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Size distribution of income The greater the degree of inequality, the

more bend and the closer to the bottom

The distribution of income according to size,
horizontal axis will be the Lorenz curve.
class of persons: the share of total income
accruing to say the poorest 40% of a
population or the richest 10%, without regard
Formula: If X is a random variable with Lorenz
to the sources of that income (if it comes
curve LX(F), then −X has the Lorenz curve:
from wages, interest, rent or profits)
L − X = 1 − L X (1 − F)

Functional distribution of income

The distribution of income to factors of

production without regard to the ownership
of the factors.

Solution for Inequality:

When people say things such as “the rich get

richer, and the poor get poorer,” they are
referring to distribution of income. It
describes how all the money (income) earned in
a nation is divided among people of various
income levels.

A good short-run solution would be a

progressive tax system with transfer
payments, such as subsidies, unemployment
benefits and disability benefits. By taxing Why is it important:
higher income groups more than lower-income
The Lorenz curve is important because it
groups, the income can be redistributed from
helps economists measure and understand
the rich to the poor.
income or wealth inequality. Economists are
interested in how income and wealth inequality
changes over time in an economy. It also
Lorenz Curve allows them to compare the level of economic
Named after Conrad Lorenz, an American inequality between different countries.
statistician who in 1905 devised this convenient
and widely used diagram to show the
relationship between population groups and GINI coefficients and aggregate measures of
their respective income shares. inequality

Horizontal axis = % of income recipients Named after the Italian statistician C. Gini who
first formulated it in 1912. Gini coefficients are
Vertical axis = % of income aggregate inequality measures and can vary
Diagonal line from the origin (left hand corner anywhere from zero (perfect equality) to one
of the square) to the upper righthand corner) (perfect inequality)
The more the Lorenz line curves away from
the diagonal (perfect equality), the greater
the degree of inequality.
The Gini index is a measure of the distribution
of income across a population

• A higher Gini index indicates greater

inequality, with high-income individuals
receiving much larger percentages of the
population’s total income.
• Global inequality, as measured by the Gini
index, has steadily increased over the past
few centuries and spiked during the COVID-
19 pandemic.
• Because of data and other limitations, the
Gini index may overstate income inequality
and can obscure important information
about income distribution.

The Gini index is a measure of the distribution

of income across a population. A higher Gini
Understanding the Gini Index index indicates greater inequality, with high-
income individuals receiving much larger
A country in which every resident has the percentages of the population's total income.
same income would have an income Gini co-
efficient of 0. Conversely, a country in which
one resident earned all the income, while What country has the highest Gini index?
everyone else earned nothing, would have an
income Gini co-efficient of 1. South Africa, with a Gini co-efficient of 63.0, is
currently recognized as the country with the
highest income inequality. The World Population
Graphical Representation of the Gini Index Review attributes this massive inequality to
racial, gender, and geographic discrimination,
The Gini index is often represented graphically with white males and urban workers in South
through the Lorenz curve, which shows income Africa earning much better salaries than
(or wealth) distribution by plotting the everyone else.
population percentile by income on the
horizontal axis and cumulative income on the
vertical axis. What is the difference between Gini
The Gini co-efficient is equal to the area below coefficient and Lorenz curve?
the line of perfect equality (0.5 by definition) The main difference between the Gini
minus the area below the Lorenz curve, divided coefficient and the Lorenz Curve is that the
by the area below the line of perfect equality. Gini coefficient helps in measuring the degree
In other words, it is double the area between of income inequality and the Lorenz curve
the Lorenz curve and the line of perfect helps in understanding the distribution of
equality. income or wealth in an economy.
The Kuznets Curve Kuznets curve diagrams show an inverted U
curve, although variables along the axes are
expresses a hypothesis advanced by
often mixed and matched, with inequality or
economist Simon Kuznets in the 1950s and
the Gini coefficient on the Y axis and economic
1960s. According to this hypothesis, as an
development, time or per-capita incomes on
economy develops, market forces first
the X axis.
increase and then decrease economic

The Kuznets curve appeared to be consistent Hypothetical Kuznets Curve

with experience at the time it was proposed.
However, since the 1960s, inequality has risen in
the US and other developed countries.

