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Althea M.

She Who Remembered
Fairytales. A place we long for. A place where anything can happen. We’re free. But
sometimes, the reality is the best.
A long time ago lives a peculiar girl in a peculiar flying castle. She whose name
equates to where she bases had always dreamt of this sparkly thing and an odd
scenery. A place with many creatures looking like her, a scenario that’s so familiar yet
out of reach. A place where she kind of want to be.
Sky is a happy child who lives with many dolls, stuffed animals, and everything
she desires. What makes this unusual, you may ask? The fact that these said toys
serve her like a princess. She has a best friend here, a very huggable, trustworthy, and
adaptable bear. They sing, dance, and play all day; she had no idea where it started.
The girl has the same dream every time. Her toes were tickled by the grass, she could
hear laughter all around her, smell delicious food she had eaten before, and most
importantly, she could clearly recall the sparkling dancing stars that blooms in the night
sky. It's been six days since these dreams began.
“Weird”, she thought. The dream disappeared. She pondered and pondered
while shuffling on the blue and green fluffy mattress. It’s already dark, well mainly
because it’s already past noon when she slept. “It stopped already?”, she added.
HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOUUUU~~”, said Flafu, her bestie. Being the excited kid
she is, she ran and almost tripped thrice before reaching the door.
Right as she opened the door, she was pulled and blindfolded real fast, of
course, she squealed in return. The shrieking continued for a few minutes but stopped
when she heard those noises. She was frozen. More so when she could suddenly feel
those tickles, hear the laughter, and saw the sparkles.
“Beautiful right? Those are called fireworks”, Flafu said. Tears started to flow as
she stared at the bear.
“Don’t worry, you can see more when you returned to your home. You might not
remember us, but we will always do.”, they assured while still looking at the lights.
“Look, the others are looking at us”, the bear continued.
She watched the scene with a wide eye. A flashing light came crushing from
behind the toys who were saying something. She tried to decipher but before she had
the time to reply, it was too late.
There she was again. In a dark room. Panting. Machines beeping. Many people
in white came running. Sky is confused. But then she saw some sparkles from a
window in the room. There were no sounds, but there were fireworks. Her heart ached.
“Fireworks”, She Remembered.

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