Teks Pidato Rula English

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Honorouble adjudicator

Respectable audience

Firts of all, lets thank to Allah the almighty, the beneficient, and the merciful. Who has given us
mercy and blessing. So that we can meet together in a good condition in this beautiful place.

Greet and salutation may Allah always given to the prophet Muhammad SAW along with his family,
and his fellow followers until the end of the day.

Regarding the beauty of Islam, when he was the prophet Muhammad began to get many
companions who used to hate and rebuke Islam, but now become companions of the prophet and
even the caliph replacing the prophet

\ ِ ‫ْـــــــــم ﷲِالرَّحْ َم ِن الر‬

‫َّحيم‬ ِ ‫بِس‬

َ ‫ك ِإالَّ َرحْ َم ِة ْلعالَ ِم‬

‫ين‬ َ ‫َوما َأرْ َس ْلنا‬
It means: "And we did not send you (O Muhammad), but as a mercy for all mankind" (QS. Al Anbiya:

From the above words we all know that the existence of a Prophet sent by Allah SWT is َ‫َرحْ َمةً لِ ْلعالَ ِمين‬
mercy for the universe. In this world full of divisions we should decide on a true path and Allah
Almighty believes "those who follow him, can achieve glory in this world and the Hereafter at once".
Aamiin. Are there friends who want that?

For example, this places. We discuss, we listen and we increase knowledge is a positive way and God
willing, Allah Almighty recognizes us and we are among the lucky ones. Aamiin. And he the Prophet
Muhammad taught Islam with kindness, beauty and peace which is the only religion founded by
Allah Almighty.

As God says: ‫ْـــــــــم ﷲِالرَّحْ َم ِن ال َّر ِحيم‬

ِ ‫بِس‬

‫ين ِع ْن َد هَّللا ِ اِإل سْال ُم‬

َ ‫ِإ َّن ال ِّد‬
It means: "The religion founded by Allah is Islam" (QS. Al Imran: 19)

Therefore we are taught to interpret the teachings of Islam from time to time with us learning
a lot to be able to raise the flag of Islam that holds the world. A great prophet boasted and
complained about Islam. Then, what do we feel? Is it the same with him? Well, let's answer together
with a firm heart.
Blessed and blessed ladies and gentlemen, How do we interpret Islam as peaceful? I have one review
here, which is I want the audience to see each other's hands. Islam is likened to the hand to man,
Islam is the palm of his hand, while the finger is the five pillars of Islam.

Ladies and gentleman

Allah Almighty has taught us how to deal with division, as has been felt by our brothers, fellow
Muslims, namely What is being hotly discussed by the international world today, is the existence of a
group of Islamic rebels in the name of ISIS (Islamic Solidarity Iraq and Syria) which indicates the word
Jihat in it attacks various countries barrage. Then

Then, what is our attitude to Myanmar's Muslim minority brothers Rohingya who are currently adrift
between the gaps of infidels. Asstaghfirullahal adzim. Even Allah promised peace with the prophet
Muhammad sent as mercy. Then how is it possible, the terrorists, the Zionists of ISIS in the name of
jihad? Asstaghfirullahal adzim. This is not the way to make peace, by ruling the world through
violence. For those here, all friends, teachers, and attendees please read 2 sentences of shahada,
which God willing, will reap mercy for all of us, ashadu anal illaha illallah, wa ashhaduanla illaha
illallah. Thus, Muslims are Muslims, and we should also Islamize ourselves before Allah and our
fellow humans, Habluminallah wa Habluminannas, be kind to God, while to be kind to fellow human
beings for our efforts to maintain harmony.

Ladies and gentleman

Islam and Through the teachings spread by the prophet of the universe is subtle, gentle as silk. And
Islam as a religion that became the belief and savior in the last yaumil should remain as a
monotheistic teaching, not for compulsion to worship Allah by force. Therefore, Muslims should be
grateful for Islam as a religion that Allah recognizes, as well as a perfect palm. . It will be beautiful to
look at and become a whole Blessed and blessed audience of God, says God in Grace means
tenderness or in other words grace can be interpreted by affection.

So, the sending of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi Wa sallam is a form of Allah's affection
for all mankind so that there is no division in the Islamic world. We manifest together Islam full of
goodness, beauty and peace in our common future, we instill Islamic creed into our common
conscience, so that it will be carried by fellow Muslims and can create peace, and do not rule out the
possibility, that Islam is the leader of the world.

Ladies and gentleman

So I can say, my shortcomings are only because I am an ordinary human being, and more I only
belong to Allah SWT, if John F. Kennedy a world figure says: "what can we give for our country, don't
think what can we get for our country" I can only say a word for the progress of the Islamic world in
the future.

Ladies and gentleman

Thats all my speech, thanks for your attention


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