothes. Nakapagbibihis na bang mageisa si (oumel? Sa anong bagay siya rnangangailangan ng twlong kung siya ay naghibihis? Buttons up May pass by repon (He Adiministeation Seoting (R) Question ‘Ask te parent if the child can button any piove of closing Pass if the parent says that the oh ean, Bustons do not ced 0 be i correct holes. Narbubutones/narkubtivetes na ba nt name) any damit nya? the Dresses without supervision May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Scoring (R) Question ‘Ack the parent if the child can dress himself without any help, Pass if the child can dress himself ‘completely and correctly without help. He may have help only for tying shoe laces, and for girls, button ing oF zipping the back ofthe dresses. Kayang-aya na ba ni (rome) ang ‘mogbihis ng tama at tapos na tapos ing inl timatulungan? Fine Motor Adaptive Follows to midi Administration Scoring Place the child on his back. (At this age the child's face will be tumed to fone side or the other. ) Hold the red yam about 6 inches in front of the child’ face. Shake the yarn to attract the child’s attention and then move it slowly from one side in an are (or half cirete) over the middle of the child's hhead to the other side. If necessary, the movement of the yam may be stopped to reattact the child's atten- tion and then continue the arc. This may be repeated three times. Watch the child's head and eye movements. Pass if the child follows the yarn tothe ‘middle point of the are with ether his ‘eyes alone or his head and eyes alto- gether. Make sure that the yarn has attracted the child's atention and that he did not follow it before a failure is sien, Equal movements Administration Scoring Follows past midline ‘Administration Scoring Follows 180° Administration While the child ison his back or being held by the pa.ent, watch the activity of the child's aris and less, Pass if the child moves his arms and legs equally. (Fail if one leg or ann does not move as much asthe other.) Place the child on his back. Hold the red yam about 6 inches in font of the child's face. Shake the yarn to attract the child's attention and then move it slowly from one side in an are over the middle ofthe child tothe other side. If necessary. the movement of the yam may be stopped to reattact the child’s attention and then continue the arc. This may be repeated three times. Wah thechid'sheal al eyemoverers. ass if the child follows the yam past the middle point of the are with ether eyes alone or his head and eyes to- gether. Make sure that the woo! has attracted the child's attention, and that hhe did not follow it before a failure is sven. Place the child on his back, Hold the red ‘yam about 6 inches in font of the child's face, Shake the yam to atact the child's amtention and den move it slowly fem one side in an are over the middle ofthe child's head to the other side. IP necessary. the ‘movement of yam may be stopped t0 Scoring Hands together reattract the child's attention and then continue the are, This may be repeated three times. Watch the child's head and eye movements Pass ifthe child follows the wool with his head and eyes through the complete are from one side to the other. May pass by report (R) Administration Scoring AR) Question, Walch child to see if he touches his hhands together in the midline (middle of hhis body). If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if child has done this before. Pass, if child touches his fingers together in the midline. Fail if this happens only when child is being cradled in parent's arms and the hands are forced together. Napug-aabot na ba ng bata ang karang mga daliri sa gina mg katawan (Gemonstrate) na hindi ningo tintulergan 0 Kinakarga? Grasp rattle Administration Scoring Regards cheese curl ‘Administration Scoring Place a rattle touching the back or tips ofthe child's fingers when he is (on his back on the table or is being held by his parent ass if the child grasps the rattle for a few seconds. ae Pe ‘The child should be held on the parent's lap so that he can place his hhands on the table. Drop a cheese curl directly in front of the child within easy reach. (The cheese curl should be dropped on a surface that gives a good contrast, such as white paper, so