All About Usa

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1- On 6th September 1620, 102 pilgrims sailed from America.

The ship is called The

Mayflower. The voyage was too difficult and we sailed for 65 days. The water entered
into the ship.
On 9th September 1620, pilgrims saw land so far. They were excited because their job
was the end. They arrived and they go to explored area. They saw a good place and
decided built a village. Each family built a small village and grow vegetables and keep
animals. The village was called Plymouth.
The first winter was very cold and 45 people died but the pilgrims didn’t lose hope.
On March 1621, met a Native American, they grow corn, beans and pumpkins.
On 1750, they had 13 colonies of North America.
The French arrive in North America but British won the war. The British people asked
for the taxes from colonists pay.
On 4th July 1776, the colonies declared independence from Great Britain.
2- In 1803 the French Emperor sell to United States $15 millon, by in 1848 the
country extendrd from to Pacífic Ocean.

In 1830, the US governnament creat the first Indian territory. Around 4000 people died on
the way, this journey are called Trail of Tears

In 1860, there are problems in our country, in north live in towns but on the south on
plantations (slaves). Abraham Lincoln is the president of the USA, he wants to end slavery.
The people have their nation called Confederate States of America.

In 1861, in the south has got a conflict, Confederate soldiers attacked a Union fort called
Fort Sumter yesterday.

In 1864, the war is terrible, +1000 people are died. The war can’t continue because
the Confederates are losing.

In 1865, the general Robert E. Lee, surrended to General Ulysses Grant. More than
600000 Americans are died, and slaves are free.

3- Washington DC is the capitak of the USA, but before was Philadelphia, this,wasn’t a good
localition for the government, in 1791 George Washington was the first president, are in 1800
people started to live there.

James Hoban started to construct the white house in1792 and finished in 1800, John Adams
was the first president, in the white house are 132 rooms and 35 bathrooms. The red room
and the east room are specials.

4-France gave The statue of Liberty to USA in 1886. In 1876 a Frédéric Auguste designed the
statue in France. The statue is 93,1 metres, the green colour is from the naturally colour in
the air, there is golden in a torch, the statue weighs 204.116,72kg

In 1777 government officials passed the flag act, in the flag there are 13 stars and 13 stripes
because there are 13 colonies on USA, but, now there are 13 stripes and 50 stars becase
there are 50 states of the USA

In 1782, congress selected the eagle as the official emblem of USA. The eagle took olive
branch With 13 leaves in one talon and 13 arrows in the other

5- The grand canyon is one of the seven natural wonders, it is mesure 446 km long and
29 wide. Nearly 5 million of people visit this place every year.
Niagara falls is on the frontier to USA and Canada, now is 3 differents waterfalls. More than
2,838,000 liters to waterfall every second. More than 13 million people come to see
Niagara falls every year.

Redwood forest is near the west coat of the USA, many of the trees are more than 2000
years old. In 50 years they can grow 50 metres.

Death Valley is part of the Mojave desert in California, it is hottest place in the USA. The
rocks are reds, blues, and greens.

6- The first Thanksgiving was in 1621, they ate duck and deer meat, corn and squash.
Most Americans want to spend Thanksgiving with their families.
Independence Day is on 4th of July, many people hang the American flag outside their
homes. It is a national day. They eat hamburgers, hot dogs, corn, watermelon and ice cream.

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