What is it used for:

curve used to demonstrate the hypothesis

that economic growth initially leads to greater
inequality, followed later by the reduction of

How does the concept of Kuznets waves help The Kuznets curve implies, nation undergoes
understand the evolution of modern industrialization – and especially the
inequality? mechanization of agriculture – the center of
the nation's economy will shift to the cities.
Kuznets's “inverted U-curve” hypothesis
Kuznets (1955) argued that inequality within As internal migration by farmers looking for
nations rises in the early stages of economic better-paying jobs in urban hubs causes a
growth, becomes more pronounced at significant rural-urban inequality gap (the
intermediate levels of development, and owners of firms would be profiting, while
decreases thereafter as countries become laborers from those industries would see their
wealthy. incomes rise at a much slower rate and
agricultural workers would possibly see their
incomes decrease), rural populations decrease
urban populations increase.
Kuznets ratio and Kuznets curve
Inequality is then expected to decrease when
The Kuznets ratio is a measurement of the
a certain level of average income is reached
ratio of income going to the highest-earning
and the processes of industrialization:
households (usually defined by the upper 20%)
to income going to the lowest-earning democratization and the rise of the welfare
households, which is commonly measured by state – allow for the benefits from rapid
either the lowest 20% or lowest 40% of growth, and increase the per-capita income.
income. Kuznets believed that inequality would follow
an inverted "U" shape as it rises and then falls
Comparing 20% to 20%, a completely even
again with the increase of income per-capita.
distribution is expressed as 1; 20% to 40%
changes this value to 0.5.
Kuznets had two similar explanations for this The Ahluwalia-Chenery welfare index is a
historical phenomenon: method of measuring absolute poverty that
assigns greater weight to income gains by
• workers migrated from agriculture to
lower-income individuals.
• rural workers moved to urban jobs. The Ahluwalia-Chenery welfare index shows
the value judgment implications of using the
In both explanations, inequality will decrease
change in income per capita as a measure of
after 50% of the shift force switches over to
the higher paying sector.
Absolute poverty refers to the number of
people in a population who do not have the
Ahluwalia- Chenery Welfare Index minimum number of resources to satisfy the
basic survival needs and is generally counted
through a poverty line established at the
Poverty is a multidimensional concept which income level required to purchase the basket
involves natural, social, political, economic, of basic needs including food, clothing, shelter,
ethnic, and religious factors and the and medical help.
measurement of poverty surely extends
A good poverty measure must possess a few
beyond the measurement of the minimum characteristics which include the anonymity
threshold below which an individual fails to avail principle such that it is independent of who is
the resources required for survival.
poor, the scale-independence principle which
makes the measurement independent of the
size of the population, the monotonicity
Encompassing the perceptions of the poor principle, and the distributional sensitivity
becomes fundamental to the determination of principle.
poverty as per the capabilities approach.

Midterm Exam in Economic Development

Economists, governments, and international
organizations recognize economic growth to be
crucial for the development of the welfare of
1. Market equilibrium refers to a situation in
the people but a standard growth rate is which market price
considered an incomplete measure of welfare
since welfare is dependent upon many factors d. is just above the intersection of the market
other than income. supply and demand curves

2. In a duopoly, collusive behavior can raise

overall profits.
Income equality is vital for the health of an
economy. Apart from various measures of a. True
income inequality such as Kuznets' ratio, which
b. False
is the ratio of the income received by the top
20% of the population compared to income 3. In a duopoly, collusive behavior is the
received by the bottom 40%, and Gini equilibrium strategy.
coefficients through the Lorenz curve which is
a. True
a curve plotted on a graph with percentage of
income on the vertical axis against the b. False
percentage of income recipients on the
horizontal axis along with a line of equality to
represent perfect equality for comparison.
4. In oligopolistic markets, few suppliers sell a d. None of the above
homogeneous good.
18. According to W.W.Rostow, which of the following
a. True does not belong to the &”precondition for take-off”