that it can easily be seen). ‘The tester may point to or touch the cheese cul to atac the child's atention. See whether the child locks atthe cheese oul. Pass if the child looks at the cheese curl. (Fail if the child looks at the finger or hand instead of the cheese curl) Reaches for object, May pass by report (R) ‘Administration The chil shoul be elon the pres lap sothuthiselbowsare level widithe tabletop snd tht he can easly ple hishandson the ‘able. Place a toy (such as the rattle) within easy reach of the child and tell him with words oF mation to pick itup. Scoring Pass ifthe child reaches toward the toy. He does not need to touch or pick up the toy for a pass. If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child has done this. (R) Question Kapa may larva 3a harper herapan, ‘gta na ba shure abutin to? i looks for yarn "Administration While the cid siting onthe parent's lap, saracthisatetion withered yam. When beislookingatthe yam, drop it so that it falls out of his line of vision. Tester should not move hand of arm except to let go of the yar, Scoring Pass if child continues to look where the red yam disappeared or tres to see where it went. takes 2 cubes, May pass by report (R) Administation Place 2 blocks onthe table infront of the child, Tell the child to pick up the blocks with words or motion, but do not hand the blocks tothe child. Scoring Pass ifthe child picks up 2 blocks and Folds Lin each hand! atthe same time this cannot be seen, ask the parent the child picks up 2 objects bike this (R) Question ——Aiguag mung er ae rept ba siya ng dalawang bagay at nahuhawakan ito ng sabuy su isang kamay? Rakes cheese curl attains ‘Administration The chile should be held on the pa- rent’s lap so that he can place his hands on the table. Drop a cheese curl directly in front ofthe child with: jn easy reach, (The cheese curl should be dropped on a surface that gives a good contrast, such as white paper, so that it can easily be seen) ‘The teser may point to or touch the chose cal to atract the child's atertin. See how the hl picks up the chose ct. Scoring Pass if the child picks up the cheese cal ith his hand using a king moson. Make sige thatthe cild was not able to pick it up only because of sticky fin- gers. He should also be passed if he uses a thumbsto-finger or neat pincet rasp, Passes cube hand to hand May pass by report (R) Aduninistration Scoring (R) Question ‘See whether or not the child passes a block from one hand tothe other. The tester may encourage this by giving the child a block and then presenting second block to the hand that already holding one. The child will foften pass the first block to the other Jhand so that he can pick up the second block Pass ifthe child passes the block from fone hand to the other without using his mouth, body or table. If this can- not be seen, ask the parent if the child ppasses small items from one hand t0 the other. (Long objects such as spoons and rattles do not count.) ‘Maliban sa malalaking bagay gavang raitle o kutsara, nakapagliipat-lipat na ba siya ng malilit na bagay sa anyang mga kamay? Bangs 2 cubes held in hands May pass by report (R) Administration ‘A block is placed in each hand of the child. The tester may encourage the child to hit the blocks together with banging motions, but he may not touch the child’s hands or do the ac- tion for him, The tester may show the child as long asthe tester does not use the child's bands. Pass if the child hits the blocks together in front of himself. If this ceannot be seen, ask the parent if the oa mrt, child has banged small objects. such fs blocks, together like this. (Pots and pans or other large objects do not count.) Maliban ho sa malalaking ages rnakakaganito (demonstrate) na ba Suva ng mga laruang kasing lilt mito” (R) Question ‘Thumb-finger grasp ‘Administition Thechildshould be eld onthe pet's ips athe can plaehishands nthe ble. Dp cheese curl directly in front ofthe child ‘within easy reach. (The cheese curl should be dropped on a surface that fives a good contrast, such as white paper, s0 that it can be easily seen). ‘The tester may demonstrate, point 10 ‘or touch the cheese curl to attract the child's attention, See how the child picks up the cheese curl. Scoring, Pass