6-E - 39 - Utkarsh Singh

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Ashoka he Empebo Who gase up

)Who foundod he a b yan Eompite

and when? bo belped i estoblish

AnsThe Nacsan tmpte

he Empise tias ounded DyChand
Ma move then BOOeotes ago.
He uds Suppovtd Dya awse man
nasmodChanakaya o% Katiya.

2 E Gve ason.why Lsefe rnote Necou

ngeded by the empeior?
Ans.bnpësss nRRd moR ecoubcer thpn
Kinq because Gmp'des aR lotsqes
Kingdorms , and neRA to be piokected_
bio axmes. So also they Deed aa
lodge e umbos o t als.
Merion ne moin feates of the
adna aive sustem aff the Maut
Ans9As he ompite was
99 Lam, dfAaest pa
Lete uled dieenty

he ae aound Patalinutsa was under
the disect cortiol of he empevos and
oRficials e e apponted o collecet oes.
Nessengeis went to and Po and sSpes
kapt awach on the 0ioias.

These wle othes Oseas o Ovinces.

Each of hese was u e d Aom
psovincial capital such as Tos da o
Ofainsoya pbfnces u e se aS goedno
u Hos a s he nuble ametsande of e
mpoos celeiated^

Ans ocoation in hch heempso app
in public is elebated usAh a d ouaL
piocessions, He is corsed in àgoLden
mlanquso, His guavds de dephant
dècotaa i gold and Siyes.Some ven
casstseæs o n which ive bid sincudio
a lock f ained pavots,CN cle abo
the ead of the emp os

5e) What uas he impact of the Kalinaa,

on Ashoka

Ans. Ashoa aught a uau to onquer Kalr

Houseves e toas so hast#ied when h
s a he violence ard bloodshed thath.
deci ded rot o ght any ma® L
4e is Cn Kingin Ahehiskoiy of h
Loosld h o ga up corquert a

6Ho Rtalipta desckbas by Meuthers

Megarlhares descsped Pataliputsa a
a latoe and crty,sustoud
by a mmstve wall T had& 570made
and 4Qades. he houses webe
ofoo6 and mud-btiok and
consisted of tuo 01 e thte stoaey!
The Ktng palace a s made o
and decotated wh stone Cabvigs.tv
SuSunded by goideng and enclorugxes
fot kopi bitds.
bu Ashoa to
)what means i e adpBed
Sphead he messagE of dhamma

Astoka apointed officis,Knoun os

dhasryna mahamodlto he e t e 6 t
pm ploce-to place Leeebetteoch.ng
people aboutt dharmmma

hese easuses S0e itended o

Solbve ptoblems of eli qious Co Licks
-ttectmet of
animal Saotifiee ond

Ashoka but ads,yst-tases ,and etaa

s6anged asiangtd Med cal
hmans and animals.

He olso ot hs messoges ncOibed

on pilats and sen rmossoges s 9 speac
ne dhammato countsy e sia ,eaupt
Grieere ad &ilanta
Delhi Public School Surat
Class VI: History Lesson-7: Ashoka, The Enmperor

MAP ACTIVITY: (to be pasted in the notebook)

On an outline political map of India, locate the following places with the help of
hints given below.
1. The place where Lion Capital, Ashokan pillar is situated. Sotath
2. Gateway to North-west. agla
3. The area around was under the direct control of the emperor. Potaiputa
4. OJJ AIN lay on the route from north to south India
5. Ashoka gave up war atler winning here. Kaloga

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