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A Semi- detailed Lesson Plan

In BSED English 2B
September 2023


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. define the basics of instructional design in preparing presentations in language
b. identify the different instructional design in preparing presentations in language
teaching; and
c. create a reflection paper about the basics of instructional design in preparing
presentations in language teaching .


D. Values Integration: Honest in sharing examples


Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

A. Activity


The teacher will show pictures, and then she will choose four (4) students
to pair the words or phrases written on the board with the pictures which they think
are well connected. All students are given 1 minute to do and finish the task. After
the given time,the teacher will ask them a question and the students will explain their
answer in front of the class.

B. Analysis
- Based on the activity given, what do you think is the relatedness of the
pictures to our lesson which is the basic instructional design in preparing

C. Abstraction

In preparing language presentations, there are various factors that must be

considered to ensure that the language competencies are also developed and
demonstrated. The following are some guidelines that Brooks and Gavin (2015)
shared in designing presentations:
Basic Instructional Design in Preparing Presentations

1. Setting Up the Presentation Class - It is not enough to simply tell students to go and
do a presentation. Students have to be taught the skills involved in giving a
presentation. This can include such things as when to use eye contact, how to organize
a presentation, how to connect with an audience, how to use body language and
manage time, and how to construct an effective PowerPoint presentation. Since oral
presentations involve multiple communication and language skills, it is important to
focus on the specific presentation skills that are needed to present in front of others.
These included things like voice projection, eye contact and the use of gestures.

2. Organization of the Presentation - Proper organization of information is one of the

most important competencies that must be developed among students. Hence, before
beginning to work on developing among presentations, it is important to understand
the genre of oral presentation. There is a need to learn how to separate the
presentation into meaningful sections and present each section separately to reduce
the cognitive work that is required in the presentation.

3. Presentation Skills - Its developing oral presentation is very important to consider

in developing oral presentations to spend time to consider the macro and micro skills
that are needed. These micro level skills include the genre specific language items,
such as the vocabulary and grammar that students need to be successful in oral
presentation. These items are important to the students for two reasons. First, they
allow students to be successful when they are presenting in the class. Secondly, the
language and grammar that students learn in the course of giving a presentation will
be useful for them in other situations that involve spoken English (Thornbury, 2005).

4. The Use of Visual Aids - Visual aids are an important part of oral presentations
because they provide support for both the speakers and listeners during the
presentation. Visual aids can be used to give more details about the topic, help the
audience members to understand what is being said, and act as a concrete reminder of
the message for both the audience and the presenter. The type of visual aid used can
vary depending on the topic of the presentation.

5. Performing Self-Reflections- The final stage of each oral presentation involves

students writing a self-reflection of their presentation. Through this activity, writing
skills are further enhanced together with the ability of the students to do self-

D. Application

The teacher will read five (5) statements and let the students identify
whether the statements are True or False.

1. Proper organization of information is one of the most important competencies that

must be developed among students.
2. Performing Self-Reflections enhanced the writing skills of the students.
3. Since oral presentations involve multiple communication and language skills, it is
important to focus on the specific presentation skills that are needed to present in front
of others. These included things like doing throw-it back on Tiktok , eye contact and
the use of gestures such thumbs-up and finger heart.
4. Visual aids are an important part of oral presentations because they provide support
for both the speakers and listeners during the presentation.
5. Oral presentation is very important to consider in developing oral presentations to
spend time to consider the macro and micro skills that are needed.

DIRECTION: Write your answer in a ½ crosswise yellow paper.

Test I. Enumeration
Give the five (5) guidelines in designing presentation.

Test II. Essay

In your own words, give the importance of the basic instructional design in preparing

Create a reflection paper about the basics of instructional design in preparing
presentations in language teaching.

Prepared by:


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