ifthe child picks up the cheese ‘curl using any part of the thumb and a finger by bringing them together. He should also be passed if he uses a neat pincer grasp. ax Neat pincer grasp of cheese curl ‘Administration The child should be held on the parent's lap so that he ean place his hands on the able. Scoring Drop a cheese curl directly in front of the child within easy reach. (The cheese curl should be dropped on a surface that gives a good contrast, such as white paper, so that it ean be easily seen). The tester may point to or touch the cheese curl to attract the child’s attention. See how the child picks up the cheese curl ass if child picks up the cheese curl using the ends of thumb and index finger with an overhand approach. ao INOTE: For items involving dang by the cil, use plain paper anda pencil A penis mote dificlt for most chldfn to andl, and Fined paper canbe distracting | Scribbles spontaneously May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Scoring lace a piece of paper and a pencil in front of the child on the table so that hie can reach them easily. The tester may place the pencil in the child's hand, but may not show the child how to scribble. ass if the child makes two or more purposeful marking on the paper. (Fail accidental marks or stabbing with pencil.) If this cannot be seen, ask the parent if the child scribbles ithout help. (R) Question ‘Tower of 2 cubes Tower of 4 cubes Administration Scoring Kapag siva ay binigyan ng lapis at papel siva ba ay nabapas-eugzuit- ‘gut ng mog-tsa? ‘Administration Place blocks on the table in front of the child. The tester may encourage him to stack the blocks one upon the other as high as he can by showing him how and ‘or handing the child the blocks. (The very young child is sometimes di tracted by a number of blocks and will perform this item more easily when given the blocks one at @ time.) The child may have up to three trials. (Pagnatung-patungin ‘mo ito tulad mito.) Pass if the child puts one block on top of another so that it does not fall when he removes his hands. Place blocks on the table in front of the child, The tester may encourage hhim to stack the blocks one upon the other as high as he can by showing him how and /or handing the child the blocks. ‘The child may have up to three tials. Give more blocks. (Dagdagan mo pa para tunaas). Pass, if the child balances 4 blocks ‘on top of one another so that they do not fll. H Tower of 8 cubes Administration Scoring Imitates vertical ts Administration Scoring 30 degree angle PASS Place blocks on the table in fiont of the child, The tester may encourage him to stack the blocks one upon the cther as high as he can by showing hhim how and / or handing the child the blocks. The child may have up to tee trials. Present rest of blocks (Gamitin mong iakat ito.) Pass if child balances 8 blocks on top ‘of one another so that they do not fal. ‘The child shoul be seated at the table 0 that he is at @ comfortable writing level. Place paper and pencil in front of the child and tell him to draw lines like the tester. The tester should demonstrate how to draw vertical Tines in the up and down (vertical) position for the child. Do not guide the child's hand. Draw vertical line. (Gayahin mo ito) Pass ifthe child makes | line or more ‘on the paper, atleast | inch long and rot varying fom the vate by mere han, 30dagees (se example) Lins dopotlaveto 1 V less than 30 degree angle wrong ale Pass FAILURE Dumps cheese curl from bottle spontaneously ‘Administration Scoring Place a cheese eur! in the bottle and tell the child to get tout. Do not use the word “dump”, or tell the child how to got the cheese curl out (Mabe mo ang ivong cheese curl) Pass ifthe child dumps the cheese curl out ofthe bottle without being shown how to do it, (Dumping the cheese ‘curl directly into the mouth o raking it out ofthe bottle with a finger is not pass) Dumps cheese eurl from bottle- demonstrated ‘Administration Scoring Imitates bridge Administration First see if child does this sponta- neously. IFnot, place a cheese curl in the bottle and tell the child to get it ‘out, Ifthe child does not dump the cheese curl from the bottle on his cown, show him how to do it 2 or 3 times, (Gawin mo ito) ass