5. Firms in oligopolistic markets always earn zero d. Growth of the durable consumer goods industry
profits in the long run.
19. If a country experiences a rapid increase in per-
b. False capita income due to discovery of new oil reserves,
then it is experiencing:
6. Peasant farmers in LDCs are generally observed to:
c. both growth and development.
c. Both a and b
20. According to Kuznets, the identifying characteristic
7.Autarky refers to a country
of "modern economic growth" is
b. which is self-sufficient, and is a closed economy c. high rates of saving and investment.
8. A public works projects pay $5 a day to poor rural 21. If 's' is the savings rate and 'v' the capital-output
laborers who would otherwise earn only $2 per day
ratio, then 'g' the rate of growth in the Harrod Domar
from casual labor. The opportunity cost, or shadow
model is represented by
wage rate, of labor is:
d. s/v.
a. $2
22. The idea which suggests that poverty is self-
9. Historically, low rate of population growth was
perpetuating because poor nations are unable to save
maintained because of and invest enough to accumulate the capital stock
b. high mortality rates. that would help them grow is

10. The main domestic source of savings in LDCs is d. the under-consumption’s hypothesis.

c. savings by households 23. If the vicious-cycle-of-poverty hypothesis were

true at all levels of per capita income, then
11. The LDCs want foreign capital in the form of
b. no nation could ever achieve economic development.
d. all of the above
d. poverty would not be self-perpetuating.
12. If the birth rate is 6% and the death rate is 2%, the
natural rate of population increase is 24. The absolute poverty line:

c. 4.0% d. none of the above.

13. According to the Ricardian model, the reason for 25. Most lists of basic human needs include all the
lower priced services in the LDC&#39 is following items except

b. Labor-productivity in commodities is lower in poor a. basic transportation, such as bicycles.

countries, 26. Which of the following would not be considered as
14. Which of the following statements is not true about an example of industrialization
import restriction a. Increase in literacy
d. Import restriction shift welfare from producers to 27. Which is a measure of absolute poverty?
d. all of the above.
15. According to Malthus, the fixed factor of
production is 28.Underemployment is a situation where

c. Land, c. people are working full-time and hard, yet have a low
marginal product
16. According to the Harrod-Domar model, an increase
in growth rates depends on 29. Both the Ricardian growth model and the Lewis
model share the assumption that population growth
c. Increase in marginal propensity to consume,
will outpace food production in the long run.
17. Which of the following is not true about b. false
agriculture’s role in economic development
30.Compared to the developed countries, the LDCs 43. From the economic system's point of view, the role
have of marketing intermediaries is to transform the
assortment of products made by producers in to the
b. higher birth rates and higher death rates
assortment of products wanted by ______
31. Economic growth measures the
A. consumers
c. increase in output
44. ________ is a company's ability to perform in one or
32. non-traded goods do not enter measured GDP more ways that competitors cannot or will not match.
d. Competitive advantage
b. they are not traded in the market
45. Buying according to the requirements is called
33. The concept of opportunity cost is based upon the ______________
principle of
b. Hand to mouth buying
c. scarcity
46. integration of business economics and strategic
34. As incomes rise there tends to be a shift of labor planning has given rise to a new area of study called
from the services sector to the industrial sector. ______________.

b. false b. Corporate Economics

35.Which of the following is not typically an element in 47.Developing countries, such as Mexico and India, often
the structural change that accompanies development? close their borders to foreign companies unless they
are willing to take on partner companies in developing
a. increase in the share of agriculture in GDP (gross countries.
domestic product)
a. True
36.A supply side vicious circle of poverty suggests that
poor nations remain poor because 48. The effect of workers migrating from low-wage
Mexico to high-wage United States is to redistribute
e. a and b above income from capital to labor in the United States and
from labor to capital in Mexico.
37.Which of the following characteristics are most
likely found in developing countries? b False

(d) all of the above 49. Developing countries have sometimes feared open
immigration policies of developed countries on the
38.Economic development refers to
grounds that highly educated and skilled people may
(b) economic growth plus changes in output emigrate to the developed countries, thus limiting the
distribution and economic structure growth potential of the developing countries.

39.The common measure of economic development is a. True

(c) Per Capita GDP 50.The United States has discouraged the “brain drain”
problem by permitting the immigration of unskilled
workers while restricting the immigration of skilled
40. developing nations have
b. False
(d) None of above.

41. Sustainable development involves

(a) Reducing Consumption, increasing efficiency and

using renewable energies.

42.Sustainability is the use of a resource that does not

cause long term depletion of resources or affect the
diversity of the ecosystem.

(a) True.

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