ifthe child dumps the cheese curl ‘out ofthe bottle, either on his own. of after he is shown how to do it (Dumping the cheese curl directly into the mouth or raking it out of the bottle witha finger is mot a pass.) ‘The tester should tell the child to watch closely while the tester builds a bridge. Place 2 blocks side by'side with less than a block's space betwen, but not touching. Place a third block on top of these so that it covers the space between. The tester (Alin ang maha, to.0 10?) Post 0 then pives 3 blocks to the chikl and tines tes him to build bride lke the one Scoring Pass if the child picks the longer ine the tester built. The bridge should be Sout of 3 tines. It be fas odo th Jett standing forthe child t0 copy. the tester must give the item 3 more The tester should not point out the times A ‘pass is given ifthe child opening, (Masdan mong mab picks the fonger ine $ out of 6 tines tong ginagawa ko.) Demonstrate. {The child receives pss only if he 1 Gavin mo rin ang ganita} Give oncet 3 out of} times of $ ut of © Blocks. times. Scoring Pass if the child copies the block bridge that the tester built. Ifthe 2"! ‘blocks on the bottom of the bridge are touching, ask the child “Is your bridge like my bridge?” Ifthe child’ bridge is not right, the tester should not give Ihimts to the child for correcting his Copies O ‘Administration Show the circle on the back ofthe test form (Footnoted item #9) 0 the child Do not name it or move your finger or pencil to show how to draw it. Tell : ‘ the child to draw one like the picture Pee eee (Gavin mo to.) Point othe picture. 3 of 3 or 5 of 6 Scoring Pass any enclosed form that is not ‘Administration Show the parallel lines on the back of icialetae OP couiamaia| vound ae? the test form (Footnote # 10) to the tions, (See examples) child and ask him, “Which line is longer 2" (The word bigger cannot be - changed.) After the child has pointed to the line he thinks is longer, turn the sheet upside down and ask the ques- tion again, This must be done at least Ser ne 3 times. own mene er Pass Pass FAILURE FAILURE Imitates demonstrated as Administration Scoring aw FAILURE First, see if child can copy from the picture without being shown how to draw the figure, If he cannot, show the square on the back ofthe test form tothe child, Do not name it or move you finger or pencil to show how to draw it Tell chido craw one Bethe pica. Ihe unable to copy the picture, the tester shoul, show him how by drawing two opposite Sides fist and then the ote 30 opposite sides retherthun dewing the square wit acetinas motion When the sure is dawn wih a cartinous motion it may aqpear round to the dhild, Gimnava kag nd nto) Demonte. Pass if the child draws a figure with straight Hines and with 4 square comers. ‘The comers may be formed by lines that intersect, but the comers must be approximately right angles ( L.) and not rounded ( ~% ) or pointed (-¥). The length should be less than 2 times the width. ie Ee FAILURE —]}3_ Copies + ‘Administration Show the cross on the back of the test form (Footnoted Item #11) t0 the child Do not name it or move your finger ot pencil to show how to draw it. Tell the child to draw one like the picture (Gayahin 0 gawin mo wo) Point to the picture. Pass if the child draws 2 lines which intersect at any point. The lines do not need to be exactly straight. I the child uses 3 or 4 strokes to draw the cross, an 2 intersecting is a pass. XX oe N Pass FAILURE Draws man -3 parts ‘Administration Give the child pencil and paper and tell him to draw a picture of a boy or git! (man or woman). Do not tell him to add other parts to his drawing. When he seems to have finished his drawing. ask. “Are you finished?” Ifthe child answers, “Yes,” score the drawing. (Magdrawing ka ng tao, Tapas ka na bu?) If yes. then Scoring © Pass © rans Copies O ‘Administration Pass if the child has drawn 3 or more body parts. One point is given for exch pair (ars, eyes, ec.) as well as foreach part which is not 2 pair head, neck, body, ete). (See example.) [Fone part or pair is not drawa, itis not counted. Note in the test observations any unusual drawings, even if the child has identified acceptable pars, Or Pass Pass. NS FAILURE Show the square on the back of the test form (Footnoted item #12). Do not ‘name it or move your finger or pencil to show how to draw it, Tell the child to draw one like the picture. (Gumawa ka ing tulad nit.) Point to the picture. Scoring Pass if the child draws a figure with straight lines and with 4 square comers without being shown how to draw it ‘The comers may be formed by lines that intersect. The comers must not be rounded or pointed, (See example) The length should be less than 2 times the width Fire Draws man - 6 parts Administration Pass File Give the child a pencil and paper and tell Ihim to draw a picture of a boy or girl (man or woman), Do not tell him to add other parts to his drawing. When he seems to have finished his drawings ask, “Are you finished?” If the child answers “Yes,” score the drawing. Seoring Pass if the child has drawn 6 or more body parts. One point is given for each Pair (ears eyes tc.) 38 well as foreach, single part (head, neck, body, et.) See ‘example, Note in the test observations ‘any unusual drawing, even though the child has identified acceptable pats. 4 3 + z A PASS. Pass. FAILURE T | Responds to bell ‘Administation Hold the bell so that the child eannot see it (to the side and a little behind his ear). Ring the bell quietly. Ifthe child does not seem to notice, try it ‘again ater in the test session. Scoring Passi the child shows in any way that de as beard he bel, such as movement of i jes, change in behing mt, or any other change in the child's activi. | Vocalizes~ not erving ‘May pass by report (R) | ‘Administration During the test, listen for sounds other than orying, such as cooing sounds. ' Scoring Pass ifthe child makes sounds other than erying. If this eannot be heard, ' ask the parent ifthe child does this. (R) Question —__Maliban sa pag-ivak, may nadidinig ka na bang ibang tinig/salita sa i kara? Amu-anong tinigisalita ang nagagawa niva? Laughs May pass by report (R) Administration During the test check whether the child laughs aloud. Scoring Pass ifthe child laughs aloud without being tickled, If this cannot be heard, ask the parent ifthe child does this. (R) Question Tumatewa na ba sivang maluas kahit ikke? Scoring (R ) Question, Pass ifparent reports child uses at least 3 specific words other than “da-da” for "ma-ma”, The words do not have to be understandable but must mean the same thing each time they are used. (No credit is given for“da-da”” or“ma-ma") May nasasabi na ba sivang ibang ssalita maliban sa tate/dada 0 nana/ mama sa tuving gagamitin nia ay areho ang ibig sabihin? Combines 2 different words May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Scoring (R) Question Names one picture "Administration Check whether the child combines 2 ‘or more words to make a meaningful phrase Pass if the child says a meaningful phrase of 2 oF more words such as “play ball", want milk” and “get down”, (No credit is given for a sinigle-idea combination such as “bye> bye", “thank you", and “peek-a- 'boo™) If this cannot be heard, ask the parent ifthe child does this. Nakapagdudugrong-dugtong na ba siya ng 20 higit pang salita king may ‘big sivang sabihin, tulad ng “loro "gusto ko", atbp? Point to the pictures on the back of the test form (Footnoted item #14) fone ata time and ask the child, "What is this?” (Ano ito?) Scoring we Follows directions 20f3 ‘Administration as if the child correctly narnes any fone picture. Words such as horsey fare acceptable, Passalso ifthe child ives the name of his pet ifit is the Same animal as pictured. (Fail ani- ‘mal sounds like ‘Meow” or "Woof" Ble I ‘The tester should tell the parent not to move and then give the child a block. Tell him to do the following, fone ata time: “Give the block to Mommy” (Bigay mo ito sa Nanay.) Put the block on the table” (agay mo ito sa mesa.) “Put the block on the floor Mlagey mo ito sa sahig.) ‘The tester and the parent should be careful not to give the child help by looking or pointing at Mommy. table oF floor. Pass if the child follows 2 of the 3 di- rections correctly ses Plurals May pass by report (R) Administration Place 3 blocks infront of the child on a cleared table, Ask the child, “What are these?” (Ano ito?) Scoring Pass if the child answers “blocks” using "s” to indicate more than one block. Ifthis eannot be observed, ask the parent ifthe child uses "s" on the ‘end of words to indicate more than fone of anything. To pass the child need not say "s" clearly, bathe does have to tell the difference between fone and more than one Nadinig na ba ninyo si (child) na gumamit ng salitang “mga” 0 “"marami” kung mahigit sa isa ang nakikitang mga bagay-bagay, gaya ing ‘mga ibon” o kaya nagdadagdag ng “3” gaya ng "birds" kung English ‘ang gamit nasalita? (R) Question Gives first and last name May pass by report (R) Administration ‘Ask the child, "What is you r name?” fhe gives only his firstname ask him to give his last name or both names. (Ano ang pangalan mo?) Probe. (E, ‘yung apelyido mo ? Ano pa?) Scoring Pass ifthe child gives understandable (need not be perfect ) names. Nick- names are acceptable for first names. If this cannot be observed, ask the parent if the child can give his frst or rickname and last_name without hints. Nasasubi na ba ni (child ) ang kanyang buong pangalan ng walang tulong? (R ) Question ‘Comprehends cold, tired, hungry 2of3 ‘Administration Ask the child the following questions, fone at a tim “What do you do when you are tired?” (Ano ang ginagawa ‘mo kung ikaw ay pagod?) (goto sleep, sit down, rest) “What do you do when you are cold? (Ano ang ginagawa mo seung ikaw ay giniginae?) (put on a coat, go inside, tum. up the furniture.) (Do not pass if the child an- swers this with “cough”, “take medicine” or any other answer about having a cold. He did not understand what was being. asked.) “What do you do when you are hhungry?” (Ano ang ginagawa ‘mo kung ikaw ay gutom?) (cat, have supper, ask for something to eat.) Pass ifthe child gives a logical answer for 2 out of the 3 questions. Some correct answers are listed above. Scoring ‘Comprehends prepositions 3of4 Administration The tester should tell the parent not to move and then ave the child a block ‘Tell him to-do the following, one at a time: ut the block on the table.” (agay mo ito sa ibabaw ng mesa) “Put the block under the table.” (Ulagay mo ito sail ng mesa.) "Put the block in front of Mommy's cha agar mo ito sa harap ng silva ni Nanay.) “Put the block behind her char. * lagay mo ito sa lik ng silva i Nanay.) ‘A wrong answer should not be corrected Scoring Pass if the child follows 3 of the 4 directions correctly. Recognizes colors 30f4 May pass by report (R) Administration Place a red, blue, green and yellow block together on the table in front of the child. Tell the child to point t oF give to you the red block, the blue block, etc. IF the child hands the block to the tester, the block should be replaced on the table before the next color is asked for. Do not let the child know if his responses are tight Scoring (R) Question Opposite Analogies 2of3 ‘Administration Scoring for wrong. Do not ask the child 10 fname the colors. (Jbigay ture mo se ‘akinang pula, dilaw, berde, asi) Pass ifthe child picks 3 ofthe 4 colors ceonectly. If this eannot be seen, ask the parent ifthe child can point out 3 ‘of the 4 colors shown, “Alin sa mga kulay na ito ang naituturo iva?” Make sure the child is listening to the tester and then say: (one sentence at ' time, wait forthe child to fill inthe blank) Fite is hot, ice is_?*(cold, ‘cool, freezing; not wet, melts, wa- ter) [Kung ang apoy ay mainit, ang elo ay Mother if woman, Dad is a__?" ‘man; not Daddy, boy. husband.) [Kung si nanay ay babae, si tatay wo J A horse is big a mouse [Ang kabayo ay malaki, ay___?) (Each sentence may be repeated 3 times if necessary.) Pass ifthe child gives any appropriate ‘opposite word in 2 of the 3 analogies. {A few of the correct answers are listed above. ng dager Defines words oof Adinisteation Scoring Make sure the the tester and the wo iis listening to say. "Lam going, yy a word and I want you to tell, tne what its." Askar worl oneatat a tim. Whe ball. river...desk., house.anae nn, ,eutain,,.r00,fenee,..road..? Each word may be asked 3 times if necessary. Wait for the child's ane swer aller each wou. (Meghibigay ako ny isang sata at ssabihin mo hung ano ito: bola. Hog... mesc.buly.saging Aut a. bubong..bukod kale.) Pass if the child defines 7 of the 9 words in tems of (1) use, (2) shape, (3) what it is made of, o (4) general ‘category (such as banana is fruit but not merely “yellow” or "banana isan accsplable "show: singe many children seem to aceeplance of “ctcle™ means all words must be defined by shape, it may be helpfal to ask the child to “tell me something else about @ ball”, In this way a child will be directed to other definitions as well as shape. Composition of sot Adininistation Scoring, Make sure the tester and Hae ask the fell aan ‘a tine Ano wn questions, one pinuspsinye Whiat 1s 2 spoon made of 7 thutsaray “What is Gaps What i 8 door mae of (pin Wait for the child's answer after each question. Fach question may wie of? be repeated 3 tines i Note: If unable to u above, ask ‘Kune ange meses ay yart sa ha. tang kusara ay yar fang suaton ay yar va fang puntuan ay yart a Pass ifthe child replies that © A spwon is made of metal (or yy specific metal, plastic oF wood. 9A shoe is made of leather, mb- ber, cloth, plastic and wood. Plastic, wood or other unusual materials are acceptable if child is wearing or owns such shoes «, boots, clogs. ete. 9 Adoor is made of wood, n or gs. Gross Motor Stomach (Sto) lifts head May pass by report () ‘Administration Place the child om his stomach on fat surface, Scoring Pass if the child momentarily lifts his head so that his chin is off the table without being tumed to either side, (R) Question Kapag nakadapa ang boro, hhaitaraas na ba niva ang kanvang aba kahit sandal? ‘Stomach (Sto) head up 45° ‘Administration Place the child on his stomach on flat surface Pass if the child Tits his head so that his face makes an Scoring approximate 45 degree angle with the table, Stomach (Sto) head up 90° Administration Scoring Sto Administration Scoring Sit-head steady ‘Administration Scoring, Place the child on his stomach on a fat surface Pass if) the child fifts nis head, nd chest up so that his face makes 1290 degree angle with the able ach (Sto) chest up, arm support Place the child on his stomach on a fiat surface. ass if the child lifts his head and chest up, using support of outstretched hands or forearms so that his face is looking. straight ahead. Hold the child in a sitting position. Pass if child holds head upright and steady with no bobbing motion. (Fail if child holds head steady for only a few seconds and then drops it tochestor sideways.) Rolls over May pass by report (R) Administration ‘Tester should sce this or ask the parent ifthe child rolls fiom back 10 Stomach or from stomach to back, Pass if the child rolled completely over, not just to or from side, either ‘ay (not accidentally) two times oF (8) Question ‘Dumadapa na ba sivang magsisa? Hang beses na niyang nagawa ito? Scoring Pull to sit, no head lag, Administration Place the child on his back. Grasp his hands or wrists and gently pull to 4 sitting position. Do not pull the child up fast of his head will be forced to hang back Scoring ass ifthe child's head does not hang at any time while he is being pulled vp, Pass FAILURE. Bear some weight on legs ‘Administration Hold the child upright so that his feet rest on the table, Slowly loosen your hhand support but do not release the child completely Seoring Pass ifthe child briefly supports most fof his weight on his legs. If dhe child keeps his legs tigid to support hs ‘weight, pass the item but note on test form thatthe legs were rigid Sits without support ‘Administration Hold the child ona siting position on table, Making sure child does not fall, slowly remove your hands. Scoring Pass if the child sits alone for 5 seconds or more. Child may put his hands on his legs or the table for support. Stands holding on May pass by report ‘Administration Place the child in a standing position holding on to a solid object (not a person.) Scoring. Pass if the child stands 5 seconds or more by holding on. If this cannot be seen, ask the parent ifthe child can do this. (R) Question Nakatarayo na ba sivang mag-isa ng mga segundo na nakahawak Tamang sa isang bagay? Pulls self to stand May pass by report (R) ‘Administration Check or ask parent ifthe child pulls himself to standing position while holding on to a solid object (such as the erib rail, a choir leg or a table) ‘without help from a person